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An Apple for Zoë ~ The Forsaken

Page 16

by Thomas Amo

  Bransford was silent. As much as she infuriated him he knew she could back up everything she just said.

  "Now, if you will excuse us Mr. Mayor, I'd like to speak privately with Captain Shelton, my agent and the inspector," she said as she crossed the room to the double doors. Paige held one door open to inform Bransford he was excused. Slowly the mayor pushed his chair back to his desk and stormed past Captain Shelton. As he made his way out the door and into the hall.

  Captain Shelton was trying to hide her smile as she watched Paige take her place at Bransford's desk.

  "Captain, don't ever hide a smile, guilty one or not," said Paige acknowledging the Captain's enjoyment of seeing someone put Bransford in his place. "Inspector James, is there anything you need before you and Agent Summers leave for Hollywood?"

  "Yes director, I'd like full federal clearance."

  Paige looked at James with an emotionless expression.

  "Done. Anything else?"

  "I do have one special request, Director Collins."

  Paige gave James a slight smile, "I thought I just gave you one."

  "It's important," said James.

  "Okay I'm listening."

  "I'd like CSI Jessalee Rivera on board with me as a consultant."

  "You realize she is related to one of the victims," stated Paige.

  "I do, however I feel that is to our advantage. The fact is the fire in the hotel destroyed our crime scene, leaving us virtually no evidence."

  "And you feel her relationship to the victim may give us a deeper insight," stated Paige.

  "Yes, she is also a witness to the what happened to Agent Summers and I at the hospital."

  "I'll grant the request with the understanding that you assume full responsibility for her involvement with the case."

  "I accept those terms director, thank you."

  "Inspector James, you also understand, because she is family to Valerie Rivera, we can never present her as a witness in a court of law."

  "Yes, but you're still willing to let her consult in the investigation?"

  "It's a means to an end," said Paige flatly.

  "Thank you. Now may I ask you is there anything in particular you want from me?" asked James.

  "Yes there is. Captain Shelton, I want you to take Summers and James to the federal detention center and give them this note, it gives you the authority to supervise," said Paige as she handed Shelton the piece of paper.

  "Supervise what?" inquired Shelton.

  "Inspector James's private interrogation of the Baranova Sisters."


  The Baranova Sisters

  Stasya Gusarov announced her name to the heavily armed guard standing behind the bulletproof glass entrance of the federal detention center. The emotionless guard looked her over. Her long raven black hair was wound tightly into a bun. She kept her hands placed in full view of the guard as she tightly gripped her attaché case. She could feel his gaze waiting for her to look at him. She raised her sky blue eyes to his. Even though the security glass separated them her body still shook with an involuntary chill. The guard consulted his approved list of names until he came to hers. Number 6. Stasya B. Gusarov. He motioned to her to step into inside the cylindrical room to his right, known as "The Capsule."

  "Remove your overcoat before you step inside. Do you have a weapon in your possession?" he asked.

  Stasya quickly followed the guard's order and removed her long gray cashmere overcoat. She placed it on the hook provided by the sliding door that would give her admittance to the capsule.

  "I am not in possession of a weapon," she said waiting for the door to slide open. Stasya hated being screened in the capsule. The room was always extremely cold and the result was always the same. She knew the guard would be staring at her overly erect nipples.

  "Place your briefcase on the conveyor table to your left please," commanded the guard calmly.

  Stasya put her case down and waited. Seconds later a loud electrical buzz sounded. The door slid back allowing her to step inside while at the same time sending her case through a separate scanner. By the time her security scan was over, the conveyor belt would have delivered her case to the other side of the room.

  "Please step to the center of the capsule and wait for the door to close behind you, then raise your arms to your sides in the form of the letter 'T' and close your eyes."

  Stasya did as ordered. The moment her eyes closed another electrical sound came and she could hear the door slide closed behind her and feel the scanner pass in front of her as another scanner passed behind her. The guard watched the monitor from his side of the room and was satisfied with the result.

  "You may lower your arms now and open your eyes," said the guard, pressing a button that activated the door on the opposite side of the capsule.

  "Please step all the way through, your case is waiting for you to your left. Your coat may be collected upon your exit scan of the capsule when you are finished. You may now proceed to interview station seven, follow the red line on the floor to your destination," said the guard as he watched her step into the hallway. Stasya quickly gathered her case and put her back to the guard, she knew all too well the scanners gave the guards a perfect view of her anatomy and she wasn't giving him any more time than necessary to imagine her undressed. As much as she despised it, Stasya Gusarov realized this was the price one paid to be a translator for the federal government.

  Stasya walked quickly down the long, windowless hallway. The glare of the overhead lights made the white walls and floor blur into one another. The red line below at her feet kept her focused on her destination. As she turned the corner she was met by another armed guard who stood in front of the door marked "Station 7." He wore a black beret and gray colored fatigues.

  "Commander Gusarov?" inquired the guard. Stasya nodded and watched the guard come to attention and give her a proper salute. She nodded once again accepting his professional courtesy.

