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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 230

by Mina Carter

  The men picked themselves up and watched in abject terror, as he moved ever closer. “I only wish it was her father that was here instead of you,” he spat out. His hands moved together – power flew out and encompassed the men.

  The unearthly screams they made, as his power took hold, were loud in everyone’s ears, as they were boiled alive from the inside out. It lasted only a few seconds, but to everyone present, it seemed to last much, much longer.

  As they fell to the ground, he turned to his friend, leaned down, and picked both the Wolf and his mate up with his strong arms. “Are you both okay?” He asked in a voice he didn’t recognize, fear prevalent. He had not felt that emotion in centuries, and he didn’t like it, not at all.

  “We’re fine,” Gabe said, as Peri stared wide-eyed all around her.

  Seeing both Donovan and Fitz laying on the ground, her mouth opened in a silent ‘Oh.’ Josef’s eyes followed hers, but Liam and the others that had been inside were already helping both Vampires up, Fitz looking a little worse for wear and Donovan just looking totally pissed off.

  Donovan walked over to them, his eyes raking Gabe and Peri, making sure they were not hurt. “I’m sorry...” he started to say.

  Josef cut him off, “Not your fault, they were strong in magic, just make sure you get these two back to the hotel, safely!”

  The police were dealing with the two bodies on the ground, and everyone could hear the comments, “Jesus H Christ! Did you see that?!” and “Fuck yeah, what kinda power does he have?! Fuck, I’ve never seen anything like it!” More followed, as the devastation brought by Josef was looked upon.

  Josef placed a hand on his mate’s cheek, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked quietly.

  “Uhm, yeah, I think so, is everyone else okay?” She asked, worried that others had been hurt because of her.

  “Everyone else is fine, now get on back to the hotel and rest,” Josef instructed, and Gabe pulled her towards their vehicle, making sure he didn’t let her see the bodies of the two men lying in the road.

  Donovan got in to drive, Fitz still seemed a little out of it, and he didn’t want him crashing the vehicle. “You okay?” He asked him, and Fitz just nodded his head.

  In the car, Gabe held Peri close, and she clung to him tightly. She moved herself and ended up in his lap, and he cradled her like a child. “It’s going to be okay, hon. We’ll find them and when we do, God himself won’t be able to help them.” Gabe was working hard at keeping his Wolf inside. Peri hadn’t seen it, and he sure as hell didn’t want to scare her now.

  “Gabe, they’re close...I can feel them...I’m scared.” Peri’s senses were so heightened that she could feel, hear, sense, just about everything for miles around. The feeling was disorienting, and she clung to Gabe to anchor her. His strong body and his scent kept her grounded and she knew if he wasn’t there, she would’ve lost it. Completely.

  Peri had no idea what would happen, if she did. She had felt her power taking over, and she wanted to lash out in anger and fear. She knew if she had, she would’ve hurt Josef and Gabe, and that she could never allow to happen.

  “It’s okay, Peri, we won’t let anything happen to you, our rooms are completely secure. Liam and his Witch have made sure of that. Nothing can get to us there.” Gabe only hoped that was true. He had never been one to put his faith in Witchcraft. He preferred good old-fashioned strength, especially if he was Wolf.

  The hotel came into sight and as soon as they stopped, Donovan and Fitz got out and checked the area was clear. Once more, they covered Gabe and Peri’s bodies with their own and led them to their suite.

  As soon as they were inside, Peri relaxed slightly, she felt the power of the wards and realized they would probably protect them as Gabe had said. She stood in the middle of the lounge area and looked around. She hadn’t taken notice of it earlier, all three of them had been too busy.

  “Oh, dear lord, Gabe, we were – you know – when Daiki was being killed! Maybe I would’ve sensed something, if we hadn’t the bedroom.” Peri thought of the pleasure she had been receiving at the time Daiki had been tortured.

  “No, Peri, now don’t even start with that kind of talk, you know that just doesn’t make sense. Did you sense Daiki before at any time?” Gabe guessed she hadn’t, or she would have commented on it before now.

