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Double Dare

Page 17

by Jeanne St. James

  “You know you are going to pay for this,” Logan told him, trying to sound angry, but the look on his face was all pleasure.

  “I sure hope so,” Ty answered against Logan's neck, his teeth nipping along the other man's skin.

  Condom in hand, Quinn sat against the headboard, watching the two of them move against each other. Ty's hands splayed over Logan's chest as his hips thrust against Logan's buttocks. The smacking of skin against skin made Quinn's breath catch. Logan let out a little sound with each surge, while Ty kept whispering Logan's name into his neck.

  Logan suddenly pinned her with a stare and extended his hand to her. She moved closer, facing him.

  “Sheath me.”

  Her heart thumped wildly as she tore the foil package open, grabbed his still-hard cock, and rolled the condom over the crown and down its length. Her pussy clenched as his cock bobbed with every movement Ty made.

  Ty paused for a moment and let out a long breath. Quinn took advantage of the timing and climbed on Logan's lap, adjusting her balance until she was basically squatting over him. Logan grabbed her hips and guided himself to her opening. She was ready for him. No lube necessary.

  Ty thrust hard against Logan, causing Logan's cock to bump against Quinn's clit. She groaned and lowered herself on him until he was fully seated, deep inside her, impaling her.

  She didn't think it would work, but it did, with Ty sitting on his heels, Logan leaning back on Ty's lap, and Quinn riding Logan. She kept her weight in her heels, and she posted as if riding a horse, while Ty picked up his rhythm once again.

  Since Logan was relinquishing his dominant status, at least for the moment, Quinn decided to take advantage of it. She wrapped his ponytail around her hand and pulled his head back, exposing more of his neck to Ty and to her. She grazed her teeth along the curve of his neck, then met Ty over Logan's shoulder. She brushed her lips against his before tracing her tongue along the edge of his lips.

  Ty had such a beautiful mouth, and he knew how to use it skillfully too. Just remembering his lips on her clit made her grind against Logan. She ground once more and came. But it still wasn't enough.

  She released Logan's hair and slipped off him, grabbing the tube of lube. She squirted some on his cock and turned away from him, shifting backward until his cock nestled between her ass cheeks. She looked over her shoulder at him.

  “Help me.”

  His lips twitched. Most likely in amusement, but he became dead serious as he held his cock still, the head pressed against her tight ring.

  “Slow,” he told her.

  No doubt about it, she was going to take it slow. As she pushed back against him, she felt the rim of her anus open and stretch to accept him. Quinn stilled, getting used to the sensation and the feeling of fullness. She swallowed hard but pressed onward until she had him fully.

  “You okay?” he whispered against her ear. He sounded out of breath.

  She couldn't answer him; she just nodded slightly.

  Ty hadn't moved while Quinn was getting settled, but now she was, and he began his pace once again.

  Logan reached around her to slip two fingers into her swollen pussy and put his thumb against her clit. Ty's cadence jostled her enough, any discomfort she felt quickly melted into pleasure.

  “Oh my God. That feels so good.”

  “Yes,” Logan answered tightly. His chest was pressed against her back, and she could feel how quickly he was breathing.

  She couldn't imagine what it was like to be him right now, one cock in his ass and his own in another's. It had to feel like heaven.

  Logan gasped. “Ty. Stop.”

  Ty did, and Logan began tilting his hips; each thrust into Quinn worked Ty's cock in and out of him as well. Ty teased her nipples as Logan played with her pussy. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, that she was going to explode into a thousand little pieces, Ty's fingers clamped down on her nipples, and he groaned, fucking Logan's ass at a quick pace until he stiffened. His climax set Logan off. Logan pulled Quinn tighter against him, his thumb making frantic circles around her clit as he began to make long strokes, driving deep into her anal canal.

  Quinn cried out as each thrust became harder than the one before.

