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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 218

by Mina Carter

  There was a knock at their door and Gabe got up to answer it, it was Peri’s things. A suitcase and a backpack, both well-worn and old. Gabe took them and made his way to the bedroom, knocking on the door before entering.

  As he did, he caught a glimpse of Peri, minus her top. Only a small sports bra covering her pert little breasts. Oh jeez, he was hard again and it was painful.

  Peri grabbed her top up and held it in front of her, a blush spreading across her face. Shit, she was sure Gabe had seen her in only her bra. Nobody had seen her like that, nobody. Well not since she had escaped.

  “Here’s your stuff. I did knock, sorry.” Gabe carried her things in and set them onto the bed, a sheepish look on his face.

  “Uh, it’s okay, thanks, for my stuff I mean.” Peri was still blushing, and she felt all hot and bothered. Not having a clue what was going on in her body.

  She had never got involved with anyone in the past six years. Didn’t talk, didn’t get to know folks. She kept to herself for a good reason, and she was like a child in social circumstances, especially where males were concerned.

  As Peri moved to the side a bit, Gabe caught a glance of her back. “Shit, Peri, what the fuck happened to you!” Gabe’s voice had risen, shocked at what he had seen.

  Josef appeared at the door. “What’s wrong?” he asked coldly.

  Peri was desperately trying to get a piece of clothing on, but Gabe was having none of it. He strode over, grabbed her top, and pulled it away. His hands moved to her shoulders, turning her around.

  “Gabe, what do you think you are doing?!” Josef was shocked, Gabe was gentle and caring. Why was he grabbing the girl like that?

  As her back came into view, Josef saw large angry-looking scars. They covered most, if not all, of her back. Dear lord, who had done that to the girl?

  “Leave me alone. Please, please, leave me alone!” Peri’s voice shook. Gabe and now Josef had seen her scars. Shit. She didn’t want to talk about them, about what they meant. She was too scared of ‘them.’

  Gabe’s hands gentled, and he pulled her into his arms, gently rocking her. “Peri, what happened to you? Who did that?”

  Peri’s mind was whirling around, what could she say? Anything, anything but the truth. “I was in an accident.” It was the only thing she could think of.

  Gabe moved her so he could look into her eyes. “Peri, sorry honey, but that’s not an accident. Those are knife marks. I’ve seen plenty in my time to know about them. Someone did that to you. Who and why?”

  Josef moved further in, his eyes scouring across her back. The pain must have been incredible. Some of the cuts were very long and deep, and none seemed to have been treated properly, stitched up or such. No, it looked as if she had just been left to heal as best as her body would do.

  Who the hell would do such a thing?

  “Please – I can’t. I can’t talk about it.” Peri was getting hysterical. If they found out, then they could either be in danger or turn her in. Neither option was a good one.

  Josef walked closer still, lifted his arm, placed a finger under her chin, moving her face so he could look into it. “Peri, we will not force you to talk tonight. You are obviously in distress. However, in the morning you will tell us. Do you understand me?”

  The Vampire’s tone was not as cold as it had been previously, but it didn’t leave any room for argument. Josef could see the fear in her eyes and he was damn angry at whoever had put that there.

  “Trust me, Peri, we will look after you. Nobody will be able to harm you and I mean nobody!” Josef removed his finger, about turned, and walked back out.

  Gabe was angry, too. The scars were old, she must’ve endured them in childhood. No wonder she ran away at fifteen.

  “Peri, listen to Josef. He’s very powerful, plus, he has loads of folk that work for him. Security and other stuff, real badasses, he won’t let anyone hurt you. Go to bed, Peri, try and get some rest.” Gabe couldn’t resist placing a little kiss on her forehead and then pulled away and forced himself to leave her alone.

  He wanted to stay with her, have her body held close to his. Show her he would look after her. The fear in her eyes made him go. She didn’t trust him – yet.

  She would though, he would make damn sure of it.

  As he returned to the living area, Josef was pacing. Josef never paced or showed any kind of upset.

  “Josef, are you okay?” Gabe asked quietly. Seeing the Vampire like this kinda scared him.

