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Page 4

by Jessica Jarman

  Drew shook his head and started up the bank toward the cabin, Isaac’s chuckle ringing in his ears. Walking through the front door, he saw everyone was already crowded around the table eating. It didn’t escape his notice that Kyle was right next to Katie, pressed close to her side. Drew sat between Grace and Matt, one of the other men from the farm, and started in on his meal. He barely tasted the roasted chicken and vegetables as he watched Katie across the table. Kyle kept a steady stream of conversation, but it was mostly one-sided. She looked up, brow furrowed slightly, and met Drew’s gaze, holding it for several long moments.

  “More vegetables, Katie?” Grace asked, bowl in her hand.

  “No, thank you. I’m almost full already.”

  Drew glanced down at her plate and clenched his jaw. There was barely any food on there, and it clearly hadn’t been touched. Katie picked up her fork and began moving food across the dish as conversation flowed around them, but not once did she lift a bite to her mouth.

  Silence fell when Drew slammed his own fork down and stood, his chair flying back. He rounded the table, pulled Katie’s chair out and, grasping her elbow, yanked her to her feet.

  “Drew?” Chloe called out after him as he dragged Katie outside with him.

  Katie struggled against his grip, but he paid no mind as he guided her to his cabin, not releasing her until she stood in the middle of the room and the door was shut firmly behind them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she cried.

  “I told you what would happen if you didn’t take care of yourself,” he said slowly.

  Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a stuttered breath. “Drew, that’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? You hadn’t taken a single bite!”

  “Yet!” she yelled. “I would have.”

  “What did you eat earlier today?” he asked, prowling closer to her.

  She opened her mouth then shut it quickly.


  “I was busy,” she countered. “We had to finish the—”

  “Everyone was busy,” he snapped. “Did Chloe eat?”

  “Of course she did! I made her some…” She trailed off.

  Drew lifted a brow, frustration bubbling in his gut. “That’s the problem, baby. You make sure everyone else is taken care of and don’t bother with yourself. And that is not acceptable.”

  She scrubbed her hands over her face. “I was busy,” she said again.

  He stepped around her. Katie turned, her gaze on him the whole time. When he sat on the edge of the bed and held out his hand, she gave a small shake of her head.

  “Come here,” he said firmly.

  She looked back at the door a moment then met his eyes. “Drew,” she choked out.

  “Come. Here.”

  She took a step forward and placed her trembling hand in his. “Please.”

  “Please what, baby?” he asked, pulling her to stand between his knees, fully expecting her to ask him not to do this.

  She swallowed loudly then licked her lips. “I-I don’t know.”

  Her whispered admission satisfied him. He moved quickly, causing her to gasp in surprise as she found herself face down across his lap, his fingers circling both her thin wrists at the small of her back. When he slid the fingers of his free hand beneath her shorts and panties, she wiggled and fought his hold.


  “Shhh.” He pulled the garments down to her knees easily as the clothing was so loose on her frame. Leaning down until his lips brushed the shell of her ear, he spoke. “You need to remember how important you are. What you’re doing to yourself isn’t acceptable, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, a shiver dancing through her body.

  “Ten, I think.” He pressed his lips to her ear then straightened.

  “Ten, but that’s…” She moaned as his hand settled on her bare ass.

  “Ten,” he repeated, biting the inside of his cheek at the slight bump of her hips up into his touch. “And you’re going to count for me, baby.”

  Her whimper was muffled as she pressed her face against the mattress.

  Raising his hand, he brought it down swiftly without warning. The slap of flesh mingled with her surprised cry. His hand above his head again, he waited.

  “Katie,” he said, his voice rough.

  She turned her head and whispered, “One.”

  “I can’t hear you,” he warned.

  “One!” The word echoed through the small room.

  “Good girl.” Smack.


  By the time she gasped, “five,” she was lifting her ass for his blows, and his cock was harder than it’d ever been. He held back from grinding it against her soft belly and focused on her pert ass, which was rosy and warm from his attention.