  “Come, baby,” he said before he tensed deep within her. His teeth sank into her shoulder, sending a jolt down into her pussy, where it exploded, and she came for a fifth time that evening.

  By the time she came down from the clouds and her vision cleared, Ty had extracted himself from the tangle of arms and legs. He disappeared down the hall, and a few moments later, she heard the shower running.

  “He's got the right idea, but I'm feeling too lazy to move.” Logan groaned as she rolled over and settled against him.

  “Me too.” Quinn sighed, her cheek resting against Logan's damp chest. His chest hairs tickled her nose, and she wiggled it to keep from sneezing.

  Logan shifted, tucking Quinn securely underneath his arm, pinning her snugly against him.

  “How did you know where I lived?”

  “I had Ty call Paige on his cell phone while I talked to you.”

  Paige? Paige didn't know where she lived.


  “But one of your friends, who is friends with Paige, provided the address.”

  Crap. Lana.


  “Paige didn't tell her why she needed the address. Don't worry.” He rose to his elbows, looking down at her. “And anyway, isn't everyone going to know next weekend?”

  Logan searched Quinn's face. He knew next weekend was going to be difficult for her. It was not every day someone let their friends and family know they were sleeping with two men at one. Especially in public. It was kind of a bizarre coming-out.

  “Yes,” she said cautiously. “However, Lana has a problem with keeping her mouth shut. I want to be in control of when and where and to whom I tell that we are together.”

  He didn't say anything for a long second.

  “Define together.”

  “Having sex.”

  He shook his head.

  He did not want Quinn only as a sex toy. Something—someone—for him and Ty to play with occasionally.

  And he didn't want her thinking of herself that way either.

  “I would hope you think of us as more than just sex partners.”

  Her expression closed; she became unreadable, and that concerned him.

  “You do know that, right?” He prodded her. She tried to roll away, but he held on to her tighter.

  “I know I enjoy both of your company. I know I love having sex with you guys. I know the two of you love each other…a lot.” She sighed. “I'm not sure what is going on between the three of us. We haven't known each other long enough. I don't want to assume anything.”

  Before he could answer her, Ty came in only wearing one of her bath towels wrapped around his lean hips. His ebony skin was still damp from the shower, a few stray beads of water running down it.

  Logan had a tough time pulling his gaze away from him. No matter how many times he had seen his lover naked or nearly naked, it never failed that he would feel the thrill of loving him run through him. That Ty was his and his alone.

  Shit. That was no longer true, which brought him back to the problem at hand—Quinn's not feeling secure in where she fit within their relationship.

  Ty was no longer just his. Logan now shared him with Quinn.

  Their relationship dynamic was something they would have to discuss in greater depth. But he wanted to talk to Ty about it first.

  Ty broke into his thoughts. “There is something else we need to discuss.”

  Ty was right.

  She tried to roll away from him again, and this time he let her go. She sat up on the edge of the bed, clearly not even remotely self-conscious of her nudity. It was one thing he loved about her.

  She asked, “What's that?”

  Ty sat next to her, the mattress sinking under his solid body weight. He
laid a hand on her bare thigh and squeezed. “The fact you left your front door unlocked.”


  “Yeah. Oh. You're lucky it was us coming in and not some psycho. You never heard us in the house. We completely caught you off guard.”

  They certainly had. They had caught her in a very compromising position, one in which she had been the throes of an orgasm. As much as Logan had enjoyed watching Quinn get herself off, he had to consider her safety.

  “Ty's right.” Logan said. “What if Peter had shown up and caught you in that position? Would you have invited him into your bed? Or if you weren't interested, would he have taken no for an answer?”

  “I doubt Peter would have acted upon seeing me all spread-eagle and horny on the bed.”

  Her comment caught Logan's attention. “Why not?”

  Was she blushing?

  “He never seemed that interested before.”

