Claiming His Pregnant Wife

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Claiming His Pregnant Wife Page 8

by Kim Lawrence

  Francescos expression was inscrutable as he stared at the circlet of gold on his palm, still warm from its hiding place in the valley between her breasts.

  His eyes darkened and a muscle alongside his sensually sculpted mouth clenched as he recalled how perfectly her breast fitted into that same palm.

  Why did you not throw it away? Surely it represents a memory that can give you no pleasure?

  Francesco did not attempt to stop her as she snatched the ring from his hand and drew back a clenched fist pressed to her chest. Her angry eyes held his defiantly as she allowed it to slide back into its hiding place between her breasts and then fastened the top two buttons of her blouse.

  I keep it as a reminder, just in case the unthinkable happens and I suffer another bout of temporary insanity and even consider getting married again.

  You are married.

  Her eyes dropped from the anger in his. I need time to think, Francesco.

  There is nothing to think abouta child needs two parents.

  As she moved towards the door so did Francesco, his intention obviously to cut her off. She might have reached it before him if the strap of the bag she had looped around her neck hadnt got caught up on a heavy ormolu clock that took pride of place on a console table.

  As she was pulled backwards, half strangled by the strap around her neck, her elbow caught a large vase filled with water and before it shattered noisily it managed to tip its contents all over Francesco.

  It was the look of shock on his face as he stood there with water dripping from his drenched shirt and trousers onto the floor that drew the laugh from Erins throat and once she had started she couldnt stop. The laughter gradually morphed into sobs, tears ran unchecked down her cheeks as the deep racking sobs; shook her entire body.

  Per amor di Dio ! Francesco groaned, his face contorted as though in pain as he watched her.

  Erin did not resist as he gently removed the leather strap from her neck, but when he tried to drag her into his arms she shook her head and pulled back, wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand.

  Youre right. I was running away. She realised that Francesco had been right about a lot of things.

  That is understandable under the circumstances, he observed.

  Erin was inclined to view his sudden tolerance with suspicion. Her eyes lifted, and for a moment the sheer sensational beauty of Francescos face took her breath away. It wasnt just the perfect symmetry he had been blessed with, but the intelligence, authority and sensuality stamped on his features that made him totally devastating.

  His dark eyes dropped, his thick lashes casting dark shadows across his cheekbones as he placed a hand on her belly. She could feel the warmth of his strong fingers through the thin layers of clothing.

  There is a growing life inside you, Erin.

  Her throat aching with the emotional tears locked there, she nodded.

  A life we made. You will be a good mother.

  I hope so. One word of praise from him and Im glowingOh, God , she thought despairingly, Im hopeless .

  You would give your life for our child. His fingers tightened fractionally across her abdomen.

  Of course, she said, feeling ridiculously bereft when he lifted his hand.

  But living with me is too great a sacrifice?

  Id do anything that I think would be in the babys best interests, but I dont think us staying married would be. She stopped and croaked in panic, What are you doing?

  Francesco continued to unbutton his soiled shirt before shrugging it off.

  Erin tried not to stare.

  It wasnt easy. There was a lot to stare at and all of it perfect.

  There wasnt an ounce of surplus flesh on his lean, sleek body. The golden skin of his bronzed torso gleamed under a layer of sweat that delineated each individual slab of perfectly formed muscle.

  Desire like a tight fist clutched at the muscles low in her belly as her gaze slid helplessly down the long, lean length of his body and things dissolved inside her.

  The corners of his mouth curled sardonically as he unzipped his trousers. I would have thought that was fairly self-explanatory.

  Erin looked into his eyes and fought the breathless drowning sensation that threatened to overwhelm her. She closed her eyes as he stepped out of his shoes and ruined trousers.

  You cant do that. What if someone sees you?

  There is no one here but you and me. Our hosts have made sure that the house is empty His dark eyes held an unmistakable message as they captured hers.

