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Model Men

Page 16

by Neil Plakcy

  “God, Wes. Fuck. I’m so close. Oh fuck.”

  His hand moved frantically over his cock, jerking hard as I continued to fuck him nice and slow. His eyes were pinched shut, the muscles of his body tensed at once, and I watched him cum all over his sweaty stomach and chest. As the last shot filled his navel, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Putting his feet on my shoulders, I pounded into him with abandon, pent-up frustration and lust flowing through me as I looked down into his tranquil brown eyes. I came harder than I had in months, his tight asshole milking every last drop of cum and every bit of energy out of me.

  I could barely move as I pulled away from Joe, collapsing on the couch in a heap. My eyes felt too heavy to open, my whole body sated and loose. I heard Joe stirring next to me, felt his lips on my neck as I struggled to stay awake.

  “That was amazing, Wes. Aren’t you glad I stopped by?”

  “Absolutely, Joe. Definitely.”

  We cleaned up and started to get dressed. The heat of the moment had been replaced by a new comfort; all the tension and awkwardness had disappeared. I couldn’t resist pulling him close and kissing those sweet lips one more time.

  “So, Wes. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Gabriel has some really amazing shots planned for the beach.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  He smiled at me one last time before walking out of my room and into the night. I barely made it to my bed before collapsing, my whole body exhausted.

  My phone rang around 10:30 in the morning, and Joe’s voice brought me back to life.

  “Hey, Wes. Bad news. Gabriel has to cancel today’s shoot. There’s an emergency with his dog. We’ll have to reschedule. How does tomorrow look for you? Can you stay another night?”

  Part of me was thrilled but a little disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see Joe again. Oh well, if it could only be a one-night stand, that would have to be enough.

  “Tomorrow would be fine. I’ll let Marty know, but I don’t think I have anything else going on.”

  There was silence on the line before Joe cleared his throat.

  “Seems a shame to make the charity pay for another night in a hotel room, doesn’t it, Wes?”

  “It sure does, Joe. But, then where would I stay?”

  “Well, I have a nice big bed here in my apartment and an unexpected day off from my job. So, unless of course, our star model has something else to do today.…”

  “Give me the address, I’ll be there in an hour. After all, anything for the charity.”


  Stephen Osborne

  It had been a long day. Hell, the day was over. It fucking well was officially evening and things were going from bad to worse. The photographer was getting cranky, his assistant was downright belligerent, and the models were getting circles under their eyes.

  “It’s not working,” I said aloud, voicing what I’m sure everyone was thinking.

  Sammy, my poor distressed friend who was manning the camera, sighed and looked up at our two models. “Take five, guys,” he said. The vampire and his victim broke their pose and relaxed as Sammy, head hung, made his way over to me. “What’s up, Matt?” he asked. His tone indicated that he really didn’t want to know the answer.

  “Our vampire,” I said, shaking my head. “He’s just not doing it for me.”

  Sammy sighed, putting his whole body into it. “Jesus, Matt, if we don’t finish this shoot by nine we’ll have to pay these guys overtime, and they were expensive enough to begin with.”

  I gazed over at Nick, our erstwhile vampire, dressed in a white silk shirt unbuttoned nearly to his navel, as he chatted with victim Carl by the water cooler. “He’s just…I don’t know.” I needed to just get it out, even though I knew what Sammy’s reaction would be. “He’s just so gay.”

  “News flash,” Sammy told me. “We’re doing the cover for a gay vampire erotica anthology.”

  “I just don’t want our vampire to be that gay. I know I’m being picky—”

  “You are.”

  “—but he’s just not sensual enough. I don’t believe he wants to bite Carl on the neck and suck his blood. Suck something else, yes, but neck, no.”

  Sammy rolled his eyes. “You’re a piece of work, you know that? Fuck, we’re a small press. No one expects the moon from us. Look, let’s get a shot you like and I’ll Photoshop the shit out of Nick and butch him up for you.”

  “It’s just that I think we’re going to sell a hell of a lot of books this time around and a good cover will do just that much more for us.”

