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Light in Mourning m-2

Page 3

by Adriane Leigh

  I’d never had an issue with women before, but here I was second guessing every single thought I had about this girl. I wanted desperately to go with my gut, but my gut had been wrong about her much of the time.

  I stepped into the kitchen and her smile widened. My lips quirked up in a flirty grin.

  “Smells great,” I mumbled. It did smell great, but the food was the furthest thing from my mind.

  “Thanks. Wine?” She nodded at the bottle in my hand.

  “Yeah, from Tabor Hill.” I set the bottle on the counter. She turned and stretched up on her tiptoes to reach for the goblets on the top shelf. Her lightweight sweater inched up her waist, revealing a flash of skin, hugging the smooth curves of her form. I pressed my lips together, trying to hold in the tortured groan that landed in my throat. Just like that first day we’d met, except then she’d been in shorts and a tiny tank top, long, shapely legs stretching high. I think I had audibly groaned that day, and I was barely containing it today.

  “Can you open it?” she murmured as she turned back to me, her eyes boring into mine. We were running through the motions, but the last thing on each of our minds, I thought, was the wine.

  “Of course.” I stood in place, not bothering to grab the corkscrew from the drawer. She stepped closer and set the glasses on the counter next to the bottle. We stood a few inches apart and her scent invaded my space. My blood hummed with need for her. All of her. I wanted desperately to have my hands on her skin.

  “Georgia.” I lifted a hand to cup her cheek. My thumb ran up her cheekbone and her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into my touch. My heartbeat roared in my chest as I committed her sweet face to my memory. It was so much fucking better than I’d remembered. How I’d survived without being in her presence, I didn't know. But in reality, I hadn’t survived, not at all. I’d been a drunken idiot who’d let every other important thing in my life fall away.

  “It’s great to see you,” I said, barely above a whisper. They were the only words that I could form, but so many more swirled in my head. Words I didn’t even want to consider. All I knew was in this moment, I felt whole again. This girl filled something up in me I didn’t understand; something I never thought possible and something I didn’t realize was necessary for me to thrive, but there it was. Georgia was here and I couldn’t have been happier.

  Her eyes flickered open and bore into mine. She looked like she was searching for answers before she cleared her throat and turned back to the stove. “Five minutes until it’s done.” She pulled plates and silverware out of drawers and set them on the island. I swallowed the lump in my throat at the prospect of sitting next to her, as opposed to across from her at the dining room table. My nerve endings tingled, my dick stirred to life at the prospect of feeling her skin on mine, rolling in bed with her, her thick dark hair laid out on the pillow beneath me.

  I cleared my throat and tried to get my thoughts under control as I opened the wine and set the bottle near our plates to breathe. She busied herself around the kitchen. The room fell silent.

  It was awkward.

  And perfect.

  Both in the same breath.

  I didn’t know it was possible, but just being in her presence calmed me. She was fucking here and I was devising ways to have her never leave me again. Should I lock her up and keep her in my house like a caveman? Handcuff her to my bedpost and ravage her soft body whenever it pleased me? A smile tilted my lips at the thought. It sounded like a fucking dream. A fantasy come to life—ravaging Georgia whenever, wherever.

  “It’s ready,” she said softly at my side as she laid the steaming dish of manicotti on the island. We each made our way around opposite ends and sat at the barstools. I poured wine into our glasses. She lifted the goblet to her sweet lips and took a swallow. I watched her throat move and contract and I instantly wanted to wrap my hand around her neck and bite and lick and claim her.

  Without thinking, I snaked my hand over to her thigh and rested it there. Her eyes darted down to my hand holding her denim-covered leg. I gave it a soft squeeze and sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, watching her, begging with every fiber in me that she wouldn’t push me away. My heart couldn't fucking handle it if she pushed me away again. Her eyes lifted to meet mine as her lips parted, sucking in a slow breath.

  “Tristan.” My name escaped her lips in a whisper.