  Josef whirled around, his ice-blue eyes as cold as Gabe had ever seen them. Gabe had seen those eyes, when Josef did some terrible things. Things that neither of them spoke of.

  “No, indeed I am not, Gabriel!” Josef was talking quickly and Gabe was shocked. Firstly at his use of his full name, and secondly by the emotion that he clearly heard in Josef’s voice.

  “She’s running, Gabe, has been for years. Whoever did that to her, they’re the ones after her, and I aim to find out who they are and make them pay. Did you see those scars Gabe? Did you?!” Josef’s voice had risen and bloody hell, he was downright fucking scary.

  “Yes, Josef, I did. They’re old scars, she must’ve got them as a kid, Jo, a kid. Someone did that to a fucking kid!”

  Gabe’s own voice was low and cold, and at his own use of Josef’s shortened name, the Vampire looked at him. He could see and feel the anger rolling off the Wolf. He was pretty sure Gabe could see and feel the same anger rolling from him. His body thrummed with it. He wanted to find these folks and fast.

  He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He never lost control. “Okay, so I think I’ll stay out here tonight. I don’t want our little Peri trying to fly the coop. She may think that’s her only option, but we need to make sure she knows that it is not.”

  Gabe nodded at Josef’s words. The same thing had been going through his mind. “I’ll keep you company, for a bit.”

  The Wolf moved to one of the sofas and lay down, stretching out full length and staring at the ceiling. Whoever had done that, if they found them, shit, they were going to get hurt. Real bad. And Gabe would enjoy doing it.

  Josef sat in his armchair and placed his feet on the coffee table, straightening the knees out on his expensive trousers. His mind was in chaos, and he had not felt like that in a long, long time. He was always in control. Gabe called him OCD and he supposed he was. Fuck, he was one of the richest people on the planet. He could be fucking OCD, if he wanted.

  Plans started forming in Josef’s mind. He was going to get his best people on this. Bring in extra security for this floor and the parking area. Get the cameras in the penthouse up and running again, in case they weren’t here.

  Persephone? An unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to track down. He stood up and went to the office area and opened his laptop. Technology, wasn’t it great? He pulled up his emails and started typing. Before long several were sent, and the wheels had been set in motion.

  The extra security would be in place within the hour, and he had put his best man, an incredible investigator, on the case. He usually used him on his own personal dealings and he was also a Witch. He was sure Liam could get him some information. If he didn’t, he would bloody sack him.

  With the emails sent and things set in motion, Josef relaxed slightly and moved back to his armchair. Gabe was now snoring lightly, but the Vampire knew if the bedroom door opened, Gabe would be on his feet in seconds.

  Josef once again placed his feet on the coffee table and rested his head on the back of the chair. His eyes closed and he dozed, not a full sleep. Oh no, he wasn’t letting Peri out of his sight.

  Chapter 4

  Peri was pacing the bedroom floor, and her anxiety was high. What was she going to do? She could run. She was good at running.

  She looked around the bedroom, saw how elegant and beautiful it was. God she wished she could stay. Even for a little while. She had been sleeping rough in her car for so long, she had forgotten what it felt like to sleep in a bed.<
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  She knew Josef would get some more information out of her in the morning. She knew it as well as she knew her name was Peri!

  Think, Peri, think. Her mind whirled, a spell. She could cast a small spell and see if these two were a danger. See if they would turn her in. If she had that information, she could decide whether it was worth it to stay, just for a short while.

  Peri leaped up onto the bed again. Why would anyone have one as big? She made herself comfortable in the middle and crossed her legs, her palms lying on her knees, facing upwards.

  Breathing in and out to calm herself, Peri concentrated, getting the spell right in her mind before uttering the words. Slow and quiet the words spilled from her mouth, she sent it outwards. Felt it reach out to the two in the next room. Knowing that was where they were.

  The spell floated along and reached Gabe first. The knowledge she got from him made her blush. He liked her in ‘that’ way.

  There was nothing that showed he would hurt her. No, in fact, she felt his protectiveness invade her being. He would look after her, she had no doubt of that.

