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Claiming His Pregnant Wife

Page 15

by Kim Lawrence

  His total confidence drew an emotional sob from her aching throat. God, youre so She gave a teary sniff. Youre a much nicer person than me.

  He levelled an amused grin at her face. You are the only person who has ever called me nicenot even my own mother thinks I am nice. A frown contorted his face as he asked, But if there was no other man, what is it that has been coming between us? You are not going to tell me that you have some stupid idea I only want you because of the baby. His face tightened with displeasure at the thought.

  It did cross my mind, but, no, not now. Its just I knew you didnt love me when you married me.

  I didnt love you?

  She shook her head.

  You were in a terrible place after Rafe killed himself.

  Francesco flinched at the sound of his brothers name. I thought we had dealt with this idea before.

  Oh, Im not saying you deliberately used me to ease the pain. But you were all over the place emotionally speakingit was like, you know, turning up the radio to drown out the road drill.

  I didnt turn to prescriptive drugs to dull the pain, I turned to you? Presumably you thought I would wake up one day fully healed and find you surplus to requirements.

  She nodded.

  Succumbing to mirth, he threw back his head and laughed.

  You thought I was having an affair, she pointed out when he had stopped.

  Point taken, he conceded. But, per amor di Dio , how could you think something so crazy? Rafes death had nothing to do with me marrying you! Except in the fact it made me appreciate that a man should grab happiness with both hands when he had it within his graspIt is just a pity that my pride had made me lose sight of this for a while.

  Pain is part of the grieving process. I felt pain when Rafe died and I still do. I suspect I always will. While I did not embrace that pain, cara , I never tried to escape it.

  As for you being some sort of distraction, God knows, he said, tracing a finger down the sweet curve of her cheek with his thumb, you are that, but it is total nonsense. I did think of Rafe when I saw you that first day, because I know that he would have recognised what you were immediately.

  And what is that?

  My soul mate, the one woman I was destined to spend the rest of my life with. My brother always was more intuitive and much better with words than me.

  Me, I saw you standing there, the freckles on your nose, the hair like fire. He sighed and looped a strand around his finger. I saw your belligerence, your bravery, your sheer bloody-minded stubbornness and I knew that I wanted to wake up every day looking at that face.

  The tears ran unchecked down Erins cheeks. She was so happy she felt as though she might never walk at ground level again, but always float six inches above the ground.

  As for deceiving youthat was not deliberate, though I did perhaps seek to take advantage of your obvious affinity for cowboy boots. He laughed when the colour flew to her cheeks. When we met I felt somehow that I was starting life afresh. I did not mention things because they did not seem important.

  By the time Francesco stopped talking there was a glazed look on Erins face. Ive been feeling so guiltyI felt as though I was taking advantage of you.

  Because I was an emotional wreck, he said drily. And now you know that I am not nearly so needy and vulnerable as you imagined, do you still want me?

  A rapturous smile spread across her face like the sun. Ill always want you.

  Even if you learn that I will cheat, lie, manipulate and sell my soul in order to keep the one thing that I cannot live without.

  If that one thing is me, I see no problem.

  The air left her lungs in one long gasp as he literally fell on her, his long body covering her as they sank down together on the sofa.

  For some time they kissed and touched, passion flaring hot and out of control. It was Francesco who pulled away, rolling off her straight onto the floor where he lay on his back, breathing hard.

  What am I thinking? You just fainted and I jumped on you like a wild animal. The baby!

  Erin, her face flushed, leaned over the side of the sofa and stroked his face. She was breathing hard.

  Wild? she said, parting the front of his shirt with one fingertipthe buttons were scattered around the roomto reveal the red indentation where she had bitten into the smooth flesh of his shoulder.

  She lifted an eloquent brow. As for baby, she said, hand pressed to her tummy, I asked the doctor about that area and he said no restrictions there.

  I knowI asked him, too. He grinned as she dissolved into laughter.

  She slipped from the sofa and sat astride him.

  He lay there, one hand flung above his head, the other on the curve of her thigh. As much as I am enjoying being at your mercy, as you are the one who is meant to be recuperating should we not change places?

  I am quite flexible.

  This has not escaped my notice, he growled throatily. You know, this and the babyI dont think life gets much better.

  I cant believe we nearly got divorced. She went pale at the thought.

  Getting your letter was a pretty big wake-up call for me.

  So you would have come even if you hadnt found my phone and listened to the message?

  I would have come. It was only ever my pride that was stopping me. I will not die if you leave me, but I will never be a whole man again. You, he said, pressing his hand to his chest, are here. You complete me.

  Erins eyes glowed with the love that lit her from within as she fell forward into his arms. She felt the sigh shudder through him as they closed tight around her.

  She felt secure.

  She felt safe.

  She felt home.

  She raised herself on her elbows and framed his proud, beautiful face in her hands. I will never, ever leave you, Francesco. How could I when I love you?

  When he pressed his mouth to hers she kissed him back offering all of herself to him with no restraints. When he dragged his mouth away they were both breathing hard.

  She lifted a hand to her flame hair. God, I must look awful!

  The female vanity made Francesco grin. You look beautiful, but exhausted. I know you have an aversion to bedrest but I was wondering?

  How long did you have in mind?

  Oh, a minimum two daysmaybe three.

  She sighed. Well, if I have to.