  Her voice broke, and he let his hand rest against the heat of her skin and looked at her face. Her eyes were shut but her cheeks were damp with tears. He rubbed her enflamed skin and bent to kiss her temple.

  “You’re doing so well,” he murmured. “You needed this, didn’t you?”

  Her body shook as she inhaled and a sob burst from her lips then she nodded. He squeezed the taut globe of her ass and tightened his grip on her wrists. She moaned in response.

  “So busy worrying about everyone else, but who looks after you?” Smack.

  “S-s—” She gulped. “Seven.”

  “Who’s here for you, baby? Who the hell makes sure Katie has what she needs?” Smack.

  “Eight.” She craned her neck to try to look at him with glassy eyes. “You. You do all that.”

  He stilled, his hand trembling in the air. His cock throbbed and heat raced along his spine, pooling in his balls. When she relaxed again, her cheek against the quilt, he brought his hand down hard. Smack.


  “But I haven’t been here, have I?” He trailed his fingertips along her crease, careful to just skim lightly, not dipping inside. Bending forward again, he buried his face in her hair, inhaled her sweet scent. “I’ve been selfish. I’m sorry for that, baby. So sorry.”

  Her whole body quaked as she wept, not holding back any longer. When he realized it was his name she was sobbing over and over, he thought he’d burst.

  “Ask me,” he bit out. “Ask me to finish this, Katie. To give you what you need.”

  “Drew, please,” she cried brokenly, wiggling her hips. “I need… I need… Oh God, please, Drew, I need.”

  He connected palm to ass a final time—smack—and Katie screamed, “Ten!”

  Releasing her wrists, he brought both hands to her ass and stroked. He couldn’t describe what he felt at the sight and feel of her pinkened, blazing skin under his hands, her body boneless in his lap, but it filled him up, gave him a sense of completeness, rightness that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. When she shifted, he didn’t stop her. What would she do? Bolt for the door and refuse to look at him for days? No, he didn’t exactly expect that but…what she did do took his breath away.

  She slipped off of his lap to the floor between his legs. On her knees, she leaned into him, hands resting on his thighs. Drew closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. He ran his hands up and down her back as her breathing slowed to normal.

  After several minutes, he cupped her tear-stained face and pulled her away gently.

  “You did so well,” he praised, kissing her forehead. “So well, baby.”

  When he straightened, she stared at him, brown eyes glistening, her full lips swollen, slight dents where her teeth had worried them. He rubbed a thumb over the bottom one and smiled down at her.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. “My sweet, good girl.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but then stopped with a frown.

  “What?” he asked. “You can say anything, baby.”

  She shook her head and scooted forward, burrowing into him again. He let it go, this time, and just held her. All the while trying
to calm his racing heart.

  Chapter Four

  Katie saw the curious looks from everyone when she and Drew returned to the main cabin. Her eyes were probably still red from crying, and she couldn’t hold back the sharp intake of breath as she sat in the chair Drew held out for her. Her ass was on fire, but the stinging pain didn’t disturb her. If anything, it calmed her down. She didn’t understand it at all. Drew laid his hand on her shoulder, thumb brushing along her collarbone lazily, and nodded to her plate. After she took her first bite, he gave her a small smile then walked to his seat to finish his own meal. During this, nobody said a word, all pretending not to stare at the pair.

  Drew, having cleaned his plate fairly quickly, didn’t stand again until Katie had eaten everything on her plate. When Chloe asked if she’d like some more, Katie found herself looking at Drew for the answer, which made his sister look at him with a slight frown.

  “Can you eat anymore?” he asked quietly.

  Shaking her head, she pressed a hand to her stomach, which threatened to rebel, as it always did when she ate after long periods without.

  “Then clear your place,” he instructed, moving to his feet to do the same with his dishes.

  “What the—” Chloe stood as well, looking as if she were ready to begin a serious interrogation, which she probably was.

