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Remember When (Teach Me Book 3)

Page 21

by RC Boldt

  “Well, Tate, I don’t really have any words of wisdom because we all know I came super close to not getting the guy in the end. But, there’s one thing I can tell you.” She reached out and grasped Tate’s hand on the table, giving it an encouraging squeeze. “I can tell you that if you don’t take that leap, you’ll always regret it.”

  Tate nodded slowly, knowing that Laney spoke from experience, recalling what had happened between her and Zach.

  “But, regardless, you should definitely continue putting out because word on the street has it that Mr. Vaughn has finally cut down on his manual self-pleasuring.”

  “What?” Tate and Raine stared at Laney.

  “You didn’t hear? Apparently, before you two got together, Kane complained because the thin walls in their place couldn’t hide the sounds of Miller having ‘sexy time’ with himself.” Laney grinned wide. “Aaaand calling out a certain person’s name.”

  Oh, my. Miller had been touching himself and thinking of me? Even before we … That thought sent a flood of arousal through her.

  “That’s hot,” Raine whispered. “But don’t tell Mac I said that.”

  “Don’t tell Mac what?” The three of them jerked, startled at the sound of Mac’s voice. Turning to watch him as he entered the room, Tate could see him looking at them curiously.

  “Ladies,” he greeted them.

  Leaning down to where Raine was sitting at the table, he reached out a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear before pressing a kiss to her lips. “Keeping secrets from me, babe?”

  “Nope. Just girl talk. I promise.” Raine’s expression, as she gazed up at her husband, was one filled with such love. “You know I love you.”

  “I love you more.” He pressed another quick kiss to her lips before she could respond and headed off to greet Momma K. in the kitchen.

  “You two are gag-worthy. You realize this, right?” Laney’s words lacked conviction as she smiled at their friend.

  Raine shrugged happily. “What can I say? He’s it for me.”

  Before she or Laney could respond, Momma K. came bounding from the kitchen, tossing over her shoulder, “Don’t you let him touch my prosciutto, Zachariah.”

  An amused, “Yes, ma’am,” came from the other room.

  Laney and Foster’s mother was fiercely protective of her recipes and, it seemed, cured meats, as well. Rumor was that it had taken Zach months upon months before Momma K. had trusted him enough to help her in the kitchen and not give her recipes to “the old bats down the street”.

  “I didn’t get a hug before my daughter started to interrogate you.” Tate stood and Momma K. promptly wrapped her in her embrace. The older woman gave the best hugs, wrapping you in her arms, tight enough that you felt safe and secure. It wasn’t a quick hug nor an awkwardly long embrace. It was, simply, perfect. These hugs made her long for her own mother but also feel extremely grateful to have Momma K. as her pseudo mother.

  “Momma K.,” Zach called in a sing-song voice from the kitchen. “Mac’s going to end up eating all of your meat— Hey!”

  They heard a scuffle coming from within the kitchen. Momma K. released Tate from the hug, turning toward the doorway of the kitchen, hands on hips, and called out, “Boys! You’d better behave in there!”

  The scuffling sounds stopped before they heard muted responses from both men. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Shaking her head with a small chuckle, Momma K. muttered, “They’ll always be boys.”

  Tate laughed as she entered the kitchen, following behind Momma K. to find Zach, wearing a frilly apron, assisting in the preparation of whatever goodness the older woman had planned to make.

  “That’s a nice look, Mayson.”

  Laney’s fiancé turned to her, his tall, lean muscular surfer build at odds with the feminine, ruffled apron. He winked, gesturing to it. “I know, I know. I look hot.”

  “I know someone who looks happy,” Momma K. remarked, giving her a knowing smile. “Perhaps a certain young man has something to do with that?”

  Mac grinned, leaning against the counter, swiping another piece of prosciutto, simultaneously receiving a playful swat from Momma K. “Yeah, Tate. Maybe a certain tall, handsome guy put that smile on your face?”

  Before she could answer, a deep voice spoke from behind her, “Shh! It’s supposed to be a secret.” A strong, heavy arm slung across her shoulders and she groaned with a smile, turning to see a familiar face smiling down at her.

  “Oh, really? We’re a thing now, Laws?”

