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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 223

by Mina Carter

  Gabe groaned, as she licked him, dear God, he was so hard it hurt.

  Peri moved her mouth nearer and opened it, moving a hand to grip at the base of the hardness, she placed it in her mouth and suckled. The noises Gabe was making were the only proof she needed that he liked it.

  Josef watched, as she did as he had said and the look of bliss that came over Gabe’s face was a wondrous thing to see. Her ass stuck up like that made Josef want to enter her from behind. He wouldn’t, though, not tonight anyway.

  He did move so he could both watch her take his friend in her mouth and also to touch her again, his hands moving in from the rear and cupping her mound.

  Peri jumped, as she felt the hand touch her and then moaned around Gabe’s cock. As the vibrations her moan made on him, Gabe knew he wouldn’t last long. Shit, he had thought he was going to come just watching Josef take her for the first time.

  Gabe’s hand tangled in her hair and helped her, moved her a little bit more forcefully. “A bit more, Peri, yeah, shit, that feels so good, baby.”

  Peri was getting aroused again, between Josef’s hand and the feel of Gabe in her mouth. Gabe was moving her head quicker now and she thought he was close.

  Josef’s fingers were doing magical things to her and she moved her head quicker. Her own release was near once more and she wanted Gabe to have that feeling.

  Quicker and harder she suckled her Wolf’s hardness, and he started to move his hips, thrusting up and into her mouth, his hand holding her head.

  Josef watched her take as much as she could into her mouth, but knew she would never take it all, Gabe was just too big for that. The scene in front was so erotic, and he moved his fingers expertly and knew she was close.

  Gabe’s thighs were shaking. He held them so tight, his eyes never leaving Peri’s mouth taking him inside.

  Peri rose and fell over and over, and moaned and groaned around Gabe, as she came once again. At seeing her climax, his own release stampeded to conclusion, and he held her head, as his seed erupted into her mouth. She seemed to stutter a moment before finally swallowing his seed down her throat. Gabe shouted in ecstasy at his release and his body went limp against the bed.

  As the seed entered her mouth, Peri was startled. When she realized what it was, she started to swallow and the taste was not unpleasant, the truth was, she had enjoyed it. All of it, she liked having him in her mouth, and she absolutely loved making him feel the way he had made her feel.

  Peri pulled away and her body felt all floppy. Josef moved her with his strong arms and placed her head on the pillow, laying down next to her, and pulled her close. Gabe moved over and cuddled into her other side.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Gabe asked, and Peri looked into his gorgeous eyes, placing a hand on the side of his face.

  “Gabe, I’m fine, more than fine. That was – indescribably good. Is it always like that?” Peri was still trying to process the strength of her feelings.

  Gabe chuckled. “Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Wait ‘til you’re really ready, baby. We’ll show you so many ways, so many things...all of them will be as good or better!”

  “Better?! Really?!” Peri’s voice had risen, that just couldn’t be true, no way.

  Josef’s fingers were moving softly against her skin. “Yes, Peri, better. We’ll have you screaming your pretty little head off! When you’re ready, you’ll have us both at the same time. Now that, my little Witch, will leave you as weak as a kitten!”

  Peri heard the words, but couldn’t figure out how that was even possible?

  Both Gabe and Josef snorted, obviously realizing what was going through her mind. Neither was telling her, not a word passed their gorgeous lips.

  Gabe pressed a little kiss to her forehead, while Josef kissed her hair. “Sleep now,” Gabe said and watched as their Peri closed her eyes and relaxed.

  Soon they saw her drift off and looked at one another across her body.

  “I think we may have found ourselves a mate, my friend,” Josef whispered softly and Gabe nodded, laying his head next to Peri’s, and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 8

  Peri opened her eyes and realized she was on her own. Her hands moved and felt the bed on either side, both were still a little warm, so her Vampire and Wolf hadn’t left too long ago.

  A smile spread on her face, a huge smile. Dear lord, she had lost her virginity and it had felt wonderful! Her thoughts went back to the previous evening and her face flushed. Her body tingled and felt warm, her heart felt full, happy.

