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Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)

Page 27

by Brandy L Rivers

  An hour passed and Ella finally appeared in the reception area. She stopped two steps from the door. “You didn’t need to stay.”

  “I did because I wasn’t sure when I’d have an opportunity to see you again. I was worried about you. Did something else happen?”

  “The reporters showed up again outside the shop today. It all came crashing down, and I needed help dealing with it.”

  “I’m so damned sorry, and I know that’s not enough. That’s why I’m here. Can we get dinner or something? I’m not asking for forgiveness. I haven’t earned it yet, but please, talk to me. I need to know you’re all right.”

  She snorted. “You realize there will be reporters following us? Hell, they followed me here. I can just imagine the headlines now.”

  He moved to her, shaking his head. “I don’t give a damn about the reporters. I’m worried about you, about how much I hurt you. If you want to eat at my house, or yours, we can.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you, Trent. You ripped out my heart and I need time.”

  He nodded. “I know. I was so wrapped up in the shit in my head. Even knowing how stressful your life was, I assumed you’d handle it like my sister. That’s why I’m finally talking to Dr. Eisman about it, getting it out of my head so I won’t pull that dick move again. Give me a chance, Ella. I love you, and will do anything to prove to you I won’t ever jump to conclusions again. I can’t hurt you again, it’s breaking me now.”

  “Ryan and O’Neil are at my house. O’Neil’s finishing up with my security system. Seems Logan rerouted it. There’s probably more video of us… thanks to the security cameras. Shit…” she wiped at her eyes. “Come to my house. I promised them pizza.”

  He nodded. “I’ll follow you back.”

  Ella turned to leave, not bothering to look back. She was in too much pain to take any comfort from him. Even if it took every day for the rest of his life, he was going to prove he could change for the better.

  * * * *

  Ella pulled out of the clinic parking lot. Too many emotions swirled through her. Trent wanted to fix things. He realized how he fucked up and was committed to changing. The proof was in is willingness to go to therapy, something she would never have suggested. Ella hadn’t considered how deep his issues might run from the history with his sister and father. But seeing him still sitting there, waiting for her, gave her an ounce of hope, but she needed to shield her heart.

  Dr. Eisman told her to follow her heart, but she didn’t trust the stupid beating organ. What if he did it again? What if he didn’t learn his lesson? What if he really thought those things of her? She needed to sit down and talk it out with him, but she was terrified of the answers.

  In traffic all the way home, Trent stayed behind her. He even parked in his own driveway and hurried across the street when she pulled into her garage.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Nodding, she let them in. She couldn’t shut him out. She’d spent the night before crying herself to sleep, wishing his arms were around her. But then the ugly words he had said swirled through her head and she wasn’t ready to let him all the way back in.

  Ryan peeked around the corner and smiled. “I guess you pulled your head out of your ass, fireman?”

  Trent dipped his head. “I really do hope so.”

  Ella stepped past Ryan into the kitchen and ordered enough pizza to feed an army. When she turned around, Trent was right there.

  “A reporter tried to interview me earlier.” He shook his head. “How did you deal with those guys following you day in and day out?”

  “Ignore them as much as possible. I’m sorry I dragged them into your life. It was never my intention to disrupt anyone in this town. Sooner or later, a bigger news story will happen and they’ll go away.”

  “I didn’t say a word to them. Just kept walking until I climbed into my truck.” He moved closer but didn’t reach out to her. “I don’t care about them. The only thing I care about is you, and how you’re dealing with all of it. I know this is hard on you, and I made it worse.”

  He cracked her walls and she wanted to scream. Instead, she shook her head. “Stop apologizing.” She really didn’t think she could handle her own guilt, let alone his.

  Staring into her eyes, he closed the distance until he was inches away. “I wish I knew how to fix this.”

  “Don’t give up,” Shannon said from the hallway. “Don’t expect forgiveness tonight. Keep trying until you get through to her. She was a mess, crying all night.”

  Ella turned away to stare out the window. “I’m not ready to walk away, but I need to protect my heart.”

  Trent’s hand curled over her shoulder. “No matter how long it takes, I’m going to gain your trust back.”

  Ella turned and wrapped her arms around his waist. He held on, pressing his lips to her temple. They stayed that way until the doorbell rang.

  O’Neil told Trent about the security system. How it had been breached, and how he’d fixed it so that couldn’t happen again. Ella was too busy sorting through her emotions to pay much attention to the details he’d already explained twice.

  Ryan and O’Neil went back to the hotel after dinner, leaving her alone with Trent.

  “Would you run with me tomorrow?” he asked.

  That wasn’t what she’d been expecting. But he wasn’t pushing, and he was doing everything in his power to erase her doubts. Maybe she was just being stubborn.

  She nodded. “Yeah. Meet me at seven?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  “I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  He nodded. “I’m going, but call me if you wake up and need someone. Even if it’s just to talk.”

  She nodded, walking him to the door.

  He pulled her into his arms and whispered against her ear. “Thank you for not shutting me out.”

  “I’m not letting you in yet. I just can’t let go.”

  “I’ll make you believe me again, Ella. I can’t lose you like this. I don’t want you hurting because I keep fucking up.”

