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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 277

by Mina Carter

  It bothered him that she was still unconscious. It had to have something to do with her illness. She was weak. Her body was depleted. He’d managed to shield her weakness from the pack, but they would eventually figure it out. When they did, they would attempt to kill her to preserve the integrity of lycan bloodlines.

  Mia stirred and groaned. He walked over to her and knelt down to place his hand on her chest. Her heart was beating too slowly. He’d known her illness was fatal, but until that moment he’d failed to realize just how close she was to death. He placed her hand on her forehead. She was cold and clammy.

  “What have I done to you?” he asked, though he knew damn well what he’d done. By using chloroform to knock her out he’d completely separated her from Joseph, and Joseph had been sustaining her life. He knew what he needed to do. He untied her and picked her up in his arms. “Hold on, Mia. I’m taking you to Joseph. Just hold on a little while longer,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Where are you going with her?” Samuel stood up and blocked Eli’s path.

  “Get out of my way.” Eli kept walking as if he would just walk right over Samuel if he didn’t move. “I want a little private time with my mate before it’s time to move on.”

  Growling, Samuel stepped to the side. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “You know damn well what’s wrong with her. We used chloroform to knock her out.” Without even looking at Samuel, Eli kept walking away. He knew Samuel was very close to discovering the truth about Mia’s health. The scent of death was strong on her. “I will be back before first light. Make sure the pack is ready to move out.”

  Samuel grunted. “We’ll be ready.”

  Eli felt Samuel watching him as he walked into the woods. He had about two hours before sunrise, two hours before Samuel realized he’d abandoned the pack. Samuel wouldn’t hesitate to take over and lead the pack to hunt him down and kill him. If he hurried he could return her to Joseph within three hours. Hopefully a two-hour head start would put enough distance between them to prevent the pack from catching up. She didn’t weigh enough to slow him down, but he couldn’t travel at full speed without jarring her and causing her more pain. He hoped like hell she stayed unconscious—her heart was so weak a sudden adrenalin rush could kill her.

  As soon as he was out of Samuel’s sight, he picked up his pace as much as he dared. He covered several miles within the two hours. Mia’s heart continued to get weaker with each passing minute. He stopped several times just to check if she was still breathing. He knew the instant Samuel and the pack started to pursue them, but he’d traveled far enough that they wouldn’t catch up to him. Even so, he didn’t slow down.

  * * *

  Drifting in and out of consciousness, Mia knew she was dying. Strong arms cradled her, but she knew it wasn’t Joseph. She couldn’t remember what had happened. She wasn’t sure who was carrying her until she was lowered to the ground and she opened her eyes. “Eli,” she whispered. “Why?”

  Placing his palm over her heart, he leaned down over her. “It’s good you’re awake. The affects of the chloroform are wearing off. You should be able to merge with Joseph now. Do whatever you can to connect with him. You’re in rough shape, your heart is weak, but he can help you.”

  “He’ll kill you.” She should be happy at the thought of Joseph killing him, but despite everything she still didn’t want Eli to die. She tried to focus on Joseph, she tried to reach out to him, but there was a solid wall of darkness separating them.

  He gently pushed her hair back away from her face. “Just do it. I deserve it. I had no right to take you.” He scooped her up and started to move. “We need to hurry. We can’t allow my pack to catch up.”

  “I’ve tried to reach Joseph. I can’t. Something is between us. I think it’s a spell.” Why would he worry about his pack catching up to them? He was their leader. Wasn’t he? Was it possible they’d turn on him? She remembered his pack had rallied around him when he’d taken her. “Why would you consider your pack a threat?”

  “I’m returning you to Joseph.” He stopped abruptly. She heard him take a deep breath through his nostrils and knew he was scenting the air. Obviously, he sensed a threat close by. She remained absolutely silent and still to allow him to study and locate the threat. “And by now my pack has realized you’re ill. They will attempt to kill you to preserve the integrity of our bloodlines.”

  “We’re being hunted. What is it?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “Put me down.” She squirmed to get him to release her. “I can help you. I can fight.”

  “Hold still.” He laughed softly. “I’ve no doubt you can, but I’m hoping to avoid a fight by getting us the hell out of here.”

  * * *

  Something to the left moved and caught Eli’s eye, and then, within seconds, something to the right moved. He stopped and lifted his head to scent the air. Vampires. He recognized their odor instantly. He couldn’t outrun them in his human form, and he couldn’t carry her in his wolf form. Though she’d offered to fight with him she wasn’t even strong enough to hold onto him. He had to fight, had to kill them, and for that he had a better chance in his wolf form. He quickly but gently lowered her onto the ground. “It’s vampires. Let me deal with them. Don’t get up. Don’t try to fight. We both know you’re not up to it right now.” He shifted into his wolf form.

  A vampire stepped out from behind a tree and onto the path Eli had been traveling on. “Give us the woman, and we will not kill you.”

  Baring his teeth, Eli growled. He could hear Mia struggling to get to her feet, but he didn’t dare take his focus away from the vampire.