  I shut her down before she could say more. I wasn't prepared for what she might tell me. “Thanks for inviting me to dinner.” I grinned that easy grin that I reserved only for women and then pulled my hand away, dishing manicotti out for both of us.


  A week went by in no time at all. Every morning, I walked Charlie down the beach and, on the way back, I gave Georgia a wave as she sat on the deck, sipping her coffee. Every morning, I wanted to run to her. I wanted her to run to me. I wanted her in my bed because she was already consuming my thoughts, but I was restraining myself. I had to try. Restraining myself was the last thing I’d done all summer. I’d let my impulsive emotions get the best of me and it hadn’t worked, so now I was taking it slow. I was doing what I should have done all summer. I was letting her come to the realization that she wanted me too. It was taking longer than I expected—I wasn't used to waiting on a girl—but I was determined to make it work, because if it didn't, I would go crazy.

  She finally called the following week. I was waiting for her call, wondering how long it would take, pulling my hair out waiting for it. But finally, it came.

  “Dinner?” she chirped over the line. I glanced up at the clock and noted it was after five.

  “What’s on the menu?” I grinned as I pretended to consider her offer. Like there was a chance in hell I would be turning her down.

  “Chili. It’s been simmering in the slow cooker all day and I have tons. I thought it only neighborly to share.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Definitely the neighborly thing to do.” And much more. If this girl were just my neighbor, my dick wouldn’t be twitching in my pants right now. “What time?” I asked as I adjusted myself to ease the ache at the sound of her voice.


  “Not one for scheduling, huh?” I huffed as a smile tipped my lips at the idea of seeing her again.

  “We can do it another time . . .” she trailed off softly. Was that disappointment in her voice? Fuck, I hoped so.

  “No, I’ll be down in five.”

  “Bring Charlie too. I have something for him,” she said before hanging up. I wrinkled my forehead. She had something for my dog? Charlie was higher up on her list than I was? Not that I wanted something from her—I wanted everything. Anything she would give me. I had to do something to move this dance along faster. My brain warred with itself, wondering if I could wait her out or beg her to have me like that pathetic fool I was.

  After brushing my teeth and running a hand through my hopeless mop of hair that for some reason had women dropping their panties and falling into my bed, I called for Charlie and headed out the door and down the beach. I jogged up her deck, Charlie on my heels, and tapped on the French doors before stepping in. Georgia looked up at me, a smile spread across her sweet face as she set the table.

  She took my breath away.

  My eyes burned with need for her and my mouth lifted in a wide grin, as I found myself doing only when she was around.

  Her dark brown hair fell in a cascade of waves over one shoulder. She wore an oversized sweater and dark leggings. And she was barefoot. Breathtaking and barefoot. She looked so at home, such a domestic picture, I knew it would punch me straight in the heart if I couldn’t see her every day for the rest of my life.

  The silence stretched between us as I continued to grin at her, taking in her beautiful form. Her cheeks pinked up and the smile fell from her lips for a moment.

  “Everything okay?” She tipped her head at me.

  I cleared my throat. “Yeah.” I took the few remaining steps toward her, invading her space, inhaling
her scent. I reached a hand up to twist a thick lock of her dark hair between my fingers. The strands were silky and slid against my skin. She sucked in a quick breath and her eyes held mine, questions swirling. “You look beautiful,” I murmured.

  “Oh.” Her mouth formed an O in the most adorable way. “Thank you.”

  I nodded, my eyes scorching into hers before I finally dropped my hand. I swallowed and willed myself to keep control. I could ravage her right across this table. Lay her out, listen to her moan in my ear, her legs around my hips. Fuck, I missed my hands on her body. “Need help with anything?” I turned toward the kitchen and tried my best to adjust myself discreetly. I wasn’t sure if it was more painful not having her in my life, or seeing her occasionally, knowing she was just down the beach and I couldn’t touch her.

