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Agent I1: Tristan [01] The D.I.R.E. Agency

Page 10

by Joni Hahn

  Tristan turned to her, his eyes somber. “Stay alert. If anyone approaches, make a lot of noise. I’ll be watching you.”

  The urge to kiss him kept her on the edge of her seat. She nodded. “Wow ‘em, Jacobs.”

  He grinned before jumping up and surveying the area. They hadn’t seen any sign of the men from yesterday. Rachel prayed they’d left town.

  Tristan stepped down into the dugout. The men he’d met at church shook his hand. Mark handed him a Creekmore Cougars t-shirt and cap. Grabbing the hem of his t-shirt, Tristan whipped it over his head. A feminine buzz erupted in the stands. Rachel wanted to throw a sheet over him.

  “Do I have drool on my chin?” Glenna asked.

  Rachel couldn’t answer, her mind bombarded with memories of her night with Tristan. Seeing his naked torso brought to mind the taste of salt on his skin, the feel of sleek, hard muscle beneath her fingertips. The tattoo reminded her of soaping his back under the shower in the cool night air.

  She wanted Tristan Jacobs. Badly.

  “Baby, meet us in the parking lot after the game.”

  “We’ll show you a home run.”

  Tristan glanced up in the stands and grinned. Rachel cringed.

  She knew those voices. The twins, Penny and Piper Burke, had slept with almost every available man in town. Now, they were after Tris.

  An old and vicious hurt chomped a hole inside Rachel’s chest. She knew she could never compete with women that looked like them.

  “Put that shit up,” Mark told Tristan. “My wife will never sleep with me again.”

  The rest of the team followed with teasing remarks and flexed biceps.

  Glenna leaned into Rachel. “Please tell me you’re sleeping with that. If you aren’t, I’m seriously going to have your head examined.”

  Tristan pulled the navy blue t-shirt over his head, threw on the matching cap and grabbed a glove off the bench. He looked back at her with a frown. She gave him a thumbs up before he jogged onto the field.

  “There’s something I haven’t told you.”

  Glenna turned to her. “What?”

  “That first night with Tristan…”


  “I had sex with him.”

  “I knew it-“

  “Several times,” Rachel continued. “In different… locations.”

  Glenna’s mouth dropped open.

  Rachel shook her head. “I was upset about Dad and the wedding, I drank too much, and…”


  “It was the most amazing night of my life.”

  Glenna threw back her head and whooped at the top of her lungs. She turned to Rachel and hugged her tight. “You’re one lucky woman.”

  Piper plopped down beside Rachel on the bench, Penny on Piper’s left. The twins always acted like they were the best of friends, as if their night with Zach hadn’t totally changed the course of Rachel’s life.

  It had all been in good fun, right?

  “Hey Rachel, who is that guy?”

  An acute, raging jealousy consumed Rachel. The uncontrollable urge to claw out their eyes made her clench her fists in her lap.

  “He’s a friend of Aidan’s from the Navy.”

  “Hmmm, really…” Penny said. She stared at Tristan standing between second and third base. “He’s totally hot.”

  Glenna leaned in front of Rachel. “Yes, and totally taken by Rachel.”


  With raised brows, the twins eyed Rachel up and down. “We’ll see.” They jumped up and left.

  “Glenna.” Rachel wanted to shake her friend. “You know that’s as good as putting a target on his… back.”

  She shrugged. “If you want him, Rachel, you’d better turn it on now. You don’t want to live through another Zach incident, do you?”

  A half hour later, Rachel sipped on a bottle of water at the top of the third inning. The score was tied at zero and Tris had not been up to bat. He played shortstop, Zach’s usual position, but hadn’t seen any action yet. She hoped he enjoyed himself. It had to be strange for someone that usually spent his evenings spying on bad guys.


  She glanced up to find Cody standing beside her, hands in the air.

  No, Cody. Not here in front of all these people.

  “I don’t want to cause trouble or anything. I just want to talk.” He dropped his hands. “This is the first chance I’ve had without that SEAL around.”

  “Cody, he’s not a SEAL-”

  “And, I’m always around.”

