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The Vegas Random

Page 24

by Ellie Gerrard

  I was impressed. I’d met Ben after he did his stint in the SEALs. He’d gotten out after his father had gotten sick and had to take over the family business. I’d never really seen him shoot. He was good. I glanced at Billy who was looking at the times.

  “You might want to shoot again,” he said to Kate with a grin.

  She cocked and eyebrow and got into position. Same process. Then she put down the gun only a few seconds later. She watched Billy while looking bored.

  Ben though was staring at his little sister then looked at Billy too.

  Billy held up the timers. “Ben.” He showed the timer in his left hand. “Shorty.” He held up the timer in his right.

  Both of them gazed at it and neither looked impressed.

  “Dead heat.”

  “What was my score before this?” Kate asked.

  Billy held it up.

  Kate smiled, then patted Ben on the shoulder and walked away. “You’re out of practice, better luck next time.”

  Ben looked stunned.

  I laughed with the look Ben gave her.

  He glanced over at me. “Shut up Charlie. It isn’t funny.”

  “You are being competitive. You’re retired from this and she isn’t. She should be better than you. For the sake of her job.”

  Ben sighed. “Doesn’t make it hurt less.”

  Richard laughed and Ian smirked.

  Next, we watched her go off on her run then the last of the obstacles.

  Richard and Ian continued to give Ben shit.

  He just shook his head and muttered he was going to get back into shape. When he got more shit, he dared them to do training with him. Both took up the challenge.

  “You mother fuckers don’t know what you just signed up for.” Ben smirked.

  “Are you all having fun?” Emma asked as she sat beside me and handed out bottles of water.

  “Yes, having a ball.” Ian grinned.

  “They’re about to do the scenario, then they’ll be done. Shorty was saying she wanted to stop in at the office after and get some work done. She wants her presence felt.”

  “She’s going to be exhausted. She will be going home,” Ian stated.

  Emma cocked an eyebrow. “You just want to fuck her cause you are seeing the side of her that we know doesn’t count for going home early. Shorty has a job, she’s going to go and at least make an appearance.”

  “What are you her PA now?” Ian laughed.

  “Oh, fuck no. But I’m one of her best friends and I am telling you that if you start trying to dictate to her that she’s going home when she has a job to do, all because you want to fuck, you are going to get cock blocked.”

  “Now, you’re just giving me a challenge.” Ian grinned.

  “She’s trying to find her feet, let her do it. She has had a lot of change in the last few weeks and if you don’t let her get her head around it? You’re going to make it worse when Charlie…” she stopped and bit her lip. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I am going to die. It’s a given. And I agree. She needs to work things out. But I’m not going to let her hide. Ian won’t either.” Trying to be relaxed about it and talk about it hurt but I wanted them to be open and say what they needed to.

  Fearless in the face of death when secretly, I was shitting myself. I didn’t want to die. I loved my family and friends. I loved life.

  “She is hiding. She barely talks to me,” Ian admitted. “She does try but she seems to be just trying to sort it out in her own head.”

  The conversation ended because there were people head to toe in black tactical clothing, they were moving fast and were all armed.

  Ben sat forward watching.

  I sat back, to enjoy it. Well, truth be told, I didn’t enjoy it. It scared the shit out of me.

  They were all in formation. Then two were pretty much thrown through a second story window to gain entry. The door was breeched, then there was gunfire.

  Then there was silence. It was eerily quiet.

  Emma sat forward and got the walkie talkie. “Brian, are you clear?”

  It was probably only a couple seconds but it felt like a lifetime.

  “Show clear, doing a quick debrief.”

  “Well, that was scary,” I mumbled.

  “That was just about perfect except I’ve never sent a guy through the window,” Ben muttered. “Breached walls but never gone through the window.”

  “That was Shorty and Jimmy.” Emma smiled.

  It amused me how she called Kate, Shorty. “How did she get the nickname?”

  Emma smiled. “Well, when Chris first laid eyes on her, she was in a bar for the first time. He said, ‘Hey Shorty, wanna dance?’ She looked up at him and smiled before taking his hand. It stuck, cause the next day when he saw her on base, he called out, ‘Hey Shorty!’” Emma laughed softly and sighed. “I miss him.” She gave me a shoulder bump. “Going to miss you too.”

  I smiled and shoulder bumped her back. That was very sweet. “You haven’t known me long enough to miss me.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t think you realize how easy it is to like you, Charlie. You’re a good man.”

  I looked at her and she was upset but keeping her composure. She meant what she said. I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. “I let you see me because it’s all I have ever let her see. If you knew the other me? You would think I was a bastard.”

  “We’re not having a threesome, Charlie.” Brian’s voice came over the radio. “Please stop pulling moves on my wife.”

  I laughed.

  Emma giggled. Then she looked up at me. “If you saw how Shorty gets sometimes, you would be scared.”

  I nodded. “She already has scared me. Her doing this scares me. But it is a part of her. I just hope Ian can accept it.”

  “I’m good,” Ian piped in. “I won’t bitch about this and she won’t bitch about the clothes I put her in or the events we attend. This has been a pretty good insight into her. Explains why she’s such a controlled little wench.”


