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Love's Vengeance

Page 26

by Dana Roquet

  “Good night Captain and thank you for all your help this day.” Desiree said and placed her hand into his for a brief moment.

  “Of course Miss Chandelle—any time.”

  The amusement showed on his face and Desiree could guess that he had failed to realize the changes that would now take place also. He walked to the door and held it for the women and with a last look over her shoulder at him, Desiree followed Bridgett down the passageway.


  Bridgett turned in immediately and Desiree sat at the table with a book open before her but she was not reading. Her mind was in the room just around the corner and down the passageway and she longed to simply leave the cabin and make that short walk to his waiting arms.

  “Bridgett?” she called softly. There was no answer and the slow and steady breathing told her that she was already asleep. Desiree closed her book, rose quietly from her chair and tiptoed out of the room.

  Hearing a timid knock, Stephen came to his feet, placing his drink, unsampled, upon his desk. His mind had been on Desiree and the loneliness he felt with her absence and when he opened the door to find her leaning against the wall across the passageway he grinned with obvious pleasure.

  “Well Captain—what are we to do about this?” Desiree asked with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Come in and let us discuss it.” Stephen said with a sly grin, reaching for her.

  Desiree pushed his hands away, glancing down the passageway to ensure their privacy, “Stephen I cannot. I must get back before she rouses to find me missing but what are we going to do? I hadn’t even considered the fact that her being here would interfere with our routine and by the look on your face earlier you had not either.” she giggled.

  “No I had not. I think we do have a bit of a problem because I have grown accustomed to you beside me through the night. I fear I shall have a devil of a time finding rest.” He eyed her trim form suggestively.

  “So tell me you lusty fool, what are we going to do?” she laughed, watching his slow regard of her body.

  “All that can be done are one of two things. Either you sleep a way down there and I here for the remainder—or we go to Bridgett, confess we are lovers and inform her you shall be staying in my chambers.”

  Desiree groaned, rolling her eyes, “Neither do I relish.”

  He stuck his head out of the door, looking down the passageway before reaching out and taking Desiree about the waist and pulling her to the threshold of his cabin. His mouth moved upon hers and his tongue plunged within to be met by her own. Desiree’s arms came about his neck and she pulled him closer still, her passion mounting with the onslaught of his lingering kiss.

  “Desiree?” Bridgett’s voice sounded out of sight down the hall.

  Desiree pushed away from Stephen and he leaned against the open door as she stepped back into the passageway with an innocent expression in place upon her face. She hurried down the passage and looked around the corner to find Bridgett peeking out of their cabin.

  “I’m here Bridgett.”

  “Child what are you doing?” Bridgett asked with surprise.

  “Oh just having a word with the Captain. I shall be right there.” She assured.

  Bridgett closed the door and Desiree walked back down to Stephen and smiled, seeing his eyes dancing with amusement. He held the top of his door, leaning against it as a grin spread across his lips, “You had better go.” He said with a chuckle.

  “I am afraid so.” Desiree grumbled with a shrug of her shoulders. She looked again down the passage and then walked a step forward and lifted on tiptoes to place a light kiss upon his mouth, “Sleep well Captain.”

  She turned and went back toward her lonely cabin and Stephen leaned out watching until she had turned the corner before softly closing his cabin door.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Desiree could hardly bear thinking of Stephen’s arms about her. She ached with the need for his touch and as the day’s passed by, the ache grew. She knew that he too was becoming very restless. His eyes would flash with unspoken passion at their every meeting. It had been close to a week, when one night Stephen awoke to find Desiree lying beside him, her head resting upon the pillow next to his. He gazed into her smoldering eyes as she whispered, “Make me yours Stephen.”

  “With pleasure sweet.” He replied softly.

  Sometime later Desiree lay in the crook of Stephen’s arm, as her hand slid across his rippling belly in slow circles. She allowed her hand to dip lower on each successive circle and smiled, noticing the increased rate of his breathing and his stomach muscles tightening as she teased him playfully.

