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The Vegas Random

Page 2

by Ellie Gerrard

  I sat with Charlie, if he wanted to watch a movie, drink scotch, I wasn’t going to tell a dying man no. When he finished the bottle of scotch and went to sleep, I just sat, watching him, debating if it would be a good idea to have Charlie’s father, John to come sit with him tonight. He needed his family but he wanted to get all the second opinions, and get his own head around it before he told them.

  Getting up, I tried to wake Charlie, but it was a no go. Between the sedative and the alcohol, he was down for the count. I put him over my shoulder. I carried his heavy ass upstairs to his room. Tall bastard was surprisingly heavy and that was coming from someone who benched 300 with ease. I pulled down the bed, then put Charlie on the mattress.

  I took off his shoes and belt before putting them in the closet. I liked neat, so did Charlie. I covered Charlie up, took a seat in the corner of the room and started thinking…

  What would happen to Dad’s business if something happened to me? I have no heirs; the company is private. I didn’t want it split up any more than Charlie wanted his empire broken up and sold. Frowning, I retrieved my phone and brought up the background report on the little sister I’d never met. The one I thought came out of the woodwork when my father died, only to find out my father had known about her all along.

  I opened the report and looked at her financials, criminal history. Kate didn’t have a lot of money saved but she was stable. Her criminal history was clean. There was a flag though and I clicked the attachment.

  I went from pissed that my friend had cancer and mild curiosity about my little sister, to a full blown RAGE!

  The first photo was of my sister in the hospital bed hooked up to machines, obvious stab wounds on her chest and belly and a slash on her neck where someone attempted to slit her throat. She looked swollen, black and blue from the beating she’d been through. And there were bite marks on her skin everywhere.

  Her eyes swollen shut. Her jaw looked broken. And there were deep marks and cuts on her wrists and legs where Kate had been restrained. She had fought.

  I looked at the police report and the toxicology report to find that Kate had been drugged with Flunitrazepam…Rohypnol and she didn’t remember anything. It was lucky she didn’t overdose with the amount she’d been given. I was less than impressed to find that the case was still open.

  That was NOT acceptable.

  I glanced over the rest of her background check and soon, learned Kate had been married but was now a widow. She’d adopted two children. Cocking an eyebrow, I learned Kate was now working here in in the states for Crosshairs.

  Crosshairs primarily did security. There were rumors that they worked with the FBI, police and had a response crew that if shit did hit the fan… they would respond in a joint task force. It was staffed by 100 percent veterans, ex-military, and emergency services. They had soon become the best in the country for security and anything else they touched.

  I frowned, Crosshairs was all veterans… there was nothing in her report about service…. How could Kate have gotten a job working there? Her name was Kaitlyn Grace Smith. What was her name before marriage?

  HENDERSON! Kate had been given Dad’s name. I looked up Kaitlyn Henderson, why the hell it wasn’t in the background report, I didn’t know. Five minutes later, I did.

  Her military files were sealed under her maiden name. A quick phone call and I found out my sister was a fucking war hero.

  I sighed and leaned my head back. I probably should get in touch with her. Kate was my only living relation after all.


  I awoke with Ben asleep in my chair, his head resting on the wall. He had stayed all night. After thanking him, he went on his way.

  I showered and got dressed like it was just another day. I took a breath as I walked into the office. I would have to wait for the other doctors to call me with appointments.

  I hoped they wouldn’t fuck around. I hoped yesterday was a nightmare that he’d gotten everything wrong. I threw myself into work. I was still sore from the damn excision. I would have to go get the dressing changed later today. The day progressed well.

  I had a meeting with good friend and first choice lawyer, Larry. I told him about my diagnosis. He was shocked but got down to business. We were quick to put a DNR in place.

  I didn’t want to be left on life support. If I was supposed to die, then let me go when I was called home.

  “I’m thinking about finding a random and giving this to them.” I smiled knowing that this would piss him off to no end.

  Larry groaned and rolled his eyes before shaking his head. “What? Don’t you think that’s a good idea? I think if you did that it would throw into question your mental state and there would be a legal fight over the will.” Larry stated.

  “Not if I could talk everyone into being on my side before I went.” I grinned.

  He sighed. “Whatever Charlie. But you pay me in advance.”

  I laughed and he smiled, for a lawyer, he was an okay guy.

  We went through and tidied up my legal affairs before adding stipulations to the Will regarding the media release and the funeral arrangements. It would be hard enough for everyone when I went. Mom and Dad especially, so I wanted to do as much as I could.

  So, over the next couple days, I went to the funeral home, picked out a coffin and flowers. I would deal with the church later. It was on the third day, I got a short notice appointment from another oncologist.

  I walked into his office, he was nice, asking me questions and what I had been told. I thought it was going well. I felt hope.

  Just for a second.

  “What you have been told is correct. If you had surgery, you wouldn’t survive it. If you went for aggressive radium and Chemo?

  You would have no quality of life. I’m happy to try it if that is what you want. But my advice is, go make your arrangements.

  Enjoy the time you have left and make peace.”

