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Page 7

by Jessica Jarman

  Opening his jeans and pushing them and his drawers just enough to free his erection, he palmed her hips and pressed against her ass. Draping himself over her, he kissed the nape of her neck. The salty tang of her sweat overwhelmed his senses.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, straightening and grasping his cock. “Asking so nicely.”

  A throaty moan escaped her when he positioned himself, rubbing against her entrance.

  “One day, I’m going to keep you on the edge for hours,” he promised, pushing slowly into her. “Until you’re sobbing, begging me to let you come. But you won’t, will you?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Not until I say so.” He bottomed out and pleasure licked his spine as her heat surrounded him fully. “Because you belong to me, don’t you?” He withdrew and slammed back into her.

  He held her hips firmly, not letting her move at all as he shafted in and out of her. Then, running a hand up her sweat-slicked back, he wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled her head back. Her gasp was like a caress on his over sensitized skin.

  “Don’t you?” he repeated. “You’re mine.”

  “God, yes.”

  “All mine.”

  Drew wound his arm around her waist then moved his hand from her hair to her throat. He’d noticed her reaction earlier and wasn’t disappointed when she sobbed at the weight of his fingers on the delicate column. With her now upright and flush against him, he shifted them forward until her front pressed to the rough wall. Hips snapping furiously, he fucked her.

  “And when I finally say yes,” he growled into her ear, “when I allow you to come all over me, you will go out of your mind with how good it is. And when it’s all over, you’ll beg for more. You’ll never get enough of this, of us.”

  Katie clawed at the arm around her waist, little moans pushing past her lips each time he thrust into her.

  “May…may I come again?”

  Drew grinned into her hair even as his balls tightened and his orgasm threatened. She sounded absolutely wrecked.

  “Hmmm,” was his only response as he shoved in even harder.

  “Please, may I come?”

  He slid his palm over her stomach and tapped her clit firmly. “Just hold on, baby.”

  “Oh…oh don’t…” she cried when he repeated the action. “I’m gonna come, I can’t…”

  “You can,” he promised. “You can wait, wait until I say yes.” He pumped in and out, slapping her clit erratically so she never knew when to expect it. He knew he was pushing her, but he wanted to see just how far he could. Needed to learn her limits.

  “No, no, no…” She shook her head, the action pressing her throat harder into his palm. “May I come? Please, may I come? May I come?” She kept repeating the question, sobbing it as she tried to hold on.

  “Good girl, you’re doing so fucking well. Come on my cock, baby.” He tapped her clit again, harder than before, and her pussy spasmed wildly around his length. She screamed his name as her body shoved him forcefully into his own release. Spurt and spurt, he filled her with his seed, hips stuttering as he peaked.

  He held her up, barely, when she went limp in his arms. Hissing when he slipped out, he guided her to his bed, yanked the covers down and laid her on the mattress. She immediately curled up on her side and, after removing his clothes, he climbed in behind her.

  “S’only the afternoon. Can’t sleep,” she muttered, even as she snuggled back into his embrace.

  “Just a short nap. We have time for that.” He kissed her shoulder, rubbed his lips against her soft skin. “You did beautifully,” he whispered. “Fucking beautifully.”

  “Thank you for making me feel so good, for taking such good care of me.” She pressed her face sleepily into the pillow.

  He rested his forehead to the nape her neck, and everything felt right.

  Chapter Six

  Drew groaned as he felt the bed shift. “Don’t go.”

  Katie’s throaty laugh had his cock twitching, and he groaned again.

  “We slept long enough. People are going to come looking for us.” She kissed him on the forehead.

  He opened one eye to look at the windup clock on the table. She was right. Their absence had been noticed, he was sure, and it was only a matter of time before a knock would sound on the door. A door, he was happy to say, he’d remembered to lock. Both eyes open now, he watched Katie shimmy into her panties and shorts. And pulled a pout when she turned around, tugging her shirt over her head. She chuckled and slipped her shoes on.

