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Forever At Midnight: The Blood Keepers Series (The Blood Keepers Series, Vampire Novella Book 2)

Page 5

by Larissa Emerald

  “I’ve never felt like this before.” She fanned her face with her hands. “Perhaps I’m ill.”

  Dane shoved his hands in his pockets. No, he didn’t think she was sick. But there were other ailments that could make her feel so, vampire conditions. “Victoria, where’s your mother?”

  A pensive expression knit her brow. “She died when I was twelve. Why?”

  He suppressed a groan at the direction of his thoughts. With her mother gone, who educated her about their vampire ways? Did she even know about blood-mating? “And you’re how old, now?”

  “Twenty-one.” She pulled herself straighter, as if to dare him to comment. “And I have a fiancé, so it’s not like I’m a spinster.”

  “Fiancé?” His gaze shot to her finger. He hadn’t noticed a ring, and that’s because she wasn’t wearing one.

  She followed his eyes. “It’s not official. Father hasn’t agreed. He says Phillip isn’t the right man for me.” Her face pinched in thought, then she blurted out, “He’s human.”

  “I see.” Actually, what he saw was blur of red in his vision as his ire rose at the thought of any male, human or vampire, with Victoria. Shit, this was getting so out of control. Talk about being blindsided.

  The servant entered and set cups of tea and a plate of cheese, bread, and fruit on the table. He served the tea and was on his way out when he paused midstride, drew in a large sniff of air, and then shot Dane a pointed stare.

  Dane clamped his mouth shut, offering a weighty shrug.

  After a sip of tea, Victoria suggested, “Let’s get back to the subject of my father.”


  She swallowed, eyes darting around the room before going on, a clear look of panic on her face. “I believe the best course of action is to do as instructed. Until we have more information about the culprit behind this, we’re at their mercy.” And he didn’t mention to her that some thugs are pretty heartless bastards ready to do all sorts of things to win their games.


  Victoria stayed close to Dane’s side as they approached the darkly shadowed bridge. The nearest streetlamp was half a block away, but that wasn’t the problem. Vampires had night vision that surpassed every earthly animal, so it wasn’t an inability to see that made her nervous. No. As they waited for their contact, the lapping sound of the water battered her nerves, wearing her down one thread at a time.

  “What time is it?” she whispered.

  “Four minutes past the last time you asked. 9:19.”

  She swallowed hard. “Why is he late? That can’t be good.”

  “Maybe his watch isn’t synced with ours.” Although his words could be taken lightly, he didn’t smile. He merely stared into the darkness. Intense and focused.

  She scooted over more until her upper arm touched his. Just that bit of contact made her feel safe and protected. She imagined what it would be like to lean her head on his firm muscular shoulder. The zing inside her tummy flared again. Hmm.

  She sensed when his awareness changed, felt the muscles along his arm tighten. Someone was out there. She held her breath.

  “He’s here.” His voice grew tight, controlled, and secretive somehow, and he pointed toward a shadow by the nearby bridge. Unexplainable to her, she felt connected―bonded even―with him. But she didn’t know how that could be.

  Dane looked down at the watch before nodding to her to follow him. They moved further beneath the bridge. “I see you have the watch? Very good.” The unfamiliar male voice boomed and echoed off the brick structure.

  “I do. But where is Lord Clements?” Dane asked. “I detect only you.”

  The man only growled, and Victoria narrowed her eyes at him. “Where’s my father?”

  The vampire traced within inches from Dane. “He suffered an injury,” he said, his voice icy. “We determined it was too risky to transport him.”

  She gasped. Injured?

  Dane bared his teeth. The sharp odor of violent intent permeated the air. “Your word means your life. Take us to him now.”

  Both male vampires were daunting in size and breadth, although Dane outshone his opponent in every manner, with the exception of the darkness in his eyes. He stood taller and his shoulders were wider, his muscles flexing and bulging like liquid rock.

  How strong was he? How fast? How determined? How deadly?

  She held her breath until she thought her lungs would explode. There was so much she didn’t know about him. She sensed he would be outstanding in whatever he did.

  Mine, she whispered in her head as an intense longing to have him all to herself shot through her.

  Dane’s head whipped around, as if he’d heard her thought. But that wasn’t possible, was it?

  We are blood mates. We both feel that way, he whispered in return.

  She blinked rapidly. The response her brain received caught her off guard.

  The other male traced, grabbing Victoria in a tight, painful grip and dragging her with him as he turned and walked away. Her teeth clanked together as they came to a sudden stop near a huge tree. The strange vampire’s large hand clutched her throat, and long fingers dug into her jaw where it hinged. “Consider your next move carefully. One twist and I break her pretty neck,” he ground out. “Place the watch on the rock over there.”

  Dane’s eyes blazed a dangerous red, and the pressure on her jaw increased exponentially. She groaned. He dropped the watch to his feet and vanished. She waited to see to where he’d traced. But she kept waiting. And waiting. Her captor glanced around, his hold on her relaxing with Dane gone. Bending her in painfully to the side, he scooped the watch from where it had landed and thrust it into his pocket.

