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An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3)

Page 18

by K. C. Lynn

“Enough about this shit. What are we doing tonight?”

  With a smile, I swipe the black backwards hat from his head and put it on mine, angling it the same way. My fingers run through his messy hair as I brush a kiss across his lips. “Hmm, I have a few ideas in mind.”

  A growl erupts from him, his fingers digging into my supple flesh. “Me, too. For starters, I’m going to fuck you with nothing but my hat on your head.”

  He silences my giggle with a fiery kiss, stealing my breath and kicking my heart into overdrive. Just before things can get too hot and heavy, a buzzer sounds, alerting us someone is at the door.

  Kolan pulls back with a heated curse. “Wait here. Don’t move,” he orders, placing me on my feet and turning to walk away.

  “Yes, sir.” I salute him.

  His strides stop, body tensing before he twists back to me. My breath catches at the stark hunger burning in his eyes. “Be careful, Sophie, that smart mouth can get you in a whole lot of trouble.”

  The warning hangs heavy in the air as he walks away.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about that ‘trouble.’ He’s been holding back with me, but the more I see him conceal that darkness, the more I want it unleashed. I want to know all of him, even the dark parts, but I’m not sure I’m ready yet.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Kolan’s surprised voice interrupts my thoughts.

  Frowning, I walk into the house to see Benny standing at the front door with his backpack on and a gift bag in his hand.

  “Hello to you too, Champ,” he greets Kolan with a punch in the arm. “For your information, I’m here to see your girlfriend.”

  A smile forms on my lips as he passes by Kolan, moving toward me. It dies quickly though when his young brown eyes drop to my neck and widen in horror. It’s then I remember I’m not wearing a scarf. I get the urge to cover my throat but know it’s too late.

  “Hi, Benny,” I greet him quietly.

  His eyes snap back up to mine. “Hey, Lia. Uhhh…I mean, Sophie.”

  Guilt strikes me deep. I hate that I deceived him, even if it was necessary.

  He comes to stand in front of me. “I’m sorry about what happened to you at your house.”

  “How do you know about that?” Kolan asks.

  Benny turns back to him. “I heard Sarge and the guys talking about it in the office,” he explains. “So, what are we going to do about this mofo? I’m ready to kick some ass.” He follows up his words by punching a tiny fist into his open hand.

  “We are not doing anything,” Kolan tells him.

  “What do you mean? He messed with our girl, we gotta do somethin’.”

  As much as his comment warms my heart, it also has dread settling in my stomach. The last thing I want is Benny getting mixed up in this.

  “I will take care of it,” Kolan says. “You are staying out of it. I mean it, Benny. This isn’t a joke.”

  “He’s right,” I cut in. “I love you for having my back, Benny, but we need to let the police handle this. Okay?”

  His little shoulders slump in defeat. “Yeah, okay.” He hands me the small gift bag in his hand. “I came by to check on you and give you this.”

  My smile returns as I accept it, my heart lighting up. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

  He shrugs as if it isn’t a big deal. “It’s nothing much. Just something I made in one of my class workshops.”

  Intrigued, I kneel down on the floor to open it. Reaching into the bag, I pull out a metal bangle bracelet. It’s thicker than most and molded crooked. There’s a single dangling heart charm that’s been glued on. It’s messy and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  “You made this for me?” I ask, emotion working its way up my throat.

  His feet shuffle nervously. “Yeah. You don’t have to wear it or anything. I would have bought you something nice, but I don’t have any money.”

  My blurry eyes snap to his. “Oh no, Benny. This is perfect. It’s much more special than anything you could have bought for me,” I tell him. “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever given me.”

  “Really?” he asks.


  He looks over at Kolan. “Hear that, Champ? Nicest thing she’s ever gotten.”

  A grunt escapes him but there’s no denying how proud he is of Benny’s gesture.

  With a watery laugh, I pull Benny into a hug. “Thank you so much. I will cherish this forever.”

  “You’re welcome,” he responds quietly, his small arms squeezing me tight.

