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The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen

Page 972

by Steven Erikson

  Sister Reverence, we shall defy you when the time comes. Calm has found a weapon, a weapon to end your insane ambitions.

  Her footfalls were a whisper in the sand, but in her mind the ground trembled beneath her tread. The sun’s heat was fierce on her white face, but the fire of her thoughts was hotter still. And the voices from the beach, not far ahead now, should fall in futility before her hard intransigence, yet in them she found…hope.

  ‘Balance,’ she said under her breath. ‘Sister Reverence, you force this upon us. In your extremity, we must counter you. Calm has found the weapon we need. Reach for your fiercest madness, we shall match it – and more.’

  In truth, she cared nothing for the fate of humanity. If they all perished, so be it. No, what was important, here and now and in the future to come, was principle. Balance has an eternal enemy, and its name is ambition. You have forgotten this, Sister Reverence, and it falls to us to remind you. And so we shall.

  She climbed the high bank above the beach. Below, fifteen paces away, a dozen humans had gathered, and it seemed an argument was under way. In the bay beyond sat a ship, its arcane lines sending a sudden chill through Equity. Jaghut. The fools!

  She marched down on to the beach.

  The first two sailors who saw her both shrieked. Weapons flashed, and all at once the humans were rushing towards her.

  ‘I would speak—’

  A cutlass lashed out for her face. She edged aside, caught the wrist and clenched until bones split. The man howled, and she closed, driving her fingers into his throat. Blood sprayed from his gaping mouth, his eyes bulging as he fell back. A knife-thrust sought her stomach. Her mid-section bent to one side, evading the attack. She sent one hand snapping out to grasp the woman’s forehead and crushed it like the shell of an egg.

  A cutlass struck her left shoulder, rebounded as if from dense wood. Hissing, Equity twisted round. Two swift blows broke the man’s neck. Scowling now, she waded forward. Bodies spun to her lashing hands. The screams were deafening—

  And then the survivors were fleeing along the beach, their weapons flung away, and down by the water, thirty paces distant, stood four figures: a man, three women. Equity marched towards them.

  Sorcery erupted from the shortest of the women. A wave of blistering cold crashed into the Forkrul Assail, driving her back a step.

  One of the other women had drawn two short-hafted throwing axes and was fast closing.

  Sweet kiss of the Abyss, are they all suicidal? ‘Cease your attack!’

  One axe flew straight for her. She slipped from its path, only to grunt as the second axe struck her in the chest, its iron blade lodged in her breast bone. Agony ripped through her. The second wave of Omtose Phellack lifted her from the sand, flung her five paces back. She landed hard on her back, rolled, and then regained her feet. The bones of her chest plate convulsed, rejecting the axe blade, and she straightened in time to meet the attack of the axe-throwing woman.

  Long-bladed knives, a blur of hissing blades.

  Equity blocked the attacks, one after another, but was driven back, one step, two.

  She awakened her voice. ‘STOP!’

  The woman staggered, and then, with a growl, she pushed forward.


  Blood spattered from her attacker’s nose. Blood blossomed in her eyes. She stumbled, then lifted her weapons once more.

  Snarling, Equity stepped close and slapped the woman, hard enough to snap her head round. She collapsed in a heap. The Forkrul Assail stood over her, contemplating driving a heel into the human’s throat.

  An arrow glanced across her left temple, scoring a red slash. ‘CEASE ALL ATTACKS!’

  The woman at her feet moaned, tried to rise. Exasperated, Equity reached down, picked her up and threw her into the sea ten paces to her right. She stabbed a long finger at the sorceress. ‘I will speak to you!’

  The other woman with her shouted, ‘Then stop killing my crew!’

  Equity ran a finger along the gash in her temple – the wound was already mending. She sighed. Her chest ached, but the bones had begun healing and the pain was fading to an itch. ‘They attacked me,’ she said. ‘I simply defended myself. Indeed,’ she added, cautiously approaching, ‘if I desired to kill them all, I would have done so.’

  ‘I see five bodies over there—’

  ‘As I said, I would have killed them all.’

