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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

Page 50

by Anita Lawless

  I glare at Niko. “What the hell is this?”

  “Consider him an early Christmas present,” he says as he removes his gloves and tucks them into one pocket.

  I frown at him in confusion.

  “The gentleman on your floor has been spying on you, for Isaac.” He toes the prone man with an expensive Gucci loafer. “Seems your old lover hired this P.I. so he could indirectly stalk you.”

  “How’d you find this out?”

  “I’ve been indirectly stalking you, too.” Niko gives a smug smirk. “When you told me Isaac knew you were working for me, I had my suspicions he’d hired someone to watch you. My people found Mr. Chris Horsman here taking pictures of you at a nightclub about a week back. Today, I had a little chat with Chris.”

  My heart slams against my ribs. “Nightclub?”

  Niko clenches his jaw. “Dooly’s, I believe. Word is you also broke our contract that night, but we’ll discuss that later.”

  My head spins and I slump down in the tat chair, staring first at the beaten man at my floor and then at Niko. My gaze ping pong back and forth until Niko speaks again.

  “So now you have proof I’m not working with Isaac. A gesture of trust.” He points to the man on the floor. “Chris, tell Chad what you told me.”

  The man in question rambles on about working for Gemini. He’s been tailing me for about a month, he says. Niko pulls an envelope out of his coat as the guy spills his story. He hands me this, and I find it’s filled with pictures of me that Chris took for Isaac. Some of these include photos taken outside the studio where Niko and I practice.

  “Want to get in a punch or two before I let him go?” Niko says.

  “No, thanks. I’m good.” There’s more to this offering than a show of trust, I sense. Niko’s also letting me know he’s not someone I should fuck with.

  Niko shrugs and picks the man off the floor. He brings him close to his face after he rips the duct tape off Chris’ mouth. “Tell Isaac the next time he sends anyone to stalk Chad, it won’t be the hired help I fuck up. Got it?”

  The bruised man croaks out a reply before Niko shows him to the exit. When he returns, he stands over me. A towering giant who makes me squirm in my seat.

  “Why did you break the rules of our contract?”

  I don’t meet his eyes when I reply. “I was stupid. Sorry.”

  He places beefy hands on each chair arm and leans close to my face. Our noses almost touch. “I should fire you. You’ve been a pain in the ass from the moment I met you, not to mention ungrateful.”

  Anger surges up inside me and I go on the defensive. “How do I know you won’t fuck me up as bad as Isaac did? Seems you like to use your power to abuse, just like Gemini.”

  He scowls at me, draws even nearer so I’m pushed back in the seat. “You’re so ready to believe everyone’s out to get you that you can’t even see when someone’s trying to help. I beat the shit out of that guy because of you! Not to intimidate you, Chad. Don’t you get that? To send a warning to Isaac and protect you!” Niko gives a disgusted snarl and stomps away from me. “Your persecution complex is getting boring. Maybe I should fire you.”

  My stomach tightens with dread. “Do what you want.”

  His big hands curl around my shoulders and he yanks me up. “I’m not jumping through your hoops, playing your games, anymore. You wanted me to prove my trust. Now prove I can trust you.”

  He crushes his mouth against mine and his tongue forces its way between my lips. He claims my mouth ferociously, giving me no chance to refuse him. But I don’t want to. I meet his anger with my own as he hauls me up from the chair and rips my t-shirt over my head. In return, I yank his trench coat from his shoulders then rip open his shirt. Buttons fly and ping off of the other chairs and stainless steel tables in the shop.

  My hands roam over his chest, skimming over the velvety hair covering his pecs. He fumbles with my belt and zipper then yanks my pants down as we stumble toward one of the display cases near the front of the store. A firm grip cups my cock through my boxer briefs and massages until I grow hard. Moaning, I grab at his waist and soon remove his pants, shoving my hand down his underwear to stroke his thick, long penis until it stiffens from my touch.

