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Love's Protection (Passion Moon 3): (A Shifter, Supernatural Romance)

Page 10

by Renee Jordan

  “Go fight your father!” Vanessa snarled. “The pack will keep these off of you. Trust us, boss.”

  Forrest nodded. He scooped me up in his furry arms. “I love you,” I screamed as Forrest took a mighty leap, vaulting over the thick fir tree that had crashed down across the road and the locked gate cutting off access to the spring.

  My heart thudded as he landed on the other side. “Love you,” Forrest growled as he set me down, then he gave me a quick lick up the cheek, his tongue hot and rough.

  “Let's stop my father together.”

  We raced down the road. The moon burned red above and the Spring reflected back its passion. The energy humming in the air grew with every step, pressing on my body. Life, Death, and Love all mixed together, churning the air and ground. The hair on my arms stood straight. My tattoo ached.

  We rounded the corner. My father stood before the Moon Tear Spring.

  The crimson light poured around him, making him almost a silhouette in his black clothes. But his green eyes seemed to burn in the center of his shadowy appearance. On the other side of the spring my friends—Ms. Maggie, Penny, Evelyn, Connie, and Augustus—lay bound, but not with ropes. Green energy encircled them, some spell of my father.

  “You are far more capable than I had imagined, Dakota,” my father said. He almost sounded...proud. “You broke my spell on your wolf. I was quite shocked when I felt it snap. After ten years, my enchantment should have been burned into his bones. How did you manage to do it?”

  “Love,” I answered.

  “Yes, yes, Love magic can be powerful.”

  “No, just love.” I laid a hand on Forrest's furry arm. He growled and snarled. Anger burned in his golden eyes.

  “Yes, love has its uses,” my father said. “It is an amazing tool at manipulation. Look at your mother—”

  Forrest let out a snarling growl, his claws digging into the ground as he prepared his charge.

  My father glanced at Forrest. “So he knows the truth?”

  “That you made me kill my parents?” howled Forrest.

  The shadowy form of my father seemed to writhe. He had cast some spell upon himself. I studied him. Glowing Light spirits danced in and out of his shadows. He had imbued himself with Light spirits to create the surrounding shadows.

  Forrest charged.

  I commanded the Love spirits to protect him. Golden hearts streaked after Forrest as he bounded towards my father, howling in rage. The shadows engulfing my father lashed out like tendrils. His green eyes burned brighter. The tendrils wrapped around Forrest. The Love spirits blocked the tendrils, dissolving them with golden light.

  But there were a lot of tendrils. Forrest was pushed to the side. He tumbled and came to his feet, his claws digging furrows in the earth. He snarled and lunged again. They fought with shadows and claws. My father barely moved, but his attacks were furious and fast.

  “Spirits of illumination, banish the shadows!” My magic rushed out of my totem. Glowing Light spirits surged towards my father. Shadowy tendrils dissolved. Forrest lunged in.

  My father was carried to safety by Air spirits and landed on his feet. I blinked in astonishment. “How did you cast a spell without speaking?”

  “I'm not weak.” Life spirits suddenly hurtled at me. The greenish blobs slammed into my body. I screamed as they tried to attach strings to my limbs. Flesh control. I shuddered in horror.

  I pulled my protection from Forrest to drive the Life spirits off of me. Shadowy tendrils wrapped up my mate and hurled him into a tree. I broke the flesh control spell as Forrest howled in pain. The tree swayed, pine cones raining down as Forrest landed in a crumpled heap. I staggered as I broke my father's spell, my body back under my control.

  “You bastard!” I shouted as I rushed to Forrest.

  Shadowy tentacles lashed out at me. My Love spirits swirled around me. They batted away my father's attacks. The ground rumbled. Earth spirits ripped open a deep crack before me. “Spirits of wind, carry me across the chasm!” I shouted as the crack swelled.

  I jumped over the yawning hole. Cloudy spirits swirled about me, carrying me across to Forrest. I landed beside him and touched his fur. “Heal him!” I screamed at the Love spirits. They poured out of me into Forrest's body. He spasmed as he was healed.