  “Well, no, but I feel so bad. We were luxuriating in pleasure while he was being tortured. That just seems wrong!” Peri was agitated and feeling sick.

  Gabe walked to the small bar and got Peri a large brandy. “Here, drink this, Peri. I think you’re in shock.” Gabe handed her the glass and her hands shook, as she took it from him.

  After a couple of sips, she screwed her face up. “Yuck.” She didn’t like it at all.

  “I’m going to give you a bath, Peri, try and get some warmth back into those bones.” Gabe took her hand and led her through to their large bedroom and then into the attached bathroom. He turned the water on and poured in some bubble bath. The scent filled the room, and Peri took great breaths in through her nose. She wanted to get the smell of blood out of her system.

  “I’ll need to be responsible for the funeral Gabe...he didn’t have anyone else here.” Peri just couldn’t comprehend putting the body of Daiki into a cold dark hole in the earth. Fresh tears escaped her eyes. Gabe grabbed a face cloth and wiped them from her cheeks.

  “Okay, baby, if that’s what you want. It may take a few days. The police will want to do what they do in these kind of circumstances. We’ll get it organized, though. I’ll get Donovan on it.” Gabe knew the guard was more than able to do just about anything, including arranging a funeral.

  “Gabe...can you cuddle me? I really need a hug.” Peri’s eyes were red from crying, and she looked utterly desolate. Gabe moved towards her and grabbed her tight.

  “You can have a cuddle any time you want, Peri. There’s no other place I would like you to be than in my arms. Now I’m going to undress you, and you’re going to have a nice warm bath.” Gabe started to pull the zip down at the back of her gown, and she just stood immobile in his arms.

  Gabe undressed her completely, picked her up and placed her into the water. Peri felt the warmth invade her body, and she relaxed her head back against the tub.

  Gabe got soap and a sponge and started to wash her, making sure he cleaned every part of her. Making sure she got nice warm water on every part of her. She still felt cold to his touch, and he worried she was going into complete shock.

  “ do know I love you, don’t you?” Peri whispered, her head back and eyes closed.

  Gabe’s insides clenched. “You do?” Peri had never said those words to him – or Josef. To hear them come from her mouth was profoundly moving, and he waited on her reply.

  “Yes, I do. I think I’ve just realized it. I knew I liked you both – and I know you and Josef like me, but seeing Daiki lying like that! I thought of someone harming you and Josef and my heart stopped. I don’t think I could live if anything happened to either of you. Gabe, I love you and Josef, and nothing can happen to you. It would kill me, Gabe, really!” Peri’s voice had risen a bit in panic, and Gabe stroked her face gently.

  “It’s okay, baby, nothing’s going to happen to either of us. And just so you know, I love you, Peri. I think I did from the moment I set eyes on you. I know Josef’s not a smoochy talk kinda guy, but I know he feels the same. The thought of someone hurting you...fuck, we both want to rip them to shreds! Peri, you are our mate, and we adore you, baby. Never think otherwise. Now let’s get you out of this water and into a robe.” Gabe’s throat had tightened, and he picked her skinny body out of the bath and wrapped a large towel around her.

  Gabe took her to the bedroom, dried her, and sat her on the bed. He looked around for her robe and retrieved it from the chair in the corner. As he turned round to return to Peri, the sight of her sitting naked affected him in his jeans.

  For fuck’s sake Gabe – get a grip – she’s hur
ting and in shock and you’re getting a hard on! Gabe chastised himself and walked back to Peri, holding the robe in front of him.

  As he neared her, she looked up at him and the words that came from her throat had him almost panting.

  “Gabe, could you make love to me? Could you make me feel better, even if it’s just a short while? Please?” Peri was pleading, and Gabe wasn’t sure that was a good idea, no, not at all.

  “Peri, honey, you’re hurting, I know. But now might not be the right time to, you know...have sex.” Gabe wanted nothing more than to sink deep inside her, but jeez it seemed so inappropriate.

  “I know, Gabe, but I need something else in my head, all I can see is Daiki. I know you can take that away – please!”

