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Dreamers (The Dreamers Series)

Page 9

by Brooklin Skye

“Told you,” he gloats.

  “This is no time for your I-told-you-so’s, Nick. I don’t know what to do. We have to figure this out. I’m so livid with her right now that I honestly don’t want her anywhere near me.”

  “Don’t worry about her, if she even thinks of coming near you I’ll dig my way so far into her brain she will never sleep without fear again...” His eyes boil.

  “Pipe down, Hero, she isn’t even home. She has no idea I even found it. As for now, all we know is that she’s somehow involved, but I need help digging up answers. The first attempt in doing that today turned out disastrous. I messed up—bad.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad. What happened?”

  “I met your brother today. He was on a lunch date with my sister.”

  “Small world.”

  “Yeah, really. As if that weren’t awkward enough, I starting poking around for information when Mia went to the restroom.”


  “It wasn’t my fault—entirely. He was saying rude things about you and I got mad.”

  “Aww, baby…you were defending me.”

  “Yes, I was. I won’t go into exactly what happened but I slipped. Cayden is fully aware of the fact that we are—involved. I’m so sorry, Nick. I didn’t mean to tell him, it just kinda came out.”

  “Ha! Don’t apologize to me. You’re the one who looks like a nut job. I’m dead, what do I care?”

  “This is so not funny. Do you want someone to put me away like Lana?”

  “Stop being dramatic. He won’t have you put away. He probably just thinks you’re mistaken. He knows there is no way we could be involved. I’ve been dead for two years. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

  “He doesn’t believe you’re dead, Nick. He thinks you ran away, and now he thinks I have information on your whereabouts.”

  “I’m not surprised he thinks that; I used to take off all the time. Maybe that’s why nobody ever found me, they didn’t bother to look. Obviously Mom did though, according to Lana I have a nice grave in Atlanta somewhere.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen it. That’s how I began figuring out who you are—were.”

  “Cayden will come around, he’s a good dude. I just hope Mom has calmed since the last time we saw each other, she was not a happy camper.”

  This is sad. He doesn’t know...

  “You haven’t, you know—ran into your mother lately?”

  “What do you mean, ran into her?” Confusion clouds his eyes.


  “She’s dead isn’t she?” His face saddens.

  “I’m sorry, Nick, I thought you would have known somehow, or maybe you had seen her when she passed.”

  “No, there’s nobody in my world but me. It’s not like people think. There aren’t ghosts walking around all over the place, there’s no bright light; only darkness, like a permanent sleep state. Maybe this is my purgatory because I wasn’t a good person. I hurt my family time and time again. I didn’t mean to, I just couldn’t handle being such a burden. My condition drove everyone crazy, I was unpredictable. When I would get too low to hide it I would run away. I couldn’t stomach the thought of my family having to witness it if I never made it back up again. I had to detach from everyone, just in case I—ended it.”

  “Is that what you did? Did you commit suicide?” I gasp.

  “No, I wasn’t even depressed when I died. Angry, yes, but not sad.”

  “Why were you angry, can you remember?”

  “It was just something to do with Mrs. Peyton, that’s all.”

  I swallow hard, preparing myself to ask him the dreaded question that’s lingered in my mind since lunch. He doesn’t seem to be very forthcoming about his dealings with her. There isn’t really a method for sugar coating the subject, so I don’t. I allow the words to spew from my mouth, purging my soul of this acidic sickness.

  “Cayden said you two were having an affair. Is it true?” The words coat my mouth like a nasty thick medicine you just can’t wash down.

  His face reflects horror as he struggles to speak. This might be touching a subject even too personal for him. As usual he attempts to create a shield, as he shifts into that cocky, arrogant person I met a few nights ago.

  “You’re jealous aren’t you, Syd? Doesn’t feel very good knowing someone else had their fingers all over me, does it? Now maybe you know how I felt when I saw your sweet little memory of Heather’s romantic date.”