  Erins nerve endings tingled as desire slammed through her body with a force that expelled the air from her lungs in a raw, fractured gasp. Her lashes came down in a concealing curtain, but not before hed seen her pupils dilate.

  You cant leave those things there, she grunted, touching his discarded clothes with the toe of her shoe. She leapt like a startled deer as his hand came up to frame one side of her face.

  After a few moments of standing there motionless, tension and his light touch the only thing keeping her upright, Erin gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

  With a muttered, Idiot, she turned her face sharply to one side; his hand immediately fell away. Even though it was no longer there she could feel the imprint of his fingers like a brand on her skin. She bit down hard on her full lower lip as she fought an overwhelming compulsion to reach for his hand and place it back on her face.

  She had to be strong.

  For a long moment he studied her face, his expression enigmatic.

  I did not cheat.

  The abrupt statement made her turn her head away. His comment about self-fulfilling prophecy came back to her. The truth was she was half inclined to believe him even though she didnt want to; the world was already shifting under her feet in a very uncomfortable way.

  If she believed him, then by implication she accepted that hed been right when hed said she was the author of her own misery.

  She shook her head in denial. As one with some experience on the subject, I have to tell you that showing a little humility and coming clean generally has better results than a flat denial.

  I think your experience on the subject is what is distorting your view. And before you ask, no, I cant prove it to youI cant prove I spent the night walking He stopped and shook his head. No, what I did and where I went is not the point. The point is that I shouldnt have to prove it. Why should you assume that youre the only one to consider a wedding ring guaranteed exclusivity?

  The silence stretched.

  Some of the anger faded from Francescos face as he looked at her downbent head. When I made my vows I meant them.

  In the middle of a loud sniff her head came up with a jerky motion. His use of tense was not lost on her.

  This is ridiculous. You will listen to me, Erinthat night I

  Realising his intention, she shook her head. I dont want to hear it and Im not coming back to Italy with you. She pressed a hand to her stomach in a fruitless attempt to ease the aching, empty sensation deep down. The truth is, together we dont work. Were just incompatible. Im ready to concede that its partly my fault, but I am who I am, FrancescoI cant change that.

  Francesco closed his eyes and snarled an oath under his breath. He pushed back his anger and let his eyes fall away from her earnest stare. His glance fell as far as the heaving contours of her small, perfect breasts and stopped dead.

  He knew they were perfect not because the top was suggestively skimpy, but because he had cupped them in his hands, kneaded the warm, firm flesh and aroused the tight pink nipples with his fingers and tongue.

  In his head he could hear her hoarse cry of pleasure as she speared her fingers into his hair, holding him close as her body arched with pleasure.

  She had been the most exquisitely sensitive creature; even the sound of his voice could draw the most incredible response from her. Still is sensitive said the voice in his head.

  In his mind he visualised the frustration building up in him as a wall, a cr
umbling wall with several gaping holes in it.

  Breathing harder than he did during a strenuous workout he turned to pick up his clothes from the floor, presenting his back to her. The breathing space afforded him an opportunity to regain some degree of control over the compelling overpowering urge he had to slide his hand under that top and stroke the warm silky skin it covered.

  Erin, who had been staring at the smooth, graceful lines of his strong, golden-skinned back with longing, blushed guiltily when he straightened up and looked at her. His lashes skimmed the hard angle of his cheekbones as his darkened glance dropped to her mouth and stayed there.

  Erins own lashes came down in a dark silky screen. Do you understand what Im saying? she said severely.

  There are some levels at which we work very well, Erin.

  She gave a shrug that was meant to convey supreme indifference to the honeyed implication, but spoilt the effect by being unable to hold his gaze.

  This blushing ingénue act is a little misplaced when youre talking to a man who has an intimate knowledge of your body.

  Erins head lifted with a jerk. If you think I find your arrogance arousing she gritted her teeth and felt the heat fly to her cheeks and if you think you can embarrass me, Francesco The wolfish grin that spread across his lean face made her voice dry.

