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Page 9

by Kylie Walker

  “I just don’t really have anything to say.”

  “You still don’t believe me about what happened that morning?”

  I shrugged. “Does it really matter?”

  “It does to me.”


  “Because I really liked you, Erica. I really wanted to see you again. And, because I feel like things happen for a reason. I feel like you and I ran back into each other for a reason.”

  “So like, fate?” I was being sarcastic. He either didn’t get that, or he was a true believer.


  I laughed silently and said, “So what is it that you think fate has planned for us, Brett?”

  “Only fate knows that.”

  I laughed a little louder. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in any of that.”

  “What do you believe in Erica?”

  “That’s an awfully deep question for a barbecue.”

  He was the one that laughed then. “I guess it is. The thing is, you’re young and beautiful and obviously smart. You have a good job and good friends. I don’t live your life but from the outside looking in it seems like you’re right on track. What I don’t understand is why you’re so serious all the time.”

  “I’m not serious all the time.”

  “Oh, so just with me?”

  “You made me feel like a fool!” I said that through clenched teeth. I hadn’t meant to get that emotional. It made me look like an even bigger fool.

  “Because you had feelings for me.” It wasn’t a question, it was his arrogance speaking.

  “I didn’t know you Brett. All I knew of you was what we did that night.”

  “Sometimes that’s all it takes. Sometimes that’s where people start, with that feeling, that chemistry. I still feel it, Erica. Every time you’re in the same room with me I almost choke on it.” I finished my beer. My mouth was dry and my head was spinning. Every one of my senses was alive with him sitting so close. I wanted to believe him. I wanted to be the kind of person that could give him another chance to prove to me that he’s not a player.

  “I need to get another beer.” I got up and he did too. “Where are you going?”

  “With you, to make sure you’re not planning on ditching me again.”

  Against my better judgment I had to laugh at that. “I might, just to get a decent beer. This shit sucks.”

  “How about you and I get out of here. I’ll take you some place where you can get a decent beer and we can finish this conversation.”

  No was on the tip of my tongue. I should say no. I need to say no. Being alone with him after I’ve had a few beers is not going to be a good idea. “I’m not sure about leaving Adele and Jenny.” Brett looked around and said, “They look fine to me.” I followed his eyes. Jenny was in the pool on one of the football player’s shoulders playing chicken. Just beyond the pool Adele was sitting in a chair and Josh was sitting in one next to her. They were talking and she had a smile on her face. I still shouldn’t go. As I told myself that I pulled out my phone and sent Adele a text that said,

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Would you mind if I get out of here?” I saw her look over, see Brett and smile.

  “Go, we’re fine.”

  I looked back at Brett and said, “One drink, we take an Uber and I go home to my own place afterwards, alone.”

  His lips twitched. “Perfect,” he said.

  Chapter 11


  I was in shock that Erica agreed to go have a drink with me. I wasn’t going to question it though. We sat in the Uber without saying a word while the driver took us to La Hacienda. I’d met a lot of women at the bar over the years but I’d never taken one there. The hostess tonight was a girl named Candy. She seemed shocked to see me with a woman but she covered it well and said, “Hi Brett, who’s your friend?”

  “This is Erica. Erica this is Candy.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Erica said. “I’m not his friend, I’m his therapist.” There she goes again being so serious.

  “Oh, well it’s nice to meet you,” Candy said. She looked at me then and said, “Do you want the usual Brett?”

  “No, send us a pitcher of…what do you drink, Erica?”

  “Do you have anything German?”

  “We have the Weihenstephaner,” Candy told her.

