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Page 202

by Carnal, MJ

  Ax steadied my shoulders with his hands then softly grazed his fingertips over my face as he reached up and touched the bruise. "I'll kill him."

  "With a wrench?" I teased pulling away, even though that was the exact opposite of what I wanted.

  "Ames…" Ax swore and ran his fingers through his messy dark brown hair. "Hitting you is not okay. It's never okay for a man to touch you in a violent way. I don't care if you yell in his face, I don't care if you kick him in the junk and pull a freaking gun on him — it's never okay for a father to touch his daughter in a way that isn't an expression of pure love and devotion."

  "Nice words…" I bit down on my lip to keep myself from bursting into tears. "They sound pretty… a little too pretty for someone like me."

  "Amy." Ax gripped my chin with his hand. "You deserve more than nights crawling into a loser's house just because you have to escape your dad."

  I jerked away. "You're not a loser."

  "I'm not exactly a winner either." His lips twisted into a smirk "But I'm glad I'd get your vote for Homecoming King if it came down to it."

  I rolled my eyes. "How's work?"

  "It's work," he said in a serious tone. Something flashed in his eyes before he looked away and pointed to the bed. "Right or left?"


  Rolling his eyes he asked again, "Right or left?"


  "I can do this all night, Ames."

  "Funny, me too." I crossed my arms and grinned.

  He burst out laughing. "Fine, you can have part of the middle, and I'll just try not to fall on the floor, but no promises."

  I moved towards the bed. "If I hear a loud thunk I promise not to scream."

  "Right, it's just my head shaking hands with the nightstand, no big." He winked and pulled the covers back. "Need something to sleep in?"

  "Uh, yeah." I looked down at my jeans and white t-shirt self consciously pulling it over my stomach. My dad always yelled at me for wearing skanky outfits but it wasn't for lack of trying to wear normal clothes. We had no money, and I didn't exactly have funds for shopping. How was it my fault I hit a growth spurt?

  I hoped Ax didn't notice the blush on my face. I was ashamed that I couldn't even afford to go to Walmart.

  I was even more ashamed that my father blamed me for his inability to stop gambling.

  "He a made man yet?" Ax asked once we were settled into bed.

  "No." I wrapped my arm around his chest, my usual position when I spent the night. "And it's not like things would get better even if he was, but you aren't supposed to know any of that. It's not like the mafia smiles on people who know their business."

  He snorted, his body tensed. "Right."

  "I mean it, Ax. I can't lose you."

  "I'm a mechanic, hardly a threat." He kissed the top of my head. "Now try to sleep."

  I closed my eyes and took a relaxing breath just as a loud gunshot rang my ears, jolting me awake.

  "Stay down." Ax pushed me against the bed, his body hovering over mine. His entire face changed from calm to rage in that instant. His muscles flexed as he reached into the nightstand and pulled out a .45.

  "Ax?" I whispered. "Why do you have a gun?"

  "Shh." He held the gun to his lips. "I need you to be quiet."

  I nodded, tears already pooling in my eyes.

  Another gunshot rang out and then his bedroom door flew open. It was his older brother Sergio. "Time to go, cover's blown."

  The door slammed shut as he took off as quickly as he had appeared.

  I stared at Ax.

  He stared right back.

  More gunshots.

  More bursts of light. Fear rippled through my body as I stared at Ax even harder, too shocked to do anything else. His gaze was calm…collected.

  And then Sergio was back in our room, slamming the door behind him. "So we have to go to plan B. They're pissed we've been spying on them. We have to go, now!"

  Cursing, Ax flew off me, grabbed another gun out of his nightstand, and started throwing stuff into a duffle bag.

  "She comes with us," he barked.

  "She's a De Lange," Sergio spat. "She sure as hell is not coming with us."

  "She's not like them," argued Ax. "He hits her. She needs to come."

  The sound of male voices yelling had me running into Ax's arms. He kissed my forehead just as I was jerked away from his arms.

  "No!" Sergio said in a stern voice.

  "Yes!" Ax pulled me back. "We're not leaving her. She stays I stay."

  The bedroom door burst open and it seemed everything happened in slow motion as a man held up a gun and pointed it towards Ax.

  Bang! The gunshot rang out.

  Ax stumbled. "Take her Sergio. Protect her. I'll cover you. Just take her."

  With a curse Sergio pushed me out the window then followed.

  "Ax!" I screamed, but Sergio covered my mouth.

  Just as another bang rang out, lighting up the once dark bedroom.

  Sergio pulled out his cell. "Pick up at The Spot, thanks Nixon… I owe you."

  "What about Ax?" I tried to fight against Sergio.

  "Either he's dead or he's going to be." Sergio pushed me down the alleyway, keeping to the shadows. "And it's your fault. Never forget, it's your fault my brother's dead. But what should I expect from the De Lange bloodline? You were born to kill… born to die."

  My world shattered that day.

  I lost my best friend.

  I lost my heart.

  My shield.

  My soul.

  And buried it right along with his body. The boy who hadn't been who he said he was — the boy who'd protected me from my own family.

  The boy who took two bullets for me and paid with his life.

