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Love's Vengeance

Page 18

by Dana Roquet

  “I have done nothing. I have no idea what this is about. I’ve just arrived here from France.”

  “Aye—I know all that. Ye be stayin’ in a house near the sea. We been watchin’ ye for some time now—waitin’ for just the right moment.” He nodded.

  “Where are you taking me? What is to become of me now, am I to be killed?” Desiree surprised herself by her ability not only to speak but to have her voice sound strong—much braver than she felt.

  “Killed! Na’ Lassie. I may be a lot of things but no murderer. Ye will be taken with me to me Cap—Captain Greaves. Ye will be our guest at Nevis.”

  “Nevis!” she shrieked incredulously.

  “Aye, it be a lovely island off the coast of Venezuela…”

  “I know where it is Monsieur!” she interrupted angrily. She knew her geography quite well and was also well aware of the reputation of that part of the world as the most dreaded and vermin ridden den of outlaws known to civilized man.

  “Twill enjoy yer stay there—I be sure of it.” He stated.

  “But what of my family? They will have no idea what has become of me. Please Captain, can’t I pay you double the amount you received? Triple the sum! I am wealthy. I can pay whatever you require.” He was shaking his head before she had even finished.

  “Na Lassie, I canna’ be takin’ yer money and leavin’ me first job undone. Do na’ fear, ye will be made comfortable here and I be sure the Cap—Red Legs he be called, will be more n’ pleased to have ye as his house guest.”

  “For how long?” she whispered as real terror began to set in. She was being taken to practically the other side of the world, with no chance of escape.

  “Well I had na thought on that. The deal were ye should be taken care of permanently but a course I couldn’t do such a thing. We be haf’n to wait and see what the Cap has to say on it. O’Malley here will show ye to yer cabin. Trust me Lass, twill be a very enjoyable voyage. We will be seein’ to yer every need.”

  “Enjoyable voyage?” Desiree burst out with a sob. “I haven’t even clothing for a journey. I am completely unprepared!” She realized after uttered how ridiculous it sounded. That she should be concerned with her wardrobe at a time like this. The pirate looked at her as if he feared she had lost her senses. Concern wrinkled his brow.

  “Lassie, I think we should talk more later. When ye have had time to adjust to yer situation.” His attention lifted to the man O’Malley and he took a pace toward her, “O’Malley here will see ye to yer room now. I will be in later to speak wit’ ye.”

  Desiree was brought to her feet by O’Malley who held her arm firmly, leading her from the cabin. She was ushered down the passageway to a small compartment, furnished similarly to what she had become accustomed to on the Windward. She was left standing in the middle of the room and the door was closed and locked behind her. She looked about but could find no means of escape—she was trapped. She felt the ship moving out to sea, cleaving the waves and she was on her way to the Spanish Main.


  Bridgett had been the first to notice Desiree’s disappearance but by the time she realized something was amiss, it was late in the day. She searched frantically about the riverbank, while Maurice and Colette began inquiring of people around the clearing.

  Only small bits of information were available. The musicians’ recalled a pretty young woman in a blue dress standing close and listening before she wandered off down to the river’s edge and another man had noticed something strange about the time of Desiree’s disappearance as well. Bart Miller pondered his sighting, trying to think of whom the red haired man might have been that he had noticed hanging around.

  “I can’t put a name with the face.” He sighed, shaking his head in apology. “But I will check around the docks and see what I can come up with.” He offered.

  “In the meantime,” Maurice spoke up to the gathering of men waiting for some idea of how to proceed, “I think we should scout the entire area and make a search through the town.”

  All nodded in agreement and the gathering of men split into groups, heading off. The search began in earnest but by now there was only little more than an hour of daylight remaining.


  Desiree jumped up from the bed, when she heard the key turn in the lock. She faced the door, clasping her hands tightly together to stop their trembling. A light knock sounded and she hesitantly called admittance.