  Gasping, Rachel whipped around. Tristan stood below her, hand extended. The game had stopped, the entire crowd watching the spectacle in the stands.

  Cody’s face flamed. “I just want to talk to her.”

  “No, you want to marry her because she’ll inherit Ben Adams land and oil one day. Isn’t that right, Brewster?”

  Cody’s eyes went wide.

  Rachel sat stunned. “Tris, is that what he talked to you about yesterday?”

  He nodded.

  Cody launched into Tristan with a string of expletives that made Rachel’s face heat. Tristan ignored him as he clasped Rachel’s hand in his and led her down to the dugout, Glenna on her tail. They took a seat at the far corner of the bench.

  Tristan squatted in front of her. “I’m sorry you had to hear it that way, Rachel, but Cody had to know we were onto him.”

  She nodded, her head reeling. “I just can’t believe it.”

  “Ben did it after your father died – to take care of you.”

  The old curmudgeon. She loved him, too.

  “Let’s play ball,” the umpire cried.

  “Gotta go.” With a quick nod, he ran onto the field.

  Glenna clutched Rachel’s hand. “Someone told Cody about Ben’s will, Rachel. No wonder he was willing to pay your father’s medical bills. That’s pocket change compared to what Ben Adam’s assets are worth.”

  Nodding, Rachel watched Cody pace the opposing team’s dugout. Ben’s will was a shock, no doubt about it, but what worried her more was the fact that Tristan had humiliated Cody twice now. Cody never took insulting incidents lightly. Rachel felt trouble brewing.

  Glenna said, “Thank God Tristan rescued you from the church. What would you do without him?”

  A few minutes later, the team returned to the dugout, the inning over with no runs on the board. Rachel and Glenna remained in the far corner, away from the team. Tristan came in and headed straight for her.

  “Doing okay?”

  She nodded towards the field where Cody warmed up on the pitcher’s mound. Rachel wouldn’t put it past him to throw a ball straight for Tristan’s head.

  “I’m fine, but you need to watch Cody’s pitches. You’ve pushed him pretty far.”

  Tristan glanced out at the mound. “He pushed first, Rachel. Anyone that brings me trouble can expect to get it in return.”

  “Jacobs, you’re up next,” Mark said.

  Tristan ran out of the dugout.

  Swallowing hard, Rachel turned to Glenna. “I don’t like this.”

  She nodded with a grimace.

  Grabbing a bat, Tristan went out on deck and made some practice swings. The muscles in his shoulders and arms flexed and bunched with every movement.

  Whack. The crack of the bat brought Rachel out of her reverie. The ball traveled out to center field. The player made it to first base. Shaking his head, Cody stomped around on the mound as he tossed the ball into his glove several times.

  “Come on, Tristan. You can do it.” Rachel clapped her hands.

  He looked back at her and winked before heading to the batter’s box.

  Cody glared at Tristan from the mound. “I’ve been waiting for this all evening.”

  Glenna clutched Rachel’s hand and squeezed tight.

  The umpire yelled, “You don’t want to get expelled from the game, Cody.”

  His gaze never left Tristan. “Just try to expel me, Pete.”

Quit stalling and play ball.” Tristan tightened his grip around the bat and practiced a swing.

  Setting up to pitch, Cody reared back and threw the ball. It zipped over Tristan’s head. The crowd gasped.

  The ball would have hit Tristan in the face if he hadn’t ducked.

  Rachel jumped up from the bench and yelled with the rest of the dugout. “Throw him out, Pete! That was intentional!”

  Tristan’s voice carried over the evening breeze. “Wow, that wasn’t predictable at all, Brewster.”

  The crowd “oooooo’d” as one.

  Pete waved his arms out to his sides, asking for silence. “One more, Cody, and I have to throw you out.”

  Tristan glared back at Pete. “Like that wasn’t predictable, too, Pete.”

  Pete’s faced blossomed bright pink.

  Rearing back, Cody pitched the ball. Tristan smacked it hard, high into left field and over the fence. Pointing the bat at Cody, Tristan set it down and ran the bases.

