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American Dervish: A Novel

Page 30

by Ayad Akhtar

  As I walked with the wind, verses from the Quran I’d not recalled or thought about for more than ten years echoed inside me, unbidden:

  Have We not opened your heart

  And removed your burden?

  Have We not remembered you?

  Truly, with hardship comes ease,

  With hardship comes ease!

  And so when you are finished, do not rest,

  But return to your Lord with love…

  I crossed the road at the river’s edge and found a bench along the joggers’ path. The Charles River was thick and brown, full from days of rain, its surface rolling and choppy in the breezy day. The trees across the river were bare. The ground around me was covered with brown grass only recently showing from beneath a winter of heavy snow. Joggers came and went in both directions, the shuffle of their sneakers on the wet pavement sounding an even pulse. I sat down. Behind me, a bare linden tree reached out and over the bench, its bud-​covered branches defining the form of a canopy that, in a couple of months’ time, would provide ample shade from the summer sun. But for now, that sun was nowhere to be seen, hidden as it was behind the sheetlike gray of an overcast sky. Low against the horizon, billows of slow-moving dark blue clouds drifted, pregnant with rain. It was a picture of power and grace, and it filled me with quiet wonder.

  All at once, I felt a swell of gratitude.

  Gratitude for what? I wondered.

  I remembered the afternoon of the ice cream social when Mina first taught me to listen to a still, small voice inside, hidden between and beneath the breath.

  I breathed in deeply and exhaled. And into the silence at the end of my breath I quietly intoned my question.

  Gratitude for what?

  I listened for a reply.

  I heard a passing car’s wet tires on the road. And then a jogger’s rubber soles lightly squeaking on the pavement.

  I breathed again and listened more deeply.

  The branches lightly creaked and swayed in the breeze. The river softly coursed at the bank’s edge.

  I kept listening. Another breath. And then another. And then again.

  And finally I started to hear it. It was only this:

  My heart, silently murmuring its steady beat.


  I would like to thank: My extraordinary agent, Donna Bagdasarian, for her devotion to this book. The inimitable Judy Clain for her brilliant editing. Arzu Tahsin at Orion for her incisive comments. Marc H. Glick for support that seems to have no limit. Nathan Rostron and the whole team at Little, Brown for their enthusiasm and commitment. Don Shaw and Michael Pollard for more than I could list.

  I have had so many important readers: Foremost, my brilliant brother Shazad. Nicole Galland, who helped me to shape this story from earlier drafts. Larry Levine, Jason Shulman, and Seymour Bernstein, who offered sage and illuminating commentary. Marisol Page and Poorna Jagannathan, who asked the questions that helped me find the ending. Martha Harrell, Dan Hancock, Elise Joffe, Ami Dayan, Sean Sullivan, Brett Grabel, Shane Leprevost, Jeremy Xido, and Nadia Malik, all better friends than I deserve. Stuart Rosenthal, Marcia Butler, Aja Nisenson, Barbara Stehle, Oren Moverman, Firdous Bamji, Alexa Fogel, Nicole Laliberte, Amina Chaudhury, Siddhartha Mitter, Andrew Dickson, Aisha Ghani, Kiran Khalid, Faraaz Siddiqi and the Siddiqi family, for their time, energy, and intelligence.

  The verses of the Quran cited in the novel are my own personal interpretations as seen through the eyes of the fictional characters I created. I wish to acknowledge the work of Marmaduke Pickthall, Muhammad Asad, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, and Andre Chouraqui, whose interpretations of the Quran were inspirations.

  Finally, I would like to thank my remarkable parents for their endless love and limitless support.

  About the Author

  Ayad Akhtar is an actor, playwright, and novelist. He lives in New York City.




  Prologue: 1990

  Book One: Paradise Lost

  1: Mina

  2: A Still, Small Voice

  3: The Opening

  4: A New World

  Book Two: Nathan

  5: Love at First Sight

  6: The Dervish

  7: Jews and Us

  8: Independence Day

  9: The Hypocrites

  Book Three: Portrait of an Anti-Semite as a Boy

  10: The Mosque on Molaskey Hill

  11: The Turn

  12: Fever Dreams

  13: Acts of Faith

  Book Four: Mina the Dervish

  14: Sunil the Absurd

  15: The Farewell Begins

  16: Nikah

  17: The Long Unraveling

  Epilogue: 1995


  About the Author


  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copyright © 2012 by Ayad Akhtar

  Cover design by Julianna Lee, Cover photograph by Marc Yankus. Cover © 2012 Hachette Book Group, Inc.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Little, Brown and Company

  Hachette Book Group

  237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017

  First e-book edition: January 2012

  The Hachette Speakers Bureau provides a wide range of authors for speaking events. To find out more, go to or call (866) 376-6591.

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  ISBN: 978-0-316-19282-8

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page

  Title Page




  Prologue: 1990

  Book One: Paradise Lost

  1: Mina

  2: A Still, Small Voice

  3: The Opening

  4: A New World

  Book Two: Nathan

  5: Love at First Sight

  6: The Dervish

  7: Jews and Us

  8: Independence Day

  9: The Hypocrites

  Book Three: Portrait of an Anti-Semite as a Boy

  10: The Mosque on Molaskey Hill

  11: The Turn

  12: Fever Dreams

  13: Acts of Faith

  Book Four: Mina the Dervish

  14: Sunil the Absurd

  15: The Farewell Begins

  16: Nikah

  17: The Long Unraveling

  Epilogue: 1995


  About the Author

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page




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