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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 160

by Mina Carter

  Clad only in a pair of jeans, he padded up behind her and swept her hair off to the side. The exposed silken skin of her slender neck invited his hungry mouth. He gave her a light, but passion filled kiss on the back of her neck as he firmly wrapped both arms around her in a loving embrace. He had gotten so used to touching her that it felt perfectly normal to physically express how he felt with her.

  The sun had just begun its nocturnal voyage below the distant sea. Lexi beheld her beloved sunset in a glory that she had never before witnessed. Every shade of orange, pink, rose, and purple was visible in an ever-changing mural. “This is so perfect, Ryan. Everything is just so perfect.”

  He turned her around and kissed her full lips gently. Their fingertips slowly roamed each other’s bodies and the passion began to heat up. Ryan wanted to be a tease. He abruptly broke off the kiss. “Let that build up for a while. Come on and let me take you out on a proper date for once.” He threw on a button down shirt, and took her hand before he led her out into the evening air.

  They strolled through a part of town that was filled with restaurants, cafes, and shops. “What do you think this doctor will be like?” Lexi wondered aloud. “I just don’t know what to expect. It seems really odd to be bringing the coin to him without knowing the reason.”

  “I really don’t know. I think at first, we should just let him talk to see what he has to say. I also think that we should have an idea of every question we want answers to. I plan to quiz the hell out of him about Kurt, Kate, and the old coin, because I think you deserve to know the truth.”

  They wandered through a small plaza and as they passed a small street vendor something dangling from one of the kiosks caught Ryan’s eye. He stopped and lifted it from its hook while she was distracted by the various items for sale. He stood behind her and placed a silver chain around her neck that supported a small owl pendant. The owl was beautifully crafted in a dark silver with shimmering diamond eyes. She held the owl up and smiled.

  “There Lex, now whenever you get spooked by that owl of yours, just look at this cute little guy and tell yourself owls aren’t that scary after all.”

  The pair continued their walk. Lexi started to notice small slate signs that were set out in front of the quaint restaurants to advertise nightly specials. She was surprised to find so many were written in Russian and even some in Ukrainian. “How about this place?”

  “Anyplace will be great, as long as I’m with you.”

  They were soon ushered to one of many small square tables placed along the wide sidewalk. With a lightening quick flash of white cotton, a waiter flung out a cloth that fell gently down and perfectly onto the table. He set out a small jarred candle and quickly lit the wick, before handing them their menus. “Now just let me order for us. It can be my turn to impress you a little!” Lexi addressed the waiter in Ukrainian and ordered the meals for them.

  Ryan looked surprised, “Well, now I am impressed. I didn’t know you could speak Russian.”

  “Oh no, that was in Ukrainian. A lot of people think that Ukrainian people are Russian speaking, but it isn’t true. The Ukraine has always had its own language. A Russian and Ukrainian can talk to each other, but only understand about half of what they are saying. Just enough to start a fight.”

  They laughed and continued their conversation, until the waiter returned with several platters of food.

  “I know you’re really going to enjoy this. They have some good things on the menu that you usually only find in home cooked meals. It’s an absolute must that you try Ukrainian Borsch. This is the only thing the Kate and I know how to make. Our mother taught us this at an early age and we really, really wanted to learn how.”

  “Why? I mean, what was so important about it?”

  “There is a saying that no Ukrainian girl will ever find her true love, unless she knows how to make Borsch. I am willing to bet that just about every Ukrainian girl learned the recipe. Let’s see, there is also varenyky, which is the same as a pierogi. We’ll try the sweet kind they have with honey. The best thing I see on here is banosh with bryzna. Sort of like a shepherd’s pie made with corn flour, sour cream, cheese, pork or ham, mushrooms, and whatever else.”

  Ryan smiled at the way Lexi swelled with her ethnic pride. As they enjoyed their hearty meal, Lexi kicked off her sandals and lifted her leg up to stroke between Ryan’s thighs. She teased him with her foot, “When you’re done trying everything here, I have some dessert back in our room for you to taste.”