  “Perfect,” I think that was the happiest smile I’d seen on her face since we ran back into each other. While Candy went to get the beer I led her back to the table they save specifically for the team. She rolled her eyes when I told her that, unimpressed. As soon as we sat down she said, “When I was in high school I dated this guy that I really liked. He was on the football team and he was smart and good-looking, you know, the whole package.” I nodded, glad she was finally talking to me. “He asked me to prom our junior year. I said yes, bought a dress and shoes, had the hair appointment, the whole bit. I was only sixteen at the time. He had just turned eighteen. I wasn’t ready to have sex. He said it was okay, he’d wait for me. I went to his house one day after school because he wasn’t answering his phone and I had accidentally taken his chemistry book home. I knocked and no one answered. I was good friends with his whole family so I used the extra key to let myself in. I was honestly just going to leave the book. But, as soon as I walked into the living room I heard these noises coming from down the hall where his room was. I had to go check…I had to, you know?” I nodded again. “He was fucking one of the girls that was on the cheer squad with me. I turned around and walked out. He followed me out trying to pull on his shorts and telling me it was just sex, it didn’t mean anything. Sadly for the girl he was fucking, I believed him. I also believed that meant I didn’t mean anything to him either. I felt like a fool and by the time I got back to school the next day I felt like everyone knew and everyone was talking about me. I felt the same way when I saw you with that woman the morning after we had sex. I didn’t want to be played again. Not then, and not now.”

  “I wasn’t playing you, Erica. I wish you would believe that.”

  Candy interrupted us then with the beer. Erica grabbed the pitcher and poured herself a glass. By the time I poured mine she’d drank half of hers. I topped it off for her and she said, “I want to believe you, Brett.” It was the second ray of hope I’d gotten from her in one day. I was feeling pretty good about my odds right about then.

  “I’m not a player. You can ask any of the guys on the team. Yes, I have been with quite a few women but I’m not a serial dater. I don’t fuck one woman one night and another the next. That’s Colin’s deal.”

  “Good,” she said, taking another sip of her beer.

  “So, does that mean you’ll give me another chance?”

  “What exactly is it you want from me?”

  This felt like a business negotiation. I was slightly amused by it and slightly annoyed. “A date.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “A date?”

  “Yeah, like dinner or a movie, a date.”


  “Hmm, what?”

  “I just figured you for the Netflix and chill kind of guy.”

  I laughed. “Man, your opinion of me really sucks.” She laughed and took another sip of her beer. I finally took a drink of mine and instantly spit it back in the mug. “Jesus, what the hell is this?” She laughed again. It was nice to hear her laugh, even at my expense.

  “Your poor taste in beer isn’t going to improve my opinion of you.”

  “I think which one of us has poor taste in beer is debatable. That tastes like piss.”

  “You’ve tasted piss?”

  I laughed. “Okay, it tastes like I would imagine piss to taste.” I waved Candy over and she laughed at me again when I ordered a Bud Light. When Candy was gone I said, “You think I’m a big sissy now don’t you?”

  Laughing she said, “Kind of. I guess we’ll have to think of some way you c
an prove to me you’re not.” I know it makes me somewhat of an opportunist, but where Erica was concerned I didn’t really care. I slid over in the booth so our thighs were touching and leaned in so my lips were right next to her ear and said, “Any suggestions?”

  Her body tensed and I could hear her breathing speed up, but she had plenty of room on the other side and she didn’t move away. “I might be able to think of one or two things.”


  She smiled and I felt her body relax slightly. “I seem to remember you were one hell of a kisser. I guess you might be able to start there.” I didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. I slid one hand up her back and felt an almost searing heat when I got to the bare flesh of her upper back and neck. I felt goose bumps rise on her skin. I rested one hand on the side of her face and tipped her head so her lips were where I wanted them and then I leaned down and brushed my lips slowly across hers. I felt her shudder and it egged me on. I slid the hand that was holding her face around to her hair and took it between my fingers. I wrapped it up and tugged on it gently to tilt her head further. I wanted those lips, but I also wanted to take my time. I let my lips brush against her ear first and then I made a trail down to her neck. She let out a little moan and the sound of it electrified my body. She wiggled around so she was facing me and one of her legs was on top of mine. I was placing open mouthed kisses all over her neck and I could feel her body responding. I’ve wanted to do this for five long years.