  He pushes me against the display counter, breaking the kiss so he can flip me around. One massive hand grips my shoulder while the other covers my mouth as he dips his head and sinks his teeth into the crook of my neck. He bites down hard and I scream into his hand as my skin breaks. Blood trickles into his mouth and the superficial wound stings as he laps at it.

  “Never doubt me again,” he growls into my ear.

  “I won’t,” I say, my voice raspy and my head dizzy from the adrenaline flooding my brain.

  Roughly, he spreads my legs and presses me down so my face touches the cool glass counter. His cock strokes over my balls, making my own penis twitch and harden more. Then he fondles and pinches my sac with his free hand before whispering into my ear, “Do you want me to fuck you? Say it.”

  “Yes, sir. Please. I want you to fuck me.”

  “Wait here, sub. Do not move.”

  He leaves me for a moment but soon returns to claim me. A condom wrapper rips and then the head of his meaty dick shoves inside my anus. I groan and let my ass relax so I can take all of him. His thrusts are slow and long at first as he works my hole wider, but once I’m completely open to him he speeds up, fucking me like a primal beast. I hold on to the top of the display case as I buck and jerk from the force of our sex.

  We grunt like two animals fucking. He slaps my ass hard once, twice, three times and I hiss air between my teeth. Punishment for not trusting him, just as he’s punishing and pleasuring me with sex.

  The hand on my shoulder moves down my back, over my hip, and curls around my cock. He squeezes hard as he pumps me, and I gasp as all this sensation rockets through me, searing my every nerve. Our bodies slide easily against one another as they grow slick with sweat. The fucking becomes so forceful we move the display case, making the legs on its base scrape across the tiled floor.

  He pumps me faster, harder, in time with his thrusts. Then he bends over and tenderly kisses the bite on my neck as he cums deep inside of me. He doesn’t pull out until he’s worked me to climax and I spurt pearly spunk all over the glass beneath me.


  “What made you want to be a magician?”

  Niko moves away from the table where we practiced an illusion for the upcoming Christmas show. We’re the last two left in his studio located in the heart of the metropolis.

  “My babka.”

  I give him a confused look. Before he continues, he sits beside me on one of the leather chairs the studio holds.

  “Russian word for grandmother. Many Slavic countries use it. She used to tell me stories about my great-great-babka, who came to North America in 1900. My great-great-babka, Katerina, was deeply interested in the occult and she was a spiritualist. She sat with Madame Blavatsky when she died.” He raised an eyebrow. “You do know who that is, I assume?”

  I bristle a bit at his condescension. “She created theosophy or something like that.”

  He grumbles, “Close enough, for now. I’ll educate you properly one day. Anyway, my babka used to tell me stories about Katerina’s travels, her work inside the spiritualist community and with Blavatsky. I was fascinated from an early age, and I got into meditation, esotericism. Later I discovered Houdini and became obsessed with him. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a magician.”

  “Wasn’t he a hardcore skeptic, Houdini? Didn’t he debunk people who said they could talk to the dead?”

  Niko nods. “He was skeptical, yes. After his mother died, he went to many mediums trying to communicate with her, but found them to be frauds. However, he was good friends with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was an advocate of the spiritualist community. They butted heads over the validity of those claiming they could talk to the dead. Houdini wanted to believe, but he wouldn’t let himself be f
ooled into believing simply to comfort himself.”

  We talk some more about magicians he’s worked with and studied with.

  “Let’s create a new illusion together,” I say. “I’ve got some ideas I want to show you.”

  He scratches his beard. “We could do that. I did hire you to help modernize the act. But if I agree to this, you have to do something for me.”

  I lick my lips as anxiety tingles across my skin. “What’s that?”

  “Perform inside a Surrender club with me.”

  Confusion makes me shrug. “Sure, but that’s already in my contract.”

  He gives a wolfish smile. “This won’t be a standard bdsm scene. I want you to perform a sex magic ritual with me.”

  I don’t believe in any of that supernatural bunk, so the proposal doesn’t intimidate me. “Sounds easy enough. You’ve got a deal.”