  “I’d like nothing more than to climb back in bed, but there’s work to be done.”

  He grabbed her hand and yanked her down on top of him. “Not letting you go.”

  “I hope not,” she murmured.

  “Hmmm never.”

  “Just think, soon enough it’ll be winter and there will be days we can just laze around in bed all day long if that’s what we want.” She lifted her head and grinned at him.

  “Will you be naked the whole time?”

  “If you like.”

  “Yeah, as if I’d refuse that.” Arm around her waist, he sat up, maneuvering her into sitting on his lap.

  She combed her fingers through his hair, in an attempt, he supposed, to tame the wild bed head he was prone to. “I’ll see you in a bit?”

  “Yeah.” He kissed her, hard and fast, then helped her stand.

  After she left, he quickly dressed and went to finish fixing his roof. Looking over, he saw she was working in the garden again. She lifted her head and caught him watching her. He raised his hand and waved at her. She returned the gesture and, after glancing around, blew him a kiss. He laughed, feeling ridiculously happy, and turned his attention to the task at hand.

  Several hours later, he hammered the last nail and moved to sit on the edge of the roof, dangling his feet. Using his forearm to wipe his brow, he sighed and contemplated a dip in the river to rid his body of the sweat and, he was sure, the stink clinging to him.

  Chloe stepped out onto the main cabin’s porch, cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, “Dinner’s nearly done; get cleaned up!”

  Drew scanned the yard and his gaze settled on Katie who stood near the shed. With Kyle. Drew scowled. Katie was shaking her head, and she started to walk away. Kyle grabbed her arm, stopping her. Before Drew could get to the ladder, Katie yanked out of Kyle’s grasp. He couldn’t hear what she was saying, but whatever it was, Drew was happy he wasn’t on the receiving end of it. He admired the sway of her hips as she stormed to the main cabin then returned his gaze to the other man. Making sure he knew Katie was off limits was at the top of Drew’s to-do list.

  He left the roof, changed into a pair of shorts before grabbing some soap and a towel, and walked barefoot down to the river. Dropping the towel onto the bank, Drew waded into the river, gritting his teeth as the cool water lapped around him. He moved to where it was deeper and dunked under. By the time he finished washing, he was well used to the water temperature and spent a few minutes floating and swimming. When he heard his name bellowed—damn, Chloe’s voice could carry—he left the water, wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way back to his cabin to dress.

  When he strolled into the main cabin a short time later, he continued until he stood next to Katie’s chair. She tilted her head to look at him, brow furrowed slightly. He said nothing, just bent at the waist and took her mouth, catching her gasp. Her hands came to his back, curling into his T-shirt as he tasted her. When he broke the kiss, her chest rose and fell rapidly, but her lips curved slowly into a big smile. He turned his head to look at Kyle, who gaped at them.

  “You’re in my seat,” Drew snapped.

  “This isn’t… What?” Kyle sputtered.

  Drew narrowed his eyes. “Move.”

  Glaring at him, Kyle stood and moved around the table to the only empty chair. Drew sat in the vacated seat and settled a hand on Katie’s thigh.

  “Well, then,” Ethan drawled
. “Let’s eat.”

  Drew could feel the stares, most notably his sister’s and Charlotte’s, as he filled Katie’s plate then his own.

  “It’s too much,” Katie said under her breath, staring at her dish.

  He lifted her hand to his mouth and bussed her palm before leaning over to murmur, “Try, okay. Just as much as you can.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. Turning her head, eyes lowered, she whispered, “Yes, sir.”

  His cock swelled, and hidden by the table, he pressed her hand against his crotch so she knew how much she pleased him.

  * * * *

  “Good thing we finished the roof repairs today,” Jack said.

  Katie moved to stand beside him at the door, peering out at the rain coming down in sheets. He dropped and arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

  “Going to have to make a run for it when you turn in,” she mused.

  “Will you?” He looked down at her.