  Logan hooked an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. “Then he's crazy, and it was his loss.” He moved off the bed. He felt sticky, and his skin tightened as the sweat dried. He needed a shower. “But you do deserve a spanking for being so careless.”

  Quinn's eyes glittered. “Really?”

  “Uh-huh. But right now I'm going to go clean up.” He looked at Ty, who had shifted closer to Quinn. “Did you leave me any hot water?”

  “Do you need me to wash your back?” Ty asked him.

  The offer was tempting. He wanted to say yes, but he just wanted to jump into the shower quickly to leave enough hot water for Quinn. It was her condo, after all.

  “Another time. I'll just be a minute.”

  After they'd all taken showers, Quinn went downstairs to make them a midnight snack.

  They fed each other grapes and pieces of cheese while cuddling in bed watching a late-night rerun of M*A*S*H.

  Logan lay in the dark later, feeling complete; Ty and Quinn curled up with him in her queen-size bed, which seemed miniature in comparison to their king-size bed at the farm. He listened to the soothing sounds of their breathing and eventually succumbed to sleep himself.

  Not a couple of hours later, the alarm jerked them all out of sleep. Logan turned to look at the alarm clock. Five o'clock. He groaned and turned over, pulling a pillow over his head. He didn't realize she had to get up at this ungodly hour.

  After a few minutes, the alarm was quiet. He pulled the pillow off his face and noticed Quinn had slipped from the bed.

  He shifted closer to Ty, who had fallen quickly back to sleep and was snoring softly. He brushed his hand over Ty's muscular, tight ass before spooning his body and nuzzling his face into Ty's neck.

  * * *

  Quinn padded barefoot back up the stairs. She had gone down to call her boss, even though it was way too early for anyone to be at work. She had left Frank a message informing him she was taking a personal day. When she got to her bedroom, she stopped to take in the scene.

  Ty and Logan were snuggled tightly together. Ty had the sheet all pulled to one side, the fabric clutched in his fists, though none of that sheet covered his dark, chiseled form. He lay facing the wall with Logan's leg tucked between his heavily muscled legs. Logan was pressed against Ty's wide back. She was unable to see Logan's face; his hair was loose and hid his features.

  When Logan had showered last night, Ty had gotten really serious while the other man was out of the room. He had gathered her hands within his and given her a crooked smile.

  “Quinn.” He had squeezed her fingers lightly. “I've been meaning to talk to you alone, and now may be the perfect time.”

  Her mind had begun to spin, wondering what it was about. It couldn't have been about the simple fact of her leaving her door unlocked. Could it?

  “I'm not sure if you realized it, but I was having some doubts about Logan bringing you…” He had stopped and grimaced.

  It had been her turn to squeeze his fingers, encouraging him to continue. She had no idea where this conversation would be going.

  “I had concerns.”

  “Concerns,” she had repeated.

  He had looked uncomfortable and seemed to have a hard time getting out what he was trying to say.

  Ah. “About me?”

  “Yes. Sorry. I didn't really want to bring it up. Felt it wasn't necessary, but Logan said I should say something anyway, just in case you wondered…”

  Quinn had been amazed. She had never seen the man so unsure of himself. She'd caught herself wringing her own hands and flattened her fingers against her thighs to prevent the nervous action.

  “Just spit it out.”

  He had finally grinned, the tension obviously draining away. “Sorry. I was concerned when Logan first brought you home that you'd come between Logan and me. I could see the attraction between you. I got a little jealous. I love Logan with all my heart.” He had paused for a moment and cleared his throat before continuing. “All my heart.”

  “I know,” Quinn had murmured.

  “And I was interested in bringing in a third person—a woman—but I also was worried that our relationship might not survive it if it wasn't the right person.”


  “Quinn, I just wanted to tell you that I really think you are the right person.”

  As she stepped through the bedroom doorway, Quinn smiled, remembering that conversation. Her heart almost burst even now from what Ty had said.