  Then the spell moved on, reaching Josef. The Vampire she was more wary of. He had at times seemed very cold and hard. Scared her, in fact.

  As the spell landed on him, she jerked. The feelings coming from him shocked her. Protect and lust. Both in the same amount. Oh dear, both wanted her for ‘that,’ but both also wanted to protect her.

  The power from the Vampire that her spell uncovered was immense. She had never known anything like it. How could he be so powerful? It stole her breath away, and she gasped to get air into her lungs.

  At least she knew she was in no danger from them, thank the goddess. It meant she could rest. Remain here for a little while. With that Peri got up and found a long baggy t-shirt, undressed, pulled it on, brushed her teeth, and crawled into the bed.

  The softness of the pillows and the warmth from the comforter soon had her falling into a deep, deep sleep.

  The dreams came late that night and Josef felt them first. He jerked upright, his senses straining to detect what was amiss.

  Peri. She was thrashing about on the bed. What was wrong? He moved quickly and silently opened the door. The sight of her in the midst of an obviously terrifying nightmare chipped at the ice around his heart.

  He realized Gabe was at his back. “Nightmare, I think,” Josef said quietly and Gabe agreed. The Wolf moved passed Josef and towards the bed.

  Peri’s red hair was flying around, as she whipped her head from side to side and moans of fear escaped her throat.

  Gabe wanted to make her feel better and wished she were moving like that because he was buried deep inside her.

  Selfish pig! He thought to himself. Help the girl.

  Gabe moved onto the bed and closer to Peri, who was now becoming more vocal. Fear was so strong from her, Josef felt he could taste it in the air around them.

  Gabe placed a hand on her shoulder. “Shhhh, Peri, you’re okay, baby, you’re safe. We won’t let anything hurt you. Come on, wake up now.”

  Peri’s eyes flew open, as a terrible scream tore from her lips, and she looked around frantically! Gabe spoke again. “It’s okay, Peri, you’re safe.”

  Peri’s eyes found his and the torment that was in hers tore at his stomach. She flew into his arms and clung to him for dear life.

  “Oh no, I’m not safe. I won’t ever be safe.” Peri was now crying, and Gabe held her tighter all the while telling her she was going to be okay.

  Josef clenched his teeth and went to check his emails. It had been hours, surely there was some news.

  Peri slowly calmed down. It had been a few nights since she had a nightmare, but she had known they would come back. They always did.

  Her face was flush against Gabe’s chest, and she could feel the muscles underneath, his hand rubbing gently on her back. Once again, she had feelings she didn’t quite understand and had no idea on how to handle.

  She pulled away. “Sorry. I’m fine now.” Her face flushed, not from the nightmare but from the feelings roiling inside her.

  “Hey, it’s okay. We won’t let anyone hurt you. Trust me? Peri, tell me you trust me?” Gabe’s throat was closing, he felt for this young woman like nothing before, and he was finding it hard to understand.

  “Yes, Gabe, I do. I know you won’t hurt me, but I also know you probably can’t help me either.” Peri sighed and tried to get a hold of herself. Between the fear and the feelings inside her, she was a bit of a mess, and it angered her.

  She was strong. She had escaped. She had looked after herself since she was fifteen for Christ’s sake. Her eyes met the Wolf’s and her stomach clenched. Why did he make her feel like this and just what exactly was ‘this?’ She had no idea and that scared her, a lot.

  Gabe’s hand moved and stroked hair from her forehead and pushed it back behind an ear. His smile was small but sensual. He wanted this woman, young woman, yeah, but woman all the same. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and he was scared he was going to get burnt.

  Peri moved her face into his hand unconsciously, and his fingers made her skin tingle. She started to tingle in another part of her body, and she took a sharp breath in. Dear lord, what was that?

  Gabe took a deep breath in, he could scent her arousal, but the look of confusion on her face told him a lot. He was pretty sure she was a virgin.

  A virgin at twenty-one, nearly twenty-two, in this day and age, rare. Gabe found it made her all the more appealing to him and gently moved his thumb along her jawline. The small gasp that Peri made proved she liked his touch.

