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Fever Page 113

by Carnal, MJ

  Tonight we’re staying at Mac and Kate’s place. We watched a birthing video earlier which I had to stop watching because I didn’t want to lose my libido completely. If I see another pussy look like it is pushing out something the size of a watermelon, I’m going to be stuck with a soft on for the foreseeable future.

  Now we’re in bed, and Mac is lying on her back with my head to her stomach just listening, or trying to listen while I talk to our little superhero (yep, the name kinda stuck). We’ve decided not to find out the sex. Mac says it’s one of the only true surprises in life, and I like the idea of that. With technology becoming so advanced that you can be tracked everywhere, contacted everywhere, find out international events within minutes of them happening, I like the idea that this was the one thing we didn’t have to find out. When our baby is born, we’ll find out together whether we’re having a super hero or heroine (like I said, the name stuck).

  Will I have a Chicago Bear in the making that I can teach to play ball? Or will I need to go buy a shotgun to keep everyone away from my little girl?

  Something I’ve been thinking about for a while now is changing our living arrangements. I’m sick of switching between my place and Mac’s. I want her in my bed, my apartment, my space. Hell, I want to be able to say our bed and our house for once. We’ve spoken about it, and I’ve even brought up the possibility of us buying a house together before the baby is born, but Mac never fails to avoid the question, managing to change the subject every time. Either that or she feigns heart burn, or the baby kicking which is something she knows will never fail to distract me because I’m yet to feel the baby kick.

  It frustrates the hell out of me!

  Now that I have an extremely sated and happy Mac lying beside me, I decide it’s the perfect chance to raise the subject again. “Gorgeous, we need to decide what we’re going to do once the baby arrives,” I say, raising my arm and slowly stroking my hand up and down her naked back.

  “Ah, what do you mean? We’ll have to look after it, you know, like most other new parents.”

  I chuckle. “You know what I mean, Mac. Where are the three of us going to live?”

  Her body stills before she lifts her head up, propping her head up on her hands as she looks up at me. “Babe, what do you mean? I’m going to live here with Kate.”

  Now I’m pissed off. It takes a lot to annoy me, but being separated from my family will do it every time.

  “Mac, that ain’t gonna happen. You, me, and the baby will be living together, in the same house, under the same roof, at the same address. You understand me?”

  “Yeah, but...”

  “No buts. We’re going to be a family. I love you, you love me. Together, we’re going to raise this baby so that means we need to live in the same fucking house. I know you and Kate are close, and yes you’ll miss each other, but it’s not like you’re moving to another city or state. You’re moving two blocks south.”

  I pull my hand up, tangling it in her hair before bringing her face closer to mine and kissing her softly at first, deepening the kiss when a moan reverberates in her chest, egging me on. My grip in her hair tightens, and I can feel a shudder run through her body as I suck her tongue into my mouth, my other hand gently massaging her breast. Point understood.

  One of the best things about Mac being pregnant is her tits. I swear to God that those puppies grew overnight. And they’re so sensitive, the lightest of touches affects her.

  It’s fucking awesome.

  Mac has always been a freak in the sack, but pregnancy has definitely made her hornier and sexier than ever before. I give her another sneaky grope before she pulls back and just looks at me, centimeters away from my face.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to because I do. In fact, there is nothing I want more than for you, me and baby to have our own place, our own home. But Kate needs me. She doesn’t have someone like you in her life to lean on. I’m it for her. Her family live out of state now. I’ll constantly be worried that she’s sitting at home alone. I can’t do that to her, Daniel. She’s always been there for me.”

  Her face is flushed, and her eyes are glistening with tears. I know this is a touchy subject for her, and I can’t help but smile at her sincerity. She does want the same things as me, she’s just worried about her best friend and I can’t fault her for that. Those two girls are so close that they’re almost like sisters.

  “Okay, babe. We’ll shelve the idea for now, but bubs isn’t going to stay inside you forever, you know. In four months’ time, our little boy or girl will make their grand entrance and all I want is for us all to be settled and ready. A baby needs a home. And as for Kate, she’s a big girl, and I think she would’ve realized by now that there will be changes in the living arrangements sooner or later.”

  I cup her cheek with my hand, wiping away a lone tear that is sliding down her cheek with my thumb. She smiles down at me, brushing her lips softly against mine, then snuggling back down and burrowing her head into my chest.

  “And I love you for that.”

  “Say it again,” I sleepily murmur against her hair, pulling her in tight against me.

  “I love you,” she says as she lightly kisses my collarbone and lays her head down.

  “Never gonna get sick of hearing you say that, gorgeous. Three of the best words in the world when they come from you.”

  There is more of Mac and Daniel in

  True Bliss – Kate’s Story

  Continue reading for an exclusive preview of True Bliss

  Available now at all online retailers


  I’ve just arrived home after yet another dud date, this time with my local coffee shop’s barista. I knew the date was going to be a dud when he turned up dressed as if we were heading out to a rave instead of a restaurant.