  "You identification please, Commander."

  Stasya placed her case on the floor and reached inside to retrieve her official federal ID. She handed it to the guard, who slid the card through a portable scanner.

  "Thank you. Please place your right eye against the retinal scanner at the door," the guard instructed.

  Stasya stepped up and placed her eye against the device and waited for the beep. A loud click sounded inside the door announcing the bolt had unlocked.

  "Thank you, Commander," said the guard as he handed her back her ID and held the door open for her.

  Once inside, Stasya made her way to an office that was marked, "Ready Room." She found it was unlocked. She stepped inside, closed the door and locked it. Behind her was a large oak desk with a single file lying dead center on top of it. She sat her attaché case down on the desk and reached inside to remove a large file which looked nearly identical to the one already there. The only difference was her file had a white label surrounding it with bold black print that read, "Cmdr. S.B. Gusarov-Eyes-Only." Stasya took her seat, broke the seal and began to read.

  Inspector James and Captain Shelton stood in front of the interrogation rooms at station seven. From their position, they could see into both rooms through the two-way glass. Separated by soundproof walls, sat the Baranova Sisters—Devonia was on the left, Tarista on the right.

  "Well if this ain't a shit load of deja vu," said Shelton. "Last time we did this the whole damn place went up in flames."

  "And our witness with it," added James as he watched them intently.

  Looking left he recognized Devonia as the driver of Hummer. She sat silently with her chin on her chest and her hands folded together on top of the table. Obviously she was handcuffed to a solid steel ring just under the table. She was still covered in blood and wearing the black tank top.

  James walked a few steps to the right and peered into the room on the right. There sat Tarista Baranova, also still covered in blood. She too had her head bent to her chest. Both sister
s had been tranquilized in order to place them safely inside the interview rooms. As James moved a step closer he wondered how long it would take for the drug to wear off. At the moment they both seemed innocent and looked more like victims than sadistic killers. As James touched the glass Tarista suddenly looked up directly at him. She slowly and deliberately licked her lips and smiled.

  James walked back to the left side of the room only for his fear to be realized as Tarista turned her head and watched him move.

  "Is it just me or does she know exactly where you are in this room?" asked Shelton.

  "It sure seems that way doesn't it?" said James as he noticed Devonia was now awake and also watching him.

  "Tommy, you sure you want to go in there with those two?" asked Shelton. James stepped back to the middle of the room where he could see both sisters equally.

  "It's the only way I'm going to find out what the hell is going on, Cap. As soon as Summers finishes her meeting with Director Collins, maybe we will get some answers."

  The sisters turned their heads and looked at the wall that separated them and both smiled as if they could see each other.

  "Jesus Tommy, these two give me the flipping creeps," said Shelton.

  "Tell me about it," he said, as Jessalee joined them. Coldly Jessalee stared at the sisters. James noticed her hands were trembling as she held her evidence kit in one hand and a report in the other.

  "You got something, didn't you?" asked James.

  "I got plenty, I'm on my way to conference with Summers and Director Collins. I've been asked to have you and Cap meet with us after your interview, Tom," said Jessalee as she walked away. James called to her. "Jessa, what is it?" he asked. Jessalee stopped and looked back to James and Shelton.

  "All I can say is some of that blood that is splattered all over them, belongs to my sister." And with that, she abruptly turned and walked away. James watched her disappear around the corner. He looked back at Devonia and Tarista. To his surprise both of them were nodding their heads in a yes movement as if they were agreeing with Jessalee's claim. But how could Jessalee know the blood was her sister's? All the evidence in room 1219 was destroyed in the fire. He thought to himself. James knew this was hard on Jessalee and he intended to do everything he could to help her find closure on the death of her sister.

  Both James and Shelton's attention was caught by the sound of an office door opening. They looked over and saw the raven-haired Stasya Gusarov step from the office into the room. In one hand she held a folder with Russian writing on the outside of it. In her other hand she held a King James Bible.

  "Inspector Thomas James?"


  "I am Commander Stasya Gusarov I am here today to serve as your translator," she said with the trace of her home accent. James looked at Shelton for help. Shelton shrugged her shoulders.

  "She's news to me. Collins never mentioned her."

  James turned back to Stasya and looked her over slightly. He furrowed his brow and then spoke.

  "You said you are Commander Gusarov?"

  She nodded in silence. "Commander for what? The FBI?" inquired James.

  "I am former KGB, Inspector. I was recruited by your government after the fall of the Soviet Union when I was 17."

  Her statement confused both James and Shelton. James was certain he had not heard her correctly. "I'm sorry? You have been a member of the KGB since you were 17?"

  "No, I said I was recruited by your government when I was 17. I became KGB when I was 14."

  "Why so young?" he asked.

  "Do you know who Andrei Chikatilo was Inspector James?"

  "No, I don't."

  "He was The Butcher of Rostov. He murdered, raped, and cannibalized over 53 lives. Most of them children."

  James cringed at her words.

  "Could we please sit down? What I have to tell you will take some time."