  Ryan’s eyebrows arched as he leaned forward. “Just so you know, we have an audience watching us very closely.

  Lexi quickly dropped her leg back down and whispered, “Who is it? Where?”

  “Behind me. There is a couple at a table all the way back and to your left. I saw them take a picture of us with a phone when we sat down. Maybe they videotaped your performance!” He joked.

  Lexi squinted to see the couple and her mood instantly soured. After a few minutes of deliberation, she got up and angrily marched over to a middle aged couple seated at a table just behind Ryan.

  “Oh God, Lexi” Ryan mumbled, as he rose from his chair, quickly trying to intercept her.

  “So, you like making movies? Don’t you think it’s a little rude? We are just trying to-.” Lexi’s admonishment of the couple was interrupted by Ryan as he put his mouth up to her ear and whispered. “Wrong couple, Lex. The couple that was watching us just walked out.”

  The man at the table held his arms out in disbelief as the woman said to her husband, “Now what were you doing this time?”

  “Oh God!” Lexi’s face began to blush.

  Ryan put an arm around Lexi and led her away. “I’m sorry, sometimes she gets like this when she has had a little too much wine.”

  Ryan paid their bill and they walked away from the restaurant. “Who would be watching us, Ryan?”

  “Mossad. They have been keeping a close eye on us since we left Tel Aviv.”

  “Mossad? Why would they watch us?”

  “Well, considering the fact that we are set to visit with a former Mossad agent, they just want to make sure we’re alone and that nobody else could be following us.”

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t like the idea of some creepy guy videotaping us while I teased you.”

  Lexi felt the heat surge between them as they started the short walk back to the hotel. When they arrived back at their room, she retreated into the bedroom to make a call to her sister once again, but Kate did not pick up.

  She tried to reassure herself that all was well and Kate was in no danger. Lexi opened the bag with the new clothes she picked up earlier in the day. She lifted a black lace negligée out of the bag and with a saucy grin on her face, she thought about what Ryan’s reaction would be when he saw her in it.

  She stood in front of a mirror and admired the sight before her. Lexi enjoyed how such a simple piece of material could make her feel completely sensual, seductive, and feminine, yet powerful.

  The bodice was transparent enough to see the outline of her breasts and the smooth skinned mound that Ryan so perfectly devoted his tongue to. Yet everything was obscured just enough to be erotic.

  She adjusted the position of her new necklace and the skimpy cloth. Brief flashes of memories from the night they spent together passed through her mind. Her heart beat sped. She nearly panted with both excitement and anticipation. Lexi walked out of the bedroom slowly past Ryan without stopping. She headed straight for the balcony and resumed leaning on the rail as she had been before they had gone out.

  Ryan watched in awe as she made her way to the balcony. The moonlight accented the dark material barely covering her body. The beams of light displayed the slight curve of her back and her ass that led down to her toned legs. His cock immediately began to swell at the sight of her leaning against the railing. Her loose auburn curls cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. He pictured the wickedly naughty things that he was about to do to her.

  Lexi tu
rned to look at Ryan and smiled. She looked forward again, toward the hundreds of twinkling lights that dotted the hillside below and abruptly ended where the land met the sea. Ryan took that as his cue and stripped off his clothes. He made his way to her and just as he had done earlier, he moved the hair from her neck and kissed the delicate skin below her ear.

  His arms snaked around her tiny waist. One hand smoothly moved up to her breasts. His fingertips danced lightly over each one, before he took the time to tease her pert budded nipples. His kisses alternated from using his lips and tongue to small soft bites along her neck.

  “When I saw you standing out here, I realized that the most beautiful woman in the world had found her way into my heart. Being with you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, Lex.” The soft whisper sent a shiver that coursed through her body.