  And his hair! Ugh. Don’t even get me started on the length, the product, and the bleached tips that did NOT belong on a twenty-seven year old bachelor living in Chicago.

  I gave him a chance, I really did. But by the time he started talking about his Xbox and his online gaming buddies, I knew he wasn’t the one.

  As I put the key in the apartment door, I brace myself for what I could see when I open it. Since Mac and Daniel have sorted their shit out and made their relationship ‘official’, you can’t imagine the sights I’ve seen, the embarrassing situations I’ve walked in on, and the body parts I’ve been subjected to. Something about pregnancy has turned them both into a pair of horny rabbits. Seriously, without ear plugs and my radio playing at night, I swear to God that I would not get any sleep.


  Mac’s just lucky that I love her to death and that I’m super happy she’s finally getting her happily ever after with her own prince charming. Or, in her case, her own Superman.

  Those two are so cute; it’s obvious that they were made for each other.

  For the past two months, they’ve been alternating between our house and his apartment. I know Daniel wants her to move in with him, but Mac is just getting used to the idea of being in a committed relationship again. Daniel wants her to be happy and comfortable, so they’re not rushing things. Granted, with the baby coming along in four months’ time there is a time limit for moving forward in their relationship. But until then, I love the fact that my best friend is still my roommate.

  When will it be my turn?

  When will I get past all the frogs and find my prince?

  I’ve always been a dreamer. A girly girl who wants the dream courtship, the big princess wedding, the white picket fence and a yard full of kids. I know that I’m still young at twenty-four and that my biological clock is far from stopping, but I still have a lot of time up my sleeve to find that once in a lifetime love.

  My one true love.

  But I’m impatient, I’m antsy, and I’m sick of being the single one. I go out with Mac and Daniel and it’s obvious that I’m a third wheel. And the problem is with me, they don’t care one bit. But I do.

  I’m sick of Mr. Wrong, Mr. Bad, Mr. Bad Breath, and Mr. Grabby Hands. Oh and don’t get me started on Mr. Say I Love You After One Date To Get Into Your Pants. They’re the worst. That is why I’ve instigated the three date rule. No sex or below the waist action until after three dates. It seems like a good time frame to weed through the wannabes.

  Except so far, there haven’t been any second dates.

  I want to be loved. Is that so wrong?

  See, here’s the problem. I don’t just want a good love, one of those everyday loves that you hear about. I want the kind of crazy love we’ve been warned about.

  The kind of love that makes your heart skip a beat.

  The kind of love that makes you want to dance in the rain and bottle up the sunset while screaming at the top of your lungs.

  The kind of love that authors write about, musicians sing about, and lovers dream about.

  Surely the man who can give me all of that is out there somewhere. Maybe he’s even looking for me. Maybe I’ve already met him, and our lives will intersect again.

  There was one guy that piqued my interest three months ago, but he was firmly in the ‘hands off’ category. He was definitely knight in shining armor material. A drunken night at the bar went scarily wrong, and he swooped in and saved me. He brought me home, and I came on to him. Okay, I literally threw myself at him, but he rebuffed my advances and put me to bed after making me take some Advil. I fell asleep with a kiss on the forehead and hearing him tell me that as much as he’d like to lose himself in me, he didn’t want me to regret him in the morning.

  So I have to forget about him and wait until I meet my knight. I’ll continue sifting through the frogs, the toads, the dwarfs, and the dragons, and continue being insanely jealous of my deliriously happy pregnant best friend and her perfect dream guy. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that listening to their hot and horny loud sex through my bedroom wall is the closest I’ll get to any action.

  It must be my turn next. It has to be. Maybe it’s time to be more proactive. Go looking for him instead of waiting for him to come to me.

  That’s it.

  Operation Prince Charming is officially underway.


  About BJ Harvey

  BJ Harvey is the International Bestselling Author of the Bliss romantic comedy series and the romantic suspense series, Lost. In 2014, her book Temporary Bliss was released in audio and published in Portuguese in Brazil by Editora Charme. It was also named Best Indie Humor Romance at the 2014 Indie Romance Convention.

  An avid music fan, you will always find BJ with her headphones on when writing, and with the speakers blaring the rest of the time. She’s a wife, a mom, a TV addict and an addictive reader.

  BJ resides with her family in what she considers the best country in the world—New Zealand.

  Her writing is a bit of swoon, a lot of heat, a touch of drama but always love.

  How to Find BJ:

  Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Mailing List, Instagram, Goodreads

  BJ’s Books

  Bliss Series

  Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)

  True Bliss (Bliss #2)

  Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)

  Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)

  Finding Bliss (Bliss #4) – Releasing 2015

  Lost Series

  Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)

  Lost For You (Lost #2)

  Lost Without You (Lost #2.5)



  Make My Heart Beat

  The Shameful Regret Series

  Book Two

  Liz King

  Copyright © 2014 Make My Heartbeat (The Shameful Regret Series) by Liz King

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, business, establishments, locations or events is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations or locations is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means (electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise) without prior authorization in writing from the author.