  He frowned as if hurt. “Come on. What about that moment we had in your classroom the other day?”

  With a huff, she rolled her eyes. Before she could form a response, another male voice said, “I’d sure like to hear more about this so-called moment.”

  Lawson jumped away from her with dramatic flair, covering his mouth. “Oh, dear.” He whispered loudly to her, “You didn’t break the news to him, yet?”

  She threw him a look. “Laws.”

  He grinned. “Love you, too, snookums.”

  “Children, you’re crowding Momma K. and I, and we still have work to do.” Zach made shooing motions for them to exit the kitchen.

  Tate turned to leave the kitchen, facing Miller. His eyes ran over her, from the ends of her blonde hair which brushed the top of her shoulders, contrasting against the wide straps of her dark lavender knee-length dress, down her bare legs to her feet which were clad in her favorite pair of strappy leather sandals.

  “Hey, Donnelly.” His blue gaze held hers and she thought, then and there, that he had to be the most handsome sight she’d ever seen. Clad in a dark blue Under Armour polo shirt, it further showcased not only his gorgeous eyes but his muscular form, the short sleeves stretched tight around his biceps. His shirt was tucked into a pair of khaki pants cinched with a leather belt, accentuating his tapered waist and ending in his usual pair of flip flops.

  “Hey, Lawson. Nice to see you.” Their friend pretended they were speaking to him, holding up all ends of the conversation. “Oh, hey, Vaughn. Great to see you, too. Yeah, I’m cool. Oh, no, don’t bother giving me a hug hello, Tate. I guess I’m just not good enough these days.” He ended with a dramatic sigh as he left the room, heading toward the dining room, calling out, “Hey, Mrs. Soon-To-Be-Mayson! Mrs. Mackenzie! I need extra hugs because I’m feeling unloved.”

  How that man wasn’t a drama teacher was beyond her. He’d certainly missed his calling.

  “Hey, man.” Tate’s attention was drawn as Mac greeted Miller, the two men doing their manly handshake thing with a quick slap on the shoulder.

  Miller moved on to say hello to Zach, with an amused grin. “Nice ruffles.”

  Zach grinned, discreetly flashing him his middle finger before going back to slicing the meat.

  “I saw that, Zachariah.” His head jerked in Momma K.s direction. They all exchanged looks because the woman had had her back to them during the entire exchange.

  Just as Zach opened his mouth to respond, she spoke, “You forget that Foster’s my son. And we all know how he is.” Her tone was full of mirth.

  “What’s this? Are you talking about my awesomeness?” Foster’s voice drew their attention to where he’d come to stand in the doorway to the kitchen, sliding past Miller and Mac after greeting them. Kane followed his lead.

  “Hey, Ma.” He kissed her on the cheek before swiping a slice of prosciutto from the tray Zach was preparing.

  “Foster Bryant!” Momma K. scolded her son.

  “Foster Bryant!” Zach mimicked. “Stop eating all of your momma’s meat!”

  “You’re the one cutting my momma’s meat,” Foster said with a pointed look.

  Kane’s eyes darted between Zach and Foster. “Y’all talking about Momma’s meat is kind of disturbing.”

  “Agreed,” Miller and Tate exclaimed simultaneously. Their heads whipped around to stare at each other in surprise.

  Momma K.’s voice held a no-nonsense tone. “I’m kicking everyone ou
t of here except for my helper, Zachariah.”

  “Suck up,” Foster cough-mumbled the words as he left the kitchen. Zach merely scratched the side of his face. With his middle finger.


  Haven’t written in a while. That’s actually a good thing, though. Maybe it’s a sign I’m getting over you. Yeah, who am I kidding? It’s just because the guys have kept me busy and underfoot, especially with us stateside, on a short leave.

  We went out barhopping and ended up at the tattoo shop Hendy recommended. Yeah, I know. That screams bad news. I ended up getting a tattoo. Every time I look at it in the mirror, I can’t decide whether or not I’m pissed at myself for getting it. Part of me wonders if you’ll ever see it. There’s a small part that hopes so. But I know that’s not going to happen. You’re gone. You’re no longer part of my life.

  If only I could get you to no longer be a part of my heart, that’d be great.



