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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

Page 43

by Anita Lawless

  A thick, long cock nudges its way inside my pussy and my walls close tightly around it. I lose myself in the sublime friction that quickly builds as his plump glans caresses my g-spot.

  “You may moan, scream, do whatever you like, mistress,” he tells me as he fucks me. “But you can’t come yet.”

  I nod and let out a low, long groan. The dom behind me tilts my hips and parts my buttocks with his plump cock. He’s lubed me up well with the lotion and his penis glides in easily. Slowly, he inches more of himself inside me until I’m full of them both. I feel complete, desired, wanton, and I rock back and forth, greedy to take all they have to give.

  The dom at my front presses the tiny egg vibrator he’s taken from inside me against my clit. He rubs it into the throbbing nub while he thrusts in and out in long, deep strokes. The dom behind me adds a light slap to my ass every now and again while he pumps in and out of my ass. I whimper and writhe between them now, so very eager to come.

  “Please,” I beg, unable to hold off any longer. “Please let me come, sir.”

  The dom in front of me kisses me deep, claiming my mouth as he claims my body. “All right, mistress, you may come now. Give our audience a good show.”

  I let myself completely go, absorbing all the wonderful sensation their cocks, lips, and hands have to give. The pleasing pressure building deep inside of me bursts, sending searing ecstasy shooting through my every muscle and nerve. I scream as the orgasm takes me over and leaves me shivering and shaking between my two lovers. As the one in front pulls out, I ejaculate all over his chest and lower abdomen.

  “You are so damn sexy,” he growls before he claims my mouth once more, nipping my lips before his tongue plunges deep inside.

  The crowd erupts in applause and pride swells in my heart. I’ve pleased my audience and my doms. And, in turn, I’m pleased with myself.


  “Come push me on the swing.” Marta beams as she runs up to me, Sawyer, and Isaiah.

  Jaden and Shanae are out in the open field area of the park playing ball.

  Sawyer takes the little girl’s hand. “I’ll come push you.”

  She lets out a high pitched, “Okay,” and tugs her second dad off toward the swing sets.

  I smile after them, and out the corner of my eye I catch Isaiah grinning in their direction, too.

  “You must be very proud of them all,” I say. “They’re great kids.”

  He turns his smile on me and almost appears humbled by my words. “I am. I wish Rachel could see them now. She’d be amazed by the kids. She used to teach them along with Sawyer. They always had the patience when it came to our children. I’m better in boardrooms.”

  I chuckle. “You do great with them, though. I’ve never seen you lose your temper.”

  “Sawyer helps ground me. I swear I’d lose my mind if it wasn’t for that man. That and knowing the kids have two great teachers keeps me calm.”

  I blush at his compliment.

  “You have a way with them,” he continues, pinning me with those intense eyes. “Like Sawyer and Rachel. You’re a natural with children, Maya.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you like some of your own one day?”

  My eyes widen as I look at him. I swallow, chew on my words carefully, wondering what he’ll think of my stance on children. Then I decide to just blurt it out. “I’d like to adopt one day. There are so many kids in this world who need a good home. I know what it’s like to lose your parents when you’re young. It was so hard on my brother helping my dad raise me, and then helping me after Dad died. Guess I’m weird, but having a biological child is less important to me when there are so many kids out there who just wish they had loving parents.”

  He stares at me and I try to gauge his reaction to my words. Does he think I’m nuts? A lot of people can’t wrap their head around my opinion on kids. Why wouldn’t I want one of my very own? they wonder. The way I’ve always seen it is an adopted child is as much my own as a biological offspring would be. The only difference is shared DNA.

  He nods finally and looks out to where the children play. “Sawyer and I have met someone…”

  His words skewer my heart, but I try not to show my disappointment. And I try to deny the feelings I have for both men. Feelings wandering closer to love territory. The realization almost makes me cry, but I choke back those tears and bluff strength and listen.

  “I’d like the children to have a mother again. I know they miss Rachel. This woman is perfect. The children adore her and so do we. What do you think, Maya? About polyamorous relationships, that is? Are you for or against the idea?”