  “Chloe.” Grabbing her hand, Isaac prevented her from continuing and led his partner outside. But not before Drew was on the receiving end of a mighty glare.

  Katie deposited her dishes into the basin and began to pump water into it. Drew reached around her and placed his dishes atop hers.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his breath whispering across her cheek.

  She closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the counter. “Yes.”

  “Do you need to rest?”

  A bubble of laughter, slightly strained, fell from her mouth. “No, I’ll help with the clean up. I’m not quite ready to sit again just yet,” she said as quietly as she could.

  “Hmmm, all right. I’ll be outside.”

  She hesitated but then looked over her shoulder with a cheeky smile. “Beware Chloe; she may be lying in wait.”

  He chuckled and slid a finger down the bridge of her nose. “Noted.”

  After he left, Katie walked to the woodstove for the kettle and added hot water to the basin. As she washed dishes, she heard the door opening and closing several times. When she glanced back, she saw Chloe had come back inside and was helping Grace clear the table. Everyone else had left.

  “So, Isaac told me to leave it be, but…” Chloe set some cups next to the basin and looked at Katie through narrowed eyes. “What was that with Drew?”

  “What do you mean?” Playing dumb seemed like a solid plan at the moment.

  “You practically asked him permission to be done with supper, for crying out loud. Not to mention him dragging you out of here before that. And,” she pressed her lips together, “it’s obvious you’d been crying. What did my idiot brother do to make you cry?”

  “Did you ask him?” Katie asked simply.

  “Of course I did!”


  Chloe huffed. “He wouldn’t tell me.”

  Katie looked at her, lifting her brows.

  “No.” The other woman shook her head. “I love him, but if he’s bothering you, upsetting you, that is not okay.”

  “It’s not like that,” Katie protested.

  “Then what is it like?” Chloe’s voice rose with each word.

  “Enough.” Grace took Chloe by the shoulders and led her to the table to sit. “This is between Drew and Katie. Let’s respect that.”

  “Oh and you’re not the least bit curious?”

  Grace laughed and brought the last of the dishes over to Katie. “More than a bit, but I know these two. Badgering them isn’t going to get you anywhere. Stubborn, they are.” She patted Katie on the cheek then looked at her intently. “Besides, Katie knows she can talk to us. That if something were really wrong, we’d do anything for her.” She waited until Katie nodded before walking back to Chloe. “So relax and quit stressing yourself out.”

  Drying her hands on a towel, Katie plopped onto the chair beside Chloe—completely forgetting about the tender state of her backside. She bit the insides of her cheeks and managed—barely—not to whimper.

  “Chloe, everything is fine between me and Drew,” she assured when she could speak again.

  “But you argued?” Chloe prodded.

  “Yes,” Katie admitted. “But that’s nothing new, right? We argued, talked it out and made up. End of story.”

  “But the whole thing after…”

  “I think Drew was just concerned about Katie not eating enough. Was that it?” Grace asked.

  “Yeah, and I just wanted him to know that I was taking what he said seriously.” Katie dropped her head onto Chloe’s shoulder. “Don’t be upset with him, and don’t worry about it, okay?

  “Okay.” Reaching a hand up, she laid it on Katie’s cheek. “You’re much nicer than my brother. He just told me to fuck off and mind my own business.”

  Katie snorted. “Nice.”

  “Come on, let’s get this done and join everyone by the fire. It’s a beautiful night tonight.” Grace rested a hand on each of the other women’s heads a moment before moving to put dishes away.

  They made quick work of the rest of the cleanup, and together, walked out to join the others. The question in Katie’s head—whether to sit beside Drew or not—was answered when she saw there was no room with Charlotte on his one side and Jack on the other. Drew looked up from the conversation he was having with Jack when she approached. His lips quirked a bit when she settled gingerly onto one of the blankets beside Ethan. Grace sat on Ethan’s other side, squeezing between him and Noah. Chloe poked at Isaac, who was next to Jack, with the toe of her boot. Instead of moving over, he pulled her down into his lap, resting his hands on her belly.

