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Blood Struck

Page 6

by Michelle Fox

  “It’s okay then?” I frowned, not trusting his quick acceptance.

  “More than okay,” Kristos said. “Unless you want to stop?” He went still and looked at me.

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to stop.”

  “What do you want?” His gaze searched mine and I had that feeling again of being in a freefall.

  “You,” I whispered utterly charmed by this debonair vampire and his easy way with my body that quickened me with desire. “I want you to be my first.”

  “Good. I want to be your first too.” He unhooked my bra then and peeled it off me, smiling wolfishly as my breasts came into view. Hefting one globe in each hand, thumbs caressing the tips, he said, “I can hear your heart. It beats faster when I touch you.”

  Caught up in the effect of his touch, I had no response other than a hitch in my breathing.

  “Tell me, has any man made you feel this way?”

  I shook my head.

  “Just me?”

  I nodded.

  “Say the words, Myra.” He then tugged my hair until I lifted my chin up, exposing my throat which he covered with kisses.

  “Just you,” I gasped.

  At that, he leaned down to suck a nipple while continuing to play with the other, his tongue stroked me with a light, feathery touch. Then the pressure increased as he suckled the tip, which stiffened in response. When he flicked his tongue across my nipple, I moaned and arched my back, pushing my breasts into his face. The sensation in my breast bordered on pain without leaving pleasure. The feeling left me unsatisfied and wanting more.

  He released me with a laugh. “And you think you don’t like whippings.”

  Confused, I looked at him. “What?”

  “That, my dear, was a thorough tongue lashing.” He moved to my other breast, taking the nipple and areola in his mouth with a hard suck. The bristles of his facial hair scraped my tender skin and his tongue showed me no mercy. As before, he stroked me until my nipple hardened into a nub and then he whipped his tongue across it, in hard, short strokes. My first whipping and it felt so good.

  My hips spun in small circles and I threw my head back with a heavy sigh. My fingers had gone numb from holding onto him so tightly.

  “I think it’s time to retire to the bedroom, don’t you?”

  I nodded and then on impulse, reached down to kiss him, tentatively parting his lips for a French kiss. He tasted like salt and wine. His fangs were sharp as razor blades, threatening to nick my tongue with every pass. I came up for air. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so kind.”

  “Kind enough to almost get you killed.” There was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

  I shrugged. “Kind enough to take care of me. To put up with all my bumbling mistakes and lies.”

  “Are you saying we’re even?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” I went to kiss him again, finding I craved his touch. He met me half-way and took control of my mouth as he stood up. Cradling me in his arms, he swept me out of the dining room and down the hall.

  Chapter Seven

  Dark wood panels lined the walls of Kristos’ bedroom. The hint of red in the cherry wood stain the only color as everything else was black from the duvet to the carpet. Kristos set me down on the bed and tugged at the waistband of my jeans until the button came undone. He eased them past my hips, peeling them off and tossing them onto the floor. With a smoldering expression, he hooked his thumbs around my underwear and took those off as well. I was now naked with nothing to hide behind.

  “Your skin is amazing. Like porcelain.” He traced a finger over my collarbone. “And then you blush.” His finger ran between my breasts. I looked down to see a red flush creeping over my sternum.

  “I always hated how much I blushed,” I said, breathless.

  “And now?”

  “You’re convincing me of its charm. Bit by bit.” I smiled up at him, drinking in his dark good looks, giddy with the idea of what would come next. I was going to lose my virginity to a vampire and the idea no longer scared me. Quite the opposite in fact, I found it titillating now that I knew the fire he could ignite in my senses.

  He moved to take off his shirt, but I held up a hand. “Wait. Let me.” I stood and took over, pushing the small buttons of his dress shirt through their holes. His muscles flexed whenever my fingers brushed against his skin. I eased the shirt down his shoulders, pausing to kiss his chest and inhale his scent.

  With a grin, I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth, nibbling until he groaned, hands going to caress my breasts. I rubbed my nipples across his chest, delighting in the sensation of his smooth skin on my aching tips.