  I sat there stunned again. “So you want to do nothing.”

  “I want to help you. I would love to cure every person that comes through my door. But your cancer is at a stage that I can’t do anything without decreasing your quality of life and possibly have you die faster by doing so.”

  I don’t think this was something you could get used to hearing. You’re forty years old and you’re dying of cancer. I nodded my understanding of the predicament I was in, thanked him for his time before leaving. I wondered how many times I had to hear it before accepting my fate.

  I went back to Hannah, so she could change the dressing on the stitches. Hannah was professional as she got about her work. I was happy when Hannah told me a couple more days and I could have the stitches out. I was healing up nicely.

  “You’re not flirting today. Are you ok?”

  “No. I was planning on living to a hundred. I’m going to go sixty years too short.” I looked at her and gave her a little smile.

  “You like women like I do, so…the issue is moot.”

  She nodded. “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s my hand.”

  “About being gay, I’ve seen the way you look me over. I’m really not attracted to you.” She blushed and looked away.

  I laughed. “Don’t ever be sorry for who you are.” I took her hand before kissing her knuckles. “I will never apologize for who I am. I’ll see you in a couple days.”

  “I want to kiss you,” Hannah blurted out, then turned scarlet.

  I cocked my head to the side and waited.

  She bit her lip hard, then sighed. “I like your lips, the shape.” Her eyes dropped, Hannah touched my hands. “I like your hands. The way they held mine. I just don’t like dick.”

  By now, I figured something had happened for her to not like dick. Brian would be getting a phone call after this. I lifted her chin. “Look at me,” I said softly my tone though, left no room for movement.

  Reluctantly, she lifted her eyes to mine.

  “Who hurt you? Tell me.”

annah shook her head. “It was a long time ago, it doesn’t matter.” Trying to dismiss the conversation, she then backed up. “I will see you in a couple days.” She chewed on her lip and then walked to the door and opened it.

  Long time ago, my ass. I left her and called Brian.


  That mother fucker had to be the cock block of all cock blocks! I’d just seduced Emma, talked her into office sex when Charlie called. Emma motioned that we would have sex when we got home before leaving the office as I listened to Charlie’s predicament.

  “So, let me get this straight, your doctor is gay because she was hurt by someone and…you want to know who?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose then smiled. Shorty had been giving me the shits. I would give this to her.

  “Yes, that is what I want you to do,” Charlie snapped. “Someone hurt that woman. I don’t care how long ago. I want to know that you will bring him to justice if he hasn’t been already.”

  “I will bring him to justice, if he hasn’t been already. Send me her details. I will take it from there,” I promised.

  There was no point arguing with him when he got like this. He had a ten-million-dollar loan hanging over our heads. He said he would get it to me before hanging up in a huff.

  My phone pinged a minute later. I glanced at it, as the info came through. I sent it to the printer, then picked it up. I walked it straight down the hall to Shorty who was investigating a vehicular manslaughter cold case. That too, was one Charlie had sent through.

  “Don’t you fucking, dare!” Shorty snarled like a vicious little dog. “I am about to have a breakthrough on this.” Leaning forward, she attempted to study what she’d been looking at as I put the paper on her desk.

  “It is another thing from the boss,” I told her “You can do it when you’ve finished that case.”

  “I really don’t fucking care, that man OWNS our company. I am not his little investigative whore,” Shorty snapped, she really was cranky today.

  “You are the best we have Shorty. Just suck it up.” I smirked because Shorty didn’t like dresses or skirts, couldn’t put on makeup to save her life, didn’t watch TV or read magazines to keep up with the latest of the rich and famous. She honestly couldn’t give a shit about money. She just wanted enough to pay the bills.

  As for rich and famous? Well, everyone was her equal until they proved themselves to be a complete and absolute cunt. Then you were forever in her shit books. She had no fucking clue who gave us the loan. Didn’t care either.

  “Smith, you really piss me off with this shit.”

  I smiled. “Love you, finish up, and go home for the day.”

  She gazed up at me. “I’m about to get a break though. I’m in the zone.”

  “Your babies are at home. Mum is waiting on you, so she can go home. This will be here tomorrow.”

  Her jaw ticked, Shorty growled while she saved her work and glared at me. “You give me the shits. I love you. But you’re giving me way too much work. I’m burning out. This is a murder, it wasn’t an accident. That means a piece of scum is out there.”

  “And you will get them, Shorty. Just go home and chillax with the kids. It’s the weekend, so you will be able to have some time to ride and play with the animals.” I put my arm around her. “I know things are hectic but I promise you some time off soon.” We walked out of the office.

  “We need another investigator. I need more staff.”

  “We can’t afford it,” I told her. “We have some big contracts coming up that will bring in more money but until they do, we just have to play it safe.”

  “Let me look at the contracts before you go putting them out. I’m sure there is money going astray. We seem to be losing money like water through a sieve.”

  “Don’t you trust me?” I smirked.

  “You just trust me when I say something isn’t right. Trust me to go through everything.”

  “I do trust you. This is your baby.”

  “No. This is your baby. I just want the background stuff. I keep telling you. Give it to Harry, if you don’t want it.”

