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Sweet Seduction

Page 3

by Nikki Winter

  Over the years that she’d gotten to know him, really know him, she’d discovered things that never failed to amaze her. He had one of the purest hearts she’d ever encountered. He loved the simplest things. She could remember the day he’d tricked her into going to the state fair with him and dragged her around trying to win something for her. Her mind briefly flashed back to the almost six foot teddy bear at home in her bed—then said mind replaced that teddy bear with Felix…naked…

  “Earth to Paige.” Felix interrupted her train of thought, waving a hand in her face.

  She snapped out of it and looked at him. His look went from playfulness to concern in a few seconds. “Where’d you go?”

  Shaking her head, she leaned back in her seat. Therein lay the problem. Her mind always went places it wasn’t supposed to go around him. She was supposed to be able to keep a lock on her emotions and what was between her legs. Felix seemed to have the key to both. “Nowhere. Just thinking.”

  Felix didn’t stop watching her.

  “What?” His stare was having that effect again, making her warm all over. God, the things this man did to her. It scared her, scared her a lot.

  He leaned across the counter, his gaze now focused on her lips. He licked his own and her response was to do the same, when he groaned softly and got close enough to kiss her, she snapped out of it.

  Paige backed away and turned from Felix’s frown as she headed out of the kitchen. “I’m tired. I think I’m gonna go lay down for a while.” Then she was running away, ignoring Felix as he called her name.

  “What did you do?” Lena demanded from the other end of the phone.

  Felix stood in the hallway a few feet from Paige’s room door, unable to hear any activity inside. She’d disappeared hours ago and he hadn’t heard the slightest peep. That line about being tired was bullshit—that much he knew.

  “Me?” he said, “I didn’t do anything. We were talking about our parents and—”

  “C’mon Felix. You know good and damned well the very last thing you want to mention to Paige is her parents.” Lena groaned, cutting him off.

  Running a hand through his hair he started pacing. “I didn’t mean to bring it up. She asked me about Mom and I started talking and before I knew it she was taking off.” Felix knew the story and dynamics between Paige’s parents but it was only after he pried it out of his little sister with blackmail.

  “You know,” Felix said, “I’m surprised you took this long to tell me being that your mouth runs like tap water.”

  “Lies! I’m the gatekeeper of secrets!”

  “Um...wait...Is this coming from the very person who swore on the shiny new chrome wheels of her first Mustang that she wouldn’t tell Paige I had a framed picture of her on my dresser then sung like a Baptist choir in the south on Sunday morning the first chance she got?”

  There was silence and then, “I would’ve found the framed picture sweet and endearing had you not stole it outta my spring break album and Paige wasn’t wearing that bikini.”

  “I was drawn to how happy she looked.”

  “You’re a liar and a raunchy pervert.”

  Felix rolled his eyes. “And you’re evil incarnate but we’re not supposed to be pointing out facts and examples.”

  “Felix just...don’t give up on her, okay?”

  “I haven’t in the twenty something years I’ve known her and I don’t plan on doing it now.”

  “Good. Now I have to go, your brother-in-law just walked in the room from giving the kids a bath.”

  Wincing, he asked, “Is he in the fetal position...again?”

  “No, he’s just kind of staring at the wall and shaking his head...Oh Archer, get up off the floor, it can’t be that bad.”

  Felix kept laughing, even when she hung up on him. His gaze went back to Paige’s door. He needed to get his shit together and fast before he started losing ground with her.

  To Get

  She hadn’t meant to do it. She’d been minding her damn business, looking through the double door fridge, trying to find the leftovers from dinner when he’d scared the shit out of her. Sadly, that resulted in Paige picking up the cutting board in the middle of the kitchen island and knocking Felix on his ass. Now she was listening to him moan while she held a bag of frozen peas to his head.

  “Oh my adorably roguish face...”

  Paige rolled her eyes and slapped away his hands so she could move the bag to his forehead. “Stop with the whining already.”

  “I can’t. You ruined what was once beautifully made! Now what am I supposed to do? I’ll spend my days alone and deformed occasionally finding joy in scaring small children with my hideous appearance!”

  Staring down at him, she really had to resist the urge to hit him with the cutting board again. He did look rather pathetic though with that cut over his left eye starting to turn red and swell. “The most you’ll have is a little scar to mar your so-called ‘perfection.’” She stated drolly.

  Felix gasped like she’d just admitted to fellating one of his ranch hands behind the barn. “Scar? Did you just say scar?” Suddenly, he gripped her around the waist and buried his face in her chest, snuggling deep. “This is too much for me to take. I...I need to be held.”


  He fully stuck his head inside the gape in the front of her robe. “Hmmm, you’re not wearing a bra. That’s okay I never liked that lace stuff against my face, makes it all itchy, yah know?” Inhaling deeply, he sighed. “Nothing like skin to skin contact.”


  “Shhh, you’re supposed to be helping me come to terms with the monstrous appearance I now have seeing as how it’s all your fault.”


  “Paige do you not understand the meaning of quiet comfort? Sometimes all a person needs is to be held, no words spoken.” The tip of his nose brushed her nipple, his voice now muffled as he spoke. Her whole body shuddered. “I’m feeling better already.”