  Kolan ends up breaking our moment. “If you’re done hitting on my woman, you mind telling me how you got here?”

  “By taxi,” he says.

  “A taxi?” Kolan asks in disbelief. “How the hell did you pay for that?”

  “I haven’t. He’s outside waiting for you. You better hurry because the meter is running.”

  A laugh bursts out of me at the incredulous expression on Kolan’s face.

  “Are you kidding me right now?”


  Shaking his head, he mutters something before opening the front door and walking outside.

  Benny flashes me that cheeky grin of his. “I think he missed me.”

  “I think so, too. I know I did.” Every time I’m around this boy, he lights up my heart and makes me laugh like no other.

  My admission earns me another radiant smile.

  Kolan storms back in the house, not sharing in our amusement. “You owe me a hundred bucks.”

  “How about we call it even for me helping you kick Cortez’s ass.”

  Kolan looks less than enthused about that idea. “Does your mom even know you’re here?”

  “Yep. But she doesn’t know it was by taxi. She thinks you came and picked me up, so stick with the story, will ya?”

  “Why didn’t you call or text me? That’s why I bought you the damn phone.”

  “Because I knew you probably wouldn’t let me come. You’re greedy when it comes to her,” he says, jerking his thumb at me.

  I cover my mouth to muffle my laughter, knowing it won’t be appreciated at the moment.

  Kolan shakes his head, getting more frustrated by the second. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is that you just took a cab here by yourself?”

  “Come on, Champ, ease up. My mom’s working late tonight. I brought my swim trunks. Thought we could have a pool party and get some grub. What do you think, Li—I mean, Sophie?” he asks, looking at me hopefully.

  “I think it sounds like a lot of fun. If it’s okay with Kolan.”

  “See, even your girlfriend wants to. You don’t want to disappoint her, do you?”

  I worry for Benny’s safety when Kolan starts toward him, his eyes hard. Grabbing the front of his shirt, he lifts the small boy off his feet, bringing him eye level. Benny kicks the air with a laugh, his small hands wrapping around Kolan’s wrist.

  “Next time, you call before you come,” Kolan says. “And you never take a taxi alone again. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  Kolan flips him upside down, holding him up by his ankle. Benny laughs hysterically as he’s carried into the spare room and tossed on the bed. “Get dressed. I’ll meet you outside.”

  “Make sure you order lots of pizza. I’m hungry,” he yells, just as Kolan closes the door.

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip, trying to hold back my laughter as Kolan turns to look at me. “You have to admit, he’s quite resourceful.”

  With a grunt, he strides over to me, taking me in his arms. “Yeah, he’s resourceful and a cock-blocker.”

  Another laugh leaves me. “Don’t worry, Slade, it’ll only be for a few hours then I’m all yours.”

  Instead of smiling back, he stares down at me, eyes somber. “Come in the water with us, Soph. You can wear my sister’s bathing suit.”

  I shake my head, panic striking me at the thought. “I don’t think so. I’ll just watch.”

Come on, baby. I’ve seen every inch of your beautiful body. You have nothing to hide or feel ashamed of.”

  I give him an appreciative smile but it’s sad.

  “Come be with us,” he pushes, diminishing my resolve.

  “Okay,” I relent with an anxious breath, unable to deny him.

  Once Benny exits the spare room, Kolan grabs his sister’s bathing suit, leaving it on the bed for me before heading to change. I stare down at the two scraps of material for a long time before finding the courage to put it on.

  I turn toward the mirror, making sure to only look from my chest down. The white bikini fits well and is something I would have worn years ago to the beach when I lived in California. A smile takes over my face as I remember how Tess and I used to drive my dad crazy with our choice of bathing suits, despite how modest they were.

  Pushing the thought away, I collect a deep breath and walk out of the room to hear Benny’s laughter trailing into the house. I’m barely able to make out the sweet sound through my pounding heart. The moment I step outside, the sun embraces me, soothing my nerves and dancing along my skin. Skin that hasn’t felt the sun in so long.