  “You’re an adventurous virgin.” His tone was amused.

  I gave a shy smile. “You bring it out in me.” Not waiting for a response, I kissed my way down his neck to his chest. Slowly kneeling, I planted my lips on his stomach and then tugged his belt free. Unfastening his pants, I let them fall to the floor, waiting for him to step out of them and kick them away before removing his boxers.

  His underwear gave me pause. It was the point of no return and I found myself nervous. What we were about to do marked a huge personal transition and I lingered on the threshold, fingers barely touching his waistband.

  Sensing the shift in my emotions, Kristos put his hands lightly over mine and together we took off his boxers. His cock sprang to attention the second it was free. It was long and large and I both feared and craved it.

  “Don’t worry, Myra. It will fit.”

  I bit my lip, embarrassed by my innocence.

  Kristos pulled me to my feet. “Are you okay?”

  Eyes focused on the floor, I merely nodded.

  “You seem upset. Is something wrong?” He lifted my chin with an insistent finger, gaze probing mine, full of concern.

  “What if I’m not enough?”

  “You are already more than I could hope for.” He touched my throat and then leaned down to suck the skin of my neck into his mouth, rolling it with his lips. Pushing me back on the bed, he nuzzled my breasts in turn as his hand wandered to the nexus between my legs. “Spread your legs for me, love. Let me touch you.”

  I complied and he stroked my core with a gentle finger, making me shiver.

  “Try not to worry. Just let go and trust me.” He paused to look up at me, holding my gaze until I nodded under the weight of his attention. His eyes had a knack for making me feel as if the world was spinning while I stood still.

  Kristos nuzzled my breast, lips closing softly over my nipple, his tongue probing and caressing it into a hard nub. Desire shot through my body as if my nipple was the ‘power button’ for my sexuality. Wetness gathered in my center, coating his hand, which had never stopped touching me.

  He gave me a wide grin that told me my response was just what he wanted and promised more. Turning his attentions to the other breast, he lashed the nipple into a stiff peak. Between my breasts and the stimulation of my overheated core, my hips began to circle as the energy of desire pooled between my legs with no place to go. The need for a release mounted and I looked at Kristos with wide, pleading eyes.

  He chuckled. “You win.”

  “Win what?” I asked, my voice a breathy pant.

  “The title of hottest virgin I’ve ever met.” He ran one hand over my stomach, smiling as it trembled at the contact. “You’re so ready and I’ve barely touched you.”

  I bit my lip, uncomfortable at the compliment.

  “I wouldn’t do that. It makes me want to bite.” He smiled wide, revealing fangs at the ready. Removing his hand from my core, he put a finger to my mouth, tugging my lip out from under my teeth. “Taste yourself.” He pushed his finger into my mouth. With hesitant swipes of my tongue, I licked and a salty, musky flavor hit my taste buds. It was me, I realized. It was all my desire, all the pent-up need his touch had made tangible.

  “Are you going to feed from me now?” I asked, suddenly tight with the w
rong kind of tension. I was afraid of what I was about to do. Lost in unknown territory with a guide who could make me purr with his touch alone or rip my throat out with sharp, pointy teeth.

  He pursed his lips and looked at me for a moment. “Not yet. For us, sex is like picking fruit. Green on the vine is bitter. I want you at your ripest, fullest moment.” He kissed my shoulder and fondled my breast. “When you come for me, then I’ll drink. Just a small taste, love. You’ll hardly miss it.”

  Kristos pushed me back on the bed and then pulled my hips down to the edge of the mattress as he kneeled between my legs.

  “Will it hurt?” I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at him as his gaze focused on my wet center.

  “No more than a sting, but you’ll be way past feeling anything but pleasure.” Hooking my knees over his arms, he spread my legs wide and covering my core with soft, fluttering kisses. Just as I became accustomed to that, his tongue parted my folds and flicked the sensitive nub there.

  I gasped and arched off the bed.

  “Everything all right?”