  Peri shook her head and pulled away. What was she doing?

  “I’m fine now. I would like to go for a shower.” She tried to sound casual, but her heart was beating thirteen to the dozen.

  “I could wash your back?” Gabe said cheekily and Peri blushed.

  “I don’t think so, Wolf. I’ll see you in a bit.” Peri quickly moved from the bed and went into the bathroom, once again locking the door.

  Gabe gave a small chuckle and left the room, finding Josef with a stern look on his face.

  “What’s up?” Gabe asked while lifting the phone and placing an order for breakfast with lots of coffee and orange juice.

  “Liam – I emailed him last night, wanted him on this. He IS the best, after all. Anyway, he just emailed me back and he only has the bare bones, but what he’s got is not good.” Josef sat down, his back straight, and a cold look in his eyes.

  “So, don’t keep me in suspense, Josef. What did he find out?” Gabe was hungry and hoped room service would be quick.

  “Persephone. He found a rare sect, mainly made up of Witches that drink the blood of a virgin child called Persephone to gain the powers of the Queen of the Damned. I assume that’s what all those scars are, don’t you?” Josef looked pointedly at Gabe.

  Gabe’s eyes went wide. “Shit – no – you’re not saying they fucking cut her like that to get blood from her?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what he’s saying,” Peri cut in, having been standing at the bedroom door following their conversation.

  “Why are you trying to find out about me?” Peri’s voice was accusatory and scared.

  Josef looked at her with a new found sense of astonishment of the strength this young woman had. “I need to know what we’re up against, Peri. I can’t fight what I don’t know and trust me, I intend to fight.”

  Josef’s voice was calm, even if he felt turmoil inside. This female was under his skin, and he didn’t like the feelings he was having. He preferred when he only took his own and gave pleasure, not the feelings that came with any kind of relationship.

  He had tried that, once, a long time ago and that was why he had encased his heart in ice. No, he didn’t want to feel that again.

  Peri moved closer. “Why? How? You have no idea what you’re up against!” Her voice had a slight quiver that she fought to control. Her mantra rang loud in her head. Don’t show weakness, don
’t show weakness.

  “The ‘how’ is easy. I am very powerful and I have many who I can call on. I have strong Witches, too, Peri, very strong. The ‘why?’ That’s more difficult, but let’s just say, little Peri, I do not take kindly to any kind of torture and what you’ve went through is plain and simple. Torture of a child. I won’t stand for that!” Josef’s look was almost feral as he spoke, even Gabe was surprised, his friend never showed any kind of emotion – ever.

  “Look, I appreciate it and all, but you don’t know what you’re doing! The leader, shit, he is the most powerful Witch there is. He’ll make mincemeat of me, if he gets his hands on me. What I went through before, it will pale in comparison. Don’t you understand that?! I’ll just keep running. It’s worked for six years, it’ll keep on working.” Peri didn’t want to run, she was fed up of being scared, but she saw no other option.

  “NO!” Both Gabe and Josef shouted, and the Wolf jumped up. He moved to her quickly and grabbed hold of her. “You’re not going anywhere, Peri. You’re staying here ‘till we sort this out, that’s not a request, by the way.”

  “Exactly,” Josef exclaimed, and Peri looked between the two. Both ready to fight for her? She didn’t know why, but for once in her life, she felt a small shred of hope.

  “Look, I can’t allow myself this! To hope. If you change your minds, I’m going to be fucked! I can’t take this, I don’t take chances!” Peri desperately wanted to, though. Deep down she wanted to, but she was so scared it hurt.

  “Peri, we will not turn away, we will help. You will stay here. I’ve already got extra security, and now I know it’s magic we’re dealing with, I’ll get others. I’ll get wards in place, it will hide you, nobody will find you here. For once Peri, let someone else do the worrying.” Josef had spoken with feeling in his voice and it surprised him. He couldn’t let this little Witch go.

  “Promise?” Peri whispered, and Gabe pulled her into his large frame.

  “We promise, Peri. Stay?” Gabe wasn’t letting her go, no matter what she answered.


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