  “Charlie’s gift,” Georgia shrieked and launched herself off the couch, heading down the hallway. I chuckled as I watched her retreating form. We’d finished the best chili I’d ever had, and were now each two beers in and settled on the couch. We were laughing and talking and she was giggling in the most delightful fashion. I was trying desperately to control my raging need for this beautiful girl.

  “Why does Charlie get a gift and I’m left high and dry?” A flirty smile lit my face when she walked back in with an oversized, basting bone.

  “Who says you’re getting left high and dry?”

  My eyebrows shot up into my hairline as I watched her eyes sparkle with flirtatious amusement. I was dumbfounded. She was flirting with me. We hadn’t shared a single fucking touch since that kiss in the parking lot at the grocery store nearly a week ago and she was finally flirting with me. Had I finally broken her resolve? Had I been right to wait her out and not push her?

  Regardless, I couldn't form words as I watched her bend down and call Charlie to her. She scratched his ears and patted his head lovingly before passing him the bone. He wagged his tail and then sauntered off proudly, settling himself in the corner to gnaw on his prize.

  My eyes followed her as she came to sit on the couch next to me. She turned, her body facing mine, one leg drawn up and tucked underneath the other. I chewed on my bottom lip as she took another swallow of her beer.

  “Why did you leave?” I blurted. Fuck! Why had I said that? I hadn’t meant to get into serious topics, hadn’t ever meant to get into the past with her. I wanted to leave all of that shit right where it belonged.

  She coughed for a moment in surprise before setting the beer bottle down. “I . . . I don’t . . . it wasn't . . .” she stammered, looking for an explanation.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up. You don’t have to answer. It’s just something I’ve wondered about—if you knew you weren’t coming back. And then when I called and you never . . .” I trailed off and ripped my gaze from hers.

  “It’s okay. I guess I owe you an explanation.” She drew her bottom lip between her teeth and began gnawing on the pink flesh fiercely. “I don’t want to rehash things that have already been said. It’s terrible, all of the decisions I made during the summer. I have so many regrets.”


  There was that word. We’d promised each other no regrets, so was she telling me she regretted me? All of it? Because I sure as hell didn't. She was the last thing I regretted. I regretted I’d tried my stupid caveman way of forgetting her by fucking other girls and flaunting it. I regretted it so much the bile rose in my throat at the memory of the pain etched across her face.

  But, her? I didn’t regret her.

  And if she told me she regretted me, I didn’t know what I would do. But I knew it would include a bottle of scotch.

  “I think I wanted to come back. I left a piece of myself here. The biggest piece. I left me here. But when I got back to DC, I just . . . was consumed by Kyle. He’s like that; takes over my whole world . . . we always go back to each other.”

  “Is this time different?” I asked her point-blank. I had to know.

  Her brows furrowed as she took in my words. “Yes,” she said. I watched for any indication that she didn’t believe what she was saying. I didn’t see any. She looked determined. Her jaw set, her eyes hard.

  “Do you think that means something for us?” I didn’t want to ask it, but I wanted it answered. I was trying not to lay my cards on the table, but that’s who I am. I don’t pull bullshit. I don’t play games. I’m straightforward and what I needed at that moment was to know what she was thinking about us.

  “Tristan,” she murmured, her eyes downcast, still chewing on her lip.

  “Sorry, don’t answer. I didn’t mean to get into all of this. I’m just here for dinner.” I shot her my best reassuring smile, but it didn’t seem to help. She was still lost in thought, playing with the label on her beer bottle.

  “Hey.” I scooted closer to her on the couch and rested my palm on her knee. Her eyes darted up to meet mine, emotions swirling, unanswered questions burning. I ran my thumb along the soft fabric of her leggings and watched her breathing pick up, her chest heaving as her lips parted and she inhaled deeply.

  “I want us . . . I want to be . . .” She hardened the set of her jaw and glanced away from me.

  She wants what?

  She wants us to be friends?