  Benny and Kolan stand next to the pool, playing catch, but it quits the moment Kolan spots me. His body stiffens. I can’t see his eyes since his aviators shield them, but I swear I can feel them. Over every bare inch of me.

  Why this makes me so nervous I don’t know, especially when he has seen me completely nude, but for some reason this feels different.

  “Come on, Champ. What are you waiting for?” Benny asks with his hands in the air, waiting for the ball to come back to him. When he clues in to where Kolan’s attention is, he turns around to face me. “Whoa,” he breathes, making me feel even more nervous.

  My stomach lurches as I fight every instinct not to run back into the house and hide.

  Kolan finally moves, shoving Benny into the pool as he passes him. My eyes grow wide, heart dancing wildly as he stalks toward me.

  I gasp as he jerks me against him. His hand weaves into my hair as he tilts my head back and claims my mouth in a possessive kiss.

  I grab onto his hard shoulders to steady myself, his intoxicating flavor sending my senses reeling. When he pulls back, it takes me a moment to catch my breath. When I finally manage to open my eyes, I see his handsome face hovering inches from mine.

  “Hi,” I say through short breaths.

  His lips quirk in amusement. “Hey, baby.”

  “So uh…the bathing suit fits.”

  A low growl rumbles from his chest. “Yeah, I see that. You look really fucking good, Soph.” Leaning in, he brings his lips to the jagged skin of my throat, loving the ugliest part of me.

  “Yeah?” I ask breathlessly, my fingers digging into his strong shoulders.

  “Yeah, and if I didn’t have a kid here right now, I would show you by bending you over one of these lounge chairs and fucking you senseless.” His hand lands across my ass, the delectable sting pushing a fiery whimper past my lips.

  Oh god.

  Seconds later, my feet leave the ground as he gathers me in his arms, bringing my back flush to his hard chest. His purposeful strides have but one destination.

  “What on earth are you doing?” I squeal, squirming to get free.

  “Getting you wet.” He chuckles just before sending us into the pool.

  The cool water explodes through my body, cleansing my skin and refreshing my soul.

  “All right!” Benny cheers as I clear the surface.

  With a sputter, I push against Kolan’s chest, but he keeps me locked in his arms. “You could give a girl some warning, ya know.”

  “That wouldn’t be as fun.”

  “You’re going to pay for that, Slade.”

  A dirty grin lifts his lips. “Give it your best, baby.”

  Bracing my hands on his broad shoulders, I try with all my might to push him down, but he goes nowhere.

  “Have no fear, Sophie, I’ll save you,” Benny bellows in a deep voice. I turn to see him out of the pool, backing up with enough distance to come running for us.

  “Shit!” Kolan pushes me out of the way, catching Benny’s small body as he sails through the air before sending him into the water headfirst.

  “Aw, man, I almost had you,” Benny grumbles when he floats back up. “Come on, Sophie. Help me.”

  With a laugh, I launch for Kolan the same time Benny does, my heart lighter and happier than it has been in a really long time.



  Later that night, I walk outside to take a call from Sarge and get caught up on everything I’ve missed the past few days, especially the youth. When he informs me that Benny took it upon himself to be in charge until I return, I can’t help but grunt.


  However, after the way he put a smile on Sophie’s face today with that bracelet, he can pretty much have whatever the fuck he wants. That kid might be a pain in my ass, but I have to admit he’s smooth. It made me wish I had thought to do something like that. Instead, I’ve been burying myself in her every chance I get, making her moan and scream my name…

  The thought has me adjusting myself. I’ve been as hard as a goddamn rock since she walked out in that bathing suit this afternoon. It took every ounce of restraint I had not to rip that scrap of material from her sweet body and fuck her like I wanted to.

  I took her to the doctor the day after we were together and got her on birth control. Since then I’ve spent every moment I can inside of her, worshiping her in ways I never knew I was capable of. I’ve managed to keep the dark part of myself hidden, and strangely…I don’t miss it. I want to own her and claim her in ways she could never imagine, but I don’t need it. All I need is her…and the control.