  Desire like she’d never known almost made Paige give in to any and everything Felix ever wanted...almost. That, of course, was enough to scare the hell out of her so when his lips made contact with her collarbone she jerked back as fast as she could. Unfortunately, that caused Felix to roll out of her lap like a ball and his head hit the floor with a solid thump.

  Paige winced and he grimaced. “You wanna add brain damage to the list of things you’ve done to me today?” He sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

  “Sorry. Here.” She tossed him the bag of peas and watched them smack him in the face. They both groaned. Pulling her robe fully closed, Paige buried her face into her hands. “Felix—”

  “If you’re gonna hurt me shouldn’t I be wearing a collar and calling you ‘Mistress’?”

  She couldn’t help it, that first snort slipped out and after that, laughing was inevitable. Before she knew it, they were both on their sides.

  “I’m sorry,” Paige gasped. “I swear I’m not doing it on purpose.”

  He just grinned as he sat up. “I’ll believe it when the throbbing in my head and my cock stops.”

  Her eyes drifted to the very noticeable bulge in his pajama bottoms. Biting her lip, she asked, “Want another bag of peas?” It was better than saying, “Can I have it? Please, please, please?”

  Smirking, he answered, “It wouldn’t me.”

  Paige sucked down a deep breath and stood. She knew what would help, lots and lots of…No, no, no. She couldn’t go there. Bed time tango wasn’t her forte. Past experience had more than taught her that. “And on that note, I’m going back to bed.”

  Felix was off the floor in seconds and grabbing her hand. “Oh no you don’t. You haven’t eaten all day and I’ll be damned if I watch you go back to bed hungry.”

  He led her to her original spot at the kitchen island and headed to the fridge. Paige watched the corded muscles in his back bunch with every move he made as he took out a foil wrapped plate and turned on the
oven. She rubbed her thighs together to ease the ache that had formed between them. He set the plate inside and set the timer before sitting across from her and placing the bag of peas back to his forehead.

  She winced again. “Does it hurt?”

  “Only when I do this.” He made a funny face that pulled a chuckle out of her. His smile was wide and bright. “I’m sorry I spooked you.”

  “Why were you down here, skulking around anyway?”

  “I don’t skulk. I’m simply light and stealthy on my feet.”

  “Dude, you weigh over two hundred and fifty pounds yet you move like a kitten. That’s skulking.”

  “I have plenty of other skills that I’d be more than glad to show you.” He waggled his brows then moaned. That’s when Paige got up and went around the island to him, gripping his face between her hands. “I think I might’ve given you a concussion.”

  “Really? And where’d that deductive reasoning come in Dr. Matthews? Before or after you almost knocked my head off my shoulders?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “If I didn’t do it already I can make it happen, you know that right?”

  His eyes twinkled. “You’re so cute when you’re threatening me. You get this little line right here.” Reaching up he smoothed his thumb between her eyebrows. She didn’t back away from his touch. His hands were amazing, so gentle despite the fact that he worked with them all day in the roughest conditions.

  Paige’s breath faltered as he cupped her cheek and drew her head nearer to his. He licked his lips and she mimicked the action. One taste couldn’t hurt, right? It stood to reason that Felix had kissed her more than enough over the years that she knew his mouth almost as intimately as she knew her own so one more kiss wouldn’t be her downfall would it?

  Even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew it was a lie. This kiss wouldn’t be like any of the others; the ones that Felix stole at every opportunity—the rushed pressing of his lips to hers before he pulled away and ran off. No, the moment he brushed his mouth across hers, softly, gently, she knew she was in trouble. Lots and lots of trouble.

  The concussion was worth it as far as he was concerned dammit. He had Paige pliant in his arms, kissing him back without resistance, without complaint, without trying to knee him in the balls. If all it took to get here was getting mild head trauma, well, Felix would’ve done it long ago.

  He’d been pacing the floors of his room, unable to sleep when he’d heard her creeping down the stairs. Figuring she’d be hungry and heading for the kitchen, he followed and boy was he glad he did. Halfway bent over into the double doors, her luscious ass barely covered by the robe she was wearing, Paige had been a welcome sight. It was just a little crappy that he’d almost lost said sight when she swung that cutting board at him. Honestly, Felix could admit that he probably deserved it for sneaking up on her but the woman had no clue what she did to him.

  When her tongue rubbed against his, he dropped the frozen peas and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her flush against him. Damned if every inch of her soft, beautifully formed body didn’t feel good against his. Her fingertips ran through his scalp, lightly scratching as a whimper left her mouth. Felix’s palms burned a trail from her back to her ass, squeezing and kneading both halves as he lifted her from the floor to straddle him. Standing from the stool, his placed her on the counter top and nipped her lips then her chin.

  He pressed kisses to her throat, enjoying the way her thighs clenched around his waist every time he sucked her neck. His hand fumbled to get the belt of her robe untied and he let out a triumphant grunt when it finally opened—revealing that she’d only been wearing tiny lace panties and nothing else underneath.