  I lifted my head to see him watching me with an amused expression. “Yes,” I managed to say breathlessly.

  “I know the first time can be scary. Especially today. Americans are raised to believe in romance. I come from a time, Myra, when fucking the right man was everything and love had little value.” He dipped his head between my legs again and wiggled his tongue up and down, making my thighs clench, grasping at nothing.

  Despite the carnal distraction of his mouth, I asked, “When was that?”

  “Ancient Rome.” He paused to pull my clit into his mouth with gentle suction. My hands fisted in the sheets and my hips twisted in bigger and bigger circles, until he had to push them firmly back down to the bed. “What I’m saying is, you have chosen well and you are securing your family’s future. There is great honor in that. There will be time for romance later. For now, let yourself go and trust me to take you where you need to go. Be glad you are giving yourself to the right man.” His tongue lapped my nether lips and then pushed them apart to massage my sensitive nub. There was no stopping for conversation this time. I closed my eyes to better concentrate on the orgasm that swelled deep in my core, heavy and wet, ready to burst.

  Again my hips bounced up, and again Kristos pinned me down in order to keep me where he wanted it. There was something so primal about that small act of restraint. I was not in control, the fate of my orgasm rested with him. He had all the power, and my only choice was to submit. Yet still I strained to take the pleasure faster, harder. I wanted release.

  My body bucked and fought him, but he was so strong, all he had to do was merely tighten his grip. The legend of super human strength flashed through my mind. He certainly had super human speed which made me think of how fast his tongue might go.

  My breath heaved in short pants as the climax prepared to explode. With my hips pinned down so tightly, all I could do was arch my back, wishing his mouth was on my breasts too. The memory of my nipples hardening for him took me over the edge and I cried out. Big contractions of pleasure shook me followed by fluttering pulses. He never stopped lapping up my juices and then I realized, when still he didn’t stop, that he was actually feeding.

  I pushed myself up so I could see his throat convulse as he swallowed. I was stunned. I thought vampires fed from the neck. I had never expected such an intimate act would also include blood. Of course, I hadn’t really known anything until this moment and what I did know about sex with vampires was still woefully inadequate.

  To my surprise, another orgasm rose up, unbidden. I was turned on, I realized by watching him and the fact he was literally eating me. It made me feel powerful and incredibly sexy. While the second orgasm wasn’t as strong as the first one, it still forced me to lay back and shudder in surrender. His tongue swept over my sensitive center, fueling the fire in my nervous system and almost crossing the line into pain.

  Then he was standing, his cock impossibly large and aiming straight for me. My breathing hitched and panic flashed through me.

  “Don’t think, just feel,” he said, his eyes swallowing up mine until I couldn’t tell where I ended and he began. His cock wedged itself in the entrance to my wet passage and pushed, insisting on entry. “Try to relax and open for me.” He nuzzled my neck and kissed his way down to my breast, teasing my nipple into hard prominence.

  Very patiently and deliberately, he played with my breasts until my hips began to move under him. Ever so slowly, he inched his way inside, expanding my walls wide until they ached. “You’re so wet and tight. I can’t wait to show you how good it’s going to be.” He eased out and then pumped into me with one fluid movement that made me hiss as pleasure and pain mixed. The sensation of my virginity tearing away made me bite my lip, a reaction that made Kristos’ eyes burn with desire.

  He claimed my mouth in a bruising kiss, capturing my moans in his mouth as he took me in slow motion. Gradually, he picked up speed, going faster and faster until my breasts bounced with the force of his re-entry. I reached up and grabbed his shoulders. The stitches in my palm stretched in protest, but I ignored the minor discomfort in favor of holding on. I didn’t know where the ride was going to take me and I feared it would shatter me into a million pieces.

  Soon I was thrusting up to meet him, wishing I could take him deeper. My need was insatiable and he only satisfied it in glancing blows as his cock buried itself to the hilt inside me. I needed more.

  As if sensing that, Kristos put my feet on his shoulders and plowed into me with powerful thrusts of his hips. His entire body felt as hard as his cock; throbbing muscle bouncing into my soft curves.