  Fuck, please don’t let her say she just wants to be friends. I glanced at Charlie and mentally willed him to prepare for a hasty exit, but his old brown eyes refused to meet mine. Distracted fucker. Give him a bone and he’s rendered useless. Fuck him. I’ll leave him. If she says she just wants to be friends, I’m out the door in a flash, no turning back.

  “I want you, but more than that, I want to take it slow,” she said on a rush of breath. I was so lost in my thoughts it took a moment for my brain to register her words.

  She wants me.

  Holy fuck, Georgia wants me.

  The one thing I’d been desperate for her to say all summer and she’d just said it.

  I heaved a giant sigh and the anxiety that had settled in my chest eased. I clenched my eyes tightly and ran my palm over my face.

  “I . . . do you not want that?” she squeaked. I scrubbed my palm across my face and then met her eyes, a grin breaking out across my mouth. I was so fucking relieved. A weight had lifted from my shoulders.

  “I can give you slow, Georgia. I don’t know if I can give you space, because the last five days have been torture having you right here and not seeing you, but I’ll give you slow. Just don’t ask me to stay away.” I leaned into her, fisted one hand in her thick hair and pulled her lips to mine. I claimed her in a fierce kiss—strong, confident, quick—and then pulled away again.

  Her eyes were wide with shock. Her breath came out in quick pants.

  She was so fucking turned on it was evident by that hooded look in her eyes, her chest rising and falling, the way she shifted her legs. Fuck yes, I had her. I could work with this. If she wanted it slow, we could take it slow, but that didn’t mean I was not going to torture her every step of the way. I threw her a lopsided grin and then lifted the beer bottle to my lips, swallowing the cold liquid and watching her fuss with her hair and averting her eyes from mine. Georgia was mine, whether she knew it or not. This was our new beginning.


  A few weeks into taking it slow and things were perfect, or as perfect as they could be without having her in my bed every night. But nearly just as good was seeing her beautiful smile over dinner each night and having coffee together every morning, just like we had every day last summer.

  That night after we, or she, had decided to take it slow, she'd insisted on getting a tour of my cottage. So much had happened to us there. One night at the end of the dock in the sand, and it had changed my world forever. Yet she’d never been inside the place. So I held her hand as we wandered down the beach, Charlie trotting happily in front of us.

  We walked up the boardwalk and avoided the uncomfortable silence that stretched between us when we passed the end where we’d shared our first moment this past summ
er. I laid my hand on her back when she stepped over the threshold, being the perfect gentleman I thought I was, and then she busted down into a fit of giggles. She'd finally admitted there was no way she was taking another step into this house until it had a fresh coat of paint and some fixing up.

  Two weeks later, she was putting me to work. Saturday morning, bright and early, I was near salivating as she was tramping through my door: hair in a messy knot on the top of her head, yoga pants hugging the curve of her ass perfectly, and paint rollers in hand. She’d sent me to pick up cans of paint the night before and, because I had zero concern for style, I’d let her pick out the paint color.

  She'd insisted it be a surprise.

  And was it ever when I lifted the lid. “This is pink.” I narrowed my eyes.

  “It’s not pink. It’s salmon.” She grinned as she set up the paint trays.

  “Not putting pink on my walls.”

  “Salmon, and you are. I seem to recall you relinquishing control of this decision.” She arched an eyebrow at me.

  “There was an unspoken understanding there would be no pink.”

  “Salmon.” She stood, hands on her hips, and faced me.

  “Fucking pink. And it’s not going on my walls.”

  She shot me a nasty look before stepping closer. We stood head to head and determination flared in her eyes. It was so fucking hot, I had to adjust myself. Fuck discretion. Her eyes flickered down at the movement before her gaze met mine again, a smirk playing on her lips.

  She leaned in close to me, one hand threading in my hair, her lips dusting along my jaw, her breath whispering in my ear. “It’s salmon, and if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to help me lay it on your walls.” She gave a tug before turning and bending over to pour paint in the tray.

  I heaved an exasperated sigh as my eyes took in her long legs, her ass facing me, bent at the waist.


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