  She swallowed as he righted her stance, her mind racing, trying to plan her escape. If she threw her weight into the trace, could she slip beyond his grasp quickly enough? Maybe. Her chest rose and fell as she assessed the situation. But if not . . . Would it hurt if he snapped her neck? Perhaps it would be a quick way to die. Her main regret was she wouldn’t be able to get to know Dane better.

  When his grip slackened another fraction more, she made her move. His fingernails scored her flesh as she slipped from his grasp, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. Behind her there was a loud crack! as if cannon had gone off, the ball splintering a house. Even though she was moving faster than light, it seemed like she was moving in slow motion. At the top of the bridge she paused, turning to look down at the vampire.

  Her eyes widened. Dane was back. And he had the other male nailed to the ground. Dane gripped a fistful of long, black hair and wrenched the male’s head backward, exposing his neck. Victoria forced herself to watch the horror she knew was about to unfold. This vamp kidnapped her father. He deserved whatever punishment Dane doled out. But he also knew her father’s whereabouts. Information they needed . . .

  Dane, she called to him in her mind.

  Either he didn’t hear her or he ignored her call. Instead, he bit down on the male’s neck, ripping away a huge chunk of flesh. The vampire thrashed and kicked violently, trying to get free. But there was no hope for him, not unless she broke through Dane’s anger, not unless he heard her and stopped.

  She forced her dry throat to swallow and straightened her spine. Then she traced to right next to them―up close and personal.

  We mustn’t kill him, she said, sure he’d hear her this time. He’ll lead us to my father.

  His head turned and his wild, red eyes met hers. A shiver skated down her spine at the violence she saw in those depths. He released his captive, stepping toward her, then faster than an eye twitch, he whisked her away.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dane doubled over, spitting and coughing to expel the vamp’s flesh and blood, clearing his mouth and head.

  “Are you all right?” Victoria asked.

  He nodded, then dragged his sleeve across his face, wiping it clean. I have never been so afraid in my life, he admitted. He had a hold of you, and . . . I lost it. All I wanted to do was kill
the son of a bitch.

  As he stood, his gaze skimmed her generous curves, then he scanned from her throat, to her eyes, to her throat again. Her pulsed beat delicately beneath the surface and blood dripped from three deep scratches. He growled his displeasure. “He should not have touched you.”

  “It’s just a scratch. I’m fine,” she reassured him. “But who was that man? Why would he kidnap my father?”

  “A member of a gang, I suspect. Even vampires have the tragic and dysfunctional among them. The question is what are they after, why do they want the watch, and how is your father involved in all this.”

  He breathed in her scent deeply. And then he noticed the flair of her nostrils, wholly turning him on as she took in his scent, as well. He eyed her injury once more, and damn, he couldn’t resist her sweetness any longer. He leaned over her wound, and she exposed her neck to him, tilting her head to the side and pressing her breasts into his chest. God, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He lapped his tongue over the rips in her neck, savoring her delicious blood, feeling drugged by her perfect taste.

  He brushed his tongue harder against her skin, disappointed when the wound closed completely. The act of healing her only made him crave her more. Hard and panting, he drew back and peered into her eyes, noting the desire that blossomed there.

  “That was incredible,” she said.

  “Later, if I can survive the excruciating wait, I will show you exactly what incredible really is,” he said thickly. He drew her to him, bringing her up against him and pressing his engorged cock into her belly. She gave a soft purr deep in her throat.

  The sound encouraged him to grind harder.

  Her voice was breathless as she said, “So we are blood mates?” She lifted one leg and wrapped it around his hips. He had to fight to direct his thoughts away from the tempting path he knew they shouldn’t follow right then. Later seemed like an eternity away.

  “Yes. I cannot resist you, nor you I. You feel it, don’t you?”

  “Mmm. But I’m not sure—”

  “Don’t worry, love,” he interrupted. “It will come naturally. You’ll see. But first we must find your father.”

  Yes. Rescue her father, find the painting. And then she would be his.

  At the back of his mind, beyond the immediate problems, the idea of being away from her, even for a moment, sank into him, piercing his heart. He would have to tell her that he was from the future. And what would happen with them when he had to return to his time?

  He took a deep breath and tried to shove the thought away. They were here now. And they had work to do. Thankfully, the little blood Dane had absorbed from their enemy made the guy a beacon that was easy to follow. With any luck, he would lead them straight to Viscount Clements. And then he could have his time with Victoria . . .

  He threaded his fingers in her hair and kissed her, running his tongue over the sharpness of her little fangs. What would her bite feel like? A trill of anticipation ran through him and he had to force himself to ignore it. He grazed her lower lip as he ended the kiss and sucked in the tiny bead of blood. It was the sweetest nectar he’d ever tasted. He growled low in his throat.

  “You will wait at my house while I go for your father.” He held her gaze, insisting on her compliance. “They most likely don’t know of my residence, and you will be safe there. I’ll escort you back first.”

  She stood taller and tilter her chin higher. “No. I want to go with you.”

  He shook his head. “It’s too dangerous for both of us.” He massaged his fingers in her hair. “I can’t give my undivided attention to the fight when you’re near.”

