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By the Magic of Starlight (The Forbidden Realm)

Page 6

by Serena Gilley

  “You can distract me, and I don’t need that.”

  “I’ve got dust and you don’t. I can help you, Kyne. Like it or not, you know you need my help.”

  “I don’t want you involved in this. Whatever Baylor was talking about, there’s something here that disrupts us, that damages us. You can’t stay here, Raea.”

  “Then neither can you. We were both affected, Kyne.”

  “Wain said the Sizing Dust offered some kind of protection. Maybe the dust you used for invisibility does the same thing. Maybe that’s why we were able to get out of the way.”

  “In that case, according to your father, we’ve got only a few minutes left before it wears off.”

  “Then I suppose if you’re not going to use the time to fly away from here, we ought to get busy snooping around.”

  “I’m glad you see reason.”

  “Yes, but I’d much rather be able to see you.”

  “Now don’t get started on that again. We need to keep focused on what’s important.”

  He was tempted to tell her that stripping off her flimsy fairy clothes and gobbling up her delicate little body was pretty damned important to him, but he knew these five minutes would go by quickly. If Baylor was to be believed, whatever it was that protected them from this strange depleting effect would stop working and they’d very likely end up as they were before. As much as he wouldn’t mind it, he also had to remember they had no Sizing Dust and that would pose a bit of a problem.

  Besides, if Baylor had sensors to detect them, as soon as the protection wore off he’d no doubt know they were here again and summon his fairy cohorts. By the Skies, there was no good reason under the sun for decent, law-abiding fairies to work alongside humans for any sort of project. Especially one that included strange human devices and trumped-up charges for Kyne.

  “Listen,” Raea said, her voice close behind him as he fluttered down from the tree. “Can you hear that sound?”

  He listened. Yes, there was a sound. It was low, an indistinct hum that he had initially ignored as the usual buzz of a forest at night. But she was right, this was something slightly different. It droned on in too even a tone to be insects or rustling leaves.

  “It’s coming from there, where those rocks jut up from the earth,” he said, pointing.

  It was a useless gesture, of course, but she must have found the spot on her own. The brush of her wings began moving in that direction.

  “It is. There’s a dry creek bed just through these shrubs. It looks like we’re in a valley at the base of a hill. The rocks seem to be covering something.”

  He followed her voice and the droning hum got louder as he approached. Whatever was making the noise clearly was hidden under the rocks. Without some sort of magic, there was no way they were going to get under them to investigate further. He laid his hand on the largest of the rocks and found it to be warm. Too warm to have been hidden here under the forest canopy all day.

  “What’s making it so hot?” Raea asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  He moved to the next rock. It was warm, too. How could that be? They seemed to be standard rocks, the same material as any other rocks he might expect to find in this area. What would make them hot to the touch? Were they heated from below?

  He moved to another rock and put his hand on it. But this one was soft. And it had breasts.

  “Um, that’s not a rock,” Raea said.

  “No. I like this much better than a rock.”

  He jolted when he felt her hand unexpectedly reach for his groin. She made contact and must have intended for that. She giggled, but did not remove her hand.

  “This feels something like a rock.”

  “And you know why that is,” he said. “It’s because of you, Raea. Even invisible you make me want you so badly.”

  “I know. I feel it, too,” she whispered, stroking him slowly. “The protection from the dust must be wearing off. I know we’re in danger and don’t have any Sizing Dust, but I can’t seem to think about anything except you, Kyne.”

  He traced the form of her body, her breasts, the curve at the small of her back, the heated juncture between her legs. He moaned when she pressed herself against him, fisting his cock as if she would drag him to release right here and now. She was up against the warm rock; its weathered, flat surface provided perfect leverage for him to explore every inch of her. He found her lips and he kissed them. Then her neck, then her shoulders, then lower to tease her invisible nipples.

  “I think I’m on fire, Kyne. You’ve got to do something, please. Come inside me; I need you.”

  “You know I can’t do that. But by the Skies, I can do this.”

  He slid down her, his hands skimming her hips and her thighs until his mouth was positioned just right where he wanted to be. He nuzzled her there, burying himself in her scent. Her legs parted and he tasted her core. She groaned in surprised pleasure.

  “I can totally do this,” he repeated.

  * * *

  She was glad for the huge, solid rock behind her. If not for that monumental support, she would have crumbled into a sagging heap right on top of Kyne. By the Clouds, what he was doing to her! He was kissing her, nipping at her, sucking her most sensitive spot. Whether her riotous response to him was caused by the strange energy they were encountering here or whether it was simply her own body’s passionate reaction to Kyne’s eager ministration, she didn’t know and didn’t care. She simply wanted more of it.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer, using his strength to keep herself upright as he suckled and lapped at her essence. The passion was stronger than ever and she was rasping loudly, moaning into the quiet night air.

  “Take me, Kyne,” she offered between breaths. “Take all of me.”

  “I’ll take everything I can get from you, Raea.”

  She knew it was no idle threat. His hands stroked over her with power and possession. His wings folded around them, embracing her and holding in the heat they were both generating. His lips conveyed passion and urgency and a tenderness that made her want to scream for all the world to hear.