  Bang, Bang was the new soundtrack to my life.

  Welcome to the Mafia.


  5 years later, Chicago


  There was only one reason for him to call me. One reason and one reason only, other than him losing his damn mind that is.

  The minute he'd sent her away from me, he'd sealed his fate.

  "You're dead to me!" I screamed, punching him in the face over and over again until blood caked both my knuckles and his face. But Sergio did nothing, simply took each punch as if he deserved it —we both know he did. After all, he'd sent my best friend away and made it impossible for me to reach her lest I put her in more danger than she was already in.

  "I love her." My voice was hoarse. "I love her!"

  Sergio wiped the blood from his lip and let out a heavy sigh. "And I love you."

  I shook my head, not trusting my voice.

  "It was you or her," he said slowly. "My brother or a girl I hardly know. A De Lange… someone we've never been able to trust from a family who'd sell their own souls to Satan just to get ahead in this life. I made the call you were too weak to make."

  "I was weak because I damn near died protecting her!" I roared.

  "Right." Sergio nodded. "And now it's my turn to protect you."

  "I will never…" My voice shook. "Never forgive you for this."

  "I don't expect you to."

  "We're done."

  "I know."

  Neither of us moved. It was the end of our brotherhood, the end of our family. Our mom was dead, our father in prison… that left just me and Sergio… blood thirsty cousins to the most powerful mafia family in the US.


  Over a woman.

  "Go into hiding," Sergio barked tossing me my passport. "Off the grid. I'll make it happen. Just one thing."

  My head snapped to attention. "You think you're in a position to ask a favor?"

  "You're still blood." His teeth clenched, damn near snarling. "One day your marker's going to get called. When the boss needs you, you will come running, or you'll die in your sleep."

  "That a threat?"


  I scowled. "Then let's just pray The Family doesn't
need my help anytime soon, yeah?"


  "Bye brother."

  "Bye, Ax."

  My body jolted as the gates to the mansion opened. Five years and my marker had finally been called up.

  My number… announced.

  My identity no longer a secret.

  I pulled the sleek Mercedes to a stop in front of the massive stairs leading up to the house and slammed my hand against the steering wheel. Memories of Amy made it damn near impossible to breathe, to hold in the emotion. I hadn't kept that end of the promise to my brother. I'd checked in on her… and every time I did, he found out and threatened me again. I did it anyway, because I had to know she was safe. But the last two years, I hadn't heard or seen anything. So when Sergio called and said I was needed, I didn't hesitate. If she was in Chicago, I was going to find her.

  I opened the door, got out, and slammed it behind me, then walked slowly up the stairs. The door to the house opened, making a creaking noise. Sergio stood there in a white t-shirt and fitted jeans. He'd always projected power… from his chiseled features to his screw-you attitude. His long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail away from his face making his jaw look sharp… like a target ready for my fist.

  "How was the drive?" he asked smoothly. His accent barely recognizable since last time I'd seen him. We'd both worked hard to get rid of our accents, apparently some harder than others.


  He smirked. "Well, after today, I'm sure that word will be forever etched from your vocabulary."

  "Yeah, why's that?"

  He grinned. "It's good to have you back brother."

  I snorted and looked down licking my lips. "I'm back because of Family."

  "No." Sergio sighed. "You're back because of her."

  "Whatever." I tried to push past him but he grabbed my arm and shook his head slightly.

  "Not here." He closed the door behind him. "We won't discuss it here."


  Two hours later and I found myself wanting to get so drunk I couldn't see straight.

  "No!" I barked, self consciously tugging at the ends of my hair with my right hand. "I'm not doing it."

  "You are." Sergio sat down next to me. "Look, I know it was bad but the De Langes have a new leader, a woman… believe me when I say she's scary as hell but she's related to us now… married to Chase, the boss's right hand man. I had to come out of hiding. It's time for you to come out as well."

  "No." I clenched my jaw until the irritation eased. "Besides, what would I come out for?"

  "Your brother."

  "My brother is dead to me… he sent my best friend into foster care when she had a family… me," I spat. "Try again."

  Sergio cursed, his Rolex snapping my attention from the whiskey to the light flickering off it. "The money."

  "I have more than enough money."

  "The Family."

  "Our father is in prison, my closest cousin died that night, and even though I'm sure Nixon's a stand up guy, he just made peace with the one family that tried to destroy us."

  "She's a De Lange," Sergio whispered. "You know you'd do anything for her regardless of her unfortunate bloodline."

  I cursed and tossed back the rest of the drink; it burned all the way down my throat. I'd dreamt of her every night. When I had thought I was dying I called for her. When I found out I was actually alive, I had searched for her.

  And when I discovered talking to her would put her in more danger…

  I stayed away.

  Even when her foster family was less than kind to her.

  I stayed away.

  When I saw more bruises.

  I stayed away.

  But I always watched from a distance… I watched, and I died a little each time someone was cruel and I was unable to rescue her. Laughable, when the man who destroyed everything in her precious life — wanted to be the hero. When she turned eighteen and left Chicago, I'd lost track of her. Over the past four years I'd built a damn Jericho around my heart… convincing myself that just like my brother she was dead too. It was better that way. Easier. At least that's what I told myself when my heart hurt too damn much to think otherwise.