  Those aquamarine eyes pin me again. I want to beg him not to fire me, want to demand to know when he and Sawyer met this other woman, but I calm my emotions and keep a cool head. “I think it’s great. If everyone is consensual and happy, the kids are happy, why not? Humans try to define love too narrowly, I think. Love is a lot more fluid than we realize.”

  He smiles then. A wide smile filled with white teeth that shows I’ve pleased him. My heart is in conflict. On one hand I’m glad I’ve pleased him, on the other I’m heartbroken I’ll soon be leaving them all. With a new wife coming into the picture, I’m sure they won’t need me as a nanny or submissive anymore. The new spouse will surely take up these roles, just as Rachel once did.

  “Thank you, Maya,” he says, taking my hand and caressing it. “You’ve made me very happy.”

  I feign a smile, but I can’t hold back the hurt much longer. So I gently pull away from him and make an excuse to join Sawyer and the children out on the playground. My head swirls with worry and hurt. What will I do for employment now, and how will I pay all the bills for myself, my brother, and the mortgage on his new house? Ethan warned me not to let my heart get involved, but like a stupid fool I have. I’m in love with this family I’ll soon be forced to leave.

  As I walk briskly toward the swings, I choke back a sob.


  “Where are we?” I say, itching to take off the blindfold Ethan and Tom have insisted I wear. “I’m dying here.”

  Tom lets out a deep chuckle from the passenger seat in front of me. “Ten more minutes. Don’t you dare take that blindfold off!”

  Ethan turns another corner and I hold onto the backseat as the sharp curve makes me lean. Ethan grabbed me after class and said he had a big surprise for me. Moments later, his boyfriend Tom drove up and I was blindfolded before they ushered me into the backseat of their Kia. The suspense is killing me. We’ve been driving for fifteen minutes.

  “You think you’re dying now,” Ethan says. “Wait until you find out what the surprise is.”

  “You’re both evil teases!” My hand plucks at the side of the blindfold.

  A few minutes later the car stops. Doors slam shut and then mine opens. One of my friends takes my hand and leads me out of the backseat, but I’m still not allowed to take the scarf from my eyes. They guide me up a paved pathway and into a door. Finally the blindfold is peeled away to reveal a dark room. I’m just about to ask “What gives?” when the lights flare on and a crowd of people yell:


  We’re at my brother’s new house. He and Patty and Josh stand at the front of a small group of our friends, and my brother is grinning from ear to ear.

  He walks forward. His steps are sure and fluid and he’s not using his cane today. The medication and treatments seem to be helping. He looks like the brother I always knew in this moment.

  “Remember how I said Patty and I would pay you back?” He stops right in front of me.

  “Yeah, but you don’t have to—”

  He holds up a hand to silence me. “We’ll be paying you back sooner than I thought.” He looks behind him and gestures for a very pregnant Patty and Josh to join him. “You won’t believe this, but … we won the lottery. 8 million dollars on Lotto 849, Maya. More than enough to take care of us and give back what you gave us.”

  My mouth drop
s open and words fail me. At first, I’m sure this is a joke, but then he shows me the proof, telling me the local news station will be doing a story on him and Patty and the big win this weekend. I can’t believe their good luck, our good luck. It seems like things have finally turned around for all of us. Miracles landed in our laps when we least expected them.

  I throw my arms around Xander and hug him tightly. “I’m so happy for you! Couldn’t happen to a nicer family.”

  “Now you can focus on school, quit that job if you want. No more worrying about money.” My brother beams.

  I just smile back, thinking about the conversation with Isaiah in the park yesterday. There’s another woman, and soon she’ll be taking my place. At least I don’t have to worry about finances when my job is done. But my heart? That’s another story altogether. Looks like for every miracle gained, there’s something someone has to sacrifice.


  I’ve just finished up an English class with Shanae when Isaiah comes in the room.

  “Maya, I need to see you in my office.” His stony face gives nothing away, and my stomach tightens.