  “Desiree you had best stop or you will be just that much later returning to your cabin.” he threatened with a chuckle. When she continued, he whispered, “You have been warned.” Then he gasped as her hand dipped lower still.

  Desiree turned in his arms, leaning upon an elbow and her hair spilled in waves over her shoulder and onto the pillow beside him. She smiled into his dark smoldering eyes, and then abruptly she sat up on her heels with mischief apparent on her face, “Well I shall be going now Stephen.” She said lightly, making as if to rise.

  His face fell and then a grin spread across his lips, “You are a minx Desiree. You will not be going anywhere until we see about easing this ache you have revived. Come temptress, this time you shall ride.”

  With ease he took her about the waist and seated her over his frame. Desiree slowly lowered herself and took him in and their eyes locked, while his thumbs traced the peaks of her breasts softly. Desiree moved languidly, leaning her hands upon his stomach for support and he smiled at her, with his passion taking second place to some train of thought. Desiree frowned at him quizzically, watching emotions run across his face she could not quite determine. He seemed to be taking in every detail of her.

  “Come here.” He whispered huskily.

  Desiree leaned toward him and he crushed her to his chest, kissing her deeply. He turned her beneath him and lifted upon his elbows, stroking the hair at her temples with his fingertips. He was deep within, making no move to continue and she searched his face, “What is it Stephen? What are you thinking of?” she asked with a puzzled frown, looping her arms about his neck and wrapping her legs about his waist, perplexed by his delay.

  “I was thinking what a treasure I have found, my sweet. I’ve never known such peace as when you are with me.”

  “That sounds serious Monsieur!” Desiree teased with a giggle.

  “Very serious.” Stephen agreed with a nod, raising his brows and gently kissing her lips.

  Desiree ran her hands down his back and lightly over his buttocks, “Stephen I am surprised at you! You—talking in the midst of lovemaking. If this is going to become your habit as well as mine—we are in trouble I fear. Now be quiet. I must leave soon.” she chided with a light kiss.

  “What a demanding woman you are!” he returned with a smile and a throaty growl.


  It was close to dawn when Desiree rose and while Stephen watched in appreciation, she slipped her robe about her form and belted it, then pulled her hair out of the neck, letting it cascade about her. Stephen moaned and approached her, “I wish morning never had to come.”

  Desiree kissed his mouth, then looked about the room, retrieving his breeches, “Put these on Captain. I must go—now.” She assured, seeing his readiness to return to the bed with the slightest urging.

  With a sigh of resignation he obeyed, pulling his breeches over his hips and donning a shirt. He moved to the door and Desiree preceded him out, walking to her cabin with his hand riding along her hip. At the threshold, he kissed her once more, “Until later my sweet.” he whispered and Desiree slipped within her cabin as quiet as a mouse.

  “Desiree! Where have you been?” Bridgett’s voice caused Desiree to jump almost out of her skin. Bridgett sat upon her bunk with arms folded over her chest, “I am waiting for an answer.”

  Desiree felt
she might faint. She sat heavily at the table, lighting a candle and turning to face Bridgett. She had no choice but to confess and opened her mouth to speak, then closed it once more, unable to find the right words.

  “You’ve been with the Captain.” Bridgett stated flatly.

  Desiree nodded, looking down to her hands folded in her lap.

  “Oh Desiree!” Bridgett cried, rising and moving to sit at the table opposite her, “You can’t do this child!” she said brokenly.

  “Bridgett please don’t moralize. I have thought it all through and this is what I want. I care for him very much.” She smiled softly, still feeling the glow of her hours spent with Stephen.

  Bridgett shook her head as tears glistened in her eyes, “Believe me dear I can understand how you could be taken with him. He is so very handsome and a fine man but you are not one to act as though a common…”

  “Don’t say it Bridgett!” Desiree warned, “I care for him and he cares for me. I am sure of it. I have thought it all through, honestly I have, and I want to be with him and I will, whether you approve or not.”