  He hits a nerve. For some reason I do feel a twinge of jealousy in my stomach. Even the thought of someone else with their hands on Nick makes my skin crawl. I don’t want to say it though, I still haven’t quite figured out how to approach my feelings with him. I don’t want to feed it—yet. The one thing I can do is try to wiggle around the question. Since he agreed to stay out of my head, I can bend the truth slightly. A little white never hurt anybody.

  “No, it’s not jealousy, Dominick, but I can’t help you if you hide things like that from me. Now please answer the question, is it true?”

  “No, I was not sleeping with her, but like I told you before, I had a strange feeling that she was pretty into me. She made little remarks sometimes, stood a little too close, wore her shirts a little too tight, you know—what chicks do. Sometimes during our sessions I would get groggy and fall asleep. I thought at first it was just a sign of depression, feeling tired. When I would wake up having not remembered anything, I started wondering if something strange was going on. She said it was hypnosis but something just felt—off. Mom found lipstick on my shirt after one on my sessions and she flipped out, accusing us of having an affair. I told her it wasn’t true but she wouldn’t listen. She confronted her and ripped her a new one according to C.J—Cayden as you call him. I went to confront her the next day to find out what happened, and I don’t remember much after that. I never made it home again.”

  “Do you think she had something to do with your murder?”

  “Possibly, she was the last person I remember seeing while I was alive. Not to mention, when I confronted her I was angry, and she wasn’t handling it well. I can’t remember enough of the conversation to really make heads or tails of what she was saying. I was mad and I turned my back to her. I was looking out the window, trying to calm myself.”

  “What else?”

  “I don’t know. I felt a quick pain and that’s all.”

  “What kind of pain? Did she hit you?”

  “I don’t know. I wish I could remember more.”

  “How can I find this Mrs. Peyton?”

  “I don’t know, it was off the books.”

  “You are absolutely NO help. How can you see a psychiatrist who is completely untraceable?”

  “Mom worked at the school, she knew people. I think Mrs. Peyton was a parent of one of the students at Berkmar, that’s how they met. I remember her saying she had a daughter. Mom was very quiet when it came to my condition; embarrassment, I assume, so there won’t be any record of it. Even C.J. never knew anything other than her name. Just start looking for any of Peyton’s spawn that may have attended Berkmar around Two Thousand and Three.”

  “Okay, I’ll try to start there then. For now, I need to go. I’m confronting Heather about the bracelet.”

  “No, Sydney! What if she hurts you because she thinks you know something? I already don’t like the idea of you hanging around here, but I understand why you feel stuck. I have no right to tell you what to do, but if you aren’t going to leave you should at least put a deadbolt on the bedroom door. I don’t trust her.”

  “That’s not a bad idea, Sherlock. And you’re right, I’m definitely not leaving. I’ve decided to stay and do exactly what I promised. I’m not scared of her, she wouldn’t hurt me. She loves me.”

  Anger darkens his flawless eyes once again as he absorbs the blow. Any positive comments about Heather drive him mad. Now that he has declared his love for me, I should be more cautious about the things I say, it’s the polite way of handling things.

/>   “I know you’re nervous about me staying here, but I want to be close to you. I can see you during meditation, but we can only touch when I’m fully asleep. I don’t want to be away from you.”

  This seems to ease his jealous tension, as he sighs slowly, resolved to the fact that I’m in this—up to my neck, and I’m not backing down until it’s over.

  “Just please be careful. Do what you need to do, just don’t confront her yet. Wait until you have a better idea of what you’re working with. Alright?”

  “Alright, I can agree to that—temporarily.”

  I’m glad he doesn’t seem to realize what he just gave me permission to do. The only thing he specifically said not to do was confront her, so I won’t. He was right all along with his initial plan, if I seduce her it will be much easier than waiting for her to trust me with her skeletons. I have to do it this way, even knowing he will be livid with my actions.

  “Now, go get your business handled. I have a date to plan. Be here at dark—asleep. I have a surprise for you.” He grins.

  “A surprise for me? Um—okay. I guess I’ll see you later then.”