  The Christmas show at the Leger Theater is going smoothly, and now it’s time for the new illusion Niko and I have created. The trick is an expensive one that requires 3D digital projectors, which have been placed discreetly among the front stage lights so they’ll blend in and won’t be noticed by our audience. A reflective screen has also been situated on the stage in a manner that won’t give the illusion away.

  Jemma, one of Niko’s assistants, struts out onto the stage in a white monokini. Beneath this she wears a film that reminds me of saran wrap. Tonight, she will become our living canvas as we project three dimensional tattoos all over her body.

  As the applause die down, Niko addresses the audience. “Thank you, everyone. And now I’d like to introduce Chad Roberts.”

  My heart crawls into my throat as the burly magician makes me walk into the spotlight and take a bow.

  “Chad and I have developed a new illusion we’d like to share with you tonight. We are proud to debut the living tapestry, and we hope you enjoy it.”

  Niko goes on to tell them how, without touching Jemma, we will make tattoos appears on her skin, and then we will remove them. The whole process will take under forty-five minutes.

  Niko and I position ourselves on either side of Jemma, just far enough away that we won’t interfere with the holographic projections. Should we touch her, the tattoos will show on us as a ghostly image, and the illusion will be broken.

  The magician and I take up tattoo guns and press the power pedals. There is no ink in either device. It’s all just part of the image we want to create.

  The crowd murmurs but grows quiet as the lighting is adjusted and the projectors do their thing.

  Niko and I move our hands in a flurry as a Chinese dragon begins to form on Jemma’s shoulders. She holds perfectly still as a head with tendrils and a spiky beard emerges just above her breasts. Scaly limbs coil around her arms and legs, while a serpentine body curls around her torso.

  The crowd gives appreciative applause, but Niko holds up his free hand, indicating much more is left.

  Inside the scales, other pictures begin to form. An eyeball blinks out of one membrane, while esoteric symbols are scribbled in others. A miniature Buddha appears in one near her hip, and a curl of inky smoke slithers out of some scales near her knee.

  When the tapestry is complete, we put down our guns and motion to Jemma. She’s covered in body art from toes to neck, and the dragon that covers her body writhes over her skin.

  The crowd erupts in applause. Some in the audience stand to show their appreciation, but Niko motions for them to sit. Our show isn’t done yet. Niko indicates Jemma should turn around to show the full design, and the cheers of our spectators swell once more.

  With guns at our feet, Niko and I now spread out hands wide and move them back and forth through the empty air, as if channeling some unseen force into Jemma’s skin. The concealed projectors go out, while other stage lights come on to mask the change in illumination. As they flicker off, the tapestry fluttering across her skin disappears.

  “The living tapestry!” Niko takes Jemma’s hand, and I take the other. We lead her forward and bow.

  When the crowd roars in satisfaction this time, Niko does not stop them. Many give us a standing ovation.


  Two days after the Christmas show, Isaac walks into the shop just as me and Laura are finishing up for the day.

  Laura completes the cash out and walks over to where I’m putting needles in the autoclave. “You want me to stick around?” She glares at Isaac as he approaches.

  “Nah, I’m good. I’ll call you later. Let you know how things go.”

  She plants a kiss on my cheek then taps her cell phone. “Okay. Call before if you need anything. Good luck.”

  As she strides past my ex, she gives him another disapproving up and down, which he returns with an apathetic stare.

  My hands shake slightly as he stops near the tattoo chair, but I make damn sure he won’t notice.

  He pulls a yellow envelope out of his inner coat pocket and hands it to me.

  I give him a curious look and hesitate to take it.

  “An early Christmas present,” he says, then puts the envelope on the seat of the chair.

  I’m getting spoiled this year, I think sarcastically. With cautious fingers, I tear into the packet. What I find inside makes me frown then stare at him. “This your idea of a joke?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m giving you the shop.” From his trouser pocket, he pulls out keys and presses them into my palm. “And the apartment above it. Consider it a peace offering.”

  I clench my jaw, not ready to believe Isaac Gemini has suddenly become benevolent. “I’m not a fool. There’s some catch.”