  It was my first official day at the top. I sent out an email to everyone in the building. I wanted to know what the staff morale was like. Especially, since there was a new boss at the top of the company. I also wanted to see who’d been here the longest, who had gotten promoted who hadn’t and what their managers were like.

  After last week’s investigation and dismissal of the board, I wanted to ensure that everything else was hunky-dory before I moved forward. This was always a very good way to get the staff to know that I will fuck up anyone who tries to screw with Charlie’s business. A quick meeting with Sam had her on my side and she promised to help me. We would meet again, when we had a few answers.

  Charlie turned up at lunchtime with sushi dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and running shoes. He looked happy and relaxed. He shut my door and locked it. “How is your day going?” he asked with a cheeky grin. “Mine has been fucking awesome. I slept in, had pancakes for breakfast, went and had a massage. Then I got sushi and my girls gave me a hug when I came in. And now, I get to have lunch with you before Billy is going to teach me to shoot like you do. I already drive well enough to put you to shame.”

  I smiled, as he got out the food and put it on the coffee table. I got up and sat down beside him. “Sounds like you’ve had a busy day.” I loved that he was being so carefree.

  “I have. It’s great not having any responsibility.” He put some sushi in his mouth and chewed. His eyes rolled and he groaned in appreciation. “This is so good.” He sighed and offered me a bite, I opened my mouth and he smiled as he put it in. I sucked his fingers and he grinned. “You’re very in need of a spanking.”

  I chewed the very delicious food in my mouth and winked at him. “I am, am I?”

  He nodded. “You are. You’re shaking up my company.”

  I stared at him. “How do you know?” I hope I wasn’t upsetting him.

  “I just do.” He grinned. “I like what you’re doin
g. I just want to spank you because I like touching your butt.”

  I giggled as I picked up another tasty bite and popped it in my mouth before laying over his lap.

  He laughed as he lifted my skirt and palmed my arse before giving it a squeeze. Then a little slap. “This is turning into a very enjoyable lunch date.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it seems to be going well.” I grabbed another bite. “You think I’m doing the right thing?”

  “I know you are. It is exactly what I do when I take over a company. But I wait to see who will cause trouble, who will suck up for a pay rise.” He put some sushi on my arse and popped another bit in my mouth. “Never straight up after.”


  “Because I like people to think I’m a fool and kind.”

  “Well, I’m already a woman, so people already think that.” I made a good point. “Doing it now or later, it won’t make a difference.”

  “That is true,” he admitted. “I would’ve played you for a fool. I would have had a rude surprise but I would’ve done it. Hey, I like these panties.”

  “Do you?”

  “Hmm, but I like it better when you don’t wear any.”

  I chuckled as we ate in silence for a few minutes. It was nice, not uncomfortable at all.

  When he was done, he massaged my bum with firm hands. “You’re an incredible woman, Kate.”

  “I am?”

  Slap! He landed the first of my spanks, hard.

  I grunted. I was glad I didn’t have food in my mouth, cause it would have landed on the couch. I laughed and got another for my effort. “Why am I getting spanked?”

  “It’ll get all the happy chemicals happening in your brain.”

  “Put your face between my legs and it will do the same thing.” I grinned back at him.

  “You know I have done a lot of things on that desk, had many women under it giving head. But I never gave it. Hmm. Want to be the first?”

  I looked back at him. “Like I would pass that offer up.”

  He grinned, got up, went and sat in his chair then pressed a button that frosted the glass. “Stand in front of me.” he ordered.

  I did as he asked.

  His hands slid up my skirt and pulled down my panties. “No teasing, just going to bring on this orgasm. I told Billy I would be there by 1:30.” He covered my camera and sat me on the desk, arse on the edge before laying me back. He placed my legs on the armrests and lowered his chair.

  I took a breath as he parted my legs.

  “Why do you always want to cover up?” he asked as he kissed my thighs. “Your flower is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.”

  My cheeks burned with a blush. “You’re just saying that.”

  “No, I’m not. And I haven’t tasted anything sweeter than the juice I get from your honey hole.” His tongue was wicked. He knew the right spots to get me lost. His growls and grunts were a turn on.

  It didn’t take me long to hit that orgasmic high. I stared at the ceiling taking a few deep breaths to bring myself back to center as he put my panties back on.

  He helped me sit up and kissed me deeply. My essence on his lips. I touched his chest, neck and face. I ran my fingers through his hair.

  He broke the kiss and smiled at me. “I have to go.”

  “You don’t want me to get you off?”

  He grinned. “I got off watching you come.” He delivered a chaste kiss. “Have a good day.”

  I nodded and watched him leave. I went to the bathroom and straightened myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered how Ian really felt about me still being with Charlie. I pondered it and at four when he walked through my office door, I was ready to talk.

  I don’t know how people had affairs. Ian and Charlie had shared me from the very first night. I’d had sex with both together and separately and they both of course, knew about it. I never lied to Ian about it when Charlie had me but I wasn’t really communicating with him. I was in love with two men.

  Ian sat on the couch. “I had to get out of my office.” He then launched into a rant about work and idiots who wouldn’t do their jobs.