  Closing her eyes, she pressed her head against his shoulder. Ella wanted to pull him toward the stairs and burrow into his arms for the whole night, but she wasn’t ready.

  “I love you, Ella.” He kissed her temple once more and slipped through the door as tears spilled down her face. She prayed he could mend her broken heart, but her faith was crushed.

  Chapter 41

  Mon Amoire’s grand opening came a few days later. Ella managed to be all smiles when greeting the customers. O’Neil kept the media out of the shop. Ella had been busy since the moment she opened. If other parts of her life hadn’t been so crazy, she would have tried to hire an employee before now.

  Trent walked into the shop and her heart paused a beat. Other than their morning runs, she hadn’t seen him. She’d kept herself busy, trying to build the courage to actually talk to him. As much as she didn’t want to explain her actions to anyone, it was necessary this time. He needed to understand how deeply his words had hurt and why she couldn’t go through that kind of pain again.

  Trent had shown extreme patience and understanding, which only made her feel worse. On this day, he greeted her with a sad smile. “I have a day off. Let me help. Please.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to. Please, Ella. You’re too busy to be here all alone.”

  A flitter of hope invaded and she nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “I’ll take over the register while you help customers, okay?”

  “Yeah. Let me know if you need help.” Since he’d been there when she had the computer system installed, he knew as much about it as she did.

  The next few hours flew by. Trent was immensely helpful. She couldn’t keep holding him at arm’s length because it was tearing her apart.

  Finally, she flipped the sign to the closed side. “I’ll be out here,” O’Neil said and nodded back inside at Ella. “Talk to him. I think he’s earned t

  She locked the door and turned around.

  Trent’s eyes locked on hers, nothing but pure love and admiration showed through. “Have dinner with me?”

  “It’s going to make the tabloids.”

  “If that’s a problem for you, come to my house. I won’t make a move. But I miss you, and it’s killing me to have you so close yet so far away.”

  She couldn’t take it anymore and stepped into his arms. “I miss you too.”

  He held her close and kissed her forehead. “Where are we eating?”

  “Too late to keep the photographers at bay. But if they ask you questions, do me one favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Pretend they don’t exist.”

  “I’ve been ignoring them and don’t plan on stopping. Will you let me sit beside you if I take you to the steak house? Maybe hold your hand?”

  “Yeah, but we have a lot to talk about. I understand the basics about why you said what you did, but you need to know why it hurt so much.”

  “I’ll listen to everything you have to say,” he promised.

  She smiled softly. “Ryan and Shannon are going to insist on eating there too. They can sit at another table, but Shannon’s playing bodyguard for both of us.”

  “They could sit with us. I wouldn’t mind as long as I get time with you.”

  She shook her head. “No. I have personal things I need to say to you, alone.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  She grabbed her purse and stepped outside, holding up her finger, she said, “Give me a second.” Closing the door, she turned to Shannon. “Trent is taking me to Long Ride Steak House. We need some time alone.”

  “I’d say.” He squeezed her shoulder. “Hear him out, okay?”

  “Yeah, as long as he hears me out, too.”

  Shannon looked past her, through the window. “I think it’s safe to say he’d do anything, at this point, for another chance.”

  “I know, but I needed to figure out what I have to say before I let him in again.”

  * * * *

  The hostess seated them at the same table as their first date. Trent sat across from Ella so he could keep eye contact for their conversation.

  They sat in tense silence while they waited for the waitress. Once they were alone, Ella looked him in the eye. “It’s only fair I explain why I shut down the other night.”

  He nodded, not saying a word, and fully expecting her wrath.

  “I realize we never talked about drugs or alcohol, and I know your sister and father both had their own issues, but I have never turned to either… ever. My mother and father died in an accident. They’d been drinking, celebrating their anniversary. He wrapped their car around a tree. So I don’t drink, but when someone hands me a glass of anything alcoholic, I’ll carry it around the whole night just to keep people from handing me another. It’s habit. At those parties, everyone drinks, so holding onto a glass works.”

  He gripped the table, nodding. “Which is why I should have asked what was wrong. I had never seen you drink. But you went for a bottle the one night.”

  “It wasn’t the wine I was reaching for. I wanted my stash of chocolate behind the bottles.”

  “Shit. This is why I started to see Dr. Eisman. The issues with my family made me see the worst. I didn’t even realize why until I talked to Tina the other day.”

  “Yeah, well you threw all of that in my face. You cut me deep, telling me I was drunk, accusing me of drowning in something I can’t even bring myself to sip. Especially after I started getting gifts from Logan. The idea of being intoxicated scared the hell out of me. So I shut down and walked away before you could say worse.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You wouldn’t have listened. You were so pissed off. I couldn’t have gotten through. And I get it, you were stuck in the past, but I can’t go through that again, Trent. If I didn’t love you, I’d walk away and never look back right now. Instead, I’ve been crying myself to sleep because I want you there with me, but I’m terrified you’re going to rip my heart out with your own demons.”

