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Page 4

by Jo Davis

  Now, where was Anna?

  “Sloane,” he called. “I’m going to look for Anna.”

  Standing, the agent dragged a ranting Santos to his feet and handed him off to another agent. “We’ll split up, but I’m sending Simon with you.”

  “Fine, whatever,” he said, shooting Agent King a look. “Let’s hurry.”

  He took off, not caring whether Simon followed or not. He had a woman to find, and when he did, he wasn’t letting her go.


  Gray was happy to see Santos and his men taken into custody. They’d only lost Petrov, but the killer was a different problem altogether and one for another day. The FBI had scored a major coup today, bringing down a notorious mob boss.

  Now, to find Anna.

  His phone buzzed and he yanked it from his pocket. Simon. “You got her?”

  “No. I’m thinking she’s not in this building, man. I think we need to search the surrounding ones, too. My gut says he wouldn’t have kept her too far from here, just in case.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Anxiety ate at him. “Okay, spread out and start searching the ones north of here. I’ll take the south. Let me know if you find her.”

  “Will do.”

  Hanging up, he began his search, kicking in the door to the next building over. A couple more agents joined him, and they were able to cover the grounds more quickly. The first building revealed nothing, as did the second. The places were huge, and it was taking too damned long. Also in the back of his mind was the man who’d been left to guard Anna. Was he still with her, or did he run? Gray’s gut said he had run when he somehow got wind of the takedown, but he was vigilant, watching for any sign of movement.

  In the rear of the last building was a small back room. If she wasn’t here, they’d have to start looking at Santos’s other holdings. That could take far too long to locate her. She was bound and gagged, no access to food or water.

  He was about to go out of his mind when he kicked in the door—and there was Anna. The woman he’d never stopped loving, and the most beautiful sight in the world. She was alone.

  Rushing to her, he fell to his knees, laid his gun aside, and pulled her into his arms.


  The door to the dank room burst open, and Anna couldn’t have been more surprised to see Grayson standing there, scowling like an angel of death. But he was salvation, in her case. His light golden-brown hair was mussed, and as his blue eyes lit on her, they filled with relief. Warmth.

  In an instant, he was on his knees in front of her and she was in his arms, being held against his muscular chest. And as her eyes filled with tears, she realized it felt so good to be right there, snuggled into his heat. His cologne, so familiar, made her ache with the memories that flooded her.

  She’d been stupid not to talk to him before she’d run off and left New York.

  “My God, Anna,” he croaked. “Are you all right? Let me look at you—shit! I’m sorry, let me get this crap off you.” Taking his pocket knife, he sliced off the gag.

  “Thanks,” she breathed, unable to tear her gaze from him. “How are you here? I mean, I’m glad you are! But how did you know?”

  “Delacruz told me about Santos taking you. He asked for my help, but there was no need. I would have come no matter what.”

  She flinched inwardly at the mention of Joaquin’s name and the thought of how she’d left Gray and run straight into the arms of his nemesis. “What about Santos? Did you get him?”

  “Yeah. The asshole’s going away to federal prison for a long time. With any luck, he’ll die there.” He smiled at that.

  “That’s great news!”

  “Petrov got away, though. We’ll catch them eventually. Are you okay?” he repeated.

  “I’m fine. Nothing wrong with me that a week of sleep won’t cure. I didn’t exactly get much rest at the dirty safe house where they held me, or at Santos’s mansion.”

  “We thought that was where he was keeping you, but we had to draw him into the open. Delacruz set up a meeting with Santos and turned over the rest of his illegal holdings to the man in exchange for immunity from federal prosecution. He’s free and clear,” Gray said quietly, watching her reaction.

  “I’m glad.” She gave him a tremulous smile. “You’re a good man to do that for him, Gray.”

  “Good enough for a second chance?”

