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Page 12

by Carnal, MJ

  He started with free weights for his arms. He looked in a mirror, studying his movement, and our eyes met from time to time.

  He was stunningly handsome, with rippling muscles and not a lick of fat on him. I knew he worked out like a beast, but for God’s sake, couldn’t the man have a pinch of something somewhere? I loved the feel of his rock-hard body against mine.

  He put the bar behind his head, squatting slowly before standing with a grunt. His face turned red and a vein protruded from his forehead with each lift.

  I licked my lips, my book no longer interesting, as I kept my eyes glued to him. That was how he kept that rock-hard ass and the tree-trunk thighs.

  I stared, mesmerized by his ass, watching it move up and down. Every muscle in his body rippled as he removed his shirt before lifting the weight again.

  Holy fuck, he was hot.

  He grunted with each squat. It was different than the one I heard during sex. This was a grunt of exertion and strain, not of pleasure. The effect it had on me was the same. My face grew flushed, as my core convulsed and my heart pounded against my chest. I grabbed the towel off the bar and blotted the skin around my neck.

  Our eyes were glued to each other as we moved around the gym. The air between us was thick, the lust evident to anyone paying attention. He placed the weights on the floor and dried off his damp flesh.

  I wanted to lick the sweat off his body, and I wasn’t a girl that usually enjoyed a sweaty man.

  His smile grew larger the closer he came to me before stopping between my legs.

  He stood between my legs, staring down at me as I lifted the weight. “Need some help?”

  “Nope, I got this. Twenty-four,” I said as I pushed the bar up, trying to ignore his eyes raking over my body. “Twenty-five,” I grunted, latching it in place, trying to catch my breath. “You shouldn’t gawk, Michael.” I smiled up at him, breathing heavily.

  “I’m not gawking, Mia. I’m just undressing you in my mind and fantasizing about all the dirty shit I’m going to do to you when I get you back to my place.”

  My mouth gaped open as I sat up and stared. My attempt to slow my breathing was crushed by his words. The dull ache between my legs turned into a throb.

  He touched my sternum, following the path the beads of sweat had traveled into my cleavage. “I want you this sweaty when you’re under me, coming on my dick, screaming for me to stop.” He kissed me whisper light, before backing away with a grin.

  Smug bastard.

  Chapter 16

  Pointing to the erection about to burst through my sweatpants, I said, “I can’t believe you’re going to leave me like this, doc.”

  “Yep.” She nodded. “You’ll survive; it’s not a life-threatening affliction,” she said, laughing as she adjusted her shirt. “You have to go see your brother, and I need to go home for a while.”

  “I can’t call my mother or Suzy for help. This can only be fixed by you.” I grabbed myself, adjusting my dick.

  “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” she said, pulling up her pants.

  Standing, I walked toward her, and she backed away. “Fuck my heart. It’s my dick that’s aching.” I smiled and tried to touch her, but she moved out of reach.

  “Call me when you’re done at the hospital, and I’ll see what I can do to help you out with that situation.” Grabbing her keys off my kitchen table, she moved quicker than I thought possible.

  “Come here, woman.” I darted to the left, using the edge of the table for traction.

  Squealing, she ran the opposite direction. “You may be big, but I’m quicker, Mikey.”

  I moved to the left and then quickly to the right, trying to throw her off kilter. “Woman, what did I tell you about callin’ me Mikey?”

  Stopping on the opposite side, she placed her hands on the table and leaned over with a huge smile. “I must have forgotten, but I remember there was talk of punishment, Mikey.”

  Moving again, I reached for her arm, but she slipped from my grasp. “Fuck, this goddamn hard-on is slowing me down. Rub it for me, please?”

  “You’re a pig,” she said, laughing before sticking out her tongue and closing her eyes.

  I moved as fast as I could to grab her. “Got ya. Come on, Mia. I can be quick.” Dragging my tongue across her neck, I nipped her earlobe. Her laughter grew quiet as her breasts pressed against me. “Please?” I whispered, sucking on her ear.