  The crowd erupted in cheers. Rachel looked at Glenna and screamed. They jumped up and down together, hugged, and then jumped some more. The team piled out of the dugout and ran to home plate. The happy mob met Tristan with pats and congratulations. They ushered him towards the dugout.

  Rachel ran on deck to wait for him. His sparkling blue eyes met hers over the crowd. In that moment, in that wide, brilliant smile that made her heart soar, she realized Tristan wasn’t a superhero at all. He was just a man. Someone that got a thrill out of hitting a homerun, enjoyed a cold beer, and loved swimming in the ocean.

  Tristan Jacobs had one of the most difficult jobs in the world but he wasn’t the job. He was a gorgeous, intelligent, way-too-serious man.

  Fun looked good on him for a change.

  Running, Rachel launched herself into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. She turned around his baseball cap backwards. “I knew you could do it. Can I get your autograph?”

  She kissed him hard on the mouth.

  He grinned. “My first groupie. I could get used to this.” Staring into her eyes, he gave her a big, open-mouthed kiss right there, in the middle of the mob, in front of most of Creekmore.

  She’d missed this, missed him.

  “Hey, we’ve got a game to play, you two,” Mark said. “Take it to the dugout.”

  Pulling away, Tristan gave her a quick peck on the lips before lowering her to the ground. Ushering her to the dugout, he sat beside her on the bench as the other players continued to congratulate him.

  Rachel’s heart pounded with zeal. That kiss had awakened all of the vibrant, insane emotions she’d experienced Saturday night. It also made her regret keeping him at arm’s length the last few days.

  With a squeeze to her hand, he jumped up to talk strategy at the other end of the dugout.

  Rachel sighed.

  “You woman, have been marked.”

  Rachel turned to Glenna. “What?”

  “Cody was just exposed in front of the entire town and Tristan French kissed you like a superhero. If Cody hadn’t gotten the message before, he has it now.”

  Chapter 11

  Dar jumped up from the bed and yanked open the hotel room door. “Who the hell is pounding on my door?”

  Cody Brewster stood on the threshold, his hands fisted at his sides. His face looked sunburned, his nostrils flared.

  “Pissed off?” Dar stepped back to let him in.

  He wasn’t surprised Brewster had found them. There weren’t many places to hide in a town the size of a thumbnail.

  Stomping inside, Cody turned to face Dar as he shut the door. “Want a piece of Jacobs?”

  Dar crossed his arms over his chest. “Nope. I want all of him.”

  Cursing under his breath, Cody planted his hands on his hips. “I’m going after Jacobs tonight since you haven’t managed to take care of him. Do you want clean up?”

  Dar laughed. He never made a sound when he did, his shoulders just shook. This time, they shook uncontrollably.

  This shithead didn’t know who he dealt with. Tristan Jacobs had to be one of the best, if not the best agent in the world and this country hick thought he would best him?

  Jacobs would have him for lunch.

  Dar glanced at Matt sitting against the headboard of one of the beds. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. It would be worth it just to watch this idiot make a fool of himself. Creekmore didn’t have much in the way of entertainment.

  Then again, the spectacle would probably take about ten seconds.

  “What the hell’s so funny?” Brewster growled.

  “You thinking you can hurt Jacobs.”

  “I won’t be alone.”

  “So, who’d you hire? The mob? A group of terrorists?” He snapped his fingers. “I know. The SEALS. Am I right?”

  Cody shook his head. “You’re a freaking asshole. Are you always this sarcastic?”

  “Only with my dearest friends.” And country hicks.

  Cody glared at him. “Me and a couple of buddies will take care of it. You act like he’s some damned superhero. He’s just a man.”

  “A man that’s going to kick your ass,” Matt said.

  Dar nodded. “Up Main Street and down the oth – oh wait. You don’t have another street.”

  Robert had told him not to engage but it wouldn’t hurt to watch from the wings. Hell, maybe he’d pick up some pointers or catch a weakness. Dar had never seen Jacobs in action. He’d only been told stories by agents in the field.