  Her heart lurched and her mind whirled in confusion. A few weeks ago, her answer would have been a resounding no way. But now? The passing of time had dulled the hurt of Gray’s betrayal. To the point where she understood the terrible position he’d been in. Had she been too impulsive, giving in to her anger and dismissing him from her life?

  Before she could respond, he leaned in and pressed a single, gentle kiss to her lips. The heat of it went through her body, chasing away the chilliness that had gripped her for the past two days. She stared at him, at a loss. There was no denying the spark was still there.

  He pulled her into his arms again, cradling her head against his chest. He didn’t press her more on the subject, just steadied her, lending his quiet strength.

  “I’m so sorry,” he murmured. “For everything. But most of all for driving you away.”

  He didn’t say the three important words, but she heard them all the same. Her throat burned with unshed tears.

  A noise at the door caught their attention. She peeked over his shoulder to see Joaquin standing in the doorway, looking shell-shocked. Quickly recovering, he strode toward them. As Gray helped her to stand, Joaquin pulled her away from the agent and held on to her, burying his face in her hair.

  “I’m so glad you’re all right! Do you need to go to the emergency room, get checked out?” he asked anxiously, pulling back to study her from head to toe. “Your arms are scraped.”

  “No, I’m fine. I just want to get out of here.”

  “All right.” He turned to Gray. “Do you have keys for these cuffs?”

  “Not on me, but we’ll hunt down a master and get them off. Let’s go.”

  As they cleared the building, Gray walked ahead of them, Joaquin at her side. She was surprised by how much this disconcerted her. She didn’t like the feeling that things were now off-kilter, and she wasn’t sure what to do about the awkwardness.

  Outside, Gray called out to several agents, who tried their keys on the cuffs. None of them worked, so a phone call was made for someone to bring a master, and that required a bit of a wait. Forty-five minutes later, however, an older agent freed her wrists and she rubbed them, breathing a sigh of relief.

  “Are you hungry?” Joaquin asked.


  “I’ll phone ahead and have something prepared for all of us,” he said, graciously including Gray and Simon as they climbed into the limo. Though his manner was a little stiff and wary, she could tell he was sincere when he continued, addressing the agents. “I don’t know how to thank you both for helping to get my family’s name in the clear. I’ve been working for years to make that happen, and it’s truly like the albatross has been ripped from my neck.”

  “I was glad to be a part of it,” Gray said, nodding. “Especially when it meant arresting Santos.”

  “And thanks for coming to my rescue,” she said to Gray. Then she felt her face flush. “All of you, I mean.”

  There was a general round of agreement. Joaquin slid his arm around her shoulders, and she knew he was staking his claim in front of Gray. She couldn’t blame him, but at the same time the action didn’t provide the comfort it should have. Again, she didn’t want to examine why.

  She must have dozed against Joaquin’s shoulder, because the next thing she knew, someone was carefully shaking her awake. Opening her eyes, she saw that the limo had stopped and everyone had gotten out except her and Joaquin.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said, kissing her on
the lips. “Doing okay?”

  “Yeah. I just need food and sleep, in that order.”

  “You got it. I think dinner is waiting, and afterward we’ll tuck you in for the night.”

  “Sounds fantastic.”

  The weary group trooped into the house, into the dining room. Anna’s mouth watered as she saw the cook had prepared a simple but satisfying meal of roasted chicken and vegetables. They all dug in and ate without talking too much, except for Gray, Simon, and Joaquin filling in Rio on what had gone down and how they’d rescued Anna.

  Conversation all but halted after that, everyone tired as they finished up. As she pushed away her plate, Joaquin rose and addressed the agents.

  “I’m going to see that Anna gets her rest. Seeing as it’s getting late, you two are welcome to stay until the morning.”

  “That would be great, thanks,” Simon answered.

  Gray nodded, his gaze straying to Anna. “Yes, thank you. I’m pretty beat.”

  Anna went to Gray first, giving him a sound hug, then to Simon. “Again, both of you, thanks for saving my bacon. I’m not sure if that Petrov guy really would have killed me, but I’m glad I didn’t have to find out.”