  I came in a soundless scream, too overcome to let air pass through my vocal cords. Pleasure unlike any I had felt before convulsed through me. Kristos leaned forward to kiss me on the neck, my legs pressing into my belly and chest until I could barely breath. I flinched as I felt the sting of his fangs piercing my skin, but that was quickly replaced by the added pleasure of feeling his cock spasming inside me in rhythm with his feeding.

  The way he held me was almost like being hog-tied. My body was wrapped in his, pinned by his weight which also immobilized my legs. All I had were my hands, which sometimes gripped the sheets or ran through the soft hair on his head. If the stitches bothered me, I didn’t notice any longer. In the midst of my orgasm, I had held onto the meat of his shoulders, shuddering against him.

  When he was done, he seized my mouth in another kiss and I tasted my salt and blood on his lips. With tentative laps of my tongue, I cleaned the traces of our lovemaking from his mouth.

  Kristos rolled off me with a sigh of contentment.

  Seeking reassurance, I asked, “Did I pass inspection?”

  He pulled me close, snuggling me against his shoulder. “Yes, you were fine.”

  “Fine?” I half sat up to look at him. Fine didn’t seem like an enthusiastic endorsement.

  He laughed. “You were the best virgin I ever had for dinner.”

  The absurdity of his response was not reassuring. “That’s it, just a good meal?”

  He went quiet for a moment. “More than a meal, Myra.” He planted a kiss on the top of my head. “There’s something about you, who you are, the way you taste that makes me want more.” He fell silent again. “Tell me about your parents.”

  I gave him a confused look. “Why?”

  “It might explain why I’m so besotted with you. You don’t taste like the other girls.”

  A coy smile danced on my lips. He’d said besotted and that made me happy. Very happy. I liked the idea of being able to besot a man like Kristos. “My mom, her name is Elena, is Irish-American with the blue eyes and red hair. My dad, well, all I know is his name. He didn’t stick around. His name was Devon Desanto.”

  Kristos froze. “You’re sure about that?”

  I frowned. “Yes, why? Do you know him?” The idea was preposterous, but something I’d said had caused Kristos to reac
t strongly.

  “Seriously, Myra, are you certain that’s his name?” His eyes caught mine in a fierce gaze that took my breath away.

  Mute, I nodded. Whatever it was, my gut instinct told me it was bad. Kristos had been happy when I’d confessed to being a virgin. That happy face was gone, now replaced by a serious one that carried an edge of worry.

  He pushed me away and sat up, his brow furrowed. “We’ve met.” He hit the bed with a fist. “That’s who you reminded me of. You taste like him. Vampires call him The Maker.”

  I shook my head and moved to sit next to him, pulling the sheet with me to cover my nakedness. “Seriously? You knew my dad? He’s The Maker? Of what?” The questions tumbled out in a rush, reflecting the chaos in my mind.

  Kristos crossed his arms. “I wasn’t the target that night at the restaurant.”

  My heart began to sink. “What are you saying?”

  His eyes locked with mine again. “It was you they wanted.”

  “Me?” My voice was a squeak now. I clutched the sheet tight in my hands. “Who would want me dead?”

  “Your father’s enemies.”

  I put a hand to my forehead to try and stop the panic swirling inside. “Kristos, please make sense. I don’t understand.”

  “I thought there was something about your blood that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. The attack...well, I never suspected they would want you. You’re human.”

  “What does my father’s name have to do with this?” I’d never even met the guy. He’d missed every milestone in my life and now he was causing people to shoot at me? It all seemed so random.

  “Your father is an Old One. One of the first vampires that ever walked.” Kristos’ eyes caught mine. “The last time I saw him, he was using that name. It can’t be a coincidence.”

  “Oh my God.” My words came out in breathless gasps. With one trembling finger I touched my teeth, checking for fangs. Just in case I’d failed to notice them these past twenty-five years. “What are you saying Kristos?”

  “You’re his blood and some would do anything to have you.”


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