  “No catch. Oh, there are some minor formalities to take care of before the shop becomes completely yours. I’ll need you to stop by my office and sign some papers. How’s Tuesday?”

  I scan the papers again, look back at him. “Right. So you get me to come by your office and what? Your guys do a number on me like Niko did on Chris?”

  Isaac smiles, but the expression holds weariness. “Nothing like that. This is all legitimate. You can bring Niko and his lawyer with you if you like. For protection.”

  “Why the sudden generosity?”

  He exhales slowly, sits in a chair opposite the one I stand behind. “Torturing you is getting old, Chad. I’m not getting any younger either. Besides it’s Christmas, right? Time to put old shit behind us.”

  “You’ve never been one to let a grudge go before.”

  He holds his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “Niko can be very convincing. I don’t want Chris showing up on my doorstep in a body bag. I’ve grown kind of fond of him.”

  He and Chris are lovers, and by the look on his face he actually cares deeply about this guy. Probably more so than he ever did me. “So that’s it. You’re in love and you don’t want your boyfriend’s pretty face messed up?”

  He scoffs at this. “Like I said, I’m not getting any younger. And sometimes you find someone who makes you think differently.” Then his face goes grave and he takes a moment to form words. “That and I buried my mother last weekend. So you might say I’ve been reassessing things.” He shrugs.

  “I’m sorry,” I say.

  “Caught your show with Niko the other night. You two must be real close if he’s letting you share the stage with him like that. He never lets anyone besides himself be the main attraction. The tat illusion was impressive. You have a hand in that?”

  “We developed the trick together, yeah.”

  He nods before getting up and walking over to me. “I’m sorry, too.” Isaac reaches for my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “Be happy, Chad. I’m going to try to be.” With that, he walks toward the door, throwing over his shoulder as he leaves, “See you and Niko Tuesday. I’ll have all the papers ready.”


  “Did you have anything to do with this?” I toss the papers Isaac gave me onto Niko’s desk.

  He picks them up and looks them over, then looks at me. “No, I didn’t. He
gave you the shop and apartment?”

  I slump down in a leather chair opposite him. “Yup, or so he claims. Wants me to meet him at his office Tuesday to sign some stuff. Said I can bring you for protection.”

  Niko rubs his beard and wears a thoughtful expression. “I wonder what brought this on?”

  “Gemini lost his mom recently. I guess it’s making him rethink some things. That and he’s upset you messed up his boyfriend.”

  With an eyebrow raised, Niko smirks. “Chris is his new love toy?”


  After leaning back, Niko laces his fingers together and rests them on his lean stomach. “I’ll go to his office with you. That’s no problem.”


  “Any plans to break your contract again?” He swivels in his chair as he watches me. “This means you’re free and clear. You don’t really need our deal anymore.”

  My eyes widen and I blurt, “Of course not! You can trust me.” Although I’m a little pissed he had to bring up my earlier mistake with the one night stand I took home from the club. “I’m still yours for the year.”

  He nods, though he doesn’t appear convinced. “You did well at the Christmas show. Your trick was a huge success. We should perform it again at the New Year’s show.”

  “Our trick,” I correct him. “And sure. That’d be great.”

  He smiles, but tension still lingers between us. “Ever thought about getting into magic full time?”

  Grinning, I shrug. “Give up tattooing for full time illusions… It’s a possibility. Always wanted to try a lot of different things in life.”

  He gets up from his chair and walks around the desk, stopping to lean on the front of it. “Our Surrender performance is in a few days. We should really practice.”

  The sex magic ritual. My stomach tightens as I wonder how big the crowd inside this Surrender club will be. Doing a magic show fully clothed in front of tons of people is one thing, but this… I dismiss my apprehension and remind myself this will be an adventure. And I’m looking forward to being with Niko in the display of exhibitionism. It will take place just before Christmas eve, and might be the last chance I get to see him until we practice for our New Year’s show. After all, he’ll probably want to spend some of the holidays with his family.


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