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Remember When (Teach Me Book 3)

Page 12

by RC Boldt

  Miller tossed his friend a flinty glare to which Kane casually shrugged before appearing to inspect her and Pearce. “I’ve got to say, you two are damn near the cutest couple I’ve seen.” Nodding to give affirmation, he added, “Gonna make some beautiful babies together, that’s for sure.”

  She swore she heard Miller choke before covering it up with a cough.

  Pearce grinned at her. “Hear that, gorgeous? Yet another person telling us we’d make beautiful babies.”

  Tate barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Gee. How exciting,” she remarked drily.

  Miller turned, without a word, quickly making his way to the exit of the restaurant. Leaving a bemused Kane in his wake.

  And a very satisfied looking Pearce.




  And it was all Pearce Hadley’s fault. Well, Tate’s, too. Because, what the hell was up with them looking all cozy, having a dinner date? He’d had his tongue in her mouth three weeks ago, had made her moan for him when he’d tweaked her hard nipples. Had pressed against her core, felt the wetness that was for him. For him, damn it. Not fucking Hadley.

  Scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration, he inhaled a deep, calming breath. Or what was supposed to be a calming breath. He had just made his way to the parking lot, approaching his Jeep when he heard Kane’s voice call out to him.

  “I guess this means we’re not grabbing some sushi for dinner, huh?”

  That fucker’s voice was laced with amusement. He turned to face him, attempting to school his features.

  “I realized I wasn’t feeling it. In the mood for Moonlake Pizza, instead.”


  Turning abruptly toward his vehicle, he pressed the key fob before jerking the door opened. “If you’re coming, let’s go.” He slid onto the seat, pulling the door closed and buckling himself in.

  The passenger side door opened and Kane hauled his large form up into the Jeep. “Dude. Pretty sure there won’t be a pizza shortage. Even for Moonlake.” Moonlake Pizza was a family-owned joint that had, by far, the best pizza in the area. And it was reasonably priced. Plus, their slices of pizza were on the obscenely large side which was a great thing when you had an appetite like he and the guys had.

  Or Tate, an inner voice reminded him.

  Mentally shaking off that reminder, he started the vehicle and navigated down the road to their destination, both he and Kane remaining in silence. Which was odd, in itself, since Kane and silence normally didn’t go hand in hand.

  He should have known better.

  “So,” Kane led in, “that was an awfully interesting interaction back there.” Pause. “If it makes you feel any better, I was only half kidding about them making beautiful kids.” Lowering his voice, he added, “You and Tate would make waaaaay better looking kids.”

  “Kane.” The warning was evident in his tone. The warning which, clearly, didn’t faze his friend.

  “Yes, darlin’?”

  He pressed his eyes closed with a sigh as he waited for the stoplight to turn green. “Could we please not talk about this?”

  “Mmmm, let me mull that tidbit over a moment … nope.” He heard the smile in his friend’s voice.

  “Even if I buy your dinner?”

  “Vaughn, Vaughn, Vaughn.” He shook his head. “If that’s the best you can do, it’s no wonder you’re not catching Ted with all that vinegar.”

  Vinegar? What the hell was he talking about?

  “Windham. Remember that I’m a Yankee. Not from the deep South. I don’t understand your sayings.”

  Exhaling loudly, Kane explained, “Surely you’ve heard the saying about attracting more bees with honey rather than with vinegar, Vaughn.”

  “Okay, yeah. I’ve heard of that one.”

  “Well, it applies in this case. You continue going around and tossing out vinegar, your queen bee won’t dare come near you.” Looking all smug, he nodded. “You’ve gotta bring out the honey.”

  Tossing his friend a withering look, Miller pulled the vehicle to a stop in one of the available parking spots in front of the pizza joint. Turning off the ignition, he was silent for a moment.

  “Any chance you won’t bring this up again if I buy you some beer with your dinner?” he asked, hopeful.

  Kane threw his head back in a laugh. “Oh, man.” Smiling at him, he opened his door and stepped out. Before closing it, he tossed out, “Not a chance.”