  Peri stared hard at her Wolf, hoping he would do as she asked. She knew it probably wasn’t right, but she had a deep need for him to take her, and her sex was throbbing with need. She knew it was probably a reaction to what had happened. She knew all that, but still wanted Gabe to make her feel better.

  Gabe looked at her white face and saw the need there. However, he would feel real bad at taking her just now. He didn’t know what to do.

  He placed a hand on her face and she kissed his palm, he decided on what he was going to do.

  “I’ll take care of you, Peri, lie down.” Gabe knew it was going to be hard, but he would do it – for her.

  Peri moved a bit and lay down, her eyes watching Gabe intently. When he joined her on the bed fully clothed, she wondered what he was doing.

  “Just relax, baby, let me look after you...relax. Close your eyes, Peri.” Gabe waited until she closed her eyes and moved down between her thighs.

  His gaze took in her mound, her red hair that covered it, wondered if she would wax it for him. Then his fingers moved to feel her throbbing clit, jeez, it was needy all right, he could feel it and see it.

  His mouth moved towards it and his tongue started to flick and lick it, his fingers now caressing her wet folds. Peri bucked up towards him, and he applied more pressure with his fingers and placed his other hand on her hips to hold her in place.

  He used his tongue and mouth expertly and soon Peri was rising fast to her release. He could feel it inside her and knew she would go over soon. His own hardness was uncomfortable, but he was not going to have a release of his own. This was about him helping Peri and only about that.

  Gabe started to suckle her nub and sucked it inside his mouth, held it there with his lips, and flicked it mercilessly with his tongue. Peri was moaning and her head moved from side to side, her wild mane of hair flying all around her.

  “Gabe – now – please, please!” Peri was so caught up in the sensations that Gabe was giving her, she didn’t even know what day of the week it was.

  Gabe flicked her clit quicker and quicker, and soon she arched her back and screamed his name, as her orgasm engulfed her entire system.

  Gabe kept suckling until he felt it completely fade, then moved to her side, and held her close.

  A few minutes later, Peri opened her eyes. “What about you?” She whispered.

  “No, baby, just you, just you. Hush now and try and rest.” Gabe held her tightly, and soon he heard her breathing change and realized she had fallen asleep. He placed the comforter over her naked body and moved through to the living area, he needed a stiff drink.

  A little while later, Josef returned and felt the tension in the Wolf as soon as he entered. “What’s wrong? Is Peri okay?” Josef asked, and Gabe nodded.

  “Yeah, she’s napping. I gave her a bath to warm her up and hell, Josef, she wanted to, you know, and so I made her come with my tongue. But I didn’t...I just thought she needed the release. Then she fell asleep.” Gabe took another sip of his drink and realized that finally his hard on had gone.

  “Traumatic events can affect some like that, don’t worry about it. She might wake up okay, or she might wake up wanting us both, so be prepared for anything, Gabe.” Josef patted his friend’s shoulder, as he passed and sat down.

  “Oh, she said she loved me and you, said she loved us both, and if anything ever happened to either one of us, it would kill her.” Gabe smiled at this part, the words she had said still having an effect on him.

  Josef’s eyes widened. “She did? Both of us?” Josef didn’t think he had ever had anyone say that, well, not in a truthful way. And he was shocked to feel as pleased as he did.

  “Yeah, both of us. She also wants to organize the funeral, says he was the only person she had and same for him with her. I said it wouldn’t be a problem, but it may take a few days.” Gabe wondered if Josef knew how long before they could get the body.

  “I thought she might, and we’ll have the body tomorrow. As it was magic that killed him, there’s no point in the usual autopsy and hunt for fibers or skin under fingernails. I’ve already got it organized and the funeral’s the day after. Then we go home and make Peri our mate, okay?”

  Josef wanted to do it right now, wanted to go in and feed from Peri and bond with her. He knew it wasn’t going to happen and contented himself that it would soon.

  Chapter 15

  Peri didn’t wake until the following morning. When she did, her men were on either side of her, an arm from each around her body. One on the waist and one just under her breasts.

  She felt happy and secure, for all of two seconds, then the previous evening came crashing in. Her breathing became ragged, as tears filled her eyes, then something else entered her system...anger.