  “I know what I speak of dear! I had my own Captain Colter in my youth! I was young and he was handsome and used smooth words and promised me the moon and I believed him—every word. He took me into his very home and I lived a fine life with many advantages. He was wealthy and powerful and without realizing it I was no more than a kept woman! He eventually tired of me and I was cast aside without a thought!” she paused brokenly, “Then I met a fine man,” she continued, her eyes soft with memory, “We fell in love and planned to marry until by chance he found out about my shameful past and he walked out of my life. I would have told him myself but the result would have been the same. He married another and I came to be your nurse! I heard just a year ago that he had died. You asked me once why I never married and now you have it. And what of you? We are going to this man’s home. We shall be living under his roof and what will become of you when he finishes with you? I have seen his type Desiree—he is a man of the sea, he cannot be tamed! I’m sure a string of young women such as you are strung a mile long in his wake. Soon you shall be just one of many.”

  “No! You are wrong.” Desiree cried, “He is gentle and kind and he does care…” Desiree stopped mid sentence. She could talk until the next nightfall and make no argument that would convince Bridgett. She didn’t understand. She just didn’t understand any of what they shared. “I will talk no more of this—ever! I am going to sleep now. I am tired.”

  For a very long time Bridgett sat at the table watching Desiree as she slumbered. She could do nothing but let it drop for now, she decided sadly. She had been Desiree’s age once and like Desiree she had refused to listen to wise council.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Good night Bridgett.” Desiree said timidly, pausing at the door. Bridgett smiled sadly and looked back to her needlepoint without words. Desiree walked out, closing the door quietly behind her.

  She burst into Stephen’s cabin without knocking, closing the door soundly. She glared at him as he reclined at his desk with his feet propped up and a drink in his hand.

  “What is the matter with you? And what are you doing in here?” he asked while swinging his feet off the desk and setting his drink down firmly.

  “What is the matter with me?” Desiree hissed, coming around the desk and standing before him, “You are the matter with me!” she stated, swinging a clenched fist at his face and very gently clipping his jaw.

  He laughed as his eyes twinkled up at her and he pulled her forward to stand between his legs, “Don’t you dare lift your knee woman or I shall beat you.” He threatened lightheartedly, “Now what have I done that has you so upset? I haven’t seen you all day so I know it can’t be anything recent.”

  “Bridgett knows. She was waiting for me this morning when I returned.” With hands on hips, Desiree stamped her foot angrily, “She won’t speak to me and I feel like a criminal!”

  Stephen pulled her onto his lap and pressed her hand to his lips for a kiss, “I will go and speak with her. It would be best considering we shall be on the same small island, in the same house and I do not enjoy unrest.”

  “No, don’t speak with her. It would probably only make matters worse.” Desiree decided with a sigh, reaching for his drink and downing a healthy amount.

  Stephen lifted a brow as she gulped down the strong whiskey without so much as a grimace, “You are upset! Tell me—what exactly did she say on the matter?” He took the drink from her hand, testing the contents himself.

  “She told me I was no better than a trollop. That you would tire of me soon enough and cast me aside without a thought.” she admitted, glaring at him, demanding a response with her expression.

  “First of all, you are no trollop and I don’t want to hear that again. And secondly…” he paused and looked at her thoughtfully, “You know—you leave me no space for a buffer. You make me tell you every thought, every feeling—it leaves me quite exposed. I don’t much like giving that leverage into your hands but—if I must—so be it.” he sighed heavily, “I have no intention of casting you to the side. I care for you very much and you know that. Would I have come back to Portsmouth if I didn’t care? Would I have come to Nevis if I didn’t care? Would I be constantly baring my soul to you if I didn’t care? I will not tire of you and I will not cast you from my life. You shall have a devil of a time getting rid of me.” he frowned, “Is that good enough or must I go on?”