  For the first time in her entire life she felt as if someone actually cared a damn about her. It made her feel soooo good. It was beyond words and she wrapped her arms around herself and tried not to giggle like a silly schoolgirl.

  Sounds broke into her consciousness, shouting? Who was shouting? The voice sounded very, very angry.

  Peri jumped up, grabbed a robe and ran through to the living area. As she opened her door, she could now clearly hear Josef, his voice raised in anger. Gabe’s, too, he was growling.

  Then another man’s, one she didn’t know. What on earth was going on?

  Peri moved forward towards the noise and she worried about what had got her two men in such a state. The voices were coming from the office area and she stopped at the open door. Josef was behind his desk and Gabe was pacing at the window, a fierce look on his face. He looked scary.

  As she looked at Josef, again she realized he looked even more so. A cold look of fury on his features. The other man in the room had his back to her, but she felt power from him. He was a Witch.

  Josef saw her and she saw him try to relax his features. He managed, if only slightly. Gabe saw her then and stilled, a small smile coming over his face. The other man turned and stared at her with a calculating gaze.

  He was much smaller than Gabe and Josef, but not that small, maybe just under six feet, his build slim, his hair light brown and his eyes matched it almost exactly. He was handsome in a guy next door way, not a patch on the other two in the room, though. She eyed him cautiously, as she did any person that she was in a confined space with. She had learned her lessons early not to let her guard down, even if the circumstances seemed safe. Looks can be deceptive, so she continued to look at the man, as she spoke.

  “What’s wrong?” Peri asked quietly, scared of the answer.

  “Come in, Peri, this is Liam. Liam, this is Peri.” Josef did the introduction and Liam moved towards her with his hand outstretched.

  As he took hers in his, she gasped at the power she felt.

  Liam’s eyes went wide before he said “Hello.”

  Peri nodded once and looked back at Josef. “What’s wrong, Josef?” Her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Sit down, little Witch, here.” Josef moved around his desk and held out a chair. Peri sank down on in and stared up at his ice-blue eyes. She saw a look in them that she hadn’t ‘til now. If she saw right, it looked like love?

  Gabe came over and bent down and placed a kiss on the end of her nose. “Morning, baby, hope you had a good sleep?”

  Peri nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t like waking up alone.” The words just slipped out and she blushed at them.

  Gabe chuckled. “Oh believe me, I didn’t want to leave, but we’ve got some business that needs attending.”

  Peri again looked at Josef, and she raised an eyebrow.

  “Liam’s been doing the searching for your parents, trying to assess the danger. That’s what we were talking about.” Josef now had a hand on her shoulder and she could feel the tingle where it lay.

  “You weren’t talking, Josef, you were all shouting. What’s wrong?” Peri knew she had to find out. She didn’t want to run again, but if she had to, she would. She could not ever let her father get his hands on her. Peri shivered, fear pooling deep in her belly.

  “No, Peri, you’re not going anywhere. I think I’ll let Liam speak.” Josef motioned to the man who moved forward into Peri’s line of sight. Josef went back to
his chair behind his desk and Gabe started pacing again.

  “Peri, your father has been looking for you, as you are no doubt aware. However, I’ve found out he has a sort of bounty on your head. If anyone from the Witch or supernatural community finds you and hands you over, he is offering them a load of cash. As soon as I started to make enquiries I had calls from several, shall we say, undesirables, wanting to know if I had any news on you. We need to be very careful, these are dangerous people we’re talking about. I’m afraid my endeavors have alerted them that you are near.” Liam looked down at her with a look of – what – upset? Shame? Fear?

  “Oh, I see. So, Josef, if I’m not running again, then what do we do? I don’t think you realize how powerful he is.” Peri was, of course, talking about her father, but she didn’t like even calling him that.

  “Oh, you are not running, baby! No way!” Gabe’s voice was forceful and strong, and his anger was very clear for her to see.

  “Gabe’s right, you’re not going anywhere. Liam, the wards you placed around here, will that shield Peri?” Josef needed to know if they had to move. If so, they would be gone from here in an hour.