  I open my eyes to Heather standing in front of me, sending my heart rate through the roof. I had fallen into my meditation so quickly I hadn’t even bothered to leave her room. Here I am, sitting on the edge of her bed, surrounded by pictures she would never want me to see. Most of them I never remember being taken. I’m invading her space without permission. How am I supposed to get his bracelet back in her drawer without her knowing?

  “What’cha doin’ in my room?” she asks, tensely.

  Heather is no fool; she’s aware that I noticed the pictures, and more importantly that there are enough of them to creep me out a little. Her expression is uneasy and cornered, never a good combination for a person who is clearly unstable in one way or another. Now she wants to know why I’m here, and I have no choice but to try to come up with a believable lie; something I’ve never been good at on the spot.

  “Um—well, I was going to…uh, I was going to… leave a little note on your desk just in case you came home while I was out. I wanted to ask if it would be okay if we had a small get together tonight. Just us, Mia and Cayden.”

  Shit, there is no way she is going to believe that lame excuse. And there is no way Cayden will show up tonight, he would love nothing more than to lynch me right now. Damn it!


  “He’ll be with Mia. They’re kinda seeing each other.”

  “Sure, I don’t mind having some company.”

  “Cool, I just wanted to check with you first.”

  “Why didn’t you just text me?” She remains cautious.

  “My phone was dead. I’m sorry for going in your room, I’ll leave now.” I stand quickly trying my best not to gawk at the Sydney shrine. The tension oozing from my pores doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “You’re creeped out by all the pictures, huh?”

  Pretend it doesn’t bother you, pretend it doesn’t bother you.

  “Why would I think it’s creepy? Everyone has pictures of friends and family. So you have twenty or thirty, just means you think I’m a cutie.” A fake smile spreads along my lips.

  Thankfully, her shoulders relax, and her typically calm demeanor returns with a chipper back tone.

  “Yep, you’re definitely a cutie. So what are the plans for tonight exactly?”

  “I thought I could cook something, maybe have a little music—some wine. Nothing fancy.”

  I begin to shift nervously in the doorway. Dominick’s bracelet digs into my clutched fist. It’s still so hard to believe that she took part in this, but it’s undeniable, otherwise she would never have had his bracelet to begin with. I want to ask her how it got here. I want her to tell me she found it accidentally when she moved in, that it had somehow been left behind, but my gut tells me that’s nothing more than wishful thinking. Dominick has known from the beginning that she is part of this in some way or another. I just wish he could tell me more, something tangible. I care for Nick—a lot—but Heather is still my best friend. Just because my heart has been taken romantically by another doesn’t mean I want to lose her. I still pray something will discredit the looming feeling that something sinister lurks behind her caramel eyes.

  “Earth to Sydney.” She snaps her fingers in front of my face, grasping my attention once again.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I’m spacey today. What were you saying?”

  “I said, tonight sounds like a good time—as long as you aren’t cooking Greek,” she jokes.

  “Oh, very funny. I was actually not thinking Greek. I’m making your favorite, stuffed Portobello caps with pesto, a nice big salad, garlic bread, and tiramisu.”

  “Wow, you know how to make a girl happy. I’m sure lucky to have you in my life, Syd.”

  I’m sure you are.

  “Nah, girl, I’m the lucky one.”

  “Sure, sure. Anyway, I was only stopping by to see if you were feeling better. I have to help my mom out with one of her patients today, she’s out of town. I’ll be back around five-thirty, is that good?”

  “Perfect timing, actually. I’ll see ya’ then.”

  She pecks my lips as she passes through the narrow doorway, catching me by surprise. I twist my head away before the kiss can go any further.

  “I’m sorry, Syd. Too fast?”

  “No, I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”

  “Uh, okay, I’ll see ya’ later.” She blushes out the door.

  My god that was close.

  As soon as I hear the front door close, I throw the bracelet back in Heather’s drawer and exit from the creepy shrine.