  I rolled my eyes. Shorty was burning out. Her workload had been huge. I would see what holiday time she had coming in the morning.


  Four separate opinions. All of them told me the same thing. It’d taken two weeks but now I knew—I was fucked.

  I was going to die.

  I had a lot to do, a lot of loose ends to tidy.

  I went back to my sexy Doctor Hannah and sat down with her. I wouldn’t come back after today. There wouldn’t be any more need.

  “You had your stitches taken out days ago. Why are you here? Are you in pain?”

  I shook my head. “I hired an investigator.”

  “Why?” Hannah looked surprised.

  “Because, I won’t be around. The people I hired will find whoever hurt you and bring them to justice. I believe you are gay, I don’t blame you. I would be too, if I was a woman. But I know someone hurt you. When I am gone, I want to make sure that no one ever hurts you again.”

  Hannah bit her lip as she lied, “No one hurt me.”

  “You have been good to me Hannah. You put up with years of sexual harassment on my part.” I leaned forward and placed Brian’s card on her desk. “Anytime you have trouble, you call him. You tell him, I told you to.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.” She bit her lip. “I won’t ever call. My problems are mine.”

  “No one fucks with the people in my life. I might be about to checkout but I sure as fuck won’t be going out without ensuring everyone will be ok. That card is me…looking after you. Just like you have looked after me.”

  I watched her struggle, I’d always let her have the upper hand. Hannah was the doctor, not me. But today I was here as a friend. She’d already told me what she wanted from me and had chickened out. I suspected the problems were more current than past tense. I would be putting this at the top of Brian’s list. Aria’s killer had been loose for long enough, few more days while I protected this woman wouldn’t hurt.

  “Your problems are current. If you tell Brian, he will stop them,” I said firmly.

  She shook her head.

  “Hannah, he can stop them.”

  Hannah teared up and shook her head, not meeting my eyes.

  I got up, walked around the desk ignoring the fact she started to run away and couldn’t because of the corner desk was against the wall. Her squeak of alarm, her chest heaving. Her eyes terrified.

  I pulled her out of her seat and into my arms.

  Hannah’s body went limp.

  I stared at her unconscious face and lifted her gently.

  Whoever hurt her so bad that she passes out from fright when about to get a hug, was a fucking dead man.

  Locking her door, I sat down cradling her. Holding her. Protecting her. I stroked her hair as I felt her wake. I pressed record on my phone. If Hannah talked, I wanted to be able to send it to Brian.

  She did. Two years of being stalked. Two years of phone calls, in the last month it had escalated. Her apartment had been broken into six times. First two, there was a rose left at the end of the bed. Once she woke with cum on her bare chest.

  But just before my cancer diagnosis, she’d woken with him in the bed on top of her. Hannah had been bound roughly with duct tape and gagged before being raped all night. She was clinical with her delivery. Not a tear was shed.

  I was officially worried about this woman. Hannah should have been a sobbing mess.

  “He treated me like I was a kinky lover,” Hannah whispered. “If I fought, he would hold my nose until I blacked out.”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  “No, he smelled sweet like he ate fruity gum. He wasn’t fit like you. But I never saw him. He was dressed head to toe in black, he even wore sunglasses.” She lifted her head “I don’t know how he’s getting past the door man.” Her brown eyes searched mine. “I don’t understand why he’s doing this
to me.”

  I stroked my thumb across her face tenderly. “I don’t know why. But I promise he is going to be stopped.”

  “Why are you doing this for me? I’m just your doctor. You don’t love me. I’m not anything to you.”

  “I have never been in love, this is true. Yes, you have been a very good doctor to me. But you’re closing my file today. I won’t be returning.”

  “What about your family? Have you told them?”

  “No, not yet. I’ve had four other opinions; they’re all saying the same thing. I have my test results and I’m going to show them, then talk them through it.”

  “Have you written a bucket list?”

  Smiling, I shook my head. “No but I think I will do that. It sounds fun. What do you think should go on the list?”

  “Anything that you haven’t done. How about getting married?”

  I think the look on my face said how I felt about that.

  She smiled, then laughed.

  I shook my head. “No, getting married isn’t on my to do list. Well, not unless I can divorce her the next day.” I grinned wickedly at her. “Are you putting your hand up for the task?”

  The fear in her eyes put ice in my gut.

  My beautiful doctor had been really hurt. She put her head against my chest. “I will never be able to have sex again,” she whispered. “If people find out, I will never date again. I feel so dirty and disgusting. I have had myself tested. So far, I’m clean. I think he used a condom. But I am filthy…”

  “If you weren’t so fucking vulnerable, I would put you up on the table and show you how wrong you are,” I said taking a fistful of her hair so she would look at me. “You’re not disgusting. He is. You are beautiful, independent and a success. He’s a piece of shit that isn’t worthy of you.”

  I meant every word I said.

  Hannah looked surprised when she realized I did in fact mean it. Then she looked at my mouth.

  My cock twitched. Oh, come on, Hannah! I’m trying not to be a bastard!


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