  It wasn’t simply lust that she felt from him, though. His touch was demanding, yet gentle and sometimes even cautious. His hands lingered over her as if memorizing the feel of her every contour. Somehow, as he touched her body, a part of him seemed to be reaching to caress her very soul.

  She reveled in the sensation. It was almost as if this was more to Kyne than simply feeding their passion, satisfying the burning desire that roiled inside of them both. Could it be that he felt something for her, something more than the physical? The mere thought of that shot through her like an electrical bolt.

  Did Kyne honestly care for her? Could she be more than just a willing partner in this desperate joining they both craved so instinctively? She had no answer for her question. She couldn’t even let herself contemplate it further. What did she know of such things? All of this was beyond any of her experience and she refused to try to make sense of it.

  She’d already spent too much of her life focused on what she already knew. All the senseless years she’d denied herself this… all the time wasted avoiding the searing pleasure she felt now, here in his care. It seemed horribly tragic. To walk away from this pleasure would be maddening. Never again would she pretend life could go on without Kyne, without this.

  In consummation of her unspoken vow, her body gave in to the waves of glorious sensation. She clung to Kyne, arched her body for him, and cried out to the darkness. Release roared over her, rolling as a thundercloud and hot as a wildfire. She thrashed against the rock, letting the flood swamp her again and again as he devoured her, not giving her peace until the last remnant of her climax had faded into whimpers and panting.

  “You are amazing,” he said, sounding every bit as breathless as she was.

  “I am nothing without you. Please, Kyne. Let me find a way to give you release now.”

  “I want you so badly,
Raea,” he said.

  She could practically feel the pain in his words. He did want her. He needed release, she could see that. Her heart ached for him even as much as his body must ache. How could she leave him this way? He’d brought her to ecstasy and she wanted—more than anything—to do the same for him. This was no longer merely about tending their desires. Her own pleasure meant nothing to her if he wasn’t sharing it with her. She had to find a way to give him the same contentment that he’d given her.

  “Let me touch you,” she said, sliding down the rock until she was able to kneel before him.

  Now she could reach out and she felt for his cock. It was not difficult to find—she could feel the warmth radiating from him, smell the sweet, musky scent that was his alone. She cradled his heated mass in her hands. The rough groan that escaped him was all she needed to hear to let her know just how much he enjoyed what she did. So she did more of it, loosening and tightening her grip on him, intimately exploring every enticing contour. She pushed him back, taking the space she needed to stoop down and gingerly put her lips to the salty skin she wished desperately she could see.

  With her eyes shut, she could imagine him there, his body shuddering from his reaction, and his cock, dark and pulsing, in her hand. She licked him carefully, gently. Salty yes, but so much more. He was sweet like fresh honey and a little bit spicy, too. He made her think of sunflowers and wheat fields and hot, syrupy mead that her people drank for special occasions. She wanted to drink him now, to fill herself up with him and then go back for more.

  Her mouth closed around him, taking the fullness of his hot cock into her. He groaned, his fingers closing over her shoulders and his body going tighter, more solid in every way. He pulled her closer. Her tongue toyed with this giant plaything, this tantalizing treat she wanted to consume and make part of her. She wrapped her arms around him, finding the taut muscles of his butt. She pushed his clothing aside, slipping her hands in to press against his velvety skin, holding him so he wouldn’t pull away and deny her this meal.

  She raked her teeth lightly against him, gliding her mouth up and down his length. Now he was clinging to her much the way she had been to him. His breath came hot and moist, blowing over her and making her own sweat-damp skin prickle against the night air. Whatever she was doing to him, she could tell she was doing it properly. Her own body could feel the release building up in him, the passion raging nearly out of control. It transmitted through the energy in the air like static electricity, making her own passion rise up and threaten to overwhelm her.

  But she was enjoying her work too much to let herself get carried away. There was such a sense of power to know that she had brought him to this, that she held him captive by her simple movements, the feel of her lips against his most intimate part. It felt as if her actions were drawing life from him, enriching her own in a way she could never have imagined.

  “By the Stars and the Moon, Raea, I can’t hold off much longer. You’re going to make me come,” he warned.

  But she wanted to do that, wanted to bring him to climax. It was the only goal that mattered right now. She wanted to give that to him, despite what it might mean. She needed it for herself as much as for him.

  His hands roamed over her, his touch sliding down past her shoulders and grasping her butt much the way she’d grasped his. And then his fingers slipped between her legs, dipping into her for more of what he’d already given. It was her turn to groan. Another climax took her over and she nearly bit him.

  He shoved her away, pushing her against the warm rock and leaving her there. She was gasping for breath as he suddenly became visible in front of her. Her eyes fixated on him, on his massive, dark cock. It throbbed and glistened in the night. His sounds of passion grew loud as his body grew, too.

  She had done it for him; she’d brought him release. And now he fell back onto the earth, his body changing before her. He was human; huge, terrifying, and pulsing with the passion she had dragged out of him. He was apart from her, but it was as if she could still feel him with her. She leaned into the rock, waiting for her own breathing to become normal and her fear to take over. He was human and she had been with him.