  “Evenin’ Lass.” Macintosh greeted her, with a smile. He carried a tray in his hands and a bundle was tucked beneath his arm. He set the tray upon the table and then opened the bundle, laying out its contents across the bed as he spoke.

  “These were bought at a little shop in Boston to be brought home fer the women who work at Red’s house. They ain’t much to look at but they be fresh and new and I be thinkin’ they might be ‘bout yer size Lass. I ‘spect to get me a good tongue lashin’ from Red’s housekeeper Rena when we arrive but I feel ye be more in need o’ ‘em than the others, for the time bein’.”

  He moved to take a seat at the table and watched Desiree as she touched the soft cotton things. They were very plain, simple dresses as a servant might wear and equally simple—several undergarments and a pair of leather sandals. She looked at him with a baffled expression.

  “Thank you.” She managed softly, perplexed by the kind gesture.

  “Think nothin’ of it. Would ye care to dine while we talk? I thought I might join ye, if ye have no objections.”

  Desiree took a seat opposite him and he served her a heaping portion of vegetable beef stew and then filled his own plate. He offered her first pick of a basket of dinner rolls, helping himself to the remainder and poured her a tall glass of water.

  “Miss Chandelle I be sorry to have caused ye such fear and such an ordeal in yer life. It was not ever me intention to get meself and crew involved in it at all. It be business, nothin’ more. I haven’t a thing in it personally and we mean ye no harm, I want ye to believe that. In fact I turned down the job of stealing ye away but then I happened to hear who was thinking of taking it on and to be honest, it was fear for yer well being that changed me mind. The scum that was going to do the deed, would a surely followed the orders to the letter. After watching ye for a time, I had little doubt ye would have been made short work of by that bloke.” he said with a shudder, “I hates meetin’ up with the scum meself.” he shook his head, dismissing the subject and continued soberly, “As to our voyage I be wantin’ to talk about that wit’ ye. I have no want to see ye locked up fer the duration and when I leave tonight, I will be leavin’ yer door unlocked if I can trust ye na’ to throw yerself overboard.”

  “Captain I may be unhappy with this turn of events but I assure you I have no wish to die over them.” Desiree sighed with resignation, pushing her dinner about her plate with a fork, as her appetite was non-existent.

  “Would ye be wantin’ a bath this eve? I could have it arranged for ye when I leave.” he offered.

  “No that is not necessary.” She replied with a smile, unable to resist. She was surprised by the generous concessions he was willing to make for her comfort and she, a prisoner. He seemed such a happy sort of man. His Scottish brogue brought lightness to every word he uttered and she felt her fear lifting as she shared dinner with her captor.

  Sometime later he rose and with the tray in hand, started for the door, “Then I be leavin’ ye to yer rest. Would ye be needin’ anythin’ else, Miss Chandelle?” He inquired, as he opened the door.

  “Perhaps my freedom but I know that I shall not have.” she said wistfully.

  “Ahhh Lassie, it won’t be bad. Wait ‘til ye gets a look at our little isle. Lovely tis’. I can’t begin to describe it but ‘tis beautiful. Now the door will be unlocked and ye be free to roam where ye will ‘bout the ship.” He reemphasized.

  “Thank you for everything Captain. I suppose even a thank you for saving my life is in order.”

  “The name is Mac—Lass. None o’ this Capt
ain, eh? Red be the only true captain of this motley crew.” He winked and closed the door gently behind him.


  It was well after dark, that Bart Miller came knocking at the door and Colette called for Bridgett, as they all took seats in the front room to hear what news he had for them.

  “Well from checking around town, as near as we can figure—the man I saw was a pirate known as Macintosh. He hales from the Main.”

  “Pirates! Oh dear Lord!” Bridgett sobbed, reaching for and clutching Collette’s offered hand. Colette squeezed it firmly.

  “What can we do? Are their authorities that would help us?” Bridgett cried looking to Maurice for an answer.