  “I was hoping you’d be out soon,” Kyle stated as he sat next to Katie. “I guess all I had to do was leave for a bit, huh?”

  “How’s the ankle?” Katie asked, glancing at him.

  “Good.” He grinned at her. “Thanks to your care, I’m sure.”

  “Happy to help,” she murmured, staring into the fire. Ethan wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned into him.

  “I can chase him away with a shotgun, if you want,” he whispered in her ear, pulling a loud laugh from her and earning her a couple curious glances.

  She shook her head. “No need to be so overprotective, papa bear,” she teased, calling him by the old nickname she hadn’t used in years.

  He clucked his tongue. “Always going to be when it comes to you, sweetie.”

  She couldn’t help the happy smile that curved her lips. Even if she fell apart when Drew was away, she was so lucky to have this family who took her in without hesitation and loved her. She’d learned early on Ethan’s growl was much, much worse than his bite. At least where his family—Katie included—was concerned. Anyone else? Well, they should be terrified if they posed any threat to Ethan’s loved ones. Of course, the same could be said for Noah, Jack, and Isaac. And Drew. She lifted her gaze and found his on her. She straightened and sighed at the sting of her ass as she shifted more firmly against the ground.

  “So, have you thought about what I said?” Kyle asked, setting a hand on her knee and squeezing.

  “Hmmm?” She frowned.

  “About visiting the farm. I’d show you a good time. Riding, swimming in the pond, getting to know each other better.” He slid his hand up her thigh a couple inches.

  She covered it with hers, stopping its journey. “Haven’t had much time to consider it,” she pointed out, not unkindly, but firmly. “And that happening before the winter is unlikely.”

  He scooted closer and, lowering his voice, said, “We’ll just have to do the getting to know each other while I’m here then.”

  “I guess so,” she said with
a forced smile.

  Katie didn’t want to be rude. Kyle wasn’t really being inappropriate or anything. He was flirty, yes, but there wasn’t much harm in that. He was cute, to be sure, and friendly. If things were different, she might have explored the possibility of Kyle. As it stood, there wasn’t any reason for her to be a bitch to him.

  “You’re awfully young,” he said. “You probably don’t even remember life before, do you?”

  She chuckled. “I’m not that young. I was eight when the solar flare hit, so I remember things. Video games, movies, cars, school…” She shrugged. “What about you?”

  “I was in high school,” he stated. “After the flare, we packed up and headed to the farm—it was my grandparents, you know? Lost them to the virus, but my parents pulled through. We were lucky.” He turned his hand over and laced their fingers together. “I guess we both were; you found this group.”

  “Yeah.” She glanced around the fire and smiled. “Very lucky.”

  When her gaze landed on Drew, she found his on her again. Or rather on her and Kyle’s linked hands. His jaw was clenched tight and his nostrils flared. She pulled slightly, but Kyle tightened his grip—not meanly, just a squeeze. Drew lifted his eyes to her face, his displeasure clear in every line of his body.

  Then, Charlotte reached over and rubbed her palm over Drew’s cheek and chin. “When are you going to shave this scruff off?” she teased. “Prickly man.”

  Anger flared, hot and vicious, and Katie gritted her teeth as the two joked and laughed. When Charlotte leaned in close, her lips practically touching Drew’s ear and her hand almost on his crotch, Katie seethed. She pulled her hand free form Kyle’s grip and stood shakily.

  “Excuse me,” she muttered and walked away.

  She slipped past the main building toward the outhouse, but not having to go, she stopped and leaned against the outside wall of the cabin. Shutting her eyes against the tears, Katie berated herself. Things hadn’t changed like she’d thought they had apparently. After what had happened between her and Drew, she figured… She shook her head. It didn’t matter.


  She recognized Kyle’s voice and inhaled deeply before opening her eyes. He stood close to her, and she could just make out his features in the darkening night.


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