  “Somehow,” Miller mumbled, “I knew you were going to say that.”

  * * *

  “I absolutely love that dress.” Tate was admiring the shimmery, silver fabric which was fitted, hugging her friend’s amazing curves.

  “Yeah, well, Zach told me that we were having some sort of celebration tonight.” Laney tipped her head in question. “He wouldn’t tell me what we were celebrating, though.”

  “Ah-ah.” Tate reached out to smooth the wrinkle in between her friend’s brows. “You look too fabulous for wrinkles, my dear.” She winked at her before leaning in to whisper, “Plus, I heard we were celebrating something pretty big and I’m thinking it might have to do with those two.” Tate gestured in the direction of where Mac and Raine were standing on the outer deck of their house.

  Laney’s eyes widened. “You mean … You think they’re …” Her friend trailed off as she scanned Raine’s form from head-to-toe, as if trying to zero in on a baby bump.

  She shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.” Her lips pressed firmly together in effort to withhold a smile. Of course, what her friend said next wiped all humor from her face.

  “Speaking of finding things out, is the whole truce thing between you and Miller still valid? Because I could swear he looked like he was about to ‘hulk out’ on us when you and Pearce arrived together.” Laney’s eyebrows rose expectantly. “So, what’s the deal?”

  Letting out a sigh, she shook her head slowly. “It’s complicated.”

  “Complicated? Are you ladies talking about how conflicted you are and how you’re secretly in love with me?” Lawson had just approached them, looking handsome in a pair of dark, pinstriped slacks with a black shirt that said, ‘Don’t Worry Ladies… There’s Plenty Of Me To Go Around’ tucked into them. Typical Lawson.

  “Nice try, stud.” Laney grinned, reaching out a hand to shove him playfully. “And great shirt, by the way. Because, you know, we were so worried.”

  “What can I say?” Lawson smoothed a hand over his chest as he preened. “I’m a man who’s in high demand.”

  “Laws, are you harassing the ladies already?” Zach walked over to them, sliding a hand around Laney’s waist before pressing a quick kiss to her temple. As Tate watched, she felt the slightest twinge of envy. But before she could begin with the inner self-recriminations, her self-appointed white knight to-the-rescue appeared by her side.

  “What’s this about you harassing the ladies?”

  “What’s this about you and Tate?” Lawson volleyed back without any hesitation, eyes flicking over Tate’s head before returning to Pearce.

  “How about we get Tate some food?” Zach offered up before Pearce could respond, smirking at her. “We all know she’s probably starving by now.”

  “Yeah, it’s been … what? A whole twenty minutes since you last ate, right?” Laney teased.

  Tate rolled her eyes. “Wow. I haven’t heard that in forever,” she deadpanned.

  Before the others could respond, she heard Kane call out to Lawson. She guessed it was the cue to start playing, as the other guys began taking their seats with their guitars.

  “I’ve been beckoned,” Lawson said, bowing dramatically before heading in the direction of the others.

  Pearce held out his arm for Tate. “Shall we?”

  She linked her arm with his, smiling up at him. “We shall.”

  Zach nudged Pearce with a wink. “Just a side note. There’ll be dancing tonight so try not to be too jealous of
my skills out there.” After getting a slight elbow to his side, he amended his words, gesturing to Laney. “Of course, they pale in comparison to this beauty’s fancy footwork.”

  Laney gave a little laugh. “That was a weak save, Mayson.”

  Just as the four of them neared where the others were gathered, Lawson, Miller, Kane, and Doc began playing Sam Hunt’s “Take Your Time”. Miller’s voice washed over her as the lyrics began, and she was about to take a seat in one of the available chairs when Pearce’s hand wrapped around her wrist, giving it a gentle tug. Looking up at him, he gestured to the center of the deck where Mac and Raine and Laney and Zach had gathered, dancing. Each couple appeared lost in each other, Raine gazing up at her husband adoringly before Mac pressed a kiss to her forehead. While she and Pearce joined them in dancing, she watched as Zach whispered in Laney’s ear, a mischievous smile on his face. When he leaned back to look in her eyes, Tate noticed that Laney’s eyes were alit with humor and love and she couldn’t recall when her friend had ever looked so happy.