  Felix’s groan joined hers when he latched onto a taught nipple and sucked until it hit the roof of his mouth. Paige’s back arched, pushing her groin into his. One of his hands released her waist and traveled down past her tummy to the seat of her underwear. Feeling the warm moisture there, he pressed his thumb against her clit and rubbed it through the fabric, listening to her gasp of pleasure. He switched nipples at the same time as he moved the lace to the side and slid his middle finger between her folds and inside of what surely had to be the gates of Heaven.

  Paige tugged his hair until he let go of her breast and latched onto her mouth again, kissing him as she shook uncontrollably. She rode his hand without hesitation, taking what he was willingly offering—nirvana. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough for either of them. Her palms seared his skin as they made their way down his back, every touch igniting a new pleasure point inside him as they tugged at his pajama bottoms until his cock sprung free.

  Felix ripped the side of her panties and tossed them over his shoulder, intent of getting inside her. Their first time wouldn’t be slow or romantic but he’d make up for it later. He just needed her. Now. The head of his dick brushed her wet folds and they both gasped for air like oxygen had been sucked from the room.

  He was there, more than ready...And that’s when the alarm on the stove rang. Paige jerked back so hard, she almost flipped over the counter. Catching her by the waist, he bought her back over to him but she wiggled out of his arms, closing her robe.

  “Shit, shit, shit...” She jumped down and grabbed her panties.


  As he knew she would, she ran, and kept on running until he heard her door slam.

  Felix popped himself in the forehead and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “This is all your fault. See what happens when I listen to you?” He fussed staring down at his cock.

  Sighing, he pulled his pants up and turned off the stove alarm before getting Paige’s food out. What bothered him the most was that after all that, she still hadn’t eaten.

  What You Need

  Three days. Paige had purposely stayed in her room for three days. What happened a few nights ago had shook her to the core but she was sure that if she didn’t come out of her room, Felix was coming in. Seeing as how that might very well result in them going so much further, Paige decided to come out.

  Sighing, she grabbed a thick pair of socks and boots to put on with her sweater and jeans before venturing out of her room. She needed coffee and a little fresh air. Just when she stepped out into the hallway her phone started buzzing in her pocket. She knew who it was before she even looked at the screen.

  “When I get back to Texas, I’m beating you beyond recognition. By the time I get done, you’re gonna look like you just stepped off an extreme makeover show.” Paige said without hesitation.

  “Well at least somebody wants to touch me.” Lena muttered from the other side of the phone.

  Paige continued to the kitchen. “What’re you talking about?”

  “The asshole.”

  “Uh...I thought we discussed this, Lena. You’re supposed to call him Archer or your husband but no mean names.”

  “The asshole deserves it.”

  “And exactly what did he do this time? Faint during one of Liam’s diaper changes...again?”

  Lena snorted. “He swears up and down that he was lightheaded from lack of food and needed to sit down.”

  Paige grinned as she finally reached the kitchen, ignoring Felix as he ate breakfast at the center island. “That’s because that’s the only way he can describe it and hold onto his balls.”

  “Yeah well, he’d have me to do that for him if he’d just cooperate.”

  Paige froze as she reached for a mug. “Okay, I think we just crossed a pivotal line in the sand on the boundaries of our friendship. Yet, I’m intrigued so I need you to explain that statement.”

  “Paige my marriage has all of a sudden become sex-less.”

  She took the phone away from her ear and stared down at it for a few seconds before bringing it back. “Come again?”

  “See? That’s the problem right now. Nobody’s coming...period.”

  “So you’re telling me, the man who managed to fuck you through the couch—with a broken leg and sprained wrist—has sud
denly grown a steel chastity belt?” Felix sounded like he was about to choke on the omelet he was chewing but Paige just kept on talking.

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you, just make that steel titanium and you see where my frustration is stemming from.”

  “But…but...but this is Archer we’re talking about. He-man, cro-magnon, Tarzan incarnate. The only time he ever gave you a rest from being over, under, or bent over in front of him was the six weeks you had to wait after my precious little merchants of evil were born.”

  From the corner of her eye she saw Felix toss up his hands while gagging as he threw the rest of his breakfast away. She had to fully turn away just to stop herself from laughing.

  “Yes, I know who he is,” Lena was saying. “Which is why I also wanna know where that Archer went.”

  “Maybe he’s having some...issues?” Paige said.

  “Nope. Not even that. Dude almost put a hole in my stomach this morning when I rolled over to face him in bed.”

  “And the line has been crossed....” Paige murmured.

  Lena sighed. “I can’t figure it out. Is it me? Has my charm somehow dimmed? Am I no longer the woman of his dreams?”

  “If you added just a little more drama to your tone I could actually believe that’s what you’re feeling.”

  “I know. I’m really working on my acting skills. Hey! Maybe a few tears and some sniffles will do it.”

  Paige chuckled. “Maybe. Why don’t you go try then call me back with the results?”

  “Oh don’t even try it. I wanna know how things have been going between you and Satan’s personal assistant.”

  “You guys have the cutest nicknames for each other.” Paige stated, dryly, turning around to finally look in Felix’s direction again. His dark eyes stalked her every move so she stood stock still—feeling like a hare when it knew a fox was close by, watching for the perfect moment to strike.


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