  Gray cocked his head. “What do you mean you’re not sure if he would have killed you? That’s what he gets paid to do.”

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “He just seemed off somehow. Like every once in a while a ray of humanity peeked through when he wasn’t aware or something. And though his words were harsh, he often seemed concerned about my well-being.”

  Joaquin thought about that. “That’s interesting, because I noticed that while he was escaping during the gunfight, he had the perfect chance to take out at least two agents and didn’t.”

  “What do you think it means?” Simon asked.

  “I’m not sure,” said Gray. “Hopefully we’ll be able to catch up with him to find out.”

  After saying good night again, Anna went upstairs to her room, very aware of Joaquin as he took her hand. Once inside, he shut the door and pulled her into his arms. His strength surrounded her, making her feel safe. His scent teased her nose, warm and spicy, bringing back memories of their last few days together. Laughing, making love. Heat began to unfurl in her belly—

  And was just as quickly doused by confusion. Gray was here, and the feelings she’d thought she’d put behind her were far from dead.

  “God, I’m so glad you’re back, safe and sound.”

  “Me too.”

  “How about I run you a hot bath?” he offered.

  “Actually, that sounds really great. I’d like to wash the dirt from the warehouse off me before I go to bed.”

  “Relax and I’ll run it for you.”

  She tried a smile. “Thanks.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she waited while he ran her bath. When he was done, he called out and she walked into the bathroom, noting the cheery bubbles and a couple of brightly burning candles. His thoughtfulness threatened to make her cry.

  “This looks wonderful. I can’t wait to get in.”

  “Would you like some company?” His expression was hopeful.

  Her hesitation brought the awkwardness back, and she looked away. “Would you mind if I had some time to myself?” A glance told her that she’d wounded him, though he quickly recovered.

  “Of course, sweetheart. I’ll be back to tuck you in, all right?”

  Leaning in, he gave her a kiss and then walked out, closing the outer door with a soft click. She felt horrible, knowing he wanted to spend time with her, hold on to her and make sure she was safe and happy.

  I just need some time. Then things will get back on track between us.

  That’s what she told herself as she settled in the bath. She soaked for almost half an hour before she was ready to come out. In that time, she tried to keep her mind clear of thoughts about either Joaquin or Gray, but it was hard. She was confused about the sudden resurgence of emotions she’d thought were buried, and didn’t know how to handle them.

  Stepping out of the tub, she dried off and went into the bedroom. Feeling the need to be warm, to feel safe, she picked out a pair of cotton undies and a comfy nightshirt. Once dressed, she slipped between the covers and was starting to drift off when a knock sounded. She sat up as Joaquin walked in, dressed only in a pair of black silk pajama bottoms.

  “Mind if I stay tonight?” he asked softly. “I just want to hold you, nothing else.”

  “Of course I don’t mind.” She held out a hand to him and he hurried to join her, taking the offered hand and kissing her slowly. She opened for him, and the kiss was full of Joaquin’s slow fire. His passion.

  He drew back and ran his fingers along her cheek. “Do you blame me for what happened?”

  The question took her aback. “What? Santos is the one responsible for kidnapping me, not you!”

  His gaze was filled with regret. “I blame myself enough for both of us. I brought you into my world knowing the dangers. Even Rio warned me, and I didn’t listen.”

  “And I came here knowing them,” she reminded him. “There’s nobody to blame but Santos, and he’s going to prison for a long time. Now, are you going to hold me so I can sleep?”

  He smiled. “I’d like nothing better.”

  Well, that wasn’t exactly true, she thought as he spooned her from behind and his erection pressed into her through their nightclothes. For a moment she let herself enjoy the feeling of him there, his firm muscles surrounding her, his strength. Maybe she could let go, give in and make love to him. Let him take away the fear, replace it with something good.