  She moaned, squeezing my arm. “No,” she said in a breathy tone.

  I palmed her breast, stroking her hard nipple with my thumb. “I’ll make it worth your while.” I pushed her backward toward the table.

  “I don’t want quick. I want long and hard.” She bit my lip. “Call me when you’re done seeing Joe, and if you’re good, I’ll make it worth your while,” she said against my lips, causing my dick to twitch.

  “Cock block.” I released her from my grip and adjusted myself.

  “I’d classify myself as more of a pussy hoarder than a cock block,” she said before kissing my cheek.

  It took everything in me not to slam her to the table and rip her pants off her. “You’re maddening.”

  Her laughter filled the room as she walked to the door. Following close on her heels, I turned her and pushed her back against the door. I placed my hands on either side of her. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay?”

  She grinned before rubbing her nose against mine. “No. Go be a good brother. I’ll be home later. Hit me up then.” She kissed my lips and as she drew away; I pushed my body into hers and captured her mouth. “Still no,” she mumbled against my lips.

  “I’ll call you. I’m going to need some serious help if I walk around with this hard-on all day.”

  “Probably won’t be the first time in your life or the last.” She giggled.

  We both jumped as my phone vibrated in my pocket. Sighing, I pulled it out and glanced at the screen.

  “It’s my ma. I better get this.”

  Nodding, she opened the door. “Talk to your mom. I’ll talk to you later,” she said as she waved and closed the door behind her.

  “Hey, Ma.”

  “Where have you been all day, Michael?”

  “I’m coming, Ma. I had to work out.”

  “We have to be here for your brother while he’s in the hospital. No one likes to be alone.”

  That was the problem with an overbearing Italian family. Mine had a tendency to be up each other’s ass all day, every day.

  Joe probably wanted some time alone with Suzy, but knowing my parents, his room had more people in and out all day than the Bunny Ranch in Vegas.

  “Ma, you know my fight is coming up soon. I have to make sure I work out every day. I’ve slacked a bit and needed to blow off some steam. I’m jumping in the shower and I’ll be there. How is he, by the way?”

  “He’s looking better and they moved him to a regular room. He’s out of the woods, thank God.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Anyone call Tommy yet?”

  “No, I don’t think he needs to know about it. Joseph will be fine. No need to worry him, Michael.”

  “Ma, he deserves to know.”

  My parents aggravated me with the bullshit. Thomas would want to know if something happened to any of us. He was going to be pissed when he found out he was kept out of the loop.

  “We’ll see. That’s for your father and me to decide. Get your butt up here.”

  Thomas had been able to use his job to avoid Sunday dinners and family events that would bore any breathing human. My parents never harped on him.

  Lucky bastard.

  “Let me get off the phone and I can get there quicker, Ma.”

  Her soft laughter filled my ear. I loved the woman, but at times she drove me berserk. “Very true. See you soon, baby.”

  She called all of us baby. Guess it was better than “jackass.”

  My parents smothered us with love at times. Suffocated us, but at least we knew where they stood. We love
d them unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

  “Bye, Ma,” I said as I tapped end before she could get another word out.

  I walked in the bathroom, thinking about Tommy as I turned the phone over in my palm. I couldn’t keep this from him. It just wasn’t right.

  I sent him a message before climbing in the shower.

  Me: Call when you have time, got news.

  I showered quickly, wanting to get to the hospital before my ma called again to chew my ass out.

  As I grabbed my keys to walk out the door, my phone began to ring.


  “Hi, Mike. What’s going on? I don’t have much time, but I wanted to check in,” Tommy said quietly.

  “It’s Joe. He’s all right now, but he got into a bike accident on Sunday.”

  He sucked in a breath before replying, “How bad?”

  “Fuckedup leg and a broken hand. He was thrown, but he had on a helmet, or else we’d be planning a funeral right now.”

  “Fuck, I’m going crazy not being able to see everyone and know what the fuck is going on.” He sucked in another breath before exhaling.