  Oh, I know I can do that, mia bella . Their eyes locked and his dangerous smile faded, leaving an intense burning look that was infinitely more dangerous. It was also exciting, but Erin refused to acknowledge this even to herself.

  What are you doing, Francesco? she asked, trying to sound calm and practical and feeling neither as he began to walk slowly but with purpose towards her.

  Framing her face in one big hand, he smiled. It was a smile that stripped away the thin veneer of urbane charm he presented to the world. When she looked into his midnight eyes Erin saw the raw, untamed, masculine heart of him.

  Her pulses leapt in wild response to the primitive need stamped into every angle and plane of his strong, heartbreakingly beautiful face.

  He wanted her, but not in the same way she wanted him; he wasnt capable of that. She knew there could only ever be sex between them, but the emotions that ached in her throat didnt understand the distinction.

  The fear and fascination she felt was mirrored in her eyes as she looked through her lashes at his face.

  His thumb moved gently over the curve of her cheek and her eyelids fluttered briefly. It was a light butterfly caress, but more than enough to vaporise every instinct for self-preservation she possessed.

  Im doing this, cara mia, he explained in a voice as thick and rich as warm honey. His burning dark eyes roamed over her face, examining every inch of the smooth, peachy pale skin with a hungry intensity, as though he was committing each individual freckle, every soft hollow and curve to memory.

  Erins throat ached and her heart thudded against her breastbone as, light-headed with anticipation, she waited to feel his mouth on hers. She was sure that if Francesco didnt kiss her soon she would become the first documented case of someone dying from not being kissed.

  A whimper of relief caught in her throat when he did finally bend his dark head and fit his mouth to hers. It was as if she had been waiting a lifetime for this to happen. He kissed her slowly, tasting her, deepening the kiss as her lips parted under the seductive pressure and friction of his mouth.

  With a lost sigh Erin slid her slim arms around his neck and leaned into him. She met the stabbing incursions of his tongue with her own, moaning into his mouth and tangling her fingers into the heavy silky strands of his dark hair.

  When he lifted her into his arms she did not resist but moaned softly into his mouth. She lay curled up in his arms, her hands linked around his neck, her fingers trailing into the hair on his nape as he strode swiftly down the hallway to a room at the far end and kicked open the door with his foot.

  Once inside he walked purposefully over to the large four-poster bed and laying her on it, came to kneel beside her.

  The tightness in her chest increased as her hungry gaze roamed over his smooth golden skin. The blood pounded in her ears as she looked at him; he was so beautiful it hurt.

  This is probably not a good idea, she observed in a tone that invitedno, begged fordenial.

  Do you care?

  Her eyes lifted to his face.

  Francescos dark, restless glance repeatedly drifted towards her mouth as though drawn by invisible forces to the soft, full, quivering outline.

  Well, do you? he challenged throatily.

  Slowly she shook her head.

  A sigh that seemed to Erins fanciful imagination to be drawn from his soul shuddered through Francescos lean frame.

  I should, though The faint addition was as much for her own benefit as his.

  He dismissed her words with an expressive shrug. If we both did what we should life would be very predictable.

  But safe. At that moment it was hard for Erin to remember what safe had felt like.

  He responded to her husky claim by planting a hand either side of her head and kissing her hard, silenced her protest with deep, penetrating stabs of his tongue that made her stomach dissolve.

  Dio mio , he panted against her mouth. I want thisI want youI want to feel your hands on my skin.

  Like this? she suggested. Laying one hand palm-flat on his stomach, she felt the muscles under the silky hair-roughened surface immediately contract and quiver as she stroked his damp skin.

  Francesco sucked in a harsh breath. His eyes glittered as though lit from within as he slid his warm hands under her top, sliding the fabric up over the twin peaks of her taut, firm breasts to reveal them to his famished gaze.