  “You should have gone with something else, is my opinion,” Sammy said, fiddling with his camera. “Vampire erotica is out. It’s been done to death.”

  “Gay vampire erotica?”

  “Please. Vampire erotica is always gay.”

  Exasperated, I ran a hand through my hair, messing it up even more. “We just have to get someone else. That’s all there is to it.”

  Sammy gaped. “We can’t! For one, it’s too late! And we’d still have to pay the bastard! We simply can’t afford it!”

  “We’ll have to. It’s important we get this right.” I waved a hand toward Nick, who was sipping from a paper cup and violating Carl’s personal space. “Look at him. Yes, he’s pretty, but he doesn’t have that look of smoldering, sensual menace that our vampire needs to have. He needs to have thirsty eyes, not a look that says, ‘I’m just waiting to hit the boy bars.’”

  “You’re asking a hell of a lot,” Sammy said with a wry smile. “This is Indianapolis, not New York or Chicago. Honestly, Nick was the best thing the modeling agency had available on such short notice.”

  “Hey!” Carl had attempted, in vain, to try to distance himself from Nick. He had to look over Nick’s shoulder to holler at me and Sammy. “Any sign of that pizza you ordered? If this is going to take much longer, I’m going to need food!”

  Nick didn’t even bother to turn his head. He simply shouted, “And I can only give you another half-hour. I’ve got things to do.”

  “Yeah,” I muttered so only Sammy could hear me. “Cocks to suck. Balls to lick. Nick is one busy boy.”

  Sammy chuckled. To the boys he shouted, “We’ll get this shot in just a few minutes. Don’t you guys worry.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “We will, won’t we?”

  I didn’t answer.

  Minutes later we tried again. Sammy had Nick stand just behind Carl, arms encircling Carl’s chest. Carl looked great. He had just the right look of pleasure and thrill as he tilted his head, exposing his neck for Nick. It still didn’t work for me. Nick just wasn’t my idea of a vampire.

  Sammy clicked a few shots and then glanced at me warily. I shrugged. He sighed and then told the boys, “Okay, we’ve got it. Thank you very much.”

  Nick and Carl relaxed. “Thank God,” Nick said, rubbing his cheeks vigorously as if the pose had caused them to atrophy. “I’ve got to tell my agent not to book me so late in the day. I’ve got shit to do!”

  Carl asked him, “Aren’t you sticking around? They promised us pizza.”

  “Honey, no pizza for me. Too many calories. Gotta watch my figure.” Nick put his hands on his nearly nonexistent hips as if to prove his point. He then stripped out of the silk shirt we’d put on him and quickly threw on his own shirt, leaving our expensive garment in a heap on the floor.

  There was a knock at the door of Sammy’s little studio. Having grabbed his jacket, Nick answered the knock as he made his exit. Seeing the young man standing with a pizza box, he unnecessarily announced, “Your pizza is here!” Pushing his way past the pizza delivery guy, he added, “Contact my agent first thing in the morning. I like to get paid promptly.”

  The pizza guy entered, looking somewhat confused. “Someone order a pizza?”

  I’m sure my mouth was hanging open, and not from hunger for pizza. The delivery boy, although dressed in a most un-vampiric way in torn jeans and a Bob Marley T-shirt, was exactly what I wanted for our book cover. The T-shirt was stret
ched to the limit across his muscular chest and the arms that held the pizza box looked strong and unyielding. There was a hint of a mocking smile on his face, as if he knew more than any of us mere mortals ever dared to dream. His thick black hair hung over his forehead, just barely brushed off to the side so as to not obscure his dark eyes—eyes that beckoned but yet warned of danger within. He was my vampire.

  “See ya, Nick,” I muttered, barely aware that he had already scampered down the hall.

  No one moved. The pizza boy blinked and looked at each of us in turn. Uneasily he said, “Large pie, pepperoni and sausage.” When no one reacted, he looked down. “What? Is my fly undone? Why is everyone staring at me?”