  She blinked innocently. “Don’t know what you mean; my bed’s right upstairs.”

  “Mm hmmm.” He looked back outside then murmured, “Are you happy?”

  She leaned into him. “Very.”


  The kettle whistled behind them, and she went to it. There were two fierce games of chess in play at the dining table. Grace was currently prevailing over Chloe, and Isaac and Noah were arguing over legal moves. After making two cups of tea and adding honey to one, she carried them into the living area where a fire blazed in the open fireplace. The three men from the farm—Kyle, Matt and Erik—sat on one of the long couches, discussing if the weather would interfere with their hunting plans. Ethan sat in the armchair by the window, staring into the fire, looking ready to drop. Charlotte and Drew sat on either end of the other couch, an empty cushion between them, both with books in hand. Katie walked over and set the mugs on the end table next to Drew.

  “Blue cup’s yours,” she said.

  He glanced up and accepted the kiss she dropped on his mouth. “Thanks, baby,” he murmured before returning to his book.

  Katie lowered herself to sit on the floor. Without looking, Drew opened his legs for her to scoot back between them. Once she was settled, her tea appeared next to her. Her fingers brushed Drew’s as she took her cup. She couldn’t help but smile. This little ritual—minus the kissing—was something they’d done so many times in the past it was second nature, done without thinking. She sipped her tea, feeling warm and content as she listened to the bickering over chess from across the large room.

  “Still haven’t shaved, I see?” Charlotte teased.

  Katie glanced back to see the other woman reaching over to touch Drew’s face.

  Drew leaned away and simply said, “Nope.”

  “You know some women find the scruff and whisker burn annoying,” Charlotte pointed out.

  “I like your scruff,” Katie said, resting her cheek against his thigh.

  Drew brushed her hair back from her face. “Then it stays.”

  “Good.” She held her cup up, and he took it from her to set on the table.

  Soon, his fingers were back, combing through her hair, massaging her scalp, and she closed her eyes and sighed. She dozed a bit, and when she woke, the guys from the farm were nowhere in sight—she assumed they’d gone to the bunkhouse for the night. Now Chloe sat on the couch between Jack and Isaac, leaning against Jack as Isaac rubbed her feet. Ethan still sat in the armchair, but Noah had joined Katie on the floor. He sat between his partner’s knees as Ethan massaged his shoulders.

  Katie lifted her head, looked around and found Grace sitting between Drew and Charlotte, smooshed up against Drew, reading over his shoulder. Katie bit back a grin as Drew waited for Grace’s nod before turning the page.

  Katie yawned and put her head back on Drew’s leg.

  “It’s late.”

  She smiled at Drew’s announcement. “It is,” she agreed, rubbing her cheek against his jeans.

  “Go to bed, baby,” he said quietly, gliding a finger along her jaw line.

  “I think she’s old enough to decide if it’s time for her to go bed or not. She doesn’t need her boyfriend to do that,” Chloe drawled.

  Katie felt Drew tense.

  Charlotte laughed. “Definitely. No kids with bedtimes here yet.”

  Katie’s cheeks heated as she stood, grabbing the empty teacups from the end table. She knew Drew watched her as she walked across to the kitchen area to rinse the dishes out.

  “Hey, Katie, let’s play a game of chess,” Chloe called out, pushing herself to her feet.

  “No, thanks,” she said with forced cheerfulness. This was what she dreaded. Everything felt so right with Drew, until she had to face what other people thought. She knew she shouldn’t care. She shouldn’t, but…

  “I actually am really tired. I think I’ll turn in.”

  “Oh, come on, a game won’t take that long. We haven’t played in forever!” Chloe moved to the table and started setting up the board again.

  “Leave her alone, Chloe. She doesn’t want to play,” Drew said firmly.

  “You should leave her alone and let her make her own decisions. I thought I taught you better than to lord over your girlfriend,” she said jokingly though she stared at her brother through narrowed eyes.

  “Chloe,” Jack said warningly. “Clearly this is making Katie uncomfortable.”