  The shadows wrapped around me and ripped me from Forrest. I screamed as I tumbled through the air. I landed before my father. His body rippled, covered in the inky shadows. His green eyes bore down at me.

  “Are you done with this foolishness?” he asked, sounding more like a disappointed father than an enemy. “You need to channel the spring's power to me.”

  “Never! You tried to ruin both my and Forrest's lives! I will never help you!”

  The shadows wrapped around my arms and hauled me up so I stared right into his eyes. “Don't think our relationship will keep me from killing you, Dakota. I created you. I molded you. You have a purpose. Now do it or you and everyone you love dies. I will raze Moonrise and leave only smoking rubble behind.”

  “Spirits of—” A shadow tentacle jammed into my mouth, choking off my words.

  I growled in rage and summoned the Love spirits to free me. The golden hearts danced to me and were batted away by my father. Forrest growled behind me. He charged, dodging tentacles as he struggled to reach me.

  The shadowy tentacles were fast. They came in from every side. They wrapped him up. Forrest howled as his limbs were pulled taut.

  “I will rip him to pieces, Dakota,” my father growled. “Unless you do what you are told.”

  I kicked him in the balls. The pointy end of my red, snakeskin cowboy boots connected square between his legs. I savored his groan of pain. He doubled over, his green eyes bulging. It was satisfying to inflict some pain on him after all the grief he caused my loved ones. But I didn't take the time to gloat. Instead, I kicked him hard in the face.

  The tentacles holding me loosened as he staggered back, blood streaming from a deep cut on his brow. He was stunned by the attack. I landed on my feet and threw myself against him, my fingernails clawing at his face. We fell to the ground beside the pool.

  “You killed her!” My anger burst out of me. “You killed my momma just for this fucking pool!”

  I raked his face, leaving bloody furrows. I hated this man. All the pain in my life, every bit of suffering I had ever experienced could be laid at his feet. I wanted to kill him. He struggled beneath me, his eyes wild.

  “It took her months to die!” Tears burned my eyes. My hands seized his throat. My fingers squeezed. “She was in agony. Do you have any idea how much pain and suffering chemo does to a person? She suffered all that pain just for some meaningless power?”

  “Meaningless?” he choked. His hands seized mine. He was strong. He pried my fingers from his throat. “The power of creation is meaningless? Life and death are in that spring. Immortality. The power to conquer and rule. Control. I will be beyond mortality. I will be something more. Something greater.”

  “What?” I hissed.


  I blinked. “What?”

  “I will have the power of a god. I will mete out fate. Mankind will dance to my whim.”

  “That's it? All of this just so you can be some evil tyrant? This is why you made me suffer?”

  “And you will keep suffering.” My father grinned, wicked and cruel. Forrest howled behind me. “If you do not get in that pool, Dakota, I will rip him apart.”

  I froze. I glanced over at Forrest. He thrashed, his powerful body trying to stop my father's spell from ripping him apart. “Spirits of dispelling, disrupt the spell of Light and break the enchantment!” I cried out.

  My father didn't even fight as my Love spirits crashed uselessly into his spell.

  “I imbued myself a century ago with shadows, Dakota,” he growled. “You do not possess a tenth of my power.”

  “What? A century?”

  “I missed my chance last time to harness the Spring, but I won't fail
again!” He stood up and hauled me to the pool. “Midnight is upon us. You will give me what I want or watch the man you love suffer. I will make his pain last, Dakota. The cruelty I inflicted on your pathetic life will be nothing to the torment he will suffer if you keep defying me!”

  My father threw me into the pool. The water was hot, boiling around me. I was bathed in crimson. The energy poured into me. I could use the power. I was a Love witch. If I could tap one of the energies, I could tap them all.

  “Give it to me!” my father raged.

  Forrest howled.

  I stared at my mate. Tears burned my eyes. I didn't want him to die. Today was our wedding day. We were supposed to be happy. We were supposed to start a family. Could I give all that up just to stop my father's evil?

  Could I let the man I love die?

  “Do...the...right...thing...” howled Forrest.