  Is this it? The day he lets me go to make room for another woman in their lives? My heart clenches as I think of the extended family I’m about to lose. Anger fills me too. How can he and Sawyer discard me so easily when they’ve embedded themselves so deeply into my being? I’m a fool, I realize, to think this job was anything more than that.

  “Of course.” I finally find my words as I fight off tears. “I’ll just finish up with Shanae and I’ll be right down.”

  He nods, bends down to give his teen daughter a swift kiss atop the head, then leaves the room.

  Shanae looks after him then looks at me. She gives a knowing smile that makes me focus on the lesson plan rather than meet her gaze.

  “Go on,” she says as she walks up to my desk and places a hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re dying to talk to your boyfriend.” A girlish giggle bubbles up from her throat.

  My head snaps up and I try to give her an innocent gaze. “Boyfriend? What’re you talking about, Shanae.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “You and my dads might think I’m still a kid, but I’m not dumb, Maya.” She smiles a sweet, sincere smile. “I know you love them. So go. I got my homework assignment. I’m good.”

  With that, she picks up her books, flashes another smirk over her shoulder at me, and then exits the room. “See you tomorrow, teach.”

  Grinning after her, I shake my head. The girl sees way too much. More than I want her to. A shaky sigh escapes my lips and my chest tightens with the impending loss that’s to come. I’m going to miss the kids as much as I’ll miss their two fathers.

  I waste no time making my way down to Isaiah’s office. He’s just finishing up some business on his tablet computer when I enter.

  “Please, sit.” He gestures to a chair in front of his desk.

  I fold my skirt beneath my legs and do as he bids.

  He tents his fingers and places his chin on top, regarding me with that all seeing stare that makes me shiver. “Are you happy working here, Maya?”

  Here it comes, I think. Still I feign ignorance. “Yes, very much. You, Sawyer, and the children have become like a second family to me.” An embarrassed blush creeps into my cheeks from this confession.

  He smiles at this. “We’re all very fond of you, too.” He gets up from his chair and strolls around to the front of the desk. His six-foot-four intimidating frame towers over me. “How’s your brother and his family doing?”

  I glance up at him. “They’re great. Actually, my brother just won the lottery. Can you believe it? 8 million bucks. He and Patty and the kids are set for life. His medical bills will never be a worry again.”

  There, I think, I’ve given him an out. He knows I don’t need the money this job brings in anymore. He can set me free with a clear conscience and he and Sawyer can be with their new love.

  But instead of looking relieved, his face knits in obvious concern. I’m bewildered by his reaction but say nothing.

  “That’s wonderful news,” he says, then begins to walk from the desk toward a wall filled with pictures of him, Sawyer, Rachel, and the kids. “I suppose this means you’re worry free also.”

  My heart beats harder, anticipating the killing blow. “Yes, I suppose it does.”

  He keeps his back to me, staring at the picture. “Maya … your big performance is coming up inside Surrender Sanctuary. How do you feel about that?”

  I resist the urge to tease him about how Freudian he sounds. “I’m confident I’ll do well with you and Sawyer there. You’ve taught me so much and I’m grateful. I’m looking forward to it.”

  He turns back to me, smiling once more. “I’m glad to hear it.” Swiftly, he moves toward my chair and kneels down in front of me. “Sawyer and I have a surprise planned for you after the performance.” He brushes a strand of chestnut hair from my shoulder. “That is, if you’re a good girl.” The lusty tone his voice takes on spreads heat through my lower belly and into my sex.

  “I can’t wait to find out what it is.” My words are shaky.

  He kisses my temple as he stands up. “Take the rest of the afternoon off. Go enjoy yourself.”

  “Thank you.” I get up from the chair and make my way briskly from the office, hoping to hide from him the tears that blur my vision.


  As Ethan and I leave our history class, I blurt the question I’ve wanted to ask him all day. “Hey, I need a huge favor. Can my best pal help me out?”

  He gives me a curious expression. “Depends on the favor.”