  “Well we can not be sure Desiree was taken by the man—and even if we were certain there are no British ships in this area—none at all here in Portsmouth. We will need to send to Cambridge or perhaps Boston. I fear that the trouble that plagued Desiree in France may have found its way to this shore.” Maurice stated solemnly.

  “I have the same inkling of suspicion. Maybe this pirate is the man responsible for all our woes.” Bridgett agreed between broken sobs.

  “Well we must move at once to mount a rescue. Once she is taken into the Main, there would be no way of locating her. There are a hundred islands—all infested with pirates.” Maurice stated, “Bart is there any way you could head for the Boston or Cambridge landings?”

  Miller halted his thoughtful pacing, “Yes I could do that easy enough. It would take me less time to make it to Boston but days—all the same. Then of course I will have to convince the authorities to take on this mission. I have my doubts they will even attempt it. They have little care to go into the Main for any reason. But I will see what they will do.” He nodded.

  Bridgett searched his eyes pleadingly and he smiled, “Don’t worry Madame, she may be found in town yet tonight. Perhaps she simply wandered off. She may walk through the door at any time and we will find the rumor mill has taken us all in. I will come back in the morning before setting out for Boston, just to see if perhaps she has arrived back safely.”

  Colette saw him to the door with a warm handshake as he departed, “Thank you for all your assistance Mister Miller. We shall be looking for you in the morning.”

  With a nod, he walked out into the night.


  Bridgett found it impossible to sleep and after several hours of failed attempts, she finally donned her clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen, brewing herself a pot of tea. She sat at the table, staring into her cup, feeling completely helpless. Desiree had never imagined she might be in danger at Portsmouth and neither had she entertained such thoughts. The danger that had been evident in France, they assumed would remain there. She wiped her tears as they fell, wishing there were something she could do, while her mind conjured all kinds of awful scenes befalling Desiree at this very moment.

  Chapter Nineteen

  With the dawn of a new day, Bridgett stood from the table and stretched the kink from her back. The night had been interminable and as the day broke; her thoughts were of what she might do to help in the search for Desiree.

  Taking a spyglass from Maurice’s office, which she had used on previous occasions, she rose to the second story of the house and then climbed the steep flight of stairs to the cupola upon the roof. Pacing along the widow’s walk, she turned the glass to the sea and, of course, saw nothing. She knew it was hopeless but she felt she had to do something to feel as if she were being of some use in the search. She scanned the harbor and islands at the mouth of the river, then turned her attention below, scanning the dock area. She lowered the glass from her eye—then lifted it once more. She scanned again along the docks and then—yes! There in the early morning sun, she saw the gleaming brass fittings of a mainmast. She set the glass to the top of the foresail and the flag. It was the Windward—Captain Colter had returned. Without another thought, she dashed inside and awoke Maurice and Colette, informing them of this news and asking them to wait on her return before sending to Boston for the authorities.

  Bridgett ran along the waterfront, looking to the masts for the familiar flag of the Windward. She hurried up the gangplank and across the deck, calling a quick greeting to Cunningham at the quarterdeck before rushing below, down the steps and along the passageway, directly to the captain’s quarters. After her sound knock, she heard movement within and the captain called admittance groggily.

  Stephen was shocked, to say the least, to find the woman standing before him. He had just leapt from his bed, donning his breeches and now looked about the cabin for a shirt.

  “Bridgett what on earth are you doing here?” he questioned while slipping a shirt over his head.

  “Captain it is Desiree. I have no one else to turn to. I’m in desperate need of your help.” Bridgett blubbered.

  “What is it Bridgett? What has happened?” he asked with concern, gesturing to a chair, “Please sit.”

  She was in tears and the reddened state of her eyes told of many hours of the same. Stephen had a nagging fear begin to twist at his gut, “What has happened?” he repeated, “Where is Desiree?” He took a seat across from her at his desk.

  Bridgett declined the seat, standing tensely before him, “Desiree has disappeared. She has been missing since yesterday. We have been unable to find her anywhere and have reason to believe she may have been taken by pirates!”

  “Pirates?” Stephen exclaimed, “In Portsmouth?”