  Katie realized she was just standing at the water pump, frozen, like a scared deer.

  “Of course she’s uncomfortable!” Chloe exclaimed. “She and Drew are in a brand new relationship—which is lovely, by the way—and suddenly, he thinks he can control every detail of her life.”

  Glancing at Drew in desperation, Katie saw Grace talking softly to him while he stared down his sister. He stood then and strode past Chloe to Katie. He took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.

  “Do you want to sleep here or in my cabin?” he asked quietly.

  Katie shook her head. “I don’t…”

  “Don’t think about my sister or anyone else here,” he ordered, moving closer. “You’re exhausted; you were already falling asleep.”

  “But—” She glanced past him.

  “Katie,” he said, jaw tight. “They don’t matter right now. What they think or say doesn’t matter. Not one fucking bit. What does matter?”

  “You,” she whispered automatically. “Pleasing you.”

  The tension in Drew’s body eased immediately, and he beamed at her. When he’d asked her what mattered, he’d wanted, expected her to answer, “taking care of myself”. But fuck him if her response didn’t make everything and everyone else disappear.

  He pulled her against him, wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled the soft skin behind her ear. “Good girl. It’s time to go to bed, now. Where do you want to sleep?”

  “Wherever pleases you.” She kissed his neck wetly, sending a shiver down his spine.

  “Let’s go.” Releasing her, he placed his hand on the small over her back and guided her to the front door.

  “What a minute. You can’t just drag her out of here,” Chloe protested.

  Katie surprised Drew, who’d simply planned on ignoring his sister for the moment and dealing with her tomorrow, by stopping and turning around.

  “He’s not dragging me anywhere.” Her voice was quiet but lined with steel. “Or forcing me to do anything I don’t want to do. I was taught to expect better than that.” She glanced around the room. “By all of you. I know that this is coming from a place of love and concern, but since I am, as you pointed out, a grown woman who can make her own decisions, I’d ask you to respect those decisions. Good night.”

  Together, they walked out and ran through the drizzle to Drew’s cabin. Fumbling in the dark, Drew lit the lantern on the table. When the soft glow filled the room, he led Katie to the bed. Slowly he removed her rain damp clothes and gestured for her to climb under the covers. He turned down the lantern, took off his own clothes and slid
in next to her.

  He rolled onto his side and propped his head on his bent arm. With his free hand, Drew traced along the curves of Katie’s face. She blinked sleepily at him.

  “Do you want to know what pleases me most?” he murmured.


  He lowered his head and kissed her lips before answering.


  Chapter Seven

  When Katie woke the next morning, she couldn’t help but smile before she even opened her eyes. Drew’s arm was heavy around her waist, his body warmly pressed against her back and his face was buried in her hair. She felt safe, happy. Whole in a way she’d never felt before. And it was because of Drew.

  She eased his arm off her and slowly slid out of bed. Quiet as she could, she dressed and left the small cabin. The rain had stopped sometime during the night, but the grass was still damp and droplets fell from the surrounding trees with the gentle breeze. After a detour to the outhouse, she let herself into the main cabin. She went to the pump and washed up before heading up to the loft to change into fresh clothes. She heard movement downstairs as she readied herself for the day. Despite the nervousness jumping around in her belly, she went down as soon as she was finished.

  “Good morning,” she said as she approached Ethan and Noah.

  They’d been talking quietly as Noah started a fire in the cook stove.

  “Good morning,” Ethan said, lips curving. “We’re letting Grace have a late lie in, so you’re stuck with us cooking breakfast. Did you sleep well?”

  That was it? She’d expected…something after last night.

  “I did,” she said slowly.

  “Good,” Noah said. “Would you fill the kettle, Katie?”

  She frowned as she did so. After she set it on the stove, she let out a surprised shriek as Ethan grabbed her around the waist and hugged her.

  “Don’t look so scared,” he said, releasing her. “It’s like you expect us to jump all over you.”


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