  “You smoking again?” I asked.

  “Yeah, when in Rome, brother.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t imagine the life he led or what he had to do to blend in with MC that he’d been assigned to.

  “Should I come home?”

  “Nah, I just wanted you to know.”

  “What the fuck took so long to get me the word?” he bit out.

  “Ma and Pop didn’t want to bother you and make you worry,” I said as I climbed in my truck.

  “Mike, text me anytime to tell me when bad shit’s going down. I’ll always call as soon as I can. Don’t let them hide shit from me, ya hear me, brother?”

  “Yeah. Are you okay, Tommy?”

  I felt relieved talking to him. Every day I wondered if he was okay or even if he was alive. Being cut off from him was scary as fuck.

  “I’m okay, just some crazy shit going down. I got it, though. Don’t worry about me, Mike. Give my love to everyone. I gotta run.”

  “Take care of yourself, man. Watch your back.”

  “Tell everyone I love them, Mike. Please give Ma a kiss for me.” His breathing had grown a little more uneven.

  “Love ya too, Thomas,” I said, tearing up as the line went dead.

  I hadn’t cried since I was a kid and got hurt on the school playground, but hearing Thomas’ voice made it hard to keep my composure. It had been over a year since I’d seen him, and I felt relieved knowing he was okay and ready to fight another day.

  Wiping the mist from my eyes, I threw the phone on the passenger seat and headed toward the hospital.

  Walking down the halls of the hospital, I kept my guard up, expecting psycho Tammy to pop out of nowhere. I was sure she was stalking the halls looking for me.

  Walking into Joe’s room, I said, “I’ve arrived.”

  Izzy looked at me and rolled her eyes. “About time, you ass.”

  “Love you too, sis.” I blew her a kiss and smiled. “Thank God for a private room.” I laughed as I looked at them all.

  Poor Joe. They were here staring at him all day.

  “Joe, how ya feelin,’ man?” I approached his bed and kissed him on the cheek.

  He puffed out a breath, adjusting his body. “Bored to death and ready to get the hell out of here.”

  “I can only imagine, but I think you’re going to be here a while. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You have shit to do. When’s the fight?”

  Sitting on the edge of his bed, I replied, “Couple weeks.”

  “I want a front-row seat. I’m so pumped for you. Going to win this one?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Hell yeah. I got this shit in the bag if I stay on track. Have you ever seen me lose a fight?”

  He shook his head. “Never, and you never answered about the front row.”

  “I have tickets for everyone. I grabbed a couple extra too.” I bent my knee, putting it on the bed.

  The room was filled with chatter. Izzy and Suzy were talking about clothes or some girl shit. My parents talked to Anthony in a whispered tone that I couldn’t make out. I never knew my family could talk this quietly.

  There was a brief lull in the conversations around us as Joe said, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  I hung my head and rubbed my eyes with my thumb and index finger. Fuck, bring on the Gallo Inquisition.

  “What’s he talking about?” Izzy asked behind me. Naturally she’d be the one person to pipe up after hearing that statement.

  Turning around, I looked her straight in the eye and showed no fear. “Male shit, Iz. Don’t concern yourself with it.”

  Her eyes became slits as she glared at me. Izzy knew me as well as anyone sitting in this room, and I prayed she knew when to drop the subject. “Always playing the penis card. Such bullshit.”

  “Isabella,” my ma chimed in. “Did I raise you to speak that way?”

  “I’m a grown woman, Ma, and yes you did. You had four boys and a girl. How else would I talk?”

  My ma and Izzy broke into a fit of laughter.

  I looked at Joe and I mouthed “later” to him.

  He tipped his chin, not making any other movements. He knew as well as I did how nosy this group was, and I needed to deal with Tammy on the down-low.

  “Why don’t we all go to the cafeteria and let the boys have their talk?” My ma always tried to be diplomatic.

  “Great idea, my legs could use a stretch,” Pop said. “Come on, baby girl.” Standing, my pop held his hand out to Izzy.