  I bite my lip, try to quell the butterflies in my stomach. “Could you fill in for me with Isaiah and Sawyer? It’s only for a couple days. I don’t want to leave the kids with no nanny.”

  His golden blond eyebrows shoot up. “Really? What’s up?”

  I swallow and put on my bluff face. “Oh, nothing. I just want some extra time to cram for mid-terms. And I know you’ve got a photographic memory, so you’ll whiz through our exams. Me? I need all the studying I can get.”

  He grins. “Right, Ms. 3.94 GPA. Sure, Tom and I could use the cash. I’ll do it. No problem.”

  “Thanks a bunch.” I lean over and kiss my best buddy on the cheek as we walk toward the college entrance. “I owe you again.”

  He waves me off. “Buy me lunch and we’ll call it even. When do you need me to start?”

  I think about this weekend. Tomorrow night is my big performance inside Surrender Sanctuary, the crème de la crème of Surrender Inc.’s resorts. A BDSM and sex club franchise that caters to elites and anyone who can pay to make their fantasies come true inside Surrender’s walls.

  Isaiah said he and Sawyer had a surprise planned for me after the performance, but I intend to be the one who surprises them. I can’t bear to hear the words, the confirmation, that they’re letting me go and giving their love to another. So I plan on quietly slipping out of their life forever.

  “Could you come in for Saturday morning? I know it’s the weekend, but…”

  “Sure, I can do that,” Ethan says, relieving my buzzing nerves. “Tom is away on business this weekend, so it’ll give me something better to do than eat too much chocolate and watch old Match Game reruns.”

  I giggle at my friend’s love of the old 70s version of this kitschy game show. “Thanks again, Ethan. Now, let me buy you that lunch.”


  Isaiah and Sawyer help me put the kids to bed and then we prepare for our trip to Surrender Sanctuary. I take my time getting ready in my bedroom, sliding into fishnet stockings with scalloped edges, stacked stilettos with a velvety finish and a bow accented with diamonds, and a red corset with a lacy black overlay. My outfit is finished off by a black lacy thong and elbow length black satin gloves. I gather my hair in a high chignon and create long spiral curls around my face. After I finish doing my makeup—smoky eyes and classic red lipstick—I sit back to admire the outcome. I look l
ike a sultry queen, and a mixture of elation and sadness fill my chest. Elation over the beauty before me and the excitement of the night ahead. Sadness over knowing this is the end of my love affair with two wonderful men I adore.

  A firm knock rouses me from my musing. “Come in,” I say, clearing my throat to rid my voice of a slight squeak.

  Isaiah enters, followed by Sawyer. They both drip raw, powerful sex appeal. Clad in black leather pants and thick soled black boots, they look dangerous and appealing. Silky black blazers hide their bare, muscled chests until we perform. Isaiah’s long brown hair falls down around his shoulders and the light catches the paler brown streaks in his mane. Sawyer sandy brown, short spikes gleam and his deep brown eyes shimmer with excitement.

  “You look stunning, mistress,” Isaiah says, his deep voice made deeper by desire.

  “You’ll be the most beautiful woman there,” Sawyer adds. A slight rasp to his words give away his awe.

  I blush, pleased by their admiration. Making them happy in any way makes me happy.

  “Let’s get going.” Isaiah takes my cape from the chair in front of my dresser and drapes it over my shoulders. “We don’t want to be late for your debut at Surrender Sanctuary.”

  The two men lead me down the staircase and into the grand foyer, then out the door and into the back of a limousine. The car is luxurious, and Isaiah uncorks a bottle of champagne as the driver steers us out of the mansion’s main gate.

  “Only one drink to celebrate.” He hands me and Sawyer a flute glass each. “We can have one more each at Sanctuary, but no more.”

  I nod, remembering the rules about alcohol before a scene. Both my doms have strict regulations about this. A submissive must be in possession of their full faculties before a performance. This is to ensure their true consent. An inebriated sub cannot truly agree to anything. A clear mind is crucial.


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