  Ryan was completely aroused, his bare chest pressed tight against her back as his length rubbed along her backside. His other hand glided from her waist, down between her legs. He slowly parted her moist folds with his fingers. He stroked them from top to bottom and paused to lightly rub and play with her nub.

  “Oh Ryan! That feels so good.”

  “You like that, Lex?” He stopped nibbling on her ear to ask her.

  “Ummhmmm. It feels amazing.”

  “What do you want, Lex?”

  “I uh, oh God, Ryan. I want you to make me feel good. Please!” She begged, lost to the sensations that raced through every inch of her body.

  “Like this?” Two of his fingers plunged into her silken center making her cry out for him. He felt her body tremble as he held her tight.

  “Yes, please. I need to feel you inside of me. Please, I need you.” He quickly removed his fingers and she moaned at the loss. She tried to turn around to face him, but he was having none of that.

  Ryan held her firmly in place, nudging her feet apart. His hard cock throbbed against his palm. He slid his hand up and down the length before rubbing it against her wetness, covering the tip in her moisture. He teased and tormented her by sliding just the tip in and then quickly retreating. She pressed back against him, trying to get him to focus on where she needed and wanted the attention the most. He wouldn’t give in as he continued rubbing himself against her swollen nub, over her core, and back to the tightness of her ass.

  He loved the way she begged and pleaded for him. Tonight his passion was strong and it made him feel wild. He knew that Lexi felt his animalistic presence, and it excited her as much as him. He wanted her wild beneath him, clawing and screaming for release. He had no intention of being easy on her. He could sense that was perfectly fine with her. He fully intended to make sure she knew, only he could bring her this much pleasure. A tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed MINE. The voice demanded that he claim her as his.

  With one last sensual sweep of his cock over her wet folds, he plunged deep inside of her before quickly withdrawing and repeating the motion. Her body shook from the force of the impact. “Mmmmm, that’s it, Lex. I love the way you feel wrapped so tight around me.” He watched as her head tossed from side to side and called his name.

  Lexi gasped with the pleasure she received from the long hard strokes. He picked up his pace as he sensed her orgasm building stronger. Her climax mounted. She felt like she was going to burst at the seams. He rolled his hips at the key moment, making sure he was firmly planted deep within her luscious folds.

  He felt a sudden primal urge and pulled out. He wanted to see her face. He quickly spun her around. The action delayed her climax. Lexi was desperate to get him back inside of her.

  Ryan lifted her up and she wound her legs around his waist like she had done in Colombia when he carried her to his bed. She cried out with surprise and pleasure, because this time he didn’t carry her away, instead he impaled her on his pulsing length.

  His powerful muscles lifted her up and down his engorged shaft as he slowly worked his way off the balcony and into the suite. He laid her down on the thick plush carpet, and continued his pace.

  She cried out in bliss with each pounding thrust. He brought his mouth down on her neck and then onto her breasts, taking her hard nipples into his mouth one at a time. Ryan didn’t slow from his long deep strokes. He licked and kissed her lips. His tongue plunged deep into her mouth, their tongues dancing wildly together.

  He quickly flipped her over on to her hands and knees, before slowly inching back into her tightness. Ryan could feel every pulse of blood surging through him. He felt as if every bit of his energy was being focused on penetrating Lexi. She cried out with an orgasm that didn’t seem to end.

  The sight of her bent over before him as she took his pounding thrusts with moans of sheer ecstasy, only drove him wilder. His eyes were drawn to the curves of her body, not to mention the way she tossed her head back as she called out “Yes! I love it when you fuck me!”

  His own excitement sent him to the edge of an orgasm. He felt Lexi’s orgasm subsiding, but he wasn’t quite done with her yet.

  He rolled her onto her back one last time. Starting a slow, torturous pace of grinding and thrusting, letting another climax build deep inside of her body.

  Ryan could no longer control his urge to fill her with his seed as well as to profess his love to her. “Look at me, Lex.” He urged, nibbling on her lips. She opened her eyes and met his lusty gaze. “I love you, Lex.” He kissed her with more passion than he had ever felt as he exploded deep inside of her.