  “I think so, Josef, as long as Peri doesn’t use a lot of magic, she shouldn’t come onto their radar. The magical ones that is. The others...I’ve heard there are several Wolves and Vampires looking, too. Well, they’ll be doing it the old-fashioned way. I was careful this morning. Tried to make sure I wasn’t followed. However, just about everyone knows who it is I work for. I can’t be certain that some fucker won’t just show up to see if Peri’s here. I’m sorry I didn’t realize the extent that this went. I’ve already asked for more guards, Josef, but you have to stay with her. She will need your personal protection.”

  Gabe growled low, his anger great. How dare anyone threaten his mate.

  As the thought came to his mind, his anger stilled, he looked at the little Witch sitting in a huge robe on the chair. Her face white in fear. He strode over and picked her up, holding her tight against his body. He would never, not ever, let anyone hurt her.

  “Gabe! I can’t breathe!” Peri was astonished at the strength in the Wolf’s arms, and she could feel the anger rolling from him as if waves were crashing against rocks in a storm.

  “Sorry, baby, just the thought of anyone trying to hurt you makes me mad as hell!” Gabe released her and she sat back down.

  “Indeed, Gabe, we will both need to stay with Peri until this is over.” Josef didn’t think that was going to be a hardship for any of them.

  “How? Josef, how is this going to be over?” Peri had run for years, not knowing how she could ever stop. How could Josef do anything?

  “I’ll find him and I’ll kill him, it is simple, little Witch. He poses a threat to you and that I just cannot allow. As soon as my resources locate him, I’ll destroy him!” Josef’s voice was as calculating as she had heard it, and she knew the truth in his words.

  However, Josef hadn’t met her father.

  “Josef, he’s very strong. I’ve never felt power like his. He could hurt you!” Peri’s eyes filled up with tears, the thought of that hateful man hurting Josef making her heart ache.

  Liam was shaking his head. “No, you have no idea of Josef’s powers. Peri, when we touched, you felt my power did you not?” Liam asked.

  “Yes, and you’re powerful, Liam, but not as powerful as him.” Peri was sure of that fact, very sure indeed.

  “I know, however, my power is like a single snowflake in a blizzard compared to Josef.” Liam was smiling now, as he looked at the frightened young woman.

  “What?! How is that possible?” Peri looked at Josef again – knew he was powerful – had felt it. The power Liam was talking about though, was that even possible?

  “You don’t need to know how it is, only that it is. Trust me, Peri, when we find your father, Josef will take him out in the blink of an eye. However, Peri, when we touched, I also felt your power. Who trained you?” Liam asked.

  “Nobody, I hid them until I could escape and then I’ve been running. I’ve never even met another Witch, well, not properly.” Peri had felt power from folks before, knew they were some kind of Witch, but never, not once did she talk to them.

  “I thought so. Josef, I would like to spend some time with Peri. She has a phenomenal amount of magical energy in her. She needs to learn how to access it and control it. Peri, look at me, you are far more powerful than I.”

  “What? No, don’t be silly!” Peri knew she could do so much more than she had in the past. She hadn’t, mainly because she found out early on they could track her. More powerful than Liam? No, that was absurd!

  “Yes, Peri, if you are trained and learn how to harness your power, you would probably be as powerful as your father. I don’t say this lightly, Peri, I know what I’m talking about. That’s probably why your father wants rid of you. It’s nothing to do with the rubbish he’s spouting about your blood. It’s your power he wants to kill, Peri.”

  Realization crept over her face. “Really? Can you help? What about you saying I’m not supposed to use my powers? Won’t they be able to track me?” Peri’s heart was beating way too fast in excitement.

  “I’m going to bring some people over. They have a different kind of power, based in black magic, their wards will shield us. I would like to start tomorrow, once the wards are in place. Is that okay? Say about midday?” Liam smiled at the astonished young woman.

  Peri nodded her head, was this possible? Was she as strong as her father? She hoped so, she really, really hoped so.

  “Until you have a control of your powers you are still in danger, Peri. Do not – I repeat – do not go anywhere without Josef, okay?”