  “Don’t be stupid,” the vampire warned. “Your pack is miles away. We have you outnumbered.”

  Eli knew he was outnumbered, but he wasn’t going to hand Mia over to them. Apparently she wasn’t going to allow them to take her without a fight. She was at his side, but clearly, teetering from side to side, she was too weak to fight. She was only in danger because he’d taken her. He would give his life to right that wrong. Within seconds it became apparent he was indeed going to die trying to protect her. Dozens of vampires attacked him all at once. Even in his wolf form he didn’t stand a chance. Mortally wounded, unable to take a full breath, he watched the vampires carry her away.

  * * *

  Excruciating pain moving through her body, Mia began to regain consciousness slowly. She heard moving water. It sounded like a river. She could also hear something else. It seemed a far-off echo of male voices. They were arguing. She tried to focus on what they were saying, but she just couldn’t make out the words of the conversation.

  She realized she was starting to feel drowsy. She knew better than to fall asleep, but she just couldn’t fight it. She was so tired. So cold. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift off.

  * * *

  Panic rose up in her. She suddenly became fully aware. Her heart was racing. The panic she was feeling was all-consuming, but it wasn’t her own. It was Joseph’s. She heard Joseph call her name over and over again, commanding her to wake up, to stay awake. She reached for him. She imagined his arms holding her, comforting her. No, she wasn’t imagining it. He was with her though he wasn’t.

  And then he wasn’t with her at all.

  * * *

  Joseph. She waited for a few minutes. He was gone. Nothing remained of his presence. No sense of his arms wrapped around her. She’d imagined it or dreamed it. Joseph, I need you. Where are you?

  She lay shivering on the cold, damp ground. The air was foul, tasted stale or moldy. She began to sit up, but when she tried to extend her arms for support, she realized they were bound behind her back.

  She remembered Eli coming into her boutique, she remembered reaching for Joseph, but that was it. She couldn’t remember if she’d actually reached Joseph—maybe she only dreamed of reaching for him. But then she simply relaxed, knowing Joseph wouldn’t abandon her. Even if she hadn’t reached him, he
would find her.

  Meanwhile, though, she needed to find a way to help herself until he got to her.

  She had no idea where she was. It was too dark to see anything. She expanded her mind and sent her other senses out to study her immediate surroundings. And that was when she realized she wasn’t alone. “Aww shit.” She felt a terrible hunger, a desperate need blood. It could only be a vampire.

  “I may not be giving off the greatest vibes, but I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She recognized his voice at once. “Caleb?”

  “That would be me. I would say it’s nice to see you again, but considering the circumstances I’m sure you are about as happy to see me as I am to see you.”

  “I can’t see you,” she admitted. “It’s too dark in here for me to see anything.”

  “Well then, it’s your lucky day,” he teased.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m directly across from you.”

  Squinting, she tried to make out his form just in case she needed to defend herself, but it was no use. She was surrounded by utter blackness.

  Caleb laughed softly. “I’ve known Joseph for many years. I’m sure you know he wouldn’t have left you in the cemetery alone with me if he thought there was any chance I’d harm you.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve had many bad encounters with vampires.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. I understand. How did they manage to separate you from Joseph?” Caleb asked.

  “Eli Thomas took me from my boutique. He drugged me. I don’t remember anything else.”

  “Have you tried to reach Joseph?” Caleb asked.

  “Yes. I felt him for a moment. But it could’ve been a dream. He’ll come for me.”

  “Yes. I’ve no doubt he is doing all that he can to find you, but it might be impossible. These vampires are getting stronger, and they’re getting much better at utilizing Zack’s blood. We are surrounded by demonic spells designed to prevent telepathic communication.”

  “It’s Demetri. He’s helping them. But Joseph will find me. He told me nothing can ever prevent me from reaching him, and I believe him.”

  “Eventually you will. But will it be in time? We need to get you out of here.”

  “Do you know where we are?” Mia asked.

  “Beneath the falls.”

  “Locksley Falls?”


  “You’re injured, aren’t you?” she asked.


  “How bad?”

  “Bad enough,” he answered.

  “I can’t get to you. My arms are tied up behind my back. Can you come closer to me?”

  She heard movement accompanied by curses and grunts, and then he said, “Turn around, and I’ll untie your wrists.”

  As he started to work on the knots, she asked,

  “Where are the vampires?”

  “They left us.”

  “Why?” Mia asked. “And why did they put us together?”

  “They want you dead, and they want me to kill you.”


  “They believe I’ll kill you to save myself. And they believe that by doing so I will become like them. I have certain inherited abilities they want to utilize.”

  “Is there any chance you would do it?” She paused. “Kill me?”

  “No.” He laughed at her.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “The thought of killing you or any other woman to save myself is very funny to me. I know you think I’m a blood-sucking murderer, but lucky for you, I’m not.”

  “You heard me?”

  “No. When I first told Joseph you’d stumbled into their trap at the cemetery, he warned me that you aren’t fond of vampires. He also warned me that if you should decide to kick my ass, I was to bend over.”