  I got up, sat across from him and heard him out.

  Ian was really wound up. He had a vein popping in his forehead.

  I got up again, sat in his lap and hugged him.

  He kept ranting but he calmed down and put his arms around me. “You’re such a good listener,” he stated with a sigh. “Thank you, I needed to vent.”

  I beamed at him. “It’s ok. It’s what a good wife should do.”

  “You are a very good wife.” He kissed my cheek. “How was your day?”

  “Oh, getting to know the company more intimately. Charlie bought me lunch and then was going on a play date with Billy who’s going to teach him how to shoot tactically.”

  Ian chuckled. “What did Charlie bring you for lunch, other than an orgasm?”

  My cheeks flushed. “Sushi. He used my butt as a plate.”

  “I’ll have to do that.” Ian grinned. “I think I’ll lay you out with three courses and work my way down.”

  I giggled. “Maybe I could do it to you.”

  His eyebrows went up. “I love the idea of being laid out for you, to have you feast on me. It puts all kinds of ideas in my head.”

  “Ian, does it bother you that I’m still sleeping with Charlie?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head.

  I watched him looking for a lie. “Why?”

  Watching me for a moment, he then stroked my face. “I knew you were mine when our eyes met in the casino. I know you pretended to not see me but I know you did.”

  My cheeks flamed.

  “But I saw the moment you and Charlie connected and I won’t deny him that.”

  “But I am your wife.”

  “You will be till death do us part. But Charlie refused to have you go through that part of your vows. Like everything, he did it on his terms and divorced you. He didn’t want you to mourn him like you did Chris.”

  I stared at my husband and teared up. “I think it’s going to happen anyway. I know he tells me he’s dying but I look at him and he looks perfectly fine. He bounces around and seems so happy.”

  “That is because he is happy. He’s in love for the first time in his life, he has freed himself from responsibilities and is doing things that he never thought he would do. He got to retire and have his company in capable hands, he gets to see us both move on. He got to play Dad and give his daughter away. And he could be out slutting around but he has since the first night, only slept with you. Well, except for Friday night. He’s faithful to you and trust me when I say, he’s never been faithful in the bedroom to anyone.”

  I stared at him. “How can you put up with it? I’m married to you. I should be faithful to you! And I can’t! I’m in love with him, Ian. I am in love and as much as I am falling for you every day... I feel like I am being the shittiest wife because I have been avoiding you. I—I haven’t lied to you about being with him. I’m trying to be honest but I’m so conflicted! How can I be what you need?”

  He took my face between his hands and looked me in the eye. “You’re what I need because I am falling for you too…I know you’re struggling. I hate it that you don’t let me in here.” He pointed at my heart and then my head. “But I know you’re only trying to protect yourself to a certain extent. And I can’t blame you.”

  “Is he really dying?” I asked looking him in the eye, hoping he was about to tell me that Charlie was a perfectly healthy 40 -year old male who’s arse I could go kick for lying to me.

  The look on Ian’s face was like a kick in the guts. Confirmation that Charlie had been telling the truth from the beginning. He took a shaky breath. “Yeah. He is. He had four opinions before he showed Mom and Dad. There’s nothing that can be done. The cancer is all through him, stage four.”

  “He’s the healthiest looking cancer patient I have ever met.”

  Ian gazed at me, then got out
his phone and showed me a picture of a very healthy-looking Charlie who was fucking drop dead gorgeous. “This was taken twelve months ago.” He swiped to another. “This was six months and this was a month before he told us and we ended up in Vegas and met you.”

  I looked at the photos with disbelief. “He has gone downhill so fast. I mean he still looks really good other than the weight loss and even that isn’t a lot.”

  Ian nodded. “And other than suffering some really bad hangovers and getting a little bruised from skydiving and paint ball, he says he isn’t in pain. He thinks it’s because of all the awesome sex he’s been having.”

  I smiled, but only a little one. “Isn’t it weird having a threesome with your brother?”

  “He was adopted, he isn’t blood, but he is my brother.” Ian smiled. “It was weird when he suggested it but as long as swords don’t cross, I don’t mind.”

  I grinned. I figured that would be a problem for a lot of men.

  “Are you ok? Have you accepted it?”

  “No. Not at all. I fear the phone ringing. I fear going to sleep.” He tucked a little bit of hair behind my ear. “You make it better being beside me. You love him and you love me. I know when he goes, it’s going to hurt us both, but I won’t let you stay broken and I know you won’t let me either. We’ll just get out the superglue and put our hearts back together again.”

  This was a sweet thing for Ian especially to say and I kissed his cheek. “We’re going to be ok, aren’t we?”

  He nodded and hugged me to his chest. “Yeah, we will be. Just got to be patient. And please stop stressing about sleeping with him. He calls me every time he’s planning on having sex with you and asks.”

  “Would you tell him no?”

  “No, and only because he looks at you with so much love. I told him to stop asking and just do it if he wants you. If he was fucking you just because he could, then I would stop it. As I said, he was a real man whore. But he loves you, Kate. Just like I do. Life is short and we’ll we have to make the most of it. So please relax and just enjoy him. It makes me happy to see him happy.”


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