  Even before he had touched her the heat of his bold, hungry stare made the sensitive peaks burn and harden into tight hard buds inside the light lacy covering.

  The hunger in his eyes sent her spiralling out of control. She moaned low in her throat and sank her fingers into his hair as he unfastened her bra and cupped the warm mounds of aching flesh in his hands. Drawing them together, he buried his face in the softness before kneading the sensitised flesh and lashing the rosy tips with his tongue.

  When he lifted his head there were dark bands of colour across his cheekbones and his eyes glowed as though lit from within.

  You are perfect!

  I ought to be saying that, Erin thought as he took her face between his hands and kissed her, because he wastotally and absolutely perfect.

  After the kiss she didnt think much at all. She didnt even realise that he had removed her jeans until she felt the abrasive texture of his hair-roughened thighs against her bare skin.

  As they continued to kiss with feverish abandon Erins hands moved lower over his flat stomach, skimming then dipping below the waistband of his boxers, causing him to suck in his breath sharply.

  Is this what you want? he asked thickly as he took her hand and fed it onto his body.

  As he curved her fingers around the pulsing, engorged length of him Erin whimpered low in her throat and nodded. Yes. As she tightened her grip she felt the shudder ripple through his body.

  And do you want to feel me inside you? He took her lower lip between his teeth, feeling the breath escape her mouth in a series of choky gasps. He nuzzled the side of her neck, breathing in the warm, aroused scent of her. Is that what you are imagining?

  Oh, God! she moaned, dragging his face up to hers. For a split second before her eyes closed he looked directly into the blazing blue of her eyes and saw some of the desperation he felt reflected in those shimmering depths. Yes, Francescoyes, she said before she sealed her open lips to his.

  Parting her legs, he lowered himself between them and, running a hand down the curve of one thigh, he curved her leg over his hip, pulling her body up hard against him so that she could feel how much he wanted her.

  Dio mio , but I want you so badlytell me you want me.

  Her eyes opened. The pupils were so dilated they almost swallowed up the
blue. You know I do.

  I want to hear you say it.

  Self-respect and pride were noble concepts, they might matter a lot in the cold light of day, but she was burning up from the inside out and nothing mattered at all except Francesco.

  I want you she whispered against his mouth.

  As Francesco continued to kiss her his long, sensitive fingers moved in sensuous stroking motions along the curve of her inner thigh, advancing and retreating until, unable to bear the torment any longer, Erin took his hand and placed it against the damp curls at the apex of her legs.

  Please, Francesco, she begged, kissing the sweat-slick column of his brown throat. I need

  Oh, I need also, bella mia , he responded thickly as he slid into her wetness. I need this.

  Erin, her head thrown back, a feral moan locked in her throat, arched and clutched at his shoulders as he thrust into her.

  That isOh, GodFrancescoyoure! Her eyes closed tight as she concentrated on the feel of him filling her, her senses were sensually heightened to an almost unbearable degree as he moved.

  You feeloh, God, Francesco

  A moan vibrated in his chest as he felt her tighten hotly around him. He spoke in his own language, the words throaty and passionate spilling from him as he slid his hands under her bottom and lifted her up so that he could sink deeper into her.

  Everything that wasnt Francesco, that wasnt his voice and his body, faded away. But as he took her to new heights of sensual pleasure one small stubborn portion of Erins brain stayed removed from the devouring hunger that drove them both.

  Let go! Francesco urged as if he sensed her holding back.

  I ccant. Ill fall, she heard herself pant stupidly against the sweat-slick column of his neck.

  Fall, cara . I will catch you.

  She shouldnt have believed him, but she did. A keening cry emerged from her parted lips as the pleasure exploded inside her, the sensation heightened when Francesco exploded, too.


  E RIN had almost reached the bedroom door when she heard Francesco stir. His deep voice slurred with sleep, he asked, Where are you going?

  She turned back.


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