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Must Love Curves (Six Wicked Shorts)

Page 13

by Wick, Christa

  "I -- uh...I'm going back in the fall for my master's degree."

  He nodded and closed his eyes for a second before opening them and looking at my face. "Will you still do the weather for Channel 7?"

  "No, I've got a research grant that will keep me busy."

  I was actually pretty excited about going back and it must have shown. Jack asked question after question, listening intently to my answers with his eyes only occasionally drifting down to my breasts.

  I relaxed a little, asked him a few questions of my own. Sometime before the last of the melon disappeared, I learned that he was one of six kids, something unimaginable to an only child like me. Three boys and three girls. I also learned his parents owned a restaurant, which was where he had learned to cook so well.

  Coffee, strong and black, was brewed after breakfast and we talked some more, mostly about his job at the high school, where he taught history and coached the school soccer team and summer camps. Earnest Jack was new to me and I almost forgot I was half naked, my only reminders being those occasional downward glances when his expression would start to smolder and I felt there was the distinct risk of my being draped across the kitchen table and ravished.

  Little did I know, he was saving the heavy seduction for our second date.


  Date two started with a stack of three videos. I reached for them and he stopped me, amusement running through his tone as he explained my options.

  "Ladies choice, but you have to choose 'yes' or 'no' on the first one before seeing the second one, and so on."

  He held the first video up. "Now, this one, my sister's husband proposed to her at the theater during final credits. He hadn't even bought a ring yet, but she still said yes."

  I shook my head, immediately rejecting the movie. I'd watched it already and cried like a baby for the whole of its final thirty minutes. Smiling, he showed me the case for option number two. Another one I'd already seen. It had a good romance in it, but was far too hot. My thighs started to warm just thinking about it. Every time I viewed it alone, I had to take care of myself around the middle of the movie.

  No way in hell was I going to watch it with Jack sitting next to me.

  "No." I could feel my expression going all wide-eyed and panicky. When he gave me a knowing grin, I wanted to slug him.

  He put the second movie to the side, leaving him with a case that was coverless and empty. He reached for the remote and turned on the television and Blu-Ray player. "I didn't think you'd want to watch either of those to, so I put this one in already."

  Damn it. He was sneakier than I realized.

  "What is it?"

  Chuckling, he draped an arm across the back of my shoulders. "You'll see."

  As the previews started, he brushed the back of his fingertips along my bicep.

  "You're cold, baby." He rubbed the flesh more vigorously with his palm to warm me.

  "Because you won't let me wear any real clothes." I shrugged my arm away before his touch had a chance to really mess with my mind. The effect from just sitting next to him was bad enough. The body heat pouring from him could light a small bonfire and he smelled like heaven. The heavy rich spices of his aftershave mixing with his natural scent had me ready to lean back, close my eyes and part my legs.

  Reaching across my chest to grab a stadium blanket, Jack put his lips against my ear. "Can you blame me for wanting to see you dressed like this? You're always hiding beneath pants and long skirts, full sleeves, high necklines."

  He growled and then his lips blazed a trail down my throat. Covering me with the stadium blanket, he kissed my shoulder. "Seeing you on a normal day is like going to an art gallery -- blindfolded."

  His hand slipped under the blanket and wrapped around my knee just as the movie's opening credits started. I recognized the film -- a love story, not a romantic comedy like the first two choices.

  Oh, hell.

  "Evil, Jack." I bit the words out.

  His warm breath curled along my throat as he laughed. "Baby, you said you love this movie."

  I did love it -- the first week I had gotten all misty eyed every time something reminded me of the film. I had mentioned it to Jack during one of his flirting sessions in my front yard. Worse yet, as humid and ready to fuck as the second movie made me, this one was three times as hot. And the lead actor looked too much like Jack.

  They had the same dark hair, warm brown eyes and bodies sculpted from marble. Adding to the resemblance was the same expressive, mobile mouth. Remembering all the things the actor had done to the heroine with his mouth, I felt my eyes start to roll back in my head. It was a miracle the movie only had an R rating.

  "Jack...I...I changed my mind. I want to watch the first one."

  He squeezed my knee. "Too late."

  I tried to calm myself. After all, there was no rule prohibiting me from merely pretending to watch. I could look at a spot just above the television while I recited the periodic table in my head or multiplied pi by each number in the Fibonacci Sequence. I could make it through the movie without dissolving into a heaving, panting puddle of arousal.

  My plan worked -- mostly -- but then Jack started massaging my knee again.

  "You're not actually watching, are you?"

  "I am." I squeaked the lie out and followed it with a guilty swallow.

  "Pretty little liar -- your breathing is too normal for what they're doing onscreen, for what he's doing to her." His hand trailed a little higher up my leg and I gasped.