  Bridgett nodded, “A pirate named Macintosh may have taken her!” She waited for his reaction but was dismayed when he leaned back in his seat, calmly stroking his jaw in thought.

  Stephen considered this revelation with no belief that it could possibly be true. Absolutely no tales of Macintosh or his Captain—Red Legs Greaves had been heard for years now, not since he retired. For Greaves to take a chance and get back into this kind of game, seemed highly unlikely.

  “How could this have come about without your knowledge?” he inquired absently.

  “We were at a festival near the river and she was separated from us for a time and a man on shore saw this—this Macintosh in the area.”

  Stephen continued to ponder it in his mind, trying to make sense of it. Aloud he said, “It is hard to imagine Macintosh at such sport. He has been a pirate true enough but mostly tormenting Spanish and merchant vessels at sea.”

  “You know the man?” Bridgett asked weakly, lowering onto the edge of the chair.

  “No—but I know of him. Macintosh is first mate of Captain Greaves—Red Legs, as he is better known. He is almost a hero as far as pirates go. Most likely she would be taken to him, if indeed, she was abducted.” he smiled reassuringly, trying to calm her fears and then continued, “What of the authorities? Are they taking action?”

  “It will be days, perhaps weeks, for the British to come from Boston. There is some doubt they will even attempt a rescue.”

  With his fingers laced and his hands resting atop his head, Stephen frowned, his eyes distant as he thought the situation through, “The British are slow to act in most cases.” He confirmed.

  “I have no idea what might be happening to her!” Bridgett snapped, outraged by his calm reserve.

  “Bridgett,” he met her angry regard squarely, “I will have to scout around a bit, see what I can discover. I will go after her, if indeed she has been taken but I must know what I can expect—I will not go off half-cocked! It will take me a day or two to prepare!” he stated firmly.

  “What might be happening to Desiree while you plan out this rescue?” she cried brokenly.

  “Your panic and worry is not going to change what has happened Bridgett. But if she is with Macintosh as you said then—she is in good company. I have no fear for her life if she is with him. Red Legs is considered intelligent, decent and a very wealthy and powerful man. He owns a large plantation on Nevis and in recent years he and his men have left pirating. That is what confounds me—why kidnapping? At any rate,” he shook his head cle
aring the confusing idea from his thoughts, “I need to do some investigating before we discuss this any further.”

  “I hope for Desiree’s sake, you have not been misinformed about the man Captain.” Bridgett said with resignation, dabbing her tears with a kerchief.

  “Don’t worry. Go on home and I will be in touch with you just as soon as I can.” He declared rising to see her to the door.

  “Please let me know the minute you are prepared to leave, will you?” she pleaded, pausing in the passageway.

  “I will, just leave it to me.”

  Stephen closed the door behind her and then retrieved his boots and sat upon his berth to slip them on. His mind had been on none other than Desiree the entire time he had been away. He’d had a strong urge to come back here to see her after changing out his cargo down at Jamestown, and before heading for his home. He had hoped to somehow; someway, patch their differences because he had found that from the moment he had left her here, things had changed.

  He had discovered this his first night in port, when he had gone to the tavern to seek some entertainment. He had found that all other women seemed unattractive. None could compare with Desiree and he had been unable to take another. It had been a most disquieting experience. He wanted to feel Desiree within his arms, he was cursed with her and his mind betrayed him until all other women seemed lacking.

  Now she was in need of him and it presented quite an opportunity. Surely she would be in his debt if he could rescue her! And from a band of pirates! At least she might be civil! Then again—he mused, perhaps not. He marveled to himself, the irony of the situation, as he hurried out of his cabin.


  Desiree watched the dense, misty jungle and the sandy beaches pass by. Gulls soared into the sky and skimmed along the shore, in search of food. The morning was still and the sea calm. The air was heavy and held a hint of what the day would bring already. Her clothes felt damp from the moisture in the air. But still, Desiree was at peace with her surroundings.


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