  Formatting by Natalie Jane

  Edited by Jenn Waterman, Modern Elektra Editing


  To Momma. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I miss you every single day more and more. I can’t thank you enough for instilling in me the drive to go after my dreams and telling me that I can do whatever I want. You are my sunshine and I love you.



  Five Months Ago…

  I am so not feeling up to this shit tonight. Why the fuck did Marcus have to book us tonight and tomorrow night? I know he’s just trying to keep me busy, but really, all he has to do to keep me occupied right now is send someone ready and willing to suck or fuck me senseless. Looking around Metro, it doesn’t seem like I’ll have much trouble finding someone tonight. Wade is already off in the back with some hot little redhead.

  Metro is packed. Everybody wants a piece of Shameful Regret. They want to hear us perform so they can say that they saw us before we became “somebody.” I have the voice, Marcus lays out the best guitar rift around, and with Wade on bass and Seth behind the drums, Shameful Regret only has to bide time before we get a deal. I am damn proud of my guys. Wade may be the only one I’m related to by blood, but they are all my family. They are my brothers.

  I walk around the side of the stage so I can survey the options a little more. I’m not looking for anything serious. I just want to fuck this funk out of my system. Finding a good spot to lean against one of the amps gives me a great view of the entire room. I see a petite blonde leaning over the bar talking to Trey. Trey looks over her shoulder and gives me a nod. That’s his signal that I’m sure to like whoever it is he’s serving right now. He’ll keep tabs on her whereabouts so I can find her later tonight. That’s how we work. I watch her flirt with him shamelessly as her friend stands off the side barely moving. I will have to find a way to ditch her friend if I have any hopes of stealing Blondie away for an hour or so.

  As I continue to check out the tight little package I intend on opening later, her friend turns around and my breath catches in my chest. My heart stops beating. I lock onto a set of melted caramel colored eyes that burn right through me. My eyes travel down from those perfect orbs to the most unbelievable and juicy pair of lips ever made. My exploration moves further still to the swell of her breasts beneath a tempting purple top that is begging for me to pull it off of her. Thanks to the damn crowd, I can’t see the rest of her body, but my dick twitches just thinking of what she’ll look like writhing under me.

  My eyes reach hers again and I still feel like I can’t breathe. She looks like a frightened little mouse. Her friend turns around and is totally checking me out. Sure, Blondie is hot, but she pales in comparison to the woman that I need to get closer to like I need my next breath. I see their lips moving while they stare at me; the sweet thing starts shaking her head adamantly and pulls Blondie away towards the tables by the stage. Perfect. They will be close by so I can find her after the show. I need to see her. I need to touch her. I need to taste her. More than anything.


  When I walk up to the microphone, the screams of the crowd invigorate me. I only feel alive when I’m on stage. They help drown out the voices in my head that keep telling me what a piece of shit I am, telling me that it is all my fault. My eyes take in the barely dressed girls clamoring for attention from all of us. I notice Blondie and another hottie front and center, but not the caramel-eyed beauty that I want. I finally spot the top of her head. She’s sitting alone at one of the tables, messing with her phone. There are a few guys circling closer to her, trying to get the courage to make a move. They need to back the fuck off. I am
claiming that prize tonight. She will be coming home with me, or at least back to my car for an hour or two.

  I open with one of our more popular covers. As I sing Lips of an Angel by Hinder, I look at the luscious lips to my left, dreaming about what they taste like and what they feel like. God, I’m sure they would be soft and warm, and I'm thinking about the way they could feel wrapped around my cock. My jeans are getting uncomfortably tight, and if I continue to watch her, I’ll blow my load just like a fucking teenager. Look away, Connor. Look away. Engaging the rest of the crowd is easy. I’m sexy as sin, and everybody on that floor wants me.

  We finish the set and I quickly run backstage. Marcus, calling out to me, stops me in my steps. “Dude, where the hell are you off to in such a hurry?”

  “Need to find someone,” I respond gruffly.

  Wade comes in behind me, laughing and swearing. “Man, you see some of that ass out there? Dayum!” He wraps his arm around my shoulders. “There was one that was right at the front, holy shit! She was fine as fuck!”

  I think he’s talking about Blondie’s hot friend, but I don’t really care at this moment. I need to find that sweet thing from earlier. “Catch you dumbfucks later, I need to find someone.”

  I walk backstage and down the hall. My luck turns as I see the object of my desire headed right towards me. Her head is down and she’s not paying one damn bit of attention to where she's going. I lean back against the wall and just watch her. She senses me staring at her, and her steps falter. Right as she’s about to fall, I reach out and pull her to me.

  My life the last few years has been a sorry excuse for living. The moment I look deep into her eyes, my entire being starts humming. Jolts of electricity surge up my hands and arms from the mere contact of our skin and the look she gives me. Sweet mother, have mercy.


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