  TATE FILED OUT OF THE kitchen behind Foster, Mac, and Kane, with Miller trailing her. When she felt a hand caress her ass, she jumped but before she could say anything, his fingers wrapped around her wrist, giving her a tug in the direction of the hallway, away from the boisterous conversation now taking place in the dining room.

  Miller led her into the quiet, more dimly lit area of the hallway and pressed her against a closed door. Nose brushing lightly against her own, his eyes smiled down at her.

  “I missed you,” he murmured.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “Yeah?” Miller brushed his lips lightly against hers. “How much?”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “More than I’d be comfortable expressing in Momma K.’s house.”

  “Oh, really?”


  “Peeeeaaaaarrrrce!” Lawson’s voice boomed so loudly it made her and Miller jump. “You made it!”

  Miller’s lips turned down in the slightest hint of a scowl. “Hadley’s here?” he asked in a low growl.

  Tate gazed up at him curiously before tossing him a stern look. “Be nice. He’s my friend.”

  Before Miller could respond, a shadow fell across them.

  “Oooh! I like whispering in little dimly lit hallways, too. Why wasn’t I invited?” Lawson had his hands on his hips.

  Pearce stepped beside him, mimicking their friend’s stance, hands on his hips. “Because Miller’s the only one allowed to make out with Donnelly, that’s why.”

  Tate let out a silent groan, eyes falling closed, head against the wall. Were friends supposed to be this much of a pain in the ass?

  “Who’s making out in the hallway?” Foster called out, and she could hear his footsteps nearing.

  “Vaughn and Donnelly,” Pearce and Lawson answered.

  “We weren’t even making out, you guys!” she protested.

  “Ah. So it was more like a little lean in and whisper sweet nothings kind of thing?” Lawson suggested.

  Foster snorted. “Sweet nothings, my ass.”

  “Yeah, more like ‘hot somethings’,” Pearce said out of the corner of his mouth.

  “Oh. My. Gosh. Seriously?” She pushed away from Miller, throwing up her arms in exasperation. “We were just talking. He said he missed me and I said it back, for crying out loud! That’s it.”

  As soon as the words were out, Tate regretted it. Because it was, well, Miller. And he was this tough guy and … tough guys weren’t known for saying sweet things. Tentatively chancing a glance toward him to see if he was upset, she saw him staring down the guys at the end of the hallway.

  “You told her you missed her, huh?” Pearce’s question had a strange undertone.

  “I did.”

  Oh, boy. There was definitely no mistaking the challenging tone Miller took with him. And the whole staredown thing they had going on? Awwwwwkward.

  “You got a problem with that, Hadley?”

  Please don’t let them get into a fight in Momma K.’s house. Please don’t let them get into a fight in Momma K.’s house, Tate chanted silently.

  Pearce grinned smugly. “Nope. Just making sure Ted’s in good hands, that’s all.”

  “Pretty sure those hands have been anything but good,” Lawson spoke out of the corner of his mouth. “More like naughtyyyyyyy.”

  Foster made a face. “Please tell me you haven’t been getting down and dirty against the door to my old room.”

  “Who’s getting down and dirty? I wanna see.” Zach stepped up to join what Tate now thought of as their audience. Seeing that she and Miller were merely standing there in the hallway, Zach’s shoulder slumped.

  “What the hell? I thought something exciting was going on.”

  He glanced at Lawson, who told him matter-of-factly, “Dude, they were standing pretty close when I came upon them.” Lawson leaned in toward Zach, giving his friend a meaningful look before saying in a loud whisper, “He was leaning.”

  Zach’s eyebrows nearly hit his hairline. “No way,” he whispered back as if scandalized by the thought.


  Foster rolled his eyes at them. “Jesus. You two are fucking ridiculous when you get together.” Without hesitation, he tossed over his shoulder, “Sorry, Ma!” in preparation for the scolding he knew was coming for his language use.

  Zach and Lawson exchanged smiles, simultaneously saying, “We know.”

  Foster snorted before turning his attention to Pearce. “At least they haven’t gotten you in their clutches yet, Hadley.”

  Lawson and Zach instantly held up their hands, wiggling their fingers with evil laughter.