  If Jack touched any closer to my crotch, I would soak my panties. I'd already been fighting the urge to squirm against the couch for the last half hour when he was just stroking my knee and tracing faint lines up and down my shin. Now his palm rested hot against the inside middle of my thigh, while his fingers and thumb danced lightly over the surrounding flesh.

  Grabbing his wrist, I tried to push his hand away.

  Jack blew softly in my ear and then his tongue came out to trace its edge. "Hand or mouth, baby -- your choice."

  I took another sharp breath in. Certainly he didn't mean his mouth down where his hand was? The mere thought made my hips crest as a whimper escaped me. He kissed my throat, sucked softly at the flesh.

  He planted another kiss, this one just under my ear. "Hmm? Which is it going to be?"

  I let go of his hand, clutched both of mine together and rested them in my lap as a guard again Jack venturing any higher.

  "Eyes on the movie, too." He kept kissing and stroking, his body pressing harder against me.

  "You said hand or mouth." My entire body trembling from the tension running through me, I managed to remind him without stuttering or squeaking again.

  "Did I?" His hand skipped up my thigh to find the path barred. He plucked at my fingers, traced their edges in search of a gap. "You sure you don't want both?"

  Right then, I wanted his mouth on my clit and his hand three-fingers deep in my pussy -- but I would never tell him so. All I could do was repeat what I had already said as if it were a talisman against my complete surrender.

  He chuckled, his head dipping so that his mouth was sedately planted against the end of my shoulder while his hand darted up to tease my breast.

  "You're not watching the movie," I protested.

  "No, baby, I'm watching you." He pushed the blanket off me, the tip of his index finger circling one nipple. "They're so hard, Ursula. Wouldn't you rather have them out?" He brushed the back of his finger against the other one. "I know I would."

  His diversion worked -- I raised my hands to cover my breasts. Jack dropped his to cup my mound and squeeze. He started kissing me again, starting at the shoulder and slowly working his way up my neck. One knuckle grazed the center line of my panties, the thin fabric offering little protection against the sensation of him rhythmically stroking my clit.

  "So wet, baby. Stop saying you don't want me."

  "I've never said I don't want you," I whispered. I wanted him so badly I wa
s ready to come. I just didn't think he'd want me for more than a one-night stand, not with the way all those other girls were in and out of his life with their tight bodies and too bright smiles.

  "Then stop resisting, Ursula." He tried to guide me into a reclining position, but I squirmed away. "My chest and balls are so tight right now, baby, I swear I'm going to have a heart attack if you don't let me taste you."

  He hooked the gusset of my underwear with one finger, tugging at it as the back of his hand made direct contact with my flesh. Fighting my own urges, my mouth began to quiver, quickly followed by my entire body. Another stroke, another kiss and I would come. Then there would be no hiding just how much Jack turned me on.

  The disc in the Blu-Ray player started to skip, the screen and sound caught in a loop of the lead actress screaming "Oh, yes" as her own climax slammed through her. I let out a relieved breath.

  "Movie's broken, Jack. Date's over--"

  He shook his head, his gaze boring into the back of my skull as he turned the television off. "It's just starting, baby girl."

  Hands on my hips, he managed to tip me so that my back was flat against the seat cushions. He slid a few inches down my body until his mouth was even with my breasts. "Whatever your brain is saying, tell it to shut up, Ursula."

  He ran his mouth around one nipple where it poked at the fabric. "Your body is so ready to be taken. Lush, swollen." His lips fastened on the nipple, wetting the fabric as he started to suck at my flesh. One hand dipped between my thighs. "So wet, baby. A few licks and you'd be screaming my name."

  " two..." My voice shook with the effort of restraining myself, of keeping my hands from wrapping around his head and pushing him down to my drenched pussy to find out just how many licks it really would take before I was writhing and moaning, my climax soaking his face. "It's just date two -- please, Jack."

  He pressed his face against my stomach, his fingers digging into my hips. "Baby, don't you want this just as bad? Months -- we could have..." His voice broke. "Every night, Ursula."

  Not every night -- that was a lie. Not the nights those other women were over. I shook my head, a little angry with myself for being drawn in by his caresses. "Go take a cold shower or something."

  His gaze started to narrow then he closed his eyes completely. Passion, not anger, vibrated in his voice. "You need a cold shower as much as I do."

  To prove his point, he slid further down my body, his face hovering over my mound. He opened his eyes, stared up at me. "Your pussy's so wet and hot, baby, it's steaming."

  He pressed his mouth against the panties and blew hot air through the fabric. My hips jerked, a moan escaping the tight grip of my throat. Pushing at his head, I shimmied up the couch.

  "I'll leave if I have to, Jack." I blinked back frustrated tears. It was no fair I had to fight him and my own desires. I sure as hell didn't want to, but I had to look at myself in the mirror the next morning and all the mornings after. I wouldn't be able to if I slept with him, knowing that my surrender would be just another notch on his belt.

  Jack pulled back, a frown distorting his perfect mouth. He closed his eyes, rubbed at his face. "Fine, a cold shower it is."