  Lexi was amazed as her body shook with yet another powerful orgasm. She barely managed to breathe out the words “I love you too.”

  Ryan collapsed on the floor next to Lexi, pulling her onto his chest. He laid with her heaped on his torso, as he ran his fingers through her hair. He contemplated telling her a thought that came to mind. Sex is always good, but I swear it has never felt like this. He thought perhaps, even bringing up any comparison to previous sexual encounters could likely backfire. He decided that keeping his mouth shut was the best course of action as he continued to stroke her hair. Exhausted, she fell asleep on him. He carried her into the bed and held her as they slept.

  Sometime during the deep of the night, Lexi awoke. The full moon cast the room in a mystic glow. She looked at Ryan sleeping on his back, and ran her fingers through his thick hair. Her emotions seemed to be swelling up inside of her like a rising tide. I love you. I am head over heels in love with you, Ryan.

  She thought about how they really only met, but in that short time, they had spent every minute together. In a way, she thought she probably had spent more time with him in a few days than they would have if they had been dating for months. She thought about all they had talked about and shared with each other. She had also thought about what they had already been through and what the next day would bring.

  It seemed to her that she had met so many girls in college who fell in love and then suddenly they acted as if they had roped a wild bull, marking them with their branding iron. As she let her feelings for Ryan run through her, she knew those girls had no idea what love really could be. Lexi ran her fingers over Ryan’s strong shoulder, her bare breasts brushed his well-defined biceps. She loved every inch of him.

  Even though she found him to be incredibly attractive, he didn’t carry himself with a conceited air. She often found that guys with great bodies and hot looks were incredibly rude and hilariously vain.

  He was just himself and that was fine with her. Ryan, uncomplicated, but still a deep, thoughtful, and completely confident man. She would never want to change anything about him, unlike the girls she thought about that were settling for guys that often became do-it-yourself projects, dripping with disappointment.

  Her hand continued to roam over his broad chest and well defined pecs. She continued her exploration as her fingertips slid across his incredible six pack abs, pulling back the sheet to gain a full view of the man before her.

  It seemed to Lexi that because Ryan felt the same about her, there was the possibility this c
ould very well be the start of their lives together. She hoped so, but the last thing she wanted to do was to bring it up to Ryan, because for now, things were beyond good. They were absolutely spectacular.

  She wondered about the day ahead, but she was distracted by the fact that she could still feel the twinges of Ryan inside her.

  Her hand ran down to one of her favorite places to look at, the well-defined lines that ran over the outer part of his hips. She took his cock into her hand and felt it, all of it. She loved how soft the tip felt as she massaged it in her hand. He seemed so thick. She continued her massage and felt it begin to harden and grow in her hand, while her other hand danced over his chest.

  He stirred in his sleep as she straddled his legs and stroked his now rock hard erection. She lowered herself down on him, trying to take every inch of him inside of her. She loved the way he filled her core. She rocked back and forth, grinding herself on him. Both of her hands pushed against his muscular chest. She looked at his face and his perfect features. He opened his eyes slightly and whispered, “I was just dreaming about you, Lex.”

  He brought his hands up toward her only for her to push his strong arms back. “Shush…” Lexi told him as she kept her hands on his arms and continued her slow, yet steady pace. She felt his entire length move through her again and again, only interrupted by the act of grinding down on his long shaft.

  She was making love to him and didn’t stop until they both climaxed together. With one last kiss, they finally slept until morning.

  Chapter Nine

  LEXI LOVED THE feeling of the morning sun warming her skin, and how it felt to have Ryan take her hand as they walked to the neighborhood of Doctor Jakub Meier. They came to an overlook perched high above the sea below. The location gave them an incredible panoramic view of the area. The sky was colored in a beautiful blue, with wisps of white clouds that streaked near and far.


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