  Mia smiled. “Joseph has a great sense of humor. How do we get out of here?”

  “Not we, you.”

  “I’m not leaving you here even if you are a vampire.”

  “I’ve lost too much blood. I’m not strong enough to make it out of here. I can lead you out, but you’ll need to allow me to merge my mind with yours for a few moments.”

  She really didn’t want to ask, but she had to. “You could make it out of here if you had blood?”

  “I’m not taking blood from you.”

  “You don’t trust yourself?”

  “I’ve never been this depleted.”

  “I’ve poison in my blood. Joseph said it was used years ago by a religious group attempting to cleanse lycans. Will it hurt you?”

  “No. My body would neutralize or expel the poison.”

  “If you take my blood will I be like you?” she asked.

  “No. You would have to take my blood. And don’t even think about it—you won’t be getting any blood from this vampire. I’ve no intention of being bound to a woman for the rest of my life.”

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny. Just do it.” She held her arm out. “Take what you need. I just want to get the hell out of here.”

  “No. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Don’t make me kick your ass. I’m not leaving you here. If you stay, I stay. If I have to stay I’m going to be pissed.”

  “You’re a stubborn woman.”

  “I know. And I’m also mean enough to kick your ass while you’re too weak to fight your way out of a paper bag if you don’t do as I say.”

  He took her arm and brought it to his mouth. “I can make you unaware.”

  “No. Just do it. Take my blood.”

  Wincing, she closed her eyes as his fangs sank into her wrist. When he pulled them out she felt his mouth move over her skin as he sucked and swallowed her blood. She tried to block out what was happening. It didn’t work, but to her relief it wasn’t long before he was helping her up and putting his arm around her shoulder.

  “What do you think you are doing?” She immediately tried to push him away.

  “The walls are jagged and sharp, and you can’t see anything.” He pulled her back under his arm. “I’m not trying to make a move on you. Anyone can see you’re most definitely not my type. I’m just trying to prevent you from being torn to pieces.”

  “You think I’m not good enough for you?” she asked.

  “Not exactly. It’s just that I prefer women to be more agreeable. You argue way too much for my liking. I would get a terrible headache if I spent too much time with you.” When she laughed out loud, he said, “I wasn’t making a joke. I was being serious.”

  She decided talking to him wasn’t a good idea at all. She remained silent as he led her through a maze of dark tunnels.

  “Can you see the light down there?” he asked.


  “That’s our exit point,” he said.

  He kept her close and led her to the opening. The closer they got to it the louder the sound of moving water became. When they finally reached the exit she knew why.

  “Here … right here?” Shaking her head, Mia stared at the curtain of rushing water. “No. There’s no way … but … nope. I hiked to the bottom of the falls a few years ago. I know what’s down there. It’s not happening. I’m not jumping.”

  “You have a fear of heights? Being lycan I wouldn’t have guessed you would have any irrational phobias.”

  “Don’t even try playing mind games with me. Manipulation won’t work on me. There’s nothing irrational about having the brains to realize jumping to my death on jagged rocks is going to hurt like hell.”

  “Take my hand. I won’t allow you to be hurt.”

  “No.” She started to pace back and forth. “There has to be another way.”

  “If I instruct you to jump and you end up smashed on the rocks below, what will Joseph do to me?”

  That brought a smile to her face. “Kill you.”

  “Perhaps he will, but only after he creates some very painful and ingenious forms of torture to use on me.”

  “You have a good point.”
/>   He took her hand. “On three.”

  “On three.” She nodded.

  “One … Two …”



  “Can’t you just do the disappearing thing that Joseph does?”

  “Yes, but not with you.”

  “Are you saying that you’re jumping so I don’t have to do it alone?”

  He laughed out loud. “Whoa now.” He held up his hands and took a step back. “Don’t get all clingy on me. I’m no white knight in shiny armor seeking the admiration of a pretty little damsel in need of rescuing. I’m jumping because no matter what happens down there, it will be much more pleasant than what Joseph will do to me if I don’t do it.” He took her hand again.

  She yanked her hand out of his. “Forget it! I’m not doing it!”

  “I’m kidding. Nothing bad will happen to you.” He took her hand once more. “They’re coming—we have to go now. Don’t let go of my hand. On three. One … Two … Three …”

  Hand in hand they ran toward the curtain of water and jumped through it. The fall seemed to last for forever, and somehow she’d let go of his hand. She hit the water hard. It was cold. She fought to reach the surface, but her body wasn’t cooperating.

  She felt Caleb take her arm and yank her close. He wrapped his arm around her from behind and brought her to the surface. “You weren’t supposed to let go,” he teased.

  “I really hate you right now.” She turned to face him.

  Treading water, he kept a hold of her arm. “Can you swim?”

  She started to tread water. “Yeah. But it’s so damn cold.”

  He pointed. “Swim with the current to the shore. I’ll follow you.”

  Her arms and legs grew completely numb, but she managed to stay afloat. It took a lot of concentration to force her body to function, but eventually she made it to the shore. Once she got there she didn’t want to move, but he grabbed her arm.


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