  He stood up, his gaze still wistfully devouring my body. "I'll leave the door unlocked in case you decide to join me."

  Tilting my nose up, I turned my head to the side so I didn't have to look at him. "I don't need one."

  That was only half true -- what I needed was an ice-filled tub to cool me down. The space between my thighs was like a kiln that had been burning for hours. Contractions rolled through my cunt, my body still so close to an orgasm I might yet succumb before he cleared the room.

  "Have it your way." He took a step forward, grinning as he trailed a finger along the center of my panties. "That just means you'll still be all hot and bothered when I get out."


  I yanked the blanket over my body as soon as I heard the shower start. My hand on the outside of the underwear, I began to stroke the line of my clit. A nice clean climax -- a girl's secret weapon in relieving sexual tension. I'd have two or three rubbed out before he finished adjusting his water temperature.

  When the water cut off fifteen minutes later, I was at a final count of five. I rolled onto my side, my face towards the back of the couch and the blanket wrapped around me. Hearing him leave the bathroom, I pressed my lips tightly together to control the sneaky smirk that threatened to spoil my secret.

  Jack stopped at the edge of the couch, his hand brushing my shoulder. "Sleepy, baby?"

  I mumbled something that I hoped sounded like an affirmation.

  "I think you're faking, but if you're really tired, you can lie down on my bed."

  Hell no. He'd been trying to get me in there since I put the dress on. I answered with another mumble. "...m...kay here."

  Jack stroked the curve of my neck. "Then you're not tired and you can help me cook dinner."

  Opening my eyes, I looked over my shoulder. He was in a loosely fastened bath towel, nothing more. "You can't cook in that."

  He grinned, his hand going to where one edge was tucked in. "That mean you want me naked?"

  I could see the outline of a mouth watering erection straining beneath the towel. If he stripped his covering away, my hands and lips might develop a mind of their own. Even now, my mouth was beginning to water at the idea of tasting his cock.

  I shook my head. "It just doesn't seem very safe."

  He winked at me. "Perfectly safe, you'll see."

  Reaching under the blanket, Jack grabbed my hand and urged me onto my feet. When I was standing, he raised the hand he was holding to his lips, kissing the tips of my fingers before he drew them into his mouth.

  He eyed me, one brow lifted in amusement. "You're grinning, Ursula. What's funny?"

  "Nothing." I forced my mouth into a narrow pucker. He didn't need to know my relief that it was my left hand he was showering attention on. One kiss or lick on my right and he'd know in a heart beat how I had avoided taking a cold shower.

  Eyes glittering, he smiled at me and led me toward the kitchen. "I'll find out. Once you taste my shrimp fra diavolo, you'll spill all your secrets."

  Washing my hands, I continued protesting his state of undress as he set out a cutting board with garlic and onions. Smiling at me over his shoulder, Jack walked to the row of pegs alongside the kitchen door. His back still facing me, he dropped the towel and reached for an apron.

  He nodded at my hand and the knife I held. "Watch your fingers, baby."

  Putting the knife down, I continued to stare at him and his perfectly muscled and bare ass while he pulled the apron over his head and tied the sash. When he turned, a little gurgle of need left me.

  The apron was too thin to hold down what the weight of the towel had kept contained. He was hard, the tip of his cock forcing the front of the apron away from his body. I was sunk no matter which way he faced -- his position presenting me with either a gorgeous ass I wanted to bite into or a visibly thick and ready cock I wanted to lick until he popped.

  Swallowing, I looked away, my hand fumbling for the knife. "I thought you took a cold shower."

  "Yeah...I even..."

  I looked back to find him blushing and gesturing discreetly at his cock.

  "You know, so I wouldn't come the second you finally let me slide into you."

  It was my turn to blush. I tried to chop the garlic, the knife missing my finger by less than a centimeter to send the clove shooting across the counter. Jack stepped behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist as he gently removed the knife from my grasp.

  "Better let me -- you can keep me company, instead."

  I felt the rub of his cock against my backside as he started to chop and dice. I kept my palms flat against my stomach as he expertly finished cutting the garlic and started on the onion. Making the first slice, he kissed my neck, his fingers still flying.

  "You shouldn't kiss me while you're cooking.

  He sucked at my ear lobe, his hips and cock gently rocking against my ass. "You mean I shouldn't cook while I'm kissing you."

  I took the knife from him, put it on the counter and turned in his arms. Ignoring the soft jousting of his cock against my mound, I forced his hands off my hips. "In the interest of kitchen safety, I'm going to wait in the living room."

  "I'll be careful, baby." He tried to kiss me again, but I evaded him.

  I glanced at the clock. "You've got enough time before sunset to cook and try to seduce me."

  He wiggled a finger at me. "Sunset plus thirty--"

  "It wasn't thirty--"


  I threw my hands up. It would