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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 140

by Mina Carter

  Kade sent Connall a look of concern.

  Connall held his hand up. “I know, Kade. We won’t tell anyone.”

  “Why not?” Pepper asked.

  Connall cocked his head. “If it got out that you had the ability to kill a person with a simple thought, it’s possible someone may want to exploit that.”

  “I can do it with a thought? How?” Pepper read a little more. “What if I start a fire accidentally?”

  “We’ll work on it,” Connall promised.

  Pepper nodded, stifling a yawn.

  “If there’s nothing else that’s pressing, I’m taking Pepper back to bed,” he said, and handed the book to Fiona. “Do you mind if we keep the book for a few days?”

  “Not at all,” she said.

  “Thanks.” Connall smiled. “How about we do dinner here tomorrow evening after the parson recognizes the union?

  “Works for us,” Kade said. “We’re not going back to the city until Sunday.”

  Angus nodded and Fiona smiled. “It works for us as well.”

  “You and Angus are welcome to stay here, Fi,” Connall said.

  She shook her head. “Thanks, but I think we’ll head back to the castle.”

  “Sounds good.” Connall stood and lifted Pepper off the chair. He turned to Angus and said in English, “Thanks for being here Angus.”

  Angus grinned. “I should really take language lessons.”

  “Might be a good idea.” Connall chuckled. “Við munum sjá ykkur öll á morgun.” (We’ll see you tomorrow.)

  He carried Pepper from the room and headed toward the stairs.

  “Angus sagði nánast ekkert á meðan þau voru hér. Er í lagi með hann?” she asked. (Angus said virtually nothing while they were here. Is he okay?)

  “Já. Hann talar ekki íslensku.” (Yeah. He doesn’t speak Icelandic.)

  She frowned. “En ég hélt að við gætum talað sama tungumál þegar við værum bundin.” (But I thought we can talk the same language when we are bound.)

  He shook his head. “Kona getur talað tungumál manns síns en það virkar ekki á hinn veginn. Svo er Angus skoskur en ekki íslenskur.” (The female is able to speak the language of the male, but not the other way around. And Angus is Scottish, not Icelandic.)

  “Það virðist mjög óréttlátt.” (It seems very unfair.)

  “Kannski bókin geti varpað einhverju ljósi.” (Maybe the book can shed some light.)

  She nodded as she yawned and laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Farðu að sofa Dairy Queen.” (Go to sleep Dairy Queen.)

  “Ég held að mér lítist betur á Lady Loin Nautasteik.” (I think I like Lady Loin of Beef better.)

  He chuckled and kissed her temple. She was asleep before he walked into the bedroom, so he settled her in bed and climbed in beside her. He ran his hands through her hair, marveling at the softness of it, but also wondering if it would return to normal.

  His last coherent thought before succumbing to his exhaustion was how appropriate it was that his feisty mate was a firestarter.


  PEPPER CAME AWAKE and grinned, even though Connall wasn’t in bed with her. Her body felt amazing—better than it ever had. She sighed as she stretched. Where are you, baby?

  “Here,” Connall said as he came out of the bathroom.

  He wore a pair of long shorts and nothing else. He was gorgeous. Her heart beat faster. She smiled and sat up. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled. “You’re speaking English again, it seems.”

  “I am,” she said, and pulled her braid forward. “Thank God my hair’s back to normal. I don’t know that I could stand being a brunette.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m far too much of a character to be anything but blonde.”

  Connall grinned. “Who told you that?”

  “It was something my grandma used to say.” Pepper smiled. “She also used to say that my personality was my best feature and God gave me a halo of blonde to protect my smarts.”

  “She sounds pretty smart herself.”

  “She was. She died when I was sixteen, but that always stuck with me. She was one of my favorite people. She never had a bad word to say about anyone. Loved people to the nth degree… something I’m not that good at.”

  Connall laughed. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I just think you don’t tolerate ‘stupid’.”