  The woman thrashing in the shallows was climbing unsteadily to her feet. Equity regarded her for a moment. ‘If she comes at me again, I will kill her.’ She faced the sorceress. ‘Make that plain to her – she belongs to you, does she not?’

  The short, plump mage made a strange wiggle with the fingers of one hand. ‘I am hard pressed to keep her from carving your head from your rather bony shoulders. You certainly have a way with words, Inquisitor, but that will not work a second time.’

  Equity narrowed her attention on the other woman in the group. She snorted. ‘It is said the Realm of Death is sundered. Do your kind now plague the world?’

  ‘I carry no plague,’ the woman replied.

  The Forkrul Assail frowned. Was she a simpleton? Often, she well knew, the brain decayed irreparably in such creatures.

  The man standing beside the undead woman was now staring at her with his one working eye. ‘Did she say y’got the plague, Cap’n?’

  ‘No, Pretty, she said you’re an idiot. Now be quiet – better yet, gather up the crew, now that they’ve scattered every which way, and detail a burial party, and all that other stuff. Go on.’

  ‘Aye, Cap’n.’ Then he hesitated, and said in a hoarse whisper that all could hear, ‘It’s just, this one, she looks like she’s got a plague, don’t she? All white and all those veins on her arms, and—’

  ‘Go, Kaban. Now.’

  Nodding, the man limped off.

  Equity watched the woman who’d attacked her set about retrieving her weapons.

  ‘Inquisitor,’ said the sorceress, ‘we have no interest in suffering your…adjudication. Indeed, we proclaim you our enemy.’

  ‘Is blind hatred your only recourse?’ Equity demanded. ‘You name me “Inquisitor”, telling me that you know certain details of local significance. Yet that title is a presumption. You assume that all Forkrul Assail are Inquisitors, and this is ignorant. Indeed, most of the Inquisitors we set upon the peoples of this land were Watered – as much human blood in their veins as Assail. We discovered a rather sweet irony in observing their zeal, by the way.’

  ‘Nevertheless,’ the sorceress retorted, even as she made imperative gestures towards her servant, ‘we must view you as our enemy.’

  ‘You still do not understand, do you? Your enemies are the Elders among the Pures, who seek the utter destruction of you and your kind, not just on this continent, but across the entire world.’

  ‘I am sure you understood why we might object to such desires,’ the sorceress said, and now her servant arrived, delivering into the young woman’s plump hand a clay pipe. She puffed for a moment, and then continued, ‘And while you appear to be suggesting that you do not share the zeal of your Elder Pures, I cannot help but wonder what has brought you here, to me.’

  ‘You have bargained with the Jaghut,’ said Equity.

  ‘They share our aversion to your notions of justice.’

  Frowning, Equity said, ‘I cannot understand what value the Jaghut see in you, a silly little girl playing at deadly magics, and beside you a lifeless abomination harbouring a parasite.’ She fixed her gaze upon the servant. ‘Is there a glamour about this one? If so, it is too subtle for me. Tell me, Sorceress, is she Jaghut?’

  ‘My handmaid? Goodness, no!’

  Equity’s eyes settled upon the ship in the bay. ‘Is he there?’


  ‘Your ally – I would speak to him. Or her.’

  Smoke billowed and streamed. ‘I’m sorry, what ally?’

  ‘Where hides the Jaghut?’ Equity demanded.

, I see. You misapprehend. I struck no bargain with any particular Jaghut. I merely sacrificed some blood for the privilege of Omtose Phellack—’

  The undead captain turned on the sorceress. ‘You did what? Errant’s nudge – that storm! You can’t—’

  ‘Necessity, Captain Elalle. Now please, cogitate in silence for the moment, will you?’

  ‘I am astonished,’ admitted Equity. ‘I did not imagine you to be so…thick.’

  ‘Thorns and rocks—’

  ‘You cannot bargain with Omtose Phellack – you are not Jaghut. No, you need a blessing, or personal intervention, and this is as true of a mortal as it is of an Elder God. That ship is Jaghut – its kind has not sailed the seas of this world for millennia. Where has it come from?’