  Liam’s voice was stern and she smiled. “That won’t be a problem, Liam.”

  “Okay Josef, if I get any more information, I’ll call. Keep Peri safe. I’ll see you all tomorrow. The people I’m sending over won’t need access in here. They’re going to do it around the entire area. Nice to have met you, Peri.” Liam smiled at her, as he turned and left.

  She sat dumbstruck in the chair and finally felt a hand on her cheek. Josef was gently rubbing it and she moved her head closer, wanting to feel the tingles that his touch brought on her skin.

  “So, my little Witch, you’re more powerful than you thought. Liam will teach you well. Trust in what he says and do exactly as he asks, okay?” Josef wanted to kiss those lips, especially as she was doing the biting thing again.

  Gabe groaned, he saw Peri’s teeth biting her lower lip, and he had visions of her mouth last night as it took him into it.

  “We’ve got business to attend to, Gabe!” Josef knew exactly what was on the Wolf’s mind. However, he and Gabe had to make sure Peri was safe. They had things to attend to.

  “Yeah, right, of course.” Gabe sighed, he would’ve much preferred taking Peri back to bed.

  “So, Josef, I wanted to wash my clothes, do you have a machine?” Peri wanted to get her casual jeans and stuff cleaned. The things she had bought all seemed too expensive to wear for what she wanted to do.

  “Oh, yes, the kitchen’s at the back, the door at the rear is a laundry room. However, we don’t use it. I could get housekeeping to do them, Peri.” Josef didn’t even know how to work the damn machine.

  “Uhm, no, I’ll do it.” Peri got up and started out of the room.

  “Peri, there’s breakfast in the kitchen, I ordered it earlier and it’s being kept warm in the oven. There’s juice and stuff in the fridge.” Gabe knew the girl would be hungry, he had already eaten.

  “Thanks, I’ll get something after I put my clothes on to wash. See you two in a bit.”

  Peri went back to the bedroom and sorted through her clothes. She put just about everything in one pile to wash, but kept a pair of well-worn yoga pants and a crop top to the side.

  She had a quick shower and dressed. The yoga pants and top sliding over her thin frame. She picked up the large pile of clothes and walked to the kitchen. As
she entered, she smelled the food. Her stomach rumbled and she realized she was going to have something before her training instead of after this time.

  There were two doors at the rear of the kitchen. One held the laundry room and one held, well, nothing. It was a smallish room, but she didn’t know its purpose. It would do well enough for her regime.

  After putting the washing on, she ate a little breakfast. Not a lot, she didn’t think she had ever trained with a full stomach and didn’t want to chance it. She replaced what she didn’t eat and moved to the empty space.

  She stretched and did some warm-up exercises and when her body was nice and ready, she went into her moves. She knew they were a bit hotchpotch, but she hadn’t the luxury of training in a proper environment. Her trainer had taught her moves with one purpose in mind, keep her safe.

  Her first time getting hurt and scared had been not long after she had run away. A drunk grabbed hold of her and scared the shit out of her. She realized she had to learn how to protect herself, so she started to look for training gyms, anything from boxing to martial arts.

  She was in San Francisco trying hard to survive, when she came across a small dojo with an old Japanese gentleman who took the classes. She would either watch through the window, or sometimes be a little bolder and stand at the doorway, watching every move and trying them out on her own.

  The man, Daiki, had seen her, ignored her to begin with to see what she would do. She had obviously been a runaway, and he saw great fear in her eyes. The protector in him made him want to help, but he felt if he approached her too fast she would run. He bided his time and slowly started to make eye contact.

  If she had copied a move, and it was correct, he would smile and nod his head. She slowly, very slowly, looked a little bit more at ease and finally he spoke to her. After a class, he motioned her forward. She had come, but only hesitantly, and he stayed well away, not wanting to scare her.

  They spoke that first day, although she was guarded in the information she gave. Daiki knew she was running from something bad. He had caught glimpses of extreme scarring on her back, and he knew they had been made with some kind of blade. Daiki knew blades very well.


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