  "I don't wish to sound indelicate, but I don't have a lot of time. Do you see the two sisters chained to the table inside those interview rooms?"

  "Yes, the Baranova Sisters, I know who they are. They are in fact why I am here."

  "Because you are a Russian translator?"

  "No, because I have a connection with them. The three of us are mentally linked you might say."

  James sighed heavily, "Don't tell me you're some kind of psychic, because I don't believe in that shit. I admit there is a lot of weird crap going on in this investigation, but if the FBI is sending me psychic translators I'll pass, I already have someone who can translate for me. Someone I trust a lot more than you, Commander," said James as he started to walk away from her. Stasya called after him.

  "Tarista Baranova has the number 23 branded on the inside of her left breast. You saw it when she was raping you in a vision you had of her and her sister Devonia, while you were in hell."

  James stopped cold. Shelton stared in shock.

  "Tommy, what the fuck is she talking about?" asked Shelton.

  James gave Shelton a look that everything was okay. He turned and looked into Stasya's eyes.

  "Okay. I'm listening."

  Stasya motioned to a nearby conference table. James and Shelton accepted her gesture and made their way to the table, sitting down across from her. Stasya placed the file on the table and gently folded her hands together.

  "Inspector James, I apologize for taking such extreme measures to get your attention, but I wanted you to know I spoke the truth and for you to understand the severity of the subjects I am going to discuss with you."

  James nodded in agreement.

  "Good. Now I know you are curious as to how I knew about what happened to you, but now is not the time for that. You need to understand who I am and why we are meeting," she said.

  Again James nodded that he understood and gestured for her to continue.

  "In the autumn of 1986, I was 13 years old. I was very much like most girls of that age. I was quite curious about the world around me. I liked pop-music, dance and of course I had a keen interest in boys. Very often I would ride the trains when I was bored. I did not know fear until October 23, 1986, that was the day I was raped by the devil himself."

  James and Shelton both shifted uncomfortably in their chairs as they intently listened to Stasya tell her story.

  "I rode the train all day blindly. Not caring where it went. At 3 p.m. that day I noticed the train had stopped at Rostov. This was a pleasant surprise to me as my mother's sister lived in the village. I thought, wouldn't it be a nice surprise if I stopped to say hello. I left the train and entered the woods where I could gather some wild flowers for her.

  "As I walked through the woods, I came upon a man who was sitting alone on a fallen dead tree. He seemed to be someone who came to enjoy the quiet of the forest. I tried to walk softly so that I would not disturb his meditation, but he looked at me and said 'hello.' I remember I smiled and continued to walk. He asked me where I was going? I told him to the village to surprise my aunt with wild flowers. He told me he was also going to the village and asked if he could join me on my walk. I, of course, did not see this as a problem. I thought it might be safer for me if I didn't walk alone through the woods."

  Shelton covered her mouth with a trembling hand. It was all too obvious to her where the story was leading. Stasya continued, "I was very naive then as I still possessed my innocence. The man remarked that if I was looking for wild flowers he knew a perfect place and that it was only a small distance away. I remember I asked him how far. He pointed across the woods and I could see the flowers were indeed very close. Without hesitation I began to walk towards them. The woods were difficult from the path and I nearly fell, but the man he caught me and chided me to be careful. He offered me his hand and I accepted as we made our way over the rough terrain. Then the woods began to clear and we came to a beautiful open meadow.

  "It was true it was a most perfect place to gather flowers. Everywhere I looked there seemed to be so many of them. The man smiled as he urged me to go and take as
many as I liked. As I wandered deep into the meadow I imagined myself in an ocean of sweet scents and brilliant colors.

  "With each step I took the sea of petals brushed against my ankles. I laughed from the tickling they gave me as they waved in the fall breeze. I clutched a variety of different shapes and sizes until I felt I had collected the perfect amount for my aunt. It seemed a shame to pick them, but I knew she would love them.

  "The man waited patiently for me to finish and return to the woods. As we began to walk back into the woods he once again offered me his hand, happily I took it. I was so pleased with flowers that I couldn't stop gazing at them. I never saw the hammer before he embedded it into my skull.

  "When I awoke, I remember thinking why did I go to sleep in the forest? I was lying on my back and looking up into the sky. The sky was not as bright as I remembered it. It was then that began to notice feeling a very strange warm sensation between my legs. I tried to move my head, but it felt too heavy to move. I looked down and could see my shirt had been ripped open and I saw red as if someone had spilled paint on me. It wasn't until I kept seeing my bare foot raise up and down in a rapid motion did I realize the man was taking away my innocence. My arms were flat on the ground above my head. I did not know what to do. I tried to speak, but could not. Suddenly he began moving faster until his grunts became moans. During this time he never looked at me and did not know I was watching him. His body tensed and his head jerked up and his eyes locked with mine. His face was the same color as the smearing on my torn blouse. When I saw his face I discovered it was not paint. He bared his teeth and they dripped with my blood. I heard him cry out and then I felt his release inside of me.


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