  Finally the spell was broken. “Get your camera ready, Sammy,” I said. “We’ve got a cover to shoot.”

  Sammy had all sorts of objections, all of which I knew were coming. The modeling agency would be furious. We’d still have to pay Nick, as well as pizza boy (whose name was Brian Wagner) and who knew what else Nick’s agent would throw at us. “We’re probably breaking some union rules by doing this,” Sammy said, looking worried.

  “I don’t think there’s a union for models,” I said. “The Screen Actor’s Guild specifically doesn’t cover modeling. If there is a model union I don’t think our Podunk little agency here in Indianapolis is affiliated and even if they are, I’ll take care of everything.” I hoped I sounded confident. All I knew was that I wanted Brian the Pizza Boy for our vampire and I’d do whatever it took to make that happen.

  Brian himself took a little coaxing. “I won’t have to pose nude, will I?”

  I assured him he wouldn’t. I explained that we simply wanted him to don our discarded silk shirt and pose with his arms around Carl, a look of lust—of blood and sex—on his face.

  “Sounds kind of gay,” Brian responded simply. I told him that it was for a cover of a gay volume of vampire erotica. “I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head doubtfully. I told him what we’d pay him. The shaking of the head immediately stopped. “I’ll do it.”

  My gut instincts were correct. Brian was a natural, and he and Carl struck up an instant rapport that showed in their modeling. Sammy snapped off shot after shot, but we knew within minutes that we had several excellent choices for our book cover. When we were finished Carl and Sammy hungrily snarfed pizza. I was too excited to eat, and Brian confessed that he could no longer stomach pizza. “We get a great discount and I’ve had my fill of the stuff.”

  My heart was still pounding a rumba beat in my chest as Sammy and his assistant gathered up their equipment. Carl and Brian had already made their exits; Carl off to his apartment and his waiting boyfriend and Brian back to the pizza parlor, sure he was going to have to face an angry boss for being so late. I told him to have his boss call me if he needed elucidation.

  Sammy hovered at the door, his assistant already down loading stuff into their car. “Aren’t you coming? We can go out for a drink or something.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, knowing I was too wound up to enjoy being out with a bunch of half-drunk strangers. “I’ll just tidy up in here and then get on home. I’ll lock up, don’t worry.”

  Still Sammy paused. “I have to admit that you were right about the pizza boy. He looked fantastic!”

  “Certainly better than Nick.”

  Sammy chuckled. “Nick’s pretty, but a little too pretty. I wouldn’t want to fuck him. This Brian guy, on the other hand…”

  “He oozed sexuality, didn’t he?”

  “Nearly made me ooze just watching him. Sure you don’t want to come out with us? We’ll be at Sandy’s Bar if you change your mind.”

  We said our goodnights and I closed the door after Sammy. There really wasn’t much cleaning up to do but I wanted to stay for a little longer in the small studio. I felt good about finding Brian and I guess I wanted to savor my triumph. I looked around. With most of the lights off and the shades drawn over the windows the studio had a weird feel to it, probably caused by the odd shadows cast by the various props that littered the place. One could easily imagine a spectral hand coming out of the darkness and touching one’s shoulder. I sighed, dismissing such macabre thoughts. Just straighten up a bit and head out, I told myself. Maybe I would join Sammy for a drink after all.

  I walked toward the long table over by the windows, where I’d set my satchel down. I only walked a few steps before my foot caught on something, nearly making me trip. I cursed and looked down. There, wadded in a heap, was Brian’s Bob Marley T-shirt. In the excitement of the shoot I hadn’t even noticed that he hadn’t changed back and had walked out wearing our white silk shirt. Oh, well. Losing a shirt was well worth the extra book sales we’d get from the smoldering cover that would adorn our little volume!

  I leaned down and scooped up the shirt. As I was straightening, a voice came from the shadows. “Sorry. I meant to get that before I left.”

  I nearly leapt out of my skin. I’m pretty sure I yelped as I spun around to see Brian Wagner emerging from the shadows in the corner. “You scared the piss out of me!” I told him, hand to my chest to keep my heart from thudding through my rib cage.