  I wanted to do the right thing. I really did. But...there was so much pain in Forrest's voice. I couldn't let him die.

  I opened myself to the power.

  It filled me. Life and Death swirled through me. Love overcame me. I trembled as I experienced the power. I could do so much with it. I could be immortal. I could destroy my father and free Forrest. I could change the world. I could do such good with it. Heal the sick, stop wars. I could remake the world the way I wanted it to be.

  Just like my father wanted to do.

  His green eyes burned as he stepped into the pool and seized me. “The power, Dakota! Now!” He reached into me. My totem burned. He had tattooed me. There was one last trap he had left in my totem. His magic reached into me and tried to seize the power of the spring and tried to rip it away from me.

  “No!” I shouted.

  Forrest screamed in so much pain.

  Tears burned my eyes.

  You'll give your daddy what he needs, not what he wants.

  I froze. My momma's words echoed in my mind.

  What did my daddy need?


  I gave it to him. Not the Life and Death energy. I held that back. I gave him all the Love. I reached out and hugged him. This is what my momma wanted. She was such a caring person. She had so much love to give she even forgave my father.

  Your daddy gave me you.

  Tears burned in my eyes. My father screamed. He convulsed in my arms. He had killed all the good in himself. Once, he had loved. And those he loved had died. My father had hardened himself. He had banished his pain, filling his life with power. He had lost his empathy. He didn't care any longer. My mother, and all the women like her, were just things to be used and discarded. He had hurt her, killed her, and now he felt the guilt.

  Guilt came from love. It was an aspect of it.

  My father was forced to confront all the crimes he had committed. All the pain and misery. His soul was stained black. It was all too much for him. The brutal drive that had propelled him through the decades snapped.

  The spells imbuing my father and sustained his long life were washed away.

  My father died in my arms. At the very end he hugged me. He remembered what love was.

  I let the rest of the power go, sending it off to the universe. I didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

  Chapter Eleven: Kotie's Surprise

  I trembled as I waited in the antechamber. I clutched my bouquet of yellow marigolds and white daffodils. My veil was settled across my face. My dress was perfect. I was happy, joyful, afraid, nervous, excited, and hopeful all at the same time.

  “You ready?” Miss Maggie asked. She wore a matronly dress of dark purple, a small hat pinned to her bun of gray hair. She looked elegant, a big smile on her face.

  “I am,” I nodded, taking a deep breath.

  It was hard to believe a month had passed since the Summer Solstice and my father's death. I needed much of that time to process what happened. My father left a complicated knot of emotions in my chest. I was glad he was dead and sad that I had killed him. He certainly deserved it, yet at the end when he hugged me, I wondered what could have been. What would my life had been like if he hadn't been a sociopath?

  Forrest was so patient with me. We both had grieving to do. He had to come to terms with letting go the guilt he had carried all these years. Luckily, we had each other.

  The organ played the wedding march. Miss Maggie opened the door. Tears brimmed in my lashes as I stepped out. The church was full. All of Forrest's pack and the kind people of Moonrise smiled and took pictures of me in my radiance.

  But I only had eyes for my wolf.

  Forrest was gorgeous in his dress uniform. The dark-brown jacket was tailored for his broad frame. His golden eyes locked on mine. My smile was radiant. For him. I barely remember walking down the aisle. I almost floated to him.

  “Take good care of her,” growled Miss Maggie as she handed me off to my groom.

  “Always,” Forrest answered.

  Penny took my flowers and flashed me an excited grin. All my bridesmaids and Augustus—we still hadn't found a good word for his roll in the wedding party—beamed at me while all of Forrest's groomsmen nodded, pleased that their packleader had found his mate.

  Forrest's strong hands engulfed mine.

  I stared into his eyes through my gauzy veil as the Reverend went through his sermon. He hit all the standard parts to love each other and to remember the importance of communication, partnership, and trust. It was hard to focus on anything but Forrest's eyes. I wanted to tell him my news, but that could wait for later. It was private, wonderful news.

  I trembled when Reverend Marshal said, “The couple have prepared their own vows.”