  ‘From the realm of Omtose Phellack itself,’ said the sorceress.

  ‘No, that is not possible. Unless a Jaghut has journeyed into the warren – but no, there is naught but ice – yonder ship was built in this world. Do you see now why this makes no sense?’

  ‘Not just ice, apparently.’

  ‘You have seen Omtose Phellack?’

  ‘My handmaid,’ said the sorceress. ‘It was she who journeyed through the gate. It was she who entered Omtose Phellack and returned with the ship.’

  Equity studied the woman with the bruised eyes. ‘Describe the place where you were, please.’

  ‘Enlighten her,’ ordered the sorceress when the handmaid hesitated.

  A shrug, and then, ‘Forest. Demons. Ravines. Vicious apes.’

  ‘You did not journey to Omtose Phellack,’ Equity pronounced. ‘The gate opened upon another realm, a different warren.’

  ‘That cannot be,’ objected the sorceress. ‘My ritual fed on the power of Omtose Phellack.’

  ‘Enough of all this,’ drawled the captain, crossing her arms. ‘This Forkrul Assail has come here to negotiate. She seeks to betray her Elders. Obviously, she’s come looking for allies, though why she would seek us out remains something of a mystery, since she clearly knew nothing about your making use of Omtose Phellack, Princess. So, unless your skills in sorcery are such that even the gods tremble, I admit to having some trouble understanding what she wants from us.’

  Equity sighed. ‘We felt the touch of an Elder Warren, but could not determine which one.’

  ‘Then it was the Elder Pures who dispatched you?’

  ‘No, those who remain close to the Spire are mostly blind to distant powers. When I spoke of “we” I meant myself and my comrades; we have journeyed many times well beyond the influence of the power emanating from the Spire, else we would not have detected these…intrusions.’

  ‘And now you want to forge some kind of alliance,’ said the captain.

  ‘You seek the Spire, and that which lies upon its altar—’

  ‘Not precisely,’ interjected the sorceress, pausing to pull hard on her pipe before adding, ‘we seek to prevent whatever it is you’re all planning.’

  ‘And how do you expect to do that?’

  ‘I believe the term you have already used will suffice: allies.’

  ‘If you – and your allies – would have any hope of succeeding, you will need our help.’

  ‘And if we do not trust you?’ the captain asked.

  ‘This is proving a waste of time,’ said Equity. ‘I will speak to the Jaghut now.’

  ‘There isn’t one,’ said the sorceress, behind a veil of smoke.

  ‘Then he or she is hiding even from you. Open the gate, Princess – the one you used for your servant. The presence is very close – I can feel it. I felt it when you unleashed Omtose Phellack against me. Open the gate, and let us all see who has come among us.’

  Hissing, the sorceress held out her pipe. The handmaid took it. ‘Very well. It will be a feeble gate; indeed, I might well fail—’

  ‘It won’t.’

  The sorceress walked a short distance away, her rounded hips swaying. She lifted her hands, fingers moving as if plucking invisible strings.

  Bitter cold flooded out, the sand crackling as if lit by lightning, and the gate that erupted was massive, yawning, towering. Through the billowing icy air flowed out a sweeter, rank smell. The smell of death.

  A figure stood on the threshold of the gate. Tall, hunched, a withered, lifeless face of greenish grey, yellowed tusks thrusting up from the lower jaw. Pitted eyes regarded them from beneath a tattered woollen cowl.

  The power cascading from this apparition sent Equity stumbling back. Abyss! A Jaghut, yes, but not just any Jaghut! Calm – can you hear me? Through this howl? Can you hear me? An ally stands before me – an ally of ancient – so ancient – power! This one could have been an Elder God. This one could have been…anything! Gasping, fighting to keep from falling to one knee, from bowing before this terrible creature, Equity forced herself to lift her gaze, to meet the empty hollows of his eyes.

  ‘I know you,’ she said. ‘You are Hood.’

  The Jaghut stepped forward, the gate swirling closed behind him. Hood paused, regarding each witness in turn, and then walked towards Equity.