  “I haven’t known them long but, I have to say, you’ve got the most impressive group of friends.”

  Pearce’s quiet remark drew her from her musings. She found his eyes flitting over the others, a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “I feel like you all recognize how short life is, how precious it is and really embrace it with open arms. I love how you don’t take yourselves too seriously.” He gazed down at Tate. “But, I’d also bet that when the chips are down, they’ll all be there in a heartbeat.”

  Tate offered a soft smile as memories danced through her mind of the times when they’d all pulled together. “You’re absolutely right about that.” Her head cocked to the side. “And I’m grateful I’m able to add one more person to this amazing group of friends.”

  He grinned playfully. “Do I know this person?”

  “Hmmm. You might. He’s pretty cool. Easy on the eyes.” She made a face. “The grossest kisser ever, though. Bleh.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Donnelly.”

  “Aside from that flaw, he’s close to perfect. Even has an upgraded leg.”

  Pearce’s eyebrows raised. “Upgraded, huh? Hmm.” He appeared to mull that over. “I think I like it phrased that way.”

  Tate grinned proudly. “See? I’m good for something.”

  “Thank goodness. Because if I had to hang my hat on your make-out skills, we’d be up a creek.”

  She rolled her eyes, but before she could respond, the guys transitioned into the acoustic version of Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years” with Kane and Miller on vocals.

  As Raine and Mac eased away from the designated dance floor to stand near Foster, she and Pearce did the same. The surprise on Laney’s face made Tate beam and they watched while Zach swayed with her just as they had out on the beach the night of Mac and Raine’s wedding reception.

  When the end of the song neared, Zach spun Laney out and back before dipping her dramatically. Her friend’s face was flushed, her eyes sparkled and she looked so damn happy that it made her own throat grow tight with emotion.

  “I love seeing you happy, Tate. I want to spend every day of my life making sure there’s a smile on your face.”

  Tate jolted at the sudden memory from the past, at Miller’s promise from long ago, his sweet words. Words which clearly hadn’t meant as much to him as they had to her.

  “Laney,” Zach began as he grasped her hands in his own, silence surrounding them but for the subdued sound of the waves lapping at the shoreline yards away, “I had them play this song for a reason. Because the same night we danced to this song was the start of a journey for us.”

  He broke off, lips quirking up slightly. “It certainly wasn’t the easiest journey. And I really wasn’t sure about things toward the end. But I wouldn’t change it for the world because the journey is part of the fun.

  “We’ve come a long way, Kavanaugh. And we’ve only just begun.” He broke off with a look of concern, brows knitted. “There’s just one small problem.”

  Laney’s expression was one of worry. Glancing around at the rest of their friends before refocusing on Zach, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Shrugging slightly, Zach slid a hand into the pocket of his pressed khakis. “Well, you see, I have this amazing girlfriend who I love more than anything in the world. And I’ve been having trouble being patient and waiting around on this gift I got her a while ago. Because I wasn’t sure she’d want it …”

  Of course, Laney took the bait. Confused, nonetheless, but she still took the bait. “But I love all your gifts, Zach.”

  Pressing his lips thin for a moment, he gave a brief nod. “Well, this is a special kind of gift. A really long term one.”

  He took that moment to drop to one knee, pulling the ring box from the pocket of his khakis. Laney’s gasp made them all smile as they watched their usually composed friend’s eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  “Laney Natalia Kavanaugh, you are, simply, my everything. Having your love has made my life better, brighter. I love waking up to you every morning … even though I end up without any covers.” He smiled up at her, his thumb caressing the hand he held.

  “I’d love nothing more in this world than to be able to call you Laney Natalia Mayson. In fact,” he paused, and Tate watched as he swallowed thickly, emotion taking over—his own eyes had a slight sheen to them as he finished speaking, “it would make my life complete.” He opened the box and pulled the ring from it with hands that had a faintest trembling. “Marry me, Laney, and make me the happiest man alive?”