  He ran a finger down the curve of her cheek. Sometimes I cant believe how beautiful you are. He sighed, shaking his head at the wonder of having her. I came into the hospital that night just to watch you when you were asleep. I wont have to do that anymoreall Ill have to do is open my eyes because I warn you, Erin Ive no intention of letting you out of my sight for a very long time. But right now we must obey the doctor.

  Two days bedrest? She looped her arms happily around his neck.

  Minimum, he confirmed.

  The bed part I think I could live with, she said, looking at him with a naughty twinkle in her eyes. But I was wonderingdoes it have to be wall-to-wall rest? Cant I have time off for good behaviour?

  Do you intend to be good?

  Erin, who had every intention of being quite bad, smiled into his eyes. He laughed. Youre not going to be at all good, are you?

  Erin fitted her mouth to her husbands and whispered against his lips, It wouldnt be me, would it?

  And the glorious thing was Francesco was the one man in the world she didnt have to pretend to be anyone else with.

  Giving a contented sigh, she asked him if he had ever considered wearing his boots to bed.

  His throaty burst of laughter rang out.


  T HERE was a gentle ripple of applause as the slim redhead walked into the room on the arm of a man with the looks of a dark fallen angel. She smiled and dipped her head in acknowledgement to the New York crowd.

  I think Im dreaming, she whispered to the man who walked beside her.

  No, cara, youre living the dream, he told her. Go mingleyoure the star of this show. For him she was the
star of his life.

  Do I have to?

  He smiled encouragement. Theyll love you, just smile and look enigmatic.

  The advice made her grin. You know what Im afraid of?


  Im afraid that someone is going to realise Im a complete fake. I mean, why is this happening to me? Im not special.

  Youre the most special person I have ever met, and, as for being a fake, I knew you were the real thing the moment I laid eyes on you. I just dont know how you do it, he admitted.

  Do what? she asked.

  He was the best-looking man in the room by a mile and after eighteen months of marriage Erin still looked at him sometimes and couldnt believe she had got that lucky.

  Youre an incredible mother, youre an award-winning photographer, its in no small part due to your efforts that my mother is her old self and, ohI almost forgotyoure a fairly passable wife.

  Erin smiled back at him. What can I say? Im brilliant!

  The past year and a bit had been incredible for her. Rafael was the most delicious baby in the world and looked just like his papa.

  Rafael was a baby who seemed to bring out the best in peopleeven Erins mother had been moved to tears when shed first seen him, though she had not quite forgiven Erin for making her a granny. She wanted little Rafe to call her by her Christian name.

  And she remained totally mystified by Erins refusal to employ a personal trainer to get her figure back after the birth, hinting strongly that Francesco would look elsewhere unless she made an effort to compete with all those young lovelies with taut tummies.

  But Erins insecurities were well in the past and, secure in the knowledge that Francesco was totally devoted to her, Erin had been able to laugh at her mothers dire warnings. Besides, Francesco had expressed no complaints about any part of her anatomy. He had even found her sexy when she had been the size of a small supermarketwhich was odd, but nice.

  Rafes other grandma was not concerned about her daughter-in-laws waistlinein her eyes giving birth to little Rafe had elevated Erins status to a level where she was above criticism. She adored her little grandson and had come with them to New York so that she could look after him while Francesco and Erin attended the opening night of Erins new exhibition.

  After some heated discussion on the subject Francesco had reluctantly conceded on the subject of a nanny. And when he had seen that, far from being exhaustedbeyond what was normalby the task of bringing up baby the new mother had thrived he had stopped worrying.

  Of course, in the future she might rethink the nanny ban because in about seven months time Rafael would have some company.

  The news that she was carrying twins was still sinking in!

  Francesco was still inclined to stop dead in the middle of the street without warning and say, Twins ! Which made people stare at him.

  After her labour with Rafael he had declared that his son was definitely going to be an only child because he could not go through that ever again!

  Erin still had seven months to convince him that to try for a normal birth with twins was not really quite as recklessly stupid as he contended.

  The London exhibition the previous year had been a massive success and it had kick started her new career. She now had her photos hanging in galleries and private collections all over Europe and after tonight who knew? Maybe the States, too

  But no matter how her career went for Erin, her family was the most important thing in her life. And within that tight circle it was Francesco who made her believe she could succeed, he enhanced every aspect of her life just because he was there.

  Francesco bent his head and whispered in his wifes ear. How do you always make my heart beat faster?

  Her breath caught in her throat at the tenderness in his eyes.

  I love you so much! she whispered. In fact, she confided happily, my cup pretty much runneth over. Im so happy I might explode any minute.

  The exploding might have more to do with the twins, Francesco suggested drily.

  Gosh, is that the scary critic? she asked, watching a small balding man with an air of vast self-importance approach.

  That is Felix Mortimer himself, Francesco confirmed. Hes smilingyou have made it, cara. I can see that I will have to get used to myself referred to as Erin Romanellis husband.

  Erin lifted her head for his kiss. I love you so much.

  And I love you, but now run alongyour public await. He tapped her encouragingly on the bottom.

  He watched with pride as she was greeted obsequiously by the critic. Francesco smiled. He could spare his Erin for a little while, because Francesco knew that she would always come back to him.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-0533-2


  First North American Publication 2007.

  Copyright © 2007 by Kim Lawrence.

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