  She sighed and put her fingers in his palm. “For you, Dad, anything you ask.” She had him wrapped around her little finger.

  They worked each other well and knew how to get their way. Izzy gave in on the small things because she knew my pop would always have her back; she’d always be his little girl.

  “I’m going to stay here,” Anthony said as he looked at my parents. “I’m playing my penis card.” He smirked at Izzy.

  I swear to shit I could see a vein pop out of her forehead.

  “We’ll be back in ten minutes,” Pop said, yanking Izzy out by the arm.

  We sat in silence as we waited for them to walk far enough away that we wouldn’t be overhead. Anthony poked his head out of the doorway. “All clear,” he said.

  “What the fuck is up, man?” Joe asked.

  “Tammy has gone off the rails.” I shook my head, still not believing her bullshit.

  His eyebrows scrunched as he looked at me. “Tammy?”

  “Scrapbook crazy girl? Did you hit your head harder than we thought?”

  He laughed and grabbed his side. “Fuck, I remember her now. I’ve had other things on my mind than your women.”

  “She isn’t one of my women. She saw me in the cafeteria here and she claimed we were engaged, dude.”

  “No fucking way.” His mouth hung open as he looked at me.

  “Yes, I told her to leave me the hell alone and she said how could I just leave her since we were engaged. When I denied her and I went to walk away…” I didn’t want to finish the sentence. The mere thought of her words made my stomach churn. “She yelled out that she was pregnant.”

  His body stilled as his eyebrows drew together. “With whose kid?” Joe asked.

  “Mine, dumbass.” I shrugged.

  “Is that even possible?” Joe asked, trying to sit up.

  “Fuck no. I don’t think so. I mean, I’m not a doctor, but if I remember my human bio class, there’s zero chance.”

  “Were you careful?” Joe asked, as he rubbed his forehead.

  Anthony just sat there, shaking his head as he played on his phone.

  “Yes, and we only did it a couple of times. She couldn’t possibly know if she was. Could she?”

  “Shit, I don’t know, but you need to find out, Mike.”

  I rested my head
in my hand, running my finger through my hair. I had to find the craziest bitch in the county and stick my dick in her.

  “I got to work this shit out and shut her ass down.” God was getting the last laugh.

  “I’d say you better do something before that shit blows up in your face.” Joe pointed at me and shook his head. “Fight crazy by facing her head-on and putting her down.”

  “I’ll figure it out. You have your own shit to deal with.” I motioned to his fuckedup leg.

  “Eh, a mere flesh wound,” Joe said with a straight face.

  We all started to laugh as we got the reference to Monty Python. The best movie scene ever made. When the guy loses limbs but still states it’s just a mere flesh wound, until he’s jumping on one leg without arms and spewing blood everywhere…epic. I think we drove my mother crazy for months re-enacting it as kids.

  “You need my help, Mike?” Anthony asked.

  “Nah, it’s my mess to deal with, Anth. I just don’t want it ruining whatever Mia and I have going on.”

  “Who’s Mia?” Joe asked.

  “Girl I met at the gym. She’s a doctor here and we’ve been spending time together.” I rubbed my eyes and raked my hands through my hair. “I really like her and don’t want Tammy fucking it up.”

  “A doctor? I’m impressed, Mike. Wait, why was Tammy here?”

  “She works here too. I’m so screwed if she runs into Mia.”

  Anthony looked up from his phone. “Oh, fuck. You better get it handled quickly before the shit hits the fan.”

  “Just once I’d like my dick not to cause problems,” I said, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Keep sticking that shit in any pussy around town and your problems will never go away.”

  “Just because you found Suzy doesn’t mean you’re the authority on relationships, Joe.”

  “No, but I knew when I found something so damn good that I’d do anything in the world to make her mine.”

  “Pussy whipped,” Anthony muttered under his breath before laughing.

  I had to get control of the situation.

  Why did her ass have to go off the hook as Mia came into my life?


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