  Forrest reached into his dress uniform's breast pocket and pulled out a notebook card. “Kotie,” he said, swallowing and clearing his voice. “I had been alone for so long. My heart had been empty save for guilt and darkness. And then you appeared. A radiant light filling Moonrise. And my heart.”

  The first tear ran down my cheek. I knew it wouldn't be the last. I clutched his hand with my trembling fingers.

  “You healed me, Kotie. You banished my darkness. I don't ever want to be without my love, my friend, my mate, my companion. I want to hold onto you every day of my life. I love you, Kotie.”

  “Beautiful,” I whispered, more tears falling.

  “So with this ring, I promise to always be there, to always love you, treasure you, and hold you tight.”

  Hank handed over the gold wedding band. Forrest slipped it onto my finger.

  “That was so beautiful,” I said louder. “I...Oh, Forrest, you amazing wolf.” The vows I prepared were forgotten. Instead, I spoke from the heart. “Since my momma died, I haven't known love. I had almost forgotten what it was like. And then I found you. You protected me, loved me. You showed me that I didn't have to be afraid. That I could be strong. You're my support.”

  Tears filled his eyes. He swallowed.

  “I would be a scared, little girl without you. I want to spend every day with you. I know I can face anything because you'll be with me. I love you, Forrest. I promise to be yours every day. I'll love you and support you through the bad days as well as the good. Nothing will pull me away. Not from my friend and mate.”

  “Kotie,” he whispered, his voice choked.

  Hank handed me the wedding band.

  “So with this ring, I marry you, Forrest. I'm your mate always.” I slipped it on his finger.

  “Are there any present who object to this union?” asked the Reverend. Silence met us. I smiled. “Then by the power invested in me by almighty God and the State of Montana, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss each other.”

  Forrest lifted my veil. Tears clung to my eyelashes. His finger brushed my cheek, strong and rough. A shiver ran down my spine. The kiss was glorious. Our friends and loved ones cheered. Our hearts beat in harmony. Our passion shared. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to keep kissing him until the world ended.

  I swayed when we broke the kiss. Forrest was there to support me. He too
k my arm, and we walked down the aisle. I was sure I was glowing as I beamed at everyone, glad they were all here to share in our happiness.

  The reception was held at the VFW hall. Embarrassing speeches were given, toasts were made, and I giggled as I sipped on my champagne. Cheesy music was played by a local band. I didn't care. I was having so much fun. Everyone watched as Forrest and I took to the dance floor for our solo dance and witnessed our terrible dancing before other, more competent, dancers joined the floor.

  Everyone had to dance with us, offering us advice on marriage and life. I'm afraid I remembered little of it. Then the cake was brought out, and Forrest and I did a good job of smearing it around on each other's face.

  Kissing him clean was the best part.

  As the night wound down, I found myself sitting down at a table. Forrest was nearby, talking with a few of the police chiefs from the neighboring towns. Penny plopped beside me, a big smile on her flushed face, a bottle of beer in her hand.

  “Boy, what a fun night,” she said before taking a long pull on her light beer.

  I nodded my head in agreement. My eyes kept drifting over to Forrest.

  “You are so lucky,” Penny sighed. “A big, strong wolf just ready to protect you. I'm so jealous and happy.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled. I turned and gave her a hug. “Thank you kindly for being so welcoming.” Tears burned my eyes. “I know you'll find someone.”

  Penny's hug was fierce. She rocked me. “I want to,” she sighed. “So bad. I want what you and Forrest have. The boys in this town can be fun, even the shifter ones, but...”

  “But you want more.” I broke her embrace, my hand resting on my stomach. “I know the feeling.”

  Penny nodded and then her eyes widened. “Well, well, well. Who's that hunk? How did I miss him?”

  I followed her eyes. A burly cop in a dress uniform lounged at a table drinking a beer and talking with a few other cops. He was handsome. Not as handsome as my Forrest, but I guess I could see the appeal.

  “Oh, he's a sergeant in the Olson Police Department,” I answered.

  “How did I miss him?” Her voice was throaty. “Mmm, I think I know who's keeping me company tonight.”


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