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Reckless Abandon

Page 32

by Jeannine Colette

  And I fall, every day, further and further every day.

  A warm, smooth hand, tugs at mine. I look over at Emma who is pulling me toward the veranda. I follow her, away from our guests to a secluded spot, feeling as if the two of us are the only people on earth.

  She is smiling at me, looking like the cat that ate the canary. I bow my head and squint at her, wondering what my little minx is up to.

  “I have a secret to tell you.” Her brow rises up in a dare.

  “What kind of secret?” I ask, tempting her to tell me.

  Her teeth skim her lip and I swear if we didn’t have another hour left of this dinner I’d throw her over my shoulder and carry her up to our room.

  “You have to promise you won’t tell a soul. At least not for another four weeks.” The full pout of her lips spread. She is obviously quote excited about her secret.

  “That’s a very specific amount of time. Why can’t I tell anyone for four weeks?”

  “Because I can’t let my father know I was pregnant at my wedding.”

  As if all the air in my body has been sucked out of me, I fight to speak but there are no words.

  A baby. We’re going to have a baby.

  I am going to be a father.

  For the second time today, I cry.

  I cry for the child that will be coming into the world. I cry for the gorgeous creature in front of me who is giving me the greatest gift. I cry for my parents who will never know their grandchild. And I cry for the family that I have, after searching for so long. A family that is mine. A family I will do anything to protect.

  “Baby, are you okay?” Emma asks, placing her hands on my face and looking deep into my eyes looking for the part of me that runs.

  But I’m not running. I vowed to her long ago I’d never run from her again. And I never will.

  I take her hands off my face and hold them in mine, up close to my heart. “A long time ago I asked you a question. When was the last time someone gave you a gift so monumental it made you cry? This is my gift. You have given me the greatest gift.”

  “What is that?” she asks.

  “Love. You gave me love.”

  To Autumn Hull of the Autumn Review and Wordsmith Publicity. I love a villain but couldn’t quite get this story just right. Thank you for pushing me to achieve believability. Your guidance is immeasurable and I will forever value your friendship.

  To Jamie Chavez, editor extraordinaire! I learned so much from you while writing Pure Abandon and brought that knowledge to this next novel. Thank you for your detailed copy editing and making me look like a rock star on paper!

  To Sarah Hansen, of Okay Creations, a visionary in book cover creation, and Jovana Shirley, of Unforeseen Editing, for making the inside pages a work of art!

  To the online blogging community for making my first-time self-publishing experience amazing, especially Maryse Black of Maryse’s Book Blog, Jennifer Ristic of Collector of Book Boyfriends and Maria Barquero of Maria’s Book Blog.

  To JCol’s Army of Roses who share the love of #TeamAsher and #TeamGabriel. Shout out to Giovanna Bovenzi Cruz, Laurie Breitsprecher, Aubrie Brown and Wilmari Carrasquillo-Delgado, Anna Alonso and Natalie Padro – I worship you! Thank you to all the readers who contacted their favorite blogs to tell them about Pure Abandon and Reckless Abandon, especially Andrea Strauss Strohecker and Nancy Parken. Your support is amazing!!!

  To all the amazing authors I’ve met along the way and welcomed me into this wonderful circle of Indie Authors, especially, Lauren Runow, Elisa Marie Hopkins, Cynthia Rodriguez, AJ Compton, Martha Sweeney, Nicole Hart, AM Johnson, Ramzi Holmes, Lucia Franco, Leddy Harper, SL Ziegler and L. Harvey. It has been awesome connecting with each of you and working together to share our work.

  To my sister Nicole Romano and my best friends Jennifer Windstein, Nicole Lancellotti and Tara McCormick for being my Beta Babes.

  To my friends and family who have provided unending support including Nanci Weaver, Jill Meister, Nicole Parsons, Anne Hogan, Noreen Suzor, The Distefano and Salzano Families. To my Nanny for teaching me to always exude confidence in myself and my work, and to my Poppi who won’t read my books because they “seem a little spicy.”

  To my Mom who is the greatest person I know. She continues to put herself second so her daughters can fulfill their dreams. We love you, we value you and cherish every moment we have with you.

  To My husband Bryan who this book is dedicated to. I always hated when people referred to their spouse as their “best friend.” You are not my best friend. You are My Bryan. That title far surpasses any friend, lover or soul mate I could ever have. When we are gone from this world, our ashes will be scattered together on the island of Capri. A place where we connected far more than any place on this earth. A magical place that inspired this novel.

  And, of course, to the two tiny people who I pray never give up on their dreams. No matter how silly they may seem.

  Contact me! I’d love to hear from you!

  (at least the nice things anyway )

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  Love Alexander Asher?

  Find out how Asher fell in-love with Kathryn Grayson in

  Pure Abandon

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  In a battle of self-discovery, she must choose between them.

  Kathryn Grayson has it all—a beautiful husband, new baby, and a life most women would dream of. But after putting her career on hold for her family, Kathryn sets out to reclaim the woman she once was.

  When Kathryn meets her new boss, Alexander Asher, Manhattan playboy and heir to his family’s fortune, a misunderstanding leads to friendship, the friendship becomes fierce, and soon Kathryn begins to question Asher’s motives … and her own.




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