  She approached the bed, and when she put a knee on the mattress, Logan brushed the hair out of his face to look at her. He gave her a sleepy smile and made some space between them, patting his hand on the bed. She climbed in between the two and wiggled to get settled. Her bed wasn't nearly big enough for the three of them. It was a tight fit, but she wasn't complaining.

  She ended up snuggled against Ty's back with Logan behind her. She felt like she was between a slice of pumpernickel and a slice of whole-wheat bread. This was a sandwich she'd be happy to enjoy anytime.

  Logan's warm breath stirred her hair around her ear, tickling her. He murmured something sounding like, “You're ours. No one will win you but us.”

  She closed her eyes against the tears burning them. She truly felt wanted.

  * * *

  Her earlier feeling of being wanted quickly waned.

  “So now you are saying you won't go?” Panic rose to the top of Quinn's throat. She set her coffee mug down on the small kitchen table with a thump.

  “I never said we would definitely go. You just assumed that.”

  “Like Logan said earlier, you really need to think hard about this. I think you're going about it the wrong way.” Ty pushed his chair back from the table and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  Logan grabbed one of her fisted hands. “I agree. I think it's selfish. You want to use us to get back at your mother.”

  Quinn pulled her hand out of his grasp and stuffed both fists into her lap. “My parents. Peter.”

  Logan frowned. “Your mother. You've said that your father just follows her lead.”

  “Doesn't make it right,” Quinn grumbled.

  “Maybe not. But wanting us to go with you as dates—both of us—I don't know, Quinn. You could do permanent damage.”

  “To what?”

  Logan groaned, his frustration clearly shown on his face. “To you. Your relationship with your parents, your friends. Your career.”

  “To us. Our business. Possibly my friendships with my former teammates,” Ty added. “I'm not sure if I'm ready to make our relationship public.” He waved a hand between Logan and himself. “Not to mention letting the world know about the three of us.”

  “You, yourself, didn't want to let your friends know. You didn't want to be the topic of gossip. But now you want to make us the center of attention at a charity event? To embarrass your parents?” Logan shook his head. “That's just fucked-up, Quinn.”

  She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut.

  The pressure in her chest increased and bec
ame suffocating. Her heart squeezed. She should have known better. Men continually let her down. Peter, who had cheated on her. Her father, who jumped when her mother said jump. Now these two. They were no different.

  She needed to strike out. For them to hurt as she was hurting. Quinn could only think of one thing to say. “Get out.”

  Ty straightened up in his seat. “Quinn—”

  “Quinn, you can't be serious.” Logan's eyebrows lowered, anger flashing in his eyes.

  He was not used to being told what to do. Too bad for him. “Oh I'm serious. You guys need to get out.” She pointed a shaky finger toward the front of the house. “Last night everything you said made me believe that you would go…”

  Logan shook his head. “You are making a mistake,” he warned.

  Whether he meant by her throwing them out or by the way she was going to handle Peter and her parents, she didn't care at the moment. She was upset. Upset they wouldn't stand by her side and support her while she was at the benefit.

  She had done everything they asked of her. And more. “I've trusted you. I've let you do whatever you wanted to do with me. I put myself in your hands. And now? You can't do this one little thing for me?” Her words were gritty and thick.

  “Quinn, this isn't little. This could affect us big-time. We could possibly lose business…”

  She closed her eyes to stop the stinging. She did not want them to see her cry.

  “Get out!” She sat stiffly, breathing through her nose. Struggling to keep herself together.

  She heard the sharp scrape of a chair and then Logan's low, tight voice. “Okay. We'll leave for now. But think hard on this, Quinn. You'll see that we're right. You're going about this the wrong way.”

  She had a niggling feeling they were right. That they were looking at it from a better point of view. But she hoped they were wrong.

  She didn't move until she heard the last of their footsteps and the soft click of her front door.

  The silence of the condo became deafening. The fridge powered on, and she started, opening her eyes.


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