  I let my lips touch hers again in a soft caress. My memories and my fantasies didn’t do the taste of her justice. She was so sweet, sweeter than any woman I’ve ever kissed. This time she didn’t let me pull back either. She leaned into me harder and our lips molded together. I swept my tongue across hers and she let them part to allow me access. Her hands were on my biceps now and she squeezed them as I took possession of her hot mouth. My hand was back in her hair and my fist tightened around those silky curls. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth and licked and nibbled at it. I loved the way her hands felt on me and the way she smelled and tasted. My shorts were barely able to contain my erection already, if this went on much longer I’d have a hell of a time walking out of the bar. With reluctance I broke the kiss and pulled back to look at her face.

  Her cheeks were flush and her lips were dark pink and swollen. Her eyes were only half opened as she looked up at me. She looked so fucking sexy. I wanted to take her right there in the bar. “Yep, still pretty good at that,” she breathed out.

  I laughed. “Just pretty good?”

  “I’ll need more to make an informed decision,” she said. My heart rate sped up.

  “I’d love to give you more, but maybe we shouldn’t do it here.” The table was in a pretty private spot, but we weren’t completely invisible to the rest of the bar. Another kiss like that and I wasn’t going to be responsible for where my hands ended up.

  “How clean are the bathrooms here?”

  I was about to laugh until I looked at her face. “You’re serious?”

  “Weren’t you the one that said I was always serious?”

  I grinned and took her hand. “Come on.” We stood up and I positioned her in front of the bulge in my board shorts. She giggled when my hard cock pressed into her back through my shorts and her dress. It was music to my ears. I held her around the waist and let her lead me back to where the restrooms were. They were co-ed bathrooms and they both only had one stall. We went into the first one and locked the door behind us. I’d heard Colin brag about using this bathroom with more than one woman, but I couldn’t let myself think about that now or I’d lose my erection. Instead I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her in for a long, hot kiss. The sounds she was making against my mouth were making every last drop of blood in my brain rush down south. My cock was urgently pressing against my shorts, aching to be set free as my tongue explored the inside of her hot mouth. She was up on her toes with her arms around my neck, giving back as good as or better than she was getting. I slid my hands down the sexy curve of her waist and hips and then I let them rest on her round cheeks and squeezed them. She moaned into me and I knew that if this building fell down around us right now, I’d still have to have her.

  I felt desire for her on a primal level coming from places inside of me that I never knew existed. I pulled out of the kiss and grabbed the bottom of her little dress. She held her arms up and I pulled it over her head and tossed it to the floor. She was wearing a sexy little orange bikini and for several long seconds I just stood there and drank her in. God, she was gorgeous. At that point I had to untie my shorts and let them fall to the floor. I was glad I’d thought to wear the ones with the wide legs so they slipped easily over the stabilizing brace on my leg. When my cock popped out I breathed a sigh of relief and then had to suck in a big breath when she reached down and wrapped both of her warm hands around it. Fuck, Josh is right, they do feel like silk. I had my eyes closed when I felt her slip down to her knees. She adjusted our clothes on the floor so they were under her knees. I actually shivered. I’d imagined this moment so many times over the past five years. I wonder if Erica had any idea how many times she was fodder for my masturbatory fantasies.

  She looked up at me and smiled before opening her mouth and wrapping her pretty lips around the head of it. I had to lean back into the cold wall behind me to keep from falling down. She held onto the shaft with both hands and let the head slide out before flicking it with her tongue three or four times. She stroked me gently while letting her tongue slide around the outside of the head and down the shaft and then she opened her mouth, moved her hands to my thighs and sucked me all the way into the back of her throat. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to come then and there.