  I stop by the kitchen to grab a snack as my salad is wearing off. It’s already two o’clock, and I have an enormous laundry list of tasks to complete. I throw together a sandwich, quickly smearing peanut butter on a slice of soft white bread, then slicing bananas to lie atop the gooey goodness. I find bliss for a moment as I sink my teeth into my absolute favorite comfort food in the world. The energy was much needed for the afternoon which is turning out to be overbooked. It’ll be a miracle to accomplish a dinner party, seduction, and deliverance all in the course of a few hours. I quickly make my way toward my room so I can regroup and get this show in the road.

  I pass the lengthy mirror in the hallway, easily noticing just how tired I look. I’m a complete wreck. You certainly wouldn’t be able to tell by the looks of me now that I usually do take pride in my appearance to some degree. I was blessed with natural good looks from my daddy, who was tall and handsome. He had the darkest, most mysterious green eyes I’ve ever seen. Luckily Daddy’s looks weren’t the only gem he passed on. My inherited persistence and stubborn genes could easily be a key factor in sorting through this mess of a situation. The first order of business is going to be making myself presentable. My skin is gray, eyes bugged, my hair a knotted mess—it’s time to get it together; especially if I am to succeed in my newest conquest—seducing Heather. Nick was right, it’s the fastest way. I can’t sit here and play games while he rots away in death. As much as I would like him to stay here with me forever, I can’t let him live his life in agony. I care about him enough to want more than that life for him, even if it means sacrificing him to a peaceful eternity that doesn’t include me. This is the first time in my life I’ve known the true meaning of love—I do love him, somehow. Pleasure and pain, mixed with a selflessness I have never felt before. As abundantly as my logic screams for me to doubt a love that is merely days old, I trust that my heart knows reality from fiction. He was put into my life for a reason. I won’t run from my feelings. I will cherish every sweet moment, fully aware of the fact that he will be ripped from me within moments of realizing the truth behind his predicament. He will be released from the chains imprisoning him within his purgatory. I can’t be selfish enough to want anything less for him. I will do everything in my power to give him the life he deserves, starting right now.

  Second order
of business is going to be pulling a dinner party out of my ass with only an afternoon to get it together. I had no intentions on seeing Cayden anytime soon. Truth is, I’m seriously dreading it, but now that I’ve used it as an excuse for being in Heather’s room I’ve landed myself with no alternative.

  I pull his card from my pocket, dialing the number into my cell phone.

  Oh god, it’s ringing…

  “Cayden Manning.”

  “Cayden, it’s Sydney, we need to talk.”

  “You’re damn right we need to talk. Where the hell is my brother?”

  “I honestly don’t know where he is, Cayden. If I knew, I would tell you. I promise you that.”

  “You know something, and unless you want police knocking at your door within the hour you better start talking.”

  My head spins at the idea of confessing the truth. I can’t just blurt out the fact that his brother’s ghost is haunting me, and we are in love—not unless I want a bed next door to Lana. I choose my words carefully, trying to smooth over the damage I caused this afternoon.

  “Cayden, I had such a great time with you at lunch. You seem to really care about my sister. I don’t want this to ruin things for you guys. I can tell you really care about her. Can’t you give me the benefit of the doubt for a moment, for Mia’s sake?”

  “Here’s the thing. I love Dominick, he is my brother. I’m angry at him, yes, but I want him to come home. I was beginning to make peace with the thought that something actually might have happened to him, and he could actually be dead, until last year when that crazy girl Lana told me she was dating him. Then I knew it was all another one of his schemes. I can’t let that go, not after what it did to Mother. He needs to face his problems and stop running.”

  “First of all, he was never dating Lana. And secondly, I can prove that he isn’t running from you. Could you give me a chance and let go of every reasonable scientific thing you’ve ever believed? Will you do that, for him?”

  “Yes, I would do anything for Dominick—even though he’s a douche bag for what he’s done. He’s all I have left.”

  “Come over tonight, bring Mia. That will give me time to set everything up.”


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