  Deciding not to wait another second, I finish up with Sarge then go on the hunt, anticipation swelling in my veins. I end up finding her in my gym. Music quietly plays from the speakers as she stands in front of the floor to ceiling mirrors, staring at her reflection. She’s still in her sundress that she threw on over her bathing suit from when we drove Benny home earlier. Her expression is thoughtful as she touches the jagged scars on her slender neck.

  I come to stand behind her, my hand sweeping her long hair to the side before bringing my lips to the base of her throat.

  “It’s worse than I remember,” she whispers.

  “Is this the first time you’re seeing them?”

  She nods. “Yeah, other than when I was in the hospital. I couldn’t bear to look at them,” she admits quietly, her fingers tracing the scars. “He didn’t leave a single inch of flesh untouched.”

  “He left a lot untouched,” I say, bringing her body flush against mine.

  The back of her head rests against my chest. “I wish you would have known me before all of this. I was so different. I was fearless, confident. I smiled all the time and loved life. I never hid any part of myself. I wasn’t so…damaged.”

  “You’re far from damaged,” I tell her. “I don’t know the girl you were before but I really like the girl I’m looking at now.” My hand moves to her neck, my thumb stroking her angry skin. “This might be all you see when you look at yourself but it isn’t what anyone else sees. It’s only a small part of who you are and even that part is not flawed. We all have weaknesses, Soph, and I like that I’ve gotten to see all of yours. Trust me when I tell you, the furthest word from my mind when thinking of you is weak.”

  A smile stretches her pretty lips seconds before she turns around to face me, her arms winding around my neck. “You say the most perfect things.”

  I pull her in close. “I just speak the truth. It’s all you’ll ever get from me.”

  Rising up on her tiptoes, she feathers her lips across mine. “Dance with me.”

  Eminem coming from the speakers is far from danceable, but I find myself unable to deny her. I’d give her anything she asked for if it made her smile. My feet shift, moving us side to side in the
most awkward rhythm.

  “I really suck at this shit,” I tell her, every muscle in my body stiff. Usually I’m good on my feet, especially when I’m in the ring, but not at this. However, if I were between her legs right now, rhythm wouldn’t be a fucking issue.

  “No, you don’t,” she lies, gazing up at me with a smile on her face. “If I could choose one person to dance with for the rest of my life, it would be you, Kolan Slade.”

  I drop my hands to her ass, bringing her flush against my straining cock. “I have a better idea.”

  “Hmm, and what might that be?”

  “You dance for me.”

  She stills in my arms. “Are you serious?”

  Instead of repeating myself, I unwind her arms from around my neck and go grab the chair I have sitting in the corner, bringing it to the center of the room before taking a seat.

  A shy laugh escapes her. “You seriously want me to dance for you?”

  “Yep.” I hold her eyes, challenging her.

  With a sassy smirk, she moves toward me, her hands planting on the back of the chair on either side of my shoulders. “All right, Slade, I’ll dance for you…on one condition.”

  I lift a brow, surprised by her boldness and a little amused. “And what’s that?”

  “No touching allowed. House rules.”

  I grunt. “There are no rules, baby, because I’m the one who makes them.”

  Her smirk spreads into a full smile. “Not this time. Follow the rules or I stop.”

  The dark hunger I’ve been trying to conceal begins to claw its way to the surface.

  My fingers grasp her chin, holding her in place. “Watch it, Sophie. Tempt the beast and it’s exactly what you’ll get.”

  “Maybe it’s time I met him.”

  My muscles burn, fire surging through my blood. She has no idea what she’s asking for.

  Leaning in, she brushes her lips across my jaw before moving to my ear. “Relax, Slade, and enjoy the show.”

  It takes every ounce of control I possess not to throw her down right here and pound into her like the animal I keep caged inside.

  Stepping back, she walks over to the stereo and picks up my iPod. “What kind of selection do you have going on here?”


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