  He moved to sit beside her in the booth and pulled her close. “Never again, Ella. That’s why I’m working out my head so I don’t do this again. It crushed me when you shut me out and sent me away. You made me realize what I did wrong, and how badly I needed to fix it.”

  “You are. And I’m sorry I shut down and pushed you away but I needed time to understand my own feelings. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and make a decision until I had the strength to open up and hear you out. I’m sorry.”

  “I love you so damned much.”

  “Love you too,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Ryan and Shannon had driven Ella to the shop. So she rode home with Trent. “Will you stay the night?”

  “Nothing I want more.”

  “Go get your things and meet me at my house.”

  “Be right there.”

  She climbed out of the vehicle, and he watched her go to her front door. He waited until she was inside before driving into his own garage.

  Ella took a deep breath and let it out. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure her heart was safe, but keeping Trent at a distance hurt more than she ever believed possible. Even worse than his outburst the other night.

  The knock on her door startled her, but she peeked outside. Mila stood there with her hands in her pockets.

  Ella let her in with a grim smile. “Sorry, I haven’t been talking much.”

  “You’re okay? Why did Trent bring you home?”

  She sighed. “We’re working things out.”

  Mila smiled. “I’m glad. Once Kyle explained more details about Tina, I started to feel bad for the guy. He’s been miserable, trying anything and everything to figure out how to get you to talk to him.”

  Ella smiled sadly. “That’s why I’m trusting him.”

  “Let’s do lunch tomorrow. You can tell me about the store opening and we can catch up.” She hugged Ella.

  “See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye.” Mila stepped outside as Trent came up the steps wearing a big smile. “Good evening, Mila.”

  “You’re forgiven,” Mila said before walking past.

  Ella’s brow arched.

  He ducked his gaze. “She was pissed at me when you wouldn’t talk to her.”


  Shaking his head, he shut the door and she set the alarm. Trent’s hands curled around her waist before she could turn back. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  Ella turned, capturing his mouth in a kiss full of emotion. He backed her against the wall, caressing her face as her hands clung to his sides. When he pressed his forehead to hers, tears formed in his eyes and she knew he was hurting as bad as her.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  Taking her hand, he led her toward the stairs. As soon as the bedroom door shut, he lifted her dress over her head before pulling his shirt off. She trailed her fingers down his chest as his hands roamed over her body.

  Ella unzipped his pants and pushed them down his legs. Skin to skin, she felt at home. He walked her to the bed, easing her down so he could settle over her.

  “I’ve missed holding you in my arms,” he murmured, staring into her soul.

  “Me too.”

  He kissed her, taking his time as if memorizing every detail. She raked her fingers through his hair, shifting her hips to encourage him.

  He pressed in and the tightness in her chest loosened with his slow rhythm. “Never letting you go, Ella.”

  She didn’t want promises, she wanted him. Rolling him over, she rose above him, taking his hands for leverage as she took him deeper, needing to feel him to the depths of her soul.

  Trent sat up, bending his arm around her waist to roll her over. He grabbed her ankles, bringing them to his shoulders as he thrust into her.

  “Yes, Trent, I need you so bad,” she cried.

sp; He pounded into her, taking her to new heights.

  She gripped the headboard, holding tight to stop from sliding. His loving eyes stared back at her as he caressed her leg and thumbed her clit.

  A pleasure-filled cry escaped as he pushed her off the edge to freefall into bliss. Trent kept the rhythm, the orgasm rolling through her until he pressed deep and followed.

  Trent dropped down beside her, wrapping her in his arms. Ella placed a soft kiss over his heart and relaxed for the first time since he’d damaged her own.

  “Hold me tonight.”

  “Nothing I want more.”

  Chapter 42

  The next morning, Trent went to work shortly after their run. Ella didn’t expect to see him until later that evening, if he wasn’t too tired. So after a long day at the shop, with Ryan helping and Shannon manning the door, she went home.

  She sensed someone’s eyes on her, but the reporters had moved on. Either because she wasn’t talking, or a bigger news story had happened, but she avoided the TV and magazines as much as possible. Eventually, she’d start looking at the fashion magazines again. Even as Raven, she’d always pretended the gossip tabloids didn’t exist.

  Shaking off the paranoia, she hurried upstairs. She wanted to do something nice for Trent. Lately, he’d done everything for her, without expecting anything in return. Now she wanted to prove he was a vital part of her life.

  Kicking off her heels, she walked to the closet and pulled down the trap door and the attic stairs. Surely, there was something up there she could use as a temporary gift until she could go shopping and find a better idea.

  In the attic, she sorted through boxes, thinking back on the good times, until she found an old picture frame her brother had given her. Silver with sappy words for love and soulmates all over. In the photo, Jackson held her but smiled into the camera.

  The picture made her sick. Sam used to throw it in her face that she’d been so happy with the actor. Asshole had been all over some model at a party she hadn’t attended because she was busy filming. Ella had ignored the tabloids the next day, but Ryan told her what really happened. Her boyfriend had fucked the model in the bathroom, where anyone could have walked in. Jackson had the audacity to claim it was a publicity stunt, and she’d believed him, which sealed her decision to leave him for good. His so-called love was nothing more than an attempt to grab more attention.


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