  ‘They made you their king,’ she whispered. ‘They who followed no one chose to follow you. They who refused every war fought your war. And what you did then – what you did—’

  As he reached her, his desiccated hands caught her. He lifted her from her feet, and then, mouth stretching, he bit into the side of her face. The tusks drove up beneath her cheek bone, burst the eye on that side. In a welter of blood, he tore away half of her face, and then bit a second time, up under the orbitals, the tusks driving into her brain.

  Equity hung in his grip, feeling her life drain away. Her head felt strangely unbalanced. She seemed to be weeping from only one eye, and from her throat no words were possible. I once dreamed of peace. As a child, I dreamed of—

  Shurq Elalle stared in horror as the Jaghut flung the corpse away. From his gore-drenched mouth fell fragments of scalp and skull.

  Then Hood faced them, and in a dry, toneless voice he said, ‘I have never much liked Forkrul Assail.’

  No one spoke. Felash stood trembling, her face pale as death itself. Beside her, the handmaid had set her hands upon the axes at her belt, but seemed unable to move beyond that futile, diffident gesture.

  Shurq Elalle gathered herself, and said, ‘You have a singular way of ending a discussion, Jaghut.’

  The empty pits seemed to find her, somehow, and Hood said, ‘We have no need of allies. Besides, I recently learned a lesson in brevity, Shurq Elalle, which I have taken to heart.’

  ‘A lesson? Really? Who taught you that?’

  The Jaghut looked away, across the water. ‘Ah, my Death Ship. I admit, it was a quaint affectation. Nonetheless, one cannot help but admire its lines.’

  Princess Felash, Fourteenth Daughter of Bolkando, fell to her knees and was sick in the sand.

  Chapter Ten

  What is it about this world

  That so causes you trouble?

  Why avow in your tone

  This victim role?

  And the plaintive hurt

  Painting your eyes

  Bemoans a life’s struggle

  Ever paying a grievous toll

  We gathered in one place

  Under the selfsame sun

  And the bronze woman

  Holding the basin,

  Her breasts settled in the bowl,

  Looked down with pity

  Or was it contempt?

  She is a queen of dreams

  And her gift is yours to take

  Pity if you choose it

  Or contempt behind the veil

  I would have polished those eyes

  For a better look

  I would have caressed those roses

  For a sweeter taste

  When we drink from the same cup

  And you make bitter recoil

  I wonder at the tongue in waiting

  And your deadening flavours

  So eager to now despoil

  What is it about this world

  That so causes you trouble?

  What could I say to change

  Your wounded regard?

  If my cold kiss must fail

  And my milk run sour

  Beneath the temple bell

  That so blights your reward?

  Ten thousand hang from trees

  Their limbs bared roots

  Starved of hope in the sun

  And the wood-cutters are long gone

  Up to where the road gives way

  To trails in the dust

  That spiral and curl

  Like the smoke of fires

  They are blazing beacons

  In the desert night.

  It was said by the lepers

  Huddled against the hill

  That a man with no hands

  Who could stare only

  As could the blind

  Upon the horrors of argument

  Did with one hand gone

  Reach into the dark sky

  And with the other too gone

  He led me home


  Tablets II & III

  Hethra of Aren

  THE EDGE OF THE GLASS DESERT WAS A BROKEN LINE OF CRYSTALS AND boulders, for all the world like an ancient shoreline. Aranict could not pull her gaze from it. She sat slumped in the saddle of her wearily plodding horse, a hood drawn over against the blistering sun, off to one side of the main column. Prince Brys rode somewhere ahead, near the vanguard, leaving her alone.

  The desert’s vast, flat stretch was blinding, the glare painful and strangely discordant, as if she was witnessing an ongoing crime, the raw lacerations of a curse upon the land itself. Stones melted to glass, shards of crystal jutting like spears, others that grew like bushes, every branch and twig glittering as if made of ice.

  Rolled up against the verge there were bones, heaped like driftwood. Most were shattered, reduced to splinters, as if whatever had befallen the land had taken in a massive fist each creature and crushed the life from it – it felt like a deliberate act, an exercise in unbelievable malice. She thought she could still taste the evil, could still feel its rotted breath on the wind.


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