  Her hands gripped onto my thighs with a strength that surprised me and I felt the stab of her nails as she bobbed her head up and down. Each time she sucked me in between her sexy full lips she let it slide in deep, gripping it tightly with her lips and then she’d let it slide out and do it again. I reached down and wrapped my fingers up in her long hair and used it to guide her head as I moved my hips until I couldn’t take it another second. I used my grip on her hair to pull her head back until I fell out of her mouth. I let go of her hair and she gave me her hands so I could pull her up to her feet. She took hold of my shirt and I let her push it up underneath my arms and then I pulled it off. She put her hands against my chest and for a few seconds she traced the outline of muscles with her fingers. It was an intimate, sexy touch and it turned me on almost as much as the feel of her lips and tongue on my cock. I reached behind her and untied that sexy little bikini top. When it fell to the floor I probably had a predatory look in my eyes. It sure as hell was how I was feeling. Her breasts were perfect with large, round nipples that just begged to be sucked. I leaned down and took one into my mouth. Her hands went to my hair and her fingers tugged at it as I sucked on it and let my tongue roll around her nipple first on one side and then the other. She gasped as I bit down on it softly and then pulled my head up for another long, hot kiss of those sexy lips.

  When I broke the kiss I pulled her bikini bottoms down. When they got to her feet she kicked them off. I reached down and put my hand between her legs, letting my fingers trace the outline of her soaking wet lips. I skimmed across her swollen clit and she whimpered. I was beyond waiting any longer and without warning I spun her around so she was facing the wall. I nudged her gently into it and she pressed the palms of her hands into the cool tile. She arched her back and once again I put my hand down between her legs and let my fingers play against her hot, slick lips. She was as ready as I was. I moved my hand from her to my throbbing cock and she said, “Condom.”

  I have to admit that I was so far gone I wouldn’t have even thought about it. I reluctantly let go of everything I was touching, and pulled my shorts up off the floor and fished one out of my wallet. I tore it open and quickly rolled it on. The sight of Erica against the wall waiting for me was the
sexiest thing I think I ever saw. I had to be inside of her. It wasn’t just a desire at that point, it was a need.

  Chapter 12


  I was in a mini-state of shock. I couldn’t believe I was in a bar bathroom having sex with Brett Kinney. I’d never done anything even remotely like it. I was no prude in bed, but bed was usually where I had sex unless you counted the occasional couch and once in a hot tub. A public bathroom was brand new. I’d just lost my mind when I decided that I was going to do this. I couldn’t stand the thought of a twenty or thirty minute drive back to his house. I had to have him right now.

  I was pressed into the cold wall but he was pressing into me from behind and the heat from his body was making me feel like I was burning up. He took his cock back into his right hand and he teased my lips with it from behind. I moaned and pressed back into him. I wanted him inside of me so badly I could barely take it. I felt him move it around in little circles against my aching clit and I wanted to scream. Then suddenly without warning he pushed himself all the way inside of me with one long, fast thrust. Skin to skin would have felt so much better, but as it were it was so good I felt like my head would explode. I heard him groan and he pushed his chest into my back and just held himself there for what seemed like a long time. I fit him like a glove and when I clenched my muscles he let out a little cry and began to move.

  He reached around and took one of my nipples between his fingers and began to pinch and pull while he moved in and out of me. Once again I realized that I would never find anyone that made me feel like Brett did. He was either the best I ever had or there was something to that fate thing he was talking about, or both. He moved slowly for a while and as both of our excitement levels increased he dropped his hands to my hips and held me in place while he began to drive himself in harder and faster. I was on the edge and could feel the orgasm building from all the way down in my toes. I began moving my hips, pushing back hard against him, matching his rhythm. He gripped me tighter and his movements became urgent and frenetic. I had to bite down on my lip to keep from screaming when all of my muscles tensed up and the orgasm slammed into me like a freight train. He kept moving inside of me as I came. It was the longest, hardest orgasm I’d ever experienced and it even made me light-headed. He was gripping my breast harder and his short breaths had turned into pants and gasps.


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