  But no, she just wasn’t ready, and he didn’t push the issue, sensitive enough to know she needed comforting tonight.

  “Good night, Anna.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Night, sexy.”

  His quiet chuckle followed her into a dreamless sleep.


  Alone in his room, Gray tossed, in agony at the knowledge of Delacruz and Anna. Reunited. In her room, probably making love right this second. He wanted to die, the pain was so bad.

  It was a long, long while before he finally slept.


  Anna hadn’t wanted to make love. Not last night, and not this morning, either.

  Joaquin told himself to give her time. That Grayson Sloane riding to the rescue like the Lone Ranger atop Silver, the good guy wearing the white hat, had nothing whatsoever to do with her reticence. That once he and Simon King left this morning, all would return to normal.

  And he could pick up where they left off, romancing his lady and giving her the world.

  Wistfully, he remembered making love to her in Aruba. He’d been so happy to bring her home, to have time for them to get to know each other. Then Santos, damn the fucking asshole, had to make his play. But he hadn’t ruined everything, had he? Joaquin couldn’t stand to think that.

  Leaning against the kitchen counter, he was sipping from his mug of coffee when Sloane walked in, fully dressed and seemingly ready to go.

  “Mind if I grab some coffee before we leave?” the agent asked.

  “Suit yourself.” His answer was sharper and less polite than he’d intended, and he instantly cursed himself. Sloane zeroed in on his mood like a hawk spying its prey.

  “Seems like you ought to be pretty happy this morning, considering you got Anna back and you’re no longer a wanted man. What gives?”

  “Nothing that concerns you. And for the record, I am happy.”

  Sloane’s laugh pissed him off. “Yeah, you sound real overjoyed. What’s the matter? Was Anna’s homecoming not all you’d hoped for?”

  Carefully, Joaquin set his mug aside. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Sorry, I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “No need. If there was much kissing going on, you’d be wearing a big smile inste
ad of that scowl.”

  His temper slipped several more degrees. “You don’t know a thing about my relationship with Anna. If you weren’t so arrogant, you’d see how content she is with me. I can give her things you never will be able to.”

  A smirk spread across Sloane’s face. “Want to know what I gave her in the warehouse? A big wet kiss, and she kissed me right back. If she’s so content with you, she wouldn’t have been so happy to see me,” he goaded. “Given her reaction to me, I’m going to fight with everything I’ve got to win her back. And I’m going to succeed.”

  Joaquin’s temper snapped, and he lunged, grabbing Sloane by the front of his shirt and delivering a blow to the man’s jaw. Unbalanced, both of them crashed on top of the counter and sent mugs and coffee flying. The agent regained some leverage, shoving him back and getting in a good shot of his own, snapping Joaquin’s head back.

  They traded blows, each intent on pummeling the other. A couple of chairs and a barstool were tossed aside, one of the chairs in pieces. Sloane pulled back his fist and was about to punch him again when King rushed into the kitchen and grabbed his friend from behind.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” the man yelled.

  Then Rio jogged in, shoving Joaquin away from Sloane. Right behind him, to his great shame, was Anna. She was clearly stunned, brown eyes huge in her face, dark hair tumbling around the shoulders of her nightshirt.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” she demanded, looking from him to Sloane.

  He and Sloane glared at each other, breathing hard.

  Her voice rose. “You guys are fighting like two hormonal teenagers? Who threw the first punch?”

  Joaquin’s heart sank. Collecting himself, he knew he had to fess up. “I did. But—”

  “But what? Gray was goading you, I’ll bet,” she guessed. The big agent quelled under her icy stare. “Right?”

  “Yeah, I might have needled him some,” Sloane said, appearing ashamed.

  “How mature of you.” Her tone was scathing. Then she returned her attention to Joaquin. “And you aren’t any better, letting a few remarks get under your skin to the point that you hit someone. Do either of you have any clue how sick I am of violence? Did you care that I’ve seen more of it in the past couple of days than I care to experience again?”


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