  “I would be prepared this time and be on guard. They will not catch me again.”

  Dane was tempted to give in to her. He knew he would give her whatever she wanted, whatever made her happy, for the rest of his life. Everything . . . except this. “I’m not going to risk your life. That is something I’ll never do.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “If it comes down to you or your father, then your father will die.”


  Victoria’s gaze shot away from his. The image his words evoked made her step back out of his embrace. She couldn’t imagine a world without her father. He was all she had. She put a little more distance between them and looked back over her shoulder.

  Dane was too mesmerizing, too authoritative, and too incredibly handsome. Too everything for her to take in. Confusion nipped at her. She paced and brushed her hand against her leg, as if she could brush away all this trouble.

  “Could your father be playing both sides?” he asked, crossing his arms.

  She stilled. “No. He wouldn’t.” He didn’t know them at all. But even with this thought, she wondered how much her father kept secret from her.

  “There is another woman involved. Her scent was on the vamp. And based on my visit to your residence, so was your father’s. There seems to be a number of people involved here. It’s a possibility.”

  She released a frustrated gush of air from her lungs. “I don’t believe you.” She balled her hands into fists.

  He shrugged, a heavy lift of his massive shoulders. “If I’m wrong, then I’ll be able to find the vamp and extract your father easily enough. If I’m right, though, and your father is somehow in the middle of this game . . . well, then it’s a whole lot more complicated.”

  “He wouldn’t do that.” Despite her attraction to Dane, fury at him coursed through her, and she spun on her heel and stormed off in the opposite direction. She didn’t know where she was going, just away.

  Her heart thumped in her chest. Everything seemed fuzzy, as if looking through a fog. And as much as she didn’t want to believe it, Dane could be right. She’d seen her father ushering a woman along to some secretive interlude with her own eyes.

  Dane traced after her, keeping up with her steps. “Are you going to walk all the way to my place, or shall we make it a quick trip?”

  She glanced sideways, her brow furrowed. “You have a peculiar way with words at times.” She’d never heard anyone speak the way he did. “If you mean trace,” she said halting, “then by all means.”

  He made no comment but simply took hold of her hand so they’d travel together. The gesture tugged at her heart. And as the lights blurred into a stream of time and space with their passing movement, she felt their molecules kissing one another, a rare fluidity as they bouncing off one another like billiard balls. It was the strangest feeling. And the most amazing.

  They stopped abruptly when they reached his home. The house was dark and quiet when they entered, and they moved in silence to his suite. She felt a sensuous swirl of energy surround them as he moved within her personal space, the igniting of desire sparking between them. Being in his room was so different this time. Before, she’d been afraid of Dane. Now, she couldn’t get enough of him.

  As if reading her thoughts―which she now knew he could do at times―he came to her and cupped her face gently with his hands. His mouth took hers in a languid kiss that made her bones turn liquid.

  “Try to get some sleep,” he murmured. “When I return, I promise you . . . you will need your stamina.” His voice was a deep growl, then he tugged her lips into two more passionate kisses. “I will be back as soon as possible.”

  He released her, and she instantly missed his warmth. She blinked several times to clear her brain. “With my father?”

  “That’s the plan.” Then he turned and was gone before she could ask anything more.

  She was all alone.

  The desperation that accompanied the emptiness washed over her. Doubts surfaced. Again, she reflected on her father. He was all she had. An optimistic part of her wanted to add Dane in the mix. They were blood mates, after all. But what did that really mean other than desire?

  But there was one thing she wondered above all else: Could she trust him? Could she rely on him?

  She didn’t know, but she guessed she would soon
find out.

  ~ ~ ~

  It had been mere seconds since he left her, yet Victoria filled his mind as he traced. God, he’d never realized blood-mating would be like this. In fact, he had never expected to be in this situation. Ever. Other vampires had mates. Not him. His thoughts flickered to Connor Langley and his human mate. He shook his head.


  He returned to the spot of the altercation by the bridge. There, he picked up the scent of his foe. Combined with the remembered taste of the vamp’s blood, it was easy to follow his trail. Dane traced again, this time going several miles across town to a small stone cottage. He paused and inhaled, picking up the aroma of four different bodies: the vamp from the bridge, Victoria’s father, a human female, and one other man. Dane moved closer to the building with caution. If he could scent them, it stood to reason they could track him, too.

  The barest light glowed from inside the building. His best tool would be the element of surprise, which he was damned iffy about. The longer he lingered, the more likely they would notice him. He had to move.

  Dane traced into the room, and everyone gasped, quieting immediately. In a heartbeat, he had the vamp leader, the alpha male who had not been at the bridge, pressed against the wall, a thigh-sized forearm pressed beneath his chin. Dane eyed the viscount and the human woman. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

  In answer, Clements picked up the vampire from the bridge by the shoulders and gave him a shake hard enough to make his teeth rattle and face pale. But then the guy’s knee came up, slamming into Clements’s hip, ineffectually but solidly, and he tried to shove Clements’s arm away—just as hopelessly—as his face turned a mottled red and his fangs lengthened.


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