  “Oooh, you just wait, Hadley,” Lawson spoke in a terrible imitation of a crone.

  Zach let out a maniacal laugh. “We shall get you in our evil clutches.”

  Foster shook his head, turning to walk away, muttering, “I can’t believe you’re going to join the family.”

  “You love me, Fos,” Zach called out. Foster flipped him the bird.

  Lawson elbowed Zach in the side. “He totally loves me more. He’s just too macho to show it.”

  “Let’s go sit next to him at the table. He’ll love that.”

  Lawson’s eyes lit up. “Done.”

  She, Miller, and Hadley watched the two men trail off after Foster, obviously anticipating harassing the other man.

  “Those two never quit, do they?” Hadley asked with a chuckle.

  “Nope,” Tate answered without hesitation. Before she could comment further, they heard the front door to the house open and close, someone entering the home, and they looked at one another curiously.

  Things fell into place when they heard Foster call out accusingly, “Ma! Did you invite my battle ax office manager to dinner?”

  Oh, shit. Things were about to get really interesting.

  Noelle Davis had arrived.

  * * *

  “Hey, Jezebel. Can you pass me the parmesan?”

  “Certainly, MegaMind.”

  This was how the entire dinner had gone; Foster and Noelle going back and forth with their little nicknames for one another. Barbs thrown in for good measure.

  Miller now knew how everyone else had felt when he and Tate had been at odds. Because this shit was damn uncomfortable to witness. Especially since he had caught Foster’s eyes running over their office manager. And not in an overly “I don’t find you the least bit appealing” kind of way. Nope. His boss’ gaze held some serious interest. And he couldn’t really blame the guy. Noelle sure cleaned up well. Not that she didn’t look presentable at work; she always looked the part, nicely dressed and professional. But tonight? Tonight she had obviously taken more time with her appearance, applied a touch more makeup and had dressed in a gray ankle-length dress with some geometric patterns on it. She looked good. Not that he was interested, of course. Hell, no. He only had eyes for the blonde seated beside him. But, he could still acknowledge that Noelle was an attractive woman.

  And Foster was definitely not alone in his int
erest. Because just as much as Noelle avoided looking at Foster, Foster’s eyes focused on her.

  “Thank you for inviting me to dinner, Mrs. Kavanaugh.” Noelle gave Momma K. a sweet smile.

  The older woman clicked her tongue. “Now, now, dear. Everyone calls me Momma K. Hearing myself being called Mrs. Kavanaugh makes me feel so old.”

  A look quickly passed over Noelle’s face before she responded, subdued, “Well, I appreciate you inviting me tonight, Momma K.”

  “I’d be careful, Ma. Now that she knows where you live, you might end up finding dead rabbits on your doorstep.”

  Noelle’s gaze narrowed on Foster as she smiled at him with faux sweetness. “Oh, now, now, Kavanaugh. You know I save those for you.”

  Foster harrumphed, focusing his gaze on the food upon his plate.

  Miller felt Tate lay her hand on his thigh, leaning in, her mango scent drifting over him. She whispered, “Remind you of anyone?”

  He gave her a small grin. “A little.”

  “So, Fos,” Lawson’s voice drew their attention, “how long have you and Noelle worked together?”

  Foster’s gaze was wary as if wondering where their friend was leading the conversation. “About eight months now.”

  “Huh.” Lawson nodded and appeared to mull over Foster’s answer. “And just how long have you been attracted to her?”

  Foster, who had just taken a drink of his water, sprayed it all over the table while Noelle choked on the food she had been chewing.

  “Foster Bryant!”

  “Ewww! Fos!”

  “Dude. That was serious distance.”

  All these responses came rapid fire as Foster cleaned himself and the table before tossing a hard glare in Lawson’s direction. Of course, their friend had his trademark smirk upon his face, eyebrows arched expectantly. Raine had pounded on Noelle’s back, the poor girl managing to finally get herself under control.

  “You never did answer my question.”

  Foster stared at Lawson as he bit out, “It doesn’t require a response.”

  Kane piped up, “Oh, but, darlin’, I’d love to hear your answer.”

  “Windham.” Foster didn’t even cast a glance at Kane. There was a tic in his jaw and Miller recognized that his friend was supremely pissed.


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