  But as his body relaxed and his head dropped back to rest, his eyes pinched tightly closed and his enormous cock plainly displayed, she felt no fear at all. His clothing had been violently ripped from him and he was ten times her size, yet she had no inclination to fly. He was still Kyne, still reeling from what she had done to him.

  “I can see you now, Kyne,” she said when she finally could.

  He was sprawled on the ground before her, totally spent, yet he pushed himself up on his elbows. His eyes searched the air. “Are you… are you all right, Raea? Where are you?”

  “I’m here. I’m fine,” she assured him. “You brought me to climax again, you know.”

  He smiled, his head dropped back down onto the soft layers of the forest floor. His chest still rose and fell rapidly but he wore a smug, lethargic smile of satisfaction. “I told you I’m something.”

  She studied his huge, human form and realized it truly made no difference whether he was a fairy or a human. She wanted him. She wanted him for who he was, not simply what he was. This was a new feeling for her, and one she rather enjoyed.

  “If we had Sizing Dust, you could be something again,” she said, only half teasing.

  His laughter rumbled low in his chest. “Give me a few minutes, okay?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t get any more dust until tomorrow,” she admitted. “But I will. I’ll say I need it for some special task or something. I’ll get creative.”

  “You’re certainly good at that.”

  “And we can come back here! We can meet by these rocks and do this again.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Raea.”

  “Of course it is. You still want me, don’t you?”

  “By the Skies, how can you ask that? It’s just… we have to think of the future. Our future.”

  “Do we have a future, Kyne?”

  “I hope so, Raea. Don’t you? Haven’t you thought about what this means, what there is between us other than the raging hot sex?”

  She smiled, then remembered he couldn’t see that so she let a nervous giggle escape her. “I don’t know, all of this is so new for me. How can I trust what I feel when I don’t even know what’s real and what is caused by this strange machinery and its effect on us?”

  “What do you feel right now, Raea? What does your instinct tell you?”

  “I don’t know; I’m all jumpy and tingling inside. It’s probably from the machinery; it must be transmitting some kind of energy through this outcropping here.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, sitting up and running his hand over the smooth surface of the large rock.

  “I don’t know what it is, but the energy warms the rocks and…” She ran her own hands over the rock as she spoke and suddenly realized something had changed.

  “Kyne… the rocks. They’re not warm anymore.”

  “I know. And the sound we noticed before seems to have stopped, too. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling so clearheaded again, but—” He paused, cocking his head to listen for a moment.

  Then he swore. “Someone’s coming this way again.”

  Chapter Five

  Raea was glad her invisibility wish was still working. She could hear the footsteps crunching through the leaves. It sounded painfully familiar, but this time she wasn’t weak and helpless. She was ready to zip up into the trees. Unfortunately, she realized Kyne would not be able to join her.

  He was still human.

  True, he still had his wings—they were a part of him, after all—but given his size and his bulk and his apparent lack of magic, there was no way he could use them for actual flight. He was stranded on the ground, fully visible to anyone who might come by here.

  And he was naked. He was beautifully, temptingly naked. She flew to him and perched on his arm, tugging at his hand and
shoving at him, trying to get him up.

  “Come on. Get out of here. He’s going to find you.”

  He laughed at her feeble attempts to move him, but he did as she commanded. He sat up and shifted position. By the Skies, but he was remarkable. She had been half afraid the sight of him as a human would destroy her craving for him, but it didn’t. She still wanted him. Perhaps even more!

  First, though, she wanted him safely away from here.

  “All right,” he said, as she tried to push him up to stand on his feet. “Watch out. I don’t want to step on you.”

  “I’ll stay clear,” she assured him, buzzing around his head. “But you need to hurry. He sounds close!”

  He moved quickly, but not nearly as silently as she would have wanted. Humans were such clumsy creatures. Fortunately, due to his size, he could cover a lot of ground. One bound with his long legs and he was hidden behind the rocks. Not that this would do much to protect him if the approaching human thought to look there, but for now he was out of sight.

  “Why can’t you just make me invisible?” he questioned when she followed and began tugging at the undergrowth, hoping to cover him with it.

  “I don’t have enough dust for that,” she explained. “Look at you, Kyne. You’re huge.”

  “I told you this would be a problem.”

  “Shh. He’s right there. See his light through the leaves? I’m going up into the trees. He’ll probably have that device again and I can’t have my magic nearby, giving you away. Stay hidden.”

  She hoped he would be smart and follow her advice. She had barely made it up to the lowest branches when Baylor came crashing into the clearing nearby, waving his flashlight and his device.

  “Kyne, is that you?” the man called out.

  She held her breath and willed Kyne not to answer.

  “Damn it, I know there’s magic here,” the man said. “I can detect it—I have sensors all through this part of the forest. They’ve already automatically alerted the council, you know. Whoever you are, show yourself now before it’s too late.”

  Nothing answered him but the night breeze and a distant bird call. She could tell the man was frustrated, but at least he had stopped walking and was standing still, safely away from Kyne’s hiding place behind the rocks.


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