  “We’ll be there, Brewster. Better make sure your health insurance is paid up.”


  An hour later, the team and significant others piled into Vinnie’s Pizza Joint to celebrate their win. Tristan’s home run and run batted in were the only scores in the game.

  Last week, if someone had told him he’d be playing in a baseball game today, with the sexiest woman on the planet cheering him on, he would’ve had them committed. He hadn’t lived like this since high school and even then, times like these had been few and far between. Most days, he’d trained with an off-duty SEAL after school.

  He watched Rachel and some of the wives put together tables. God above, she did something to him. When Rachel had run up and kissed him after his home run, he’d felt ten feet tall. He couldn’t remember a happier time in his life - and all because of her.

  “Hey, you know what Rachel wants to drink?” Mark stood beside him in the order line. “I’m buying.”

  “No, I’ve got this.” He shook his head. “I’ll buy for everyone.”

  “Hell, we owe you. If you hadn’t stepped in, we would’ve had to forfeit.”

  He waved away Mark’s compliment. “It felt good to get out there and play again. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.”

  Getting Rachel’s attention over everyone’s head, he yelled, “Beer?”

  She nodded. Her sunny smile made him want to teleport her back home to his bed. Eying her up and down, she had to have the best legs he’d ever seen. He knew where he liked them wrapped, too.

  Placing his order with the man behind the counter, he waited for the beers while Mark gave his selections.

  “Are you buying for us, too?”

  Tristan turned to find the twins from the baseball game standing beside him. With dark hair and curves like an Indy race track, they were incredibly hot in a Hollywood kind of way.

  They did nothing for him.

  “Sure, just get in line and add it to the tab.”

  The brazen, identical smiles they tossed his way had surely rendered many average men tongue-tied. He’d much rather see Rachel’s beautiful smile any day.

  “I’m Penny and this is my sister, Piper.” Although they were identical twins, he could see slight variances in their facial features.

  Penny ran her palm up his arm. “You were awesome out there tonight.”

  He cringed. “Thanks.”

  Piper tossed back her long hair and puffed out her chest. “So, uh, Tristan…” she said, “When you�
�re through with Miss Goody Two-shoes tonight, why don’t you give us a call?”

  “Who are you talking about? Rachel?”

  Nodding, they gave him a knowing smile.

  Penny said, “Yes, the girl most likely to… not.”

  Wow. These were the two Frederickson cheated on Rachel with? What an imbecile.

  Tristan took his beers from the clerk. “If Rachel’s the definition of goody two-shoes, I should’ve gone goody a long time ago.” He turned around to see Rachel rush down a hallway. “Thanks for the offer but, I’m not interested.”

  The men in line behind him stood silent, some with their mouths hanging open. The girls’ faces grew flush, their fists clenched at their sides.

  Walking past them, he set down the beers on the table and went to find Rachel. She couldn’t be upset about him talking to the girls, could she? Then again, if that upset her, it meant she cared.

  Maybe Ben’s idea wasn’t so farfetched after all.

  Making his way down the narrow hallway, Tristan realized she either went in the kitchen or one of the restrooms. He ducked his head inside the ladies room.

  Rachel stood with her hands braced on the lavatory counter, her head hung between her shoulders. Her eyes were squeezed shut.


  Whipping around, she cleared her throat and straightened. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

  True, but at the moment, he didn’t much care. He wasn’t going to allow anything to ruin what had happened between them out on that field.

  “Hot date tonight?”

  He closed her in against the counter. “If that’s an invitation, the answer’s yes.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Sorry, I don’t do seconds.”

  Tristan stared at her as he worked like hell not to show his shock. Rachel was pissed. As in jealous.

  Grinning, he grabbed her around the waist and sat her on the counter.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but we shared a long night of mind-blowing sex last weekend – way before I met anyone in town.” Running the pad of his thumb along her lower lip, he said in a soft voice, “And when it comes to lovemaking, you, Miss Monroe, are second to none.”

  Clutching her head in both hands, he closed his mouth over hers. He had to make it clear that he held an interest in only one woman and she was no saint.


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