  “Sorry about that.” Brian moved closer, his feet soundless on the hard wood floor. He was still wearing the silk shirt, now unbuttoned nearly all the way.

  “How did you get in?” I asked with a frown. “I’m sure I locked the door after Sammy left.”

  “I came back in while he was still here. You guys were chatting and didn’t notice, so I sort of just moved into the corner and sat there quietly, waiting for him to leave. I wanted to thank you for asking me to pose for your book.”

  An alarm bell sounded in my brain as I knew what he was saying wasn’t likely. I would have seen him re-enter and so would have Sammy. The place wasn’t that big! Still, Brian had to be telling the truth. How else could he be here?

  I found myself not caring about my questions as Brian came even closer. Very close. He put his arms around me and before I knew what was happening we were lip-locked, our tongues wrestling a mad dance. He was a great kisser. His tongue explored my mouth gently but hungrily. We both kept our eyes open, me because I couldn’t believe I was being kissed by such a gorgeous hunk of man and I couldn’t bring myself to blink in case the whole thing might not be real. I don’t know why his eyes remained open. I’m not Quasimodo by any means, but I was hardly in this guy’s league as far as looks went.

  Brian held me tighter and I found myself melting in his arms. I moaned as I dared to close my eyes. He didn’t vanish in a puff of verisimilitude. Impossibly, his tongue continued to roam over my teeth and along the side of my own tongue. After what seemed an eternity he broke away. I looked at him questioningly, wondering if there was more to follow.

  He must have read my thoughts because he smiled as his hands continued to caress my shoulders and back. Finally his left hand reached down and grabbed hold of my ass, kneading the soft flesh. “I wanna fuck you,” he said, his mouth mere centimeters from mine. “To thank you for the opportunity to pose for you.”

  “I…” I had to swallow hard to continue. “I’d love that.”

  Brian moved incredibly fast. Before I knew it he’d pushed me back against the long table, his hands tearing at my clothes. I didn’t care. Fuck buttons on shirts! They’re overrated. I let him rip the shirt off me while I struggled with my belt buckle. He kissed me, continually pressing me back until somehow we were both on top of the table, scattering papers everywhere. Somehow I managed to kick off my shoes. I tried to get my pants down, but with Brian’s weight on me I could barely shift them. I gave up and clawed at his back. The silk shirt shifted over his rippling muscles. God, he was fit. My cock was desperate for release and I squirmed under him so that my bulge nestled against the one in his jeans. It was as rock hard as mine.

  I wanted him in me desperately, if only to reassure myself that I wasn’t dreaming. The pain of him entering me would be the equivalent of pinching myself. Breathlessly I said, “Lube
and condoms…in my satchel there.” I laughed nervously. “Emergency supply, you know.”

  He laughed, raising himself up by a pushup, taking his reassuring weight off me. Then in once swift movement he was up and off the table. He quickly pulled off his clothes, revealing his muscular body. I couldn’t help but stare. There was a bit of a smirk on his face as he fished into my bag. He knew how good looking he was. Normally this was a turn off for me, as I hated super-inflated egos. Somehow it just made Brian sexier.

  My eyes were on his cock. It was standing straight up, thick and veiny. I wanted to throw myself off the table and take it into my mouth and suck him until he blew a wad into my mouth, but I couldn’t move. Moving might destroy reality. I was in Brian Wagner’s world, and he was God. I didn’t dare act on my own volition.

  He sheathed and lubed himself. “I wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you.”

  I looked into his eyes. I believed him. There was lust and desire there, along with a fire that blazed brightly. I could think of no reply. Anything I said would just sound ridiculous.

  He vaulted back up onto the table, his body lithe, moving with an animal grace. Normally being a top, I must have glared at his cock with a worried look. He chuckled and positioned himself between my legs. “Don’t worry. You’re going to love this.”

  “I’m sure of that.” My voice was hoarse from anticipation.

  Truer words were never spoken. We squirmed around and I lifted my head so our lips could meet. Then he entered me.


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