  Laney gazed down at Zach, watching him with a look of wonder, and a tiny tear trickled down her cheek. “Oh, Mayson. Don’t you know you’re it for me?” She smiled. “Get up here and kiss me.”

  Zach slid the gorgeous cushion cut solitaire diamond ring onto her finger before rising, giving her a cocky wink. “That’d better be a yes, missy.”

  She drew him close for a kiss. “It’s a hell yes, Mayson.”

  “To Laney and Zach!” Foster held up a beer to toast with the widest smile she’d seen him have in a long while.

  “To Laney and Zach!” they echoed.

  As she and Raine joined their friend, hugging and congratulating her and, of course, squealing over her beautiful ring, Tate couldn’t ignore the echo of her best friend’s recent words.

  “Don’t you know you’re it for me?”

  Those had been the same words Miller had uttered to her the day he had left for the Navy.


  Well, this is almost it. Never thought I’d make it to this point. I’m kind of in shock right now. This is really coming to an end—these letters are coming to an end. Hell, I never thought we’d ever come to end.

  It’s been eight months. Eight really long, heartbreaking months. But, I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, maybe it’s more of a faint flicker. Still.

  Part of me wants to believe that if we cross paths someday I’ll be able to smile and act like nothing ever really happened. Be friendly. But I know that’s not possible. Not with how badly you hurt me. I think it’s because I never got a good-bye, never got an explanation.

  I’m sorry I’m not what you wanted. I’m even sorrier that my heart still wants only you.

  I hope you’re safe wherever you might be.



  “DON’T YOU KNOW YOU’RE IT for me?”

  Words he had proclaimed long ago to Tate were on repeat in his mind. As soon as the words had spilled from Laney’s lips, Miller was transported back in time to the day when he was shipping out to join the Navy and begin his training. To the moment when he had held her in his arms, looking down at the petite blonde gazing up at him, her blue eyes barely holding back tears.

  God, he had loved her so much. He had planned on spending the rest of his life with her. Had actually considered it a certainty that he would. He’d chosen the engagement ring he had
planned to purchase once he got through his training and had planned on proposing right after getting pinned with his SEAL Trident. Sure, they were told from the start that marriages in Special Ops had the highest divorce rates around, but he was positive that he and Tate could make it. He’d thought that she wasn’t the type to duck and run, that she would stand by him and be loyal.

  Boy, had he been wrong.

  Drawing himself away from his memories, he refocused on the present, congratulating Zach and Laney, accepting thanks for performing the special song for them. As some chatted and others veered off to get drink refills or more food, he felt the need to take a stroll down the walkway from the outer decks of the beach house and head down to the oceanfront.

  His flip flops smacked lightly on the wooden walkaway as he made his way to the end, stepping down onto the sandy shore. It was low tide and the half moon provided a bit of light. Stepping into the darkness of the large sand dune nearby, Miller gazed out at the Atlantic Ocean, at the slight reflection of the moon on the water’s surface, allowing himself to succumb to memories of the past.

  Suddenly, it was as if his memories had come to life as he turned at the sound of someone descending the stairs of the walkway to step onto the beach.


  She hadn’t noticed his presence because he was shrouded in darkness. Maybe it had inadvertently been a SEAL tendency; they operated best under the cover of darkness. He was able to observe her freely, allowing his eyes to sweep over her form from head to toe. She still managed to take his breath away.

  “I miss you so much.” Miller jerked at her words. Had she noticed him there? Just as he was about to respond, about to step from the shadows, her next words made him halt.

  “I know it’s terrible but I really figured I’d be engaged like Laney. Or married by now like Raine. I know that’s probably what you guys wanted for me, right?” He heard her let out a long sigh, so full of sadness that it made his chest tighten.

  “God, I sound crazy.” Tate’s voice faded to a near mumble. “It’s not like you’re talking to me or anything,” she laughed humorlessly. “But, I still wish you would.”


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