  Gripping the glass with my hand, I slammed it down onto the table and started to get up.

  Strong hands gripped my shoulders slamming me back down into my chair.

  Sergio looked over my head and scowled while simultaneously paling. "Campisi…"

  "Sergio," the smooth voice said from behind me.

  Campisi. I knew who it was. You'd have to be dead not to know who the new young Cappo was. He was around twenty-six, killed his own father, took over the Campisi Family and left a trail of dead bodies in his wake. But it wasn't fear that kept me nailed to that seat, more like morbid curiosity.

  When he took the chair opposite me and ordered a beer I almost laughed.

  He was young.

  So freaking young.

  And huge, let's not forget huge. I wasn't a small guy by any means, but he could seriously give me a run for my money. With cold blue eyes and a nose that looked like it had been broken and reset at least a dozen times, I knew he wasn't the type of guy I wanted on my bad side.

  Unfortunately, he was also best friends with Nixon, the boss of the Abandonato family — my family. It helped that he was married to Nixon's sister.

  The drama of their lives was not anything I wanted to be a part of.

  I wanted freedom.

  But freedom… always came at a cost.

  And I was fresh out of that type of payment.

  "You will come out of hiding." Campisi spoke softly. "Or I'll kill you. Those are your choices."

  I was silent for a minute… watching his expression, though he didn't seem irritated, just mildly amused at my hesitation. "And if I choose the bullet?"

  "Then I'd say you're Abandonato, through and through." He flashed me a grin. The bartender placed the beer in front of Campisi. He sipped for a few minutes then turned to me. "Come out of hiding and I'll give you a prize." His voice was so damn taunting I wanted to punch his teeth out.

  "Found one in my Cracker Jack box this morning." I shrugged. "Bad ass little yo-yo that doesn't talk shit. So sorry, but I think I'll pass."

  Sergio groaned into his hands.

  I rolled my eyes.

  And Campisi stood, gripping my shoulders with his hands, digging his fingers into the skin. "You come out of hiding. You work for your Family. You work in peace with the De Langes and I'll give you more than a yo-yo."

  "Oh yeah?" I knew it was only a matter of time before I was pulled back in, before my past would come back to haunt me. "What's that?"

  "Amy." Campisi said it so softly I almost didn't hear. "I know where she is, and your very first job… to prove your worth and loyalty and all around excitement at being offered a position within the Family?" He chuckled. "You get to go get her."

  I gulped and stared hard at the glass still in my right hand. "Where is she?"

  "If I tell you — that's it. That's your agreement, Ax."

  "I hate this life."

  "But you love her." Campisi nodded slowly. "And because her father, a.k.a. shit-for-brains, is on the prowl you better hope you get to her before he does."


  Campisi picked up a trail of condensation with one finger and rubbed it off with his thumb. "She has something he wants." He said as if we were discussing last nights game. "Something Nixon wants, something I want… something all of us want… and I highly doubt he's going to let her live when he finds it. He's lost his damn mind, gone rogue, refuses to report to any of us. He's insane and he has a gun… but sure…" Campisi slapped me on the cheek twice. "You could always stay in hiding, cramped away from the world while she fights for her life to survive it. Good idea."

  I jolted from my seat and tried to punch him in the face.

  Sergio grabbed my arm just in time.

  Campisi smiled. "I just love when business deals work out, don't you?" He
tilted his head towards Sergio and slowly waltzed out of the damn bar like he was king.

  And the sick part?

  To all of us?

  To the five Families?

  He was worst.



  I hated it. I hated every second of it. But I didn't know what else I could do. I had just been fired from my waitressing job for being late too many times, but that was because I was struggling to finish college. It wasn't like I was out back getting high or selling drugs or anything.

  No. I was just associated with the mafia.

  Not the good kind.

  The family everyone hated.

  My mother died shortly after the incident that night, and my father all but disappeared. The foster care system let me go back to my home to grab a few things. I grabbed as much as I could. And then they sent me to home after home after home.

  And each time they discovered what my name was — I was shipped to another home.

  My suitcase broke after the third home so everything was transferred into two large black trash bags. To this day I couldn't take out the trash without getting severe stomach cramps.

  The last family was the nicest. But by then I only had another month left in the system. Sergio had called a few times and told me that although he was in hiding, I could stay at one of his houses, but the last thing I wanted to do was depend on someone who blamed me for his brother's death. So the minute I graduated, I got the hell out Chicago and headed down south. Even working as a waitress while paying my way through school sounded like more fun than staying in the one place that was filled with memories of him---of his life---his death.

  Finally, I'd found my heat.

  The sun always felt good against my face. I could always rely on it to rise every day. And every day I knew it would stare down at me; its rays would fall against my skin and I knew it was just another day I was given a chance to make something of myself. Something that would make Ax proud.

  I swallowed the knot in my throat.

  He wouldn't be proud now.

  He'd be disgusted. But I'd exhausted all other options. The waitressing job had barely kept me afloat as it was, and I needed money — fast.


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