  Desiree kissed him tenderly, “That’s good enough. I believe you. Bridgett will come around in time.”

  “Well—since we seem to have the entire evening together, how about we—” he paused for effect, “have us a match of chess? We can play winner take all!” he added with a sly smile.

  “Take all what?” she questioned with a knitted brow.

  “Whatever they wish!” he leered, “And that shall be my option as you have yet to best me!”

  “We shall see! I have improved you know. Red and I played quite often on the island.” Desiree teased, moving from his lap and taking a seat at the table while he brought the board.

  “As you said—we shall see.” He challenged with a cocky grin.


  Much later, Desiree ran her hands across the expanse of Stephen’s shoulders, noting the smooth dark skin in sharp contrast to the light curls at the nape of his neck. His lips caressed her throat, her shoulder, moving downward.

  “Stephen?” she questioned, touching his soft curly hair.

  “Shhhhh!” he silenced her, continuing down to her breast with his lips.


  He lifted his head, narrowing his eyes threateningly, “Desiree I am attempting to make love to you as is my right by my victory! Please at least allow me the courtesy of feigning interest. Humor me!” he quipped, sinking his teeth gently into her nipple.

  “Stephen! I want to talk! Humor me!” she demanded, covering her breasts with her hands.

  He growled but moved to her side, resting his head upon his hand and gazing down into her eyes, “What would you care to discuss pray tell?” he gritted between clenched teeth with an affected strained smile.

  “Have you had many conquests?” she asked, turning on her side, resting her head upon her own hand and smiling sweetly with mere inches between their faces.

  “Conquests—as in battles? As in discovery of foreign lands?” he queried with feigned ignorance.

  “As in women! Have you had many?” She clarified, not appreciating his humor.

  “You little devil!” He chuckled, placing a soft kiss upon her mouth.

  “Tell me!” She prodded.

  “No!” he stated simply with a widening of his eyes and a slight shake of his head.

  Desiree nipped at his chin with her teeth and repeated, “Tell me.”

  “No! I am not about to discuss my previous relations with you. It is unimportant and ungentlemanly.” He dismissed the idea, rolling to his back and averting h
er gaze.

  Desiree rose up on all fours, crawling atop him. She straddled his frame and caressed his chest with her breasts. “Tell me.” She hissed, leaning down and kissing him with abandon, possessing his mouth with her own.

  His breath caught as without warning her fingers closed around him, drawing him to her warmth.

  “Tell me Stephen.” She whispered, moving languidly as she gently tugged at his lower lip with her teeth.

  His hands moved over her back, his eyes smoldering as he tried to increase her maddeningly slow rhythm by guiding her hips and lifting to meet her. Desiree sat back; stopping the motion completely and he groaned and whispered hoarsely, “What was the question?”

  She leaned down to caress his ear with her lips, kissing along his jaw and down his neck as she began once more to move with agonizing slowness, “Have you had many women?”

  “After—I’ll discuss it after. Please!” He pleaded with a chuckle.

  “Tell me.” She warned softly, enjoying the control she had over him.

  “Yes I have had my fair share.” He groaned.

  “Have you been in love many times?” she asked, with a sudden added sideways movement.

  “Damn!” He breathed raggedly, grasping her arms and pulling her over as he rolled on top.


  “Good God you are a vixen!” Stephen declared sometime later, kissing her soundly and moving beside her, “Where did you learn those tactics?” He wondered this with a comical and suspicious sidelong glance.

  “What are you insinuating, Monsieur?” She challenged, coming to her knees once more and moving over him.

  “Nothing! Please—not again! Have mercy on this poor old sailor!” He pleaded in mock terror.

  “Oh you! You are impossible!” Desiree stated, rolling her eyes heavenward and then laying down again within his arms.

  “Did you? Love any of those women?” she questioned while running her hand over his chest, without looking into his eyes.


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