  Hate followed shortly thereafter and her body tensed. She wanted to find her father and whoever else had helped. She wanted to hurt them, badly.

  “Take a deep breath, little Witch,” Josef said quietly, her thoughts running through his head.

  Peri turned and looked into those ice-blue eyes, ones that could look lovingly on her and change in a heartbeat to cold and hard. At the moment, they were full of love and she smiled.

  “I’m mad as hell, Josef!” Peri whispered, Gabe was still asleep.

  “I know, princess, but let’s get the funeral out of the way. Then we’re going home, and we’re going to have our mating...then we’ll hunt them down. I think once you have learned more from Liam, you will be able to dole out your own brand of justice.” Josef knew deep inside she had to do this.

  He had lain awake worrying. He wanted to do this part alone, not wanting Peri in any kind of danger. However, the more he thought on it, the more he realized that his Witch had to do it. For her own sanity, she had to do it. Josef would be right at her side as she did so, though. Making sure she wasn’t hurt.

  Peri nodded. “Okay. Josef, I told Gabe last night, I’m not sure if he said anything, but I need to tell you something. I love you, Josef, and Gabe – and you need to take care. I can’t have you getting hurt.”

  Josef only just managed to stop his smile. Not at her declaration of love, no, at her worry for him. His little Witch still had no idea of the power he wielded. She didn’t know that he could take out her father’s entire sect, if they were before him.

  “I love you, too, Peri. You probably won’t hear that from me as often as you do from Gabe, but it doesn’t make it any the less so. I adore and cherish you, little Witch. Always.” Josef moved and kissed her gently and Peri sighed, her men were with her and they loved her, as she did them.

  Now they just had to get the funeral out of the way and go home, to make it official and have their mating. She was a little scared, but more than a little excited at the prospect.

  “Okay, let’s get started, there’s a lot involved in a funeral. We’ll need to go and pick a casket, where you want him laid to rest, we’ll do that today. The funeral will be 10 a.m. tomorrow morning, then home.” Josef moved to get up and Peri stretched before following him.

  They moved into the bathroom and had a long shower together, Josef cleaning her and holding her. Not in a sexual manner, just letting her know he loved her.

  As they came out, Gabe was getting up, his body like a Gre
ek god’s, and Peri couldn’t wait to be home. Gabe had been right last night, it would’ve been wrong of them to make love, but she couldn’t wait till they were back in Vegas.

  “Morning, beautiful. What’s happening today?” Gabe addressed Josef, who told them what they had to do.

  “Okay, I won’t be long.” Gabe moved to the bathroom for his own shower and kissed Peri’s cheek on the way past.

  Peri got dressed in a pair of black trousers and a black silk shirt, flat pumps, her hair up, and no makeup. She thought she would probably cry on more than one occasion today, so didn’t see the point of having mascara run down her face.

  Breakfast was delivered and her and Gabe ate. She only nibbled at the food in front of her, as Josef drank his coffee.

  “Peri, what was it that Daiki wanted us to make sure of? Oh yes, get some meat on your bones. You’re only picking at that, princess, if you don’t want it, I can get something else?” Josef had watched closely, as she had played with the food on her plate and not more than one or two forkfuls had passed her lips.

  “No, I’m not hungry, maybe later. Once all the stuff’s been done. I’m a bit uptight about it all.” Peri couldn’t believe she was going out soon to pick a casket for her old friend. Her stomach was roiling around and she was sure if she ate, she would be sick.

  “Okay, but you need to eat something later, you are underweight, and it’s not healthy.” Josef was worried at how little Peri weighed. He was going to make it a priority she put on some weight.

  “Right, let’s get this done.” Josef stood up and Peri followed, her hand held tightly in his, he led them out.

  The next few hours were a nightmare. Peri had no idea of what went into a funeral. Josef had said he would do it all, but Peri felt she owed it to Daiki to do it herself.

  She picked a plain casket Daiki would not have liked some of the embellished monstrosities that the funeral director had tried to steer her to. She picked a spot in the cemetery that was on a slight hill and had trees and flowers all around it.


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