  “I like that. Makes me sound a lot nicer.” Pepper sat up and ran her hands down his chest. “Guess what?”


  “I remember everything.”


  “Absolutely everything.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Why don’t you look happy?”

  She shrugged. “Probably because I’m annoyed.”

  “Annoyed? Why?”

  “Because neither of us is naked.”

  He chuckled. “Good thing that’s something within our control.”

  “That is true.”

  “In all seriousness, though, how do you feel?”

  “Like a frustrated hussy,” she said.

  “Well, then, let’s rectify that immediately.”

  “Are we alone?”

  He lifted the shirt over her head. “Absolutely.”

  * * *

  Connall made love to her and Pepper was grateful the house was empty. She had discovered she was vocal both publically and privately. She rolled away from him and giggled.

  “My lovemaking makes you laugh?” he asked in mock exasperation.

  She shook her head, still laughing. “The fact I’m so loud does.”

  “Seriously?” He rolled onto his side and rested his head in his palm. “You’re surprised you’re loud?”

  Pepper rolled her eyes. “Oh, you’re a laugh-riot, buddy.”

  He grinned and pulled her close, leaning down to kiss her. “I love that I hear your joy. Means I’m doing all the right things.”

  “Oh, you definitely are. No doubt about that.” He leaned down to kiss her again, but she laid her fingers over his lips. “Let’s hold that thought. I’m hungry and I’m guessing you are too, so I’m going to go and make us something to eat.”

  He disengaged from her hand, leaning down to kiss her anyway. Pepper slipped her fingers into his hair but the sound of her stomach rumbling effectively killed the mood.

  Connall groaned. “You should eat.”

  Pepper chuckled. “Ya think?”

  She climbed from the bed and pulled on sweats and a T-shirt. Scooping her hair into a ponytail, she secured it with a scrunchy and turned to find Connall grinning at her from the bed.

  “Are you coming?” she asked.


  “Hmmm, what?”

  “I like my T-shirt on you. I’d like it better off of you… or wet… or wet and then off you.”

  Pepper glanced down at the white shirt and smiled. “You like it because it’s tight. Noted. Now, I’m hungry. Come on.”

  He laughed and climbed from the bed, pulling shorts and a shirt on as he made his way to her. As they headed through their sitting room, his phone pealed from the bedroom. “Sorry, love. Forgot my phone.” He headed back to the room.

  It’s Kade, sweetheart. Won’t be a minute.

  Pepper headed for the stairs. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.

  Okay, he said.

  She headed down the back stairs, turning right at the bottom, but quickly realized she’d made a wrong turn and doubled back. She ended up somewhere she hadn’t been yet. Five minutes of turning in circles had her about ready to scream.

  Pepper? You’re not in the kitchen.

  “No sh—” she mumbled out loud.

  Pepper, he admonished, but she could hear the laugh in his voice. Where are you?

  I’m lost, damn it. I have no idea where I am. She stomped her foot. This house is too big.

  What do you see?


  Is th
ere a door you can perhaps open, love?

  There must be at least twelve, smarty pants. She pushed open the door closest to her and found herself in a small bathroom. A bathroom with blue flower tiles on the wall. The toilet has the high tank with a long pulley thingy.

  Okay, stay put. I’ll come get you.

  Pepper sat on the toilet lid and dropped her head into her hands. She tried to control her panic in an effort not to curl up in a ball in the corner. How could she possibly live in a house she couldn’t navigate?

  “Oh,” a quiet but startled voice said from the doorway.

  Pepper shot to her feet. Remembering her state of undress, she covered her chest and studied the petite brunette, not much older than she was. She was dressed in a gray maid’s uniform and carrying a stack of fluffy white towels, which she set on the counter.

  “I’m sorry, m’lady. I thought… well, I’m sorry.” The girl curtsied and turned to leave.

  “Elsie,” Connall said as he stepped into the bathroom, carrying a plate. “You can finish this in a bit, lass.”

  “Aye sir.” Elsie curtsied again and then scurried out of the room.

  Pepper scowled. “Who was that?”

  “Elsie. She’s one of the housemaids.”

  “One of the housemaids?” she squeaked. “You said we were alone.”

  “We are.”

  “By definition, Con, the fact there’s another human being in the house, means we are not.”

  “Right. Well, we are now.” He laid his hands on her arms and smiled. “I brought you a bagel and there’s fresh coffee in the kitchen.”

  “Made by the other people who aren’t here, right?” Pepper frowned. “I thought I was making you breakfast.”

  “Now you don’t have to.”

  She took the bagel from the plate and bit into it, her hunger rising to an uncomfortable level. Connall took her hand and started toward the door.

  She pulled him back. “Con?”

  He faced her. “Yes, love.”

  “How many… um...” She swallowed. “… other people are there in this house?”

  Connall ran his thumb across her knuckles. “Year round or at the present time?”

  She yanked her hand from his. She didn’t want to be calm… she wanted to fight.

  “Currently, there are six, including you and me,” he admitted.

  “And Elsie?”


  “Why would you tell me we’re alone?”

  “Well, we were… ” Connall sighed. “I told the staff to stay out of our part of the house. I didn’t quite plan for the possibility of you getting lost.”

  “What’s with the uniform? You said the staff didn’t wear uniforms.”

  “I was really referring to the fact that Dick and Helen didn’t… ”

  She dropped the bagel and narrowed her eyes. “You are in so much trouble.” She strode past him and out the door.

  “Where are you going, sweetheart?”

  “To the bedroom to put something less revealing on,” she snapped.

  He caught up to her and took her arm. “You’re going the wrong way.”

  She swore and pulled out of his grip. “I can’t believe you told me we were alone,” she accused.

  “Well, we kind of are.”

  “That’s a lie of omission and you know it. You ‘instructed’ the staff to go into stealth mode, so I’d think we were alone, didn’t you?”

  “Perhaps, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  “Just take me back to the bedroom, please.”

  He took her hand again and led her down the hall and to the bedroom. A trip she would never be able to retrace.

  “Yes, you will,” he said. “I’ll draw you a map and before you know it, you’ll know every crevice.”

  She pulled her hand away and sighed. “Babe, I know you can’t help that your lifestyle is one I’m not used to, so please understand I’m not trying to be difficult when I say I can’t live here.”

  “It’s not that big. Give it a chance.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “I don’t feel safe.”

  He shook his head. “How could you not feel safe? The house is equipped with the most advanced security system, and every employee here would protect you with their own life.”

  She paced, her stomach rolling with nervousness.

  “What haven’t you told me?” When she didn’t answer immediately, Connall grabbed her arm and lifted her chin. “I do not like this ability, Pepper. Please stop blocking me.”

  She dropped her head onto his chest. “There’s a reason I don’t like to live alone… and there’s a very specific reason I don’t like big houses.”

  “Come here.” He led her to the loveseat at the end of the bed and pulled her down next to him. “Tell me.”

  “I was dating this guy… well, no… let me back up. I wanted to date him. Anyway, he was one of Dalt’s football buddies in high school. His parents were über rich and owned the biggest house in our area. Miniscule in comparison to this one, but still, I was enamored with it. You’ve seen my house. It’s little better than a double-wide.”

  He nodded his agreement.

  “Well, Jet invited—”

  “Jet? Really?” he asked.

  “It was what everyone called him. He hated his real name, which was Jethro. Plus, he was super fast, so the nickname worked on and off the field. Anyway, he invited me to a party at his house, and I was super excited. I was a freshman and he was a senior, and I thought I was special, you know?” Connall gripped the arm of the sofa and Pepper laid her hand on his thigh. “Are you sure you want me to tell you this?”

  “Yes.” He relaxed. “Sorry. Continue.”

  “When I got to his house, he was alone. There was no party, no parents, just him and a fully stocked bar. Stupidly, I ignored all the warning bells ringing in stereo in my head and believed him when he said he just wanted us to get to know each other. I wasn’t prepared for the attack. It started with a kiss, and then I was pinned to the sofa and when I tried to stop him, he tore my shirt and slapped me. I managed to get away from him, but he came after me. I made it to the front door, but it was locked and I couldn’t figure out how to open it. He stood there, laughing at me, as I did everything I could to try to get out. I spent the next twenty minutes or so trying to find a way out of the house… and I kept getting lost because it was so big. He taunted me as we played his sadistic game of hide and seek.” She shuddered and forced the tears away. “His parents had installed three new doors that had a sophisticated locking system, and if you either knew the code or the house was burning down, they would open. Of course, because the house was so large, I couldn’t find the doors that were normal. I just kept getting turned around.”

  Connall frowned. “Did they think locking themselves in would keep them safe?”

  “Who knows? It was a unique feature on their security system and I guess Jet turned it on, knowing I’d have no way to get out. I hid in one of the closets, but knew it wouldn’t take long for him to find me. I think he actually knew where I was all along. He probably just let me think I was escaping him.”

  Connall tightened his hold on her. “Did he—?”

  She shook her head. “No. He never got the chance. Dalton came.”

  Connall stiffened beside her.

  Pepper shifted to face him, crossing her legs and leaning forward to stay connected to him. “Sam didn’t like that I had agreed to the invitation, especially since no other freshman had been invited. She knew something was fishy and asked Dalton if he knew about the party. She said he knocked the mailbox over as he drove out of the driveway. He knew there wasn’t a party and also knew Jet’s reputation. I was fighting Jet off when we heard the doorbell and then Dalton yelling something about an emergency on the football team. Jet threw me on the ground and went to answer the door. Sam told me when Jet opened the door, Dalton sucker punched him. I heard Sam and Dalt yelling
for me, and when I got to them, Jet was laid out flat, and Dalton was holding him down. Dalt threw me his keys and told me to get in the car and lock the door.”

  “Why didn’t he go with you?”

  “Because he was delivering some justice,” Pepper said. “He had to sit the next game out because he bruised his hand so bad. Jethro got it much worse, though. Dalton made sure he was kicked off the team and then out of school.”

  “He had that much power?”

  “Star quarterback of the number-one team in the nation? Damn straight. Dalton told the school board his parents would send him to the competing private school if they didn’t deal with Jet. The school board wouldn’t hear of it. Football’s a big deal where we come from.”

  Connall sighed. “Well, I have to admit, as much as I hate that he was your hero, I’m glad he was there.”

  She nodded. “For years afterwards, I wouldn’t go into a house bigger than mine. It took me several months before I’d even go back into Sam’s, but Dalton always walked with me around the house, checking for monsters, so to speak. He made me feel safe.”

  “Just how close were you?”

  “We were close. We dated, actually.”

  Connall scowled. “He still loves you.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Although I think he loves the idea of me more.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He liked that I needed him. He liked that I was a damsel in distress, I think. If I’d had a life like his, I don’t think he’d have looked sideways at me. I also wasn’t easy to get.” She gripped Connall’s chin. “Men typically like it when a woman’s a challenge.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, you were a challenge, sweetheart, just not in the way you thought.”

  “The thing about Dalton is that when I met you, anything I thought I might have felt for him just faded away. And now that you’ve bound me and it’s… well, it’s… ”

  He smiled. “I know.”

  “Anyway, I thought the memory of that night was over, but when I got turned around in here, it brought it all back.”

  Connall stroked her cheek. “Which is why you’d feel more comfortable at the guest house.”

  “Yes.” She bit her lip. “Would that be terrible for you?”

  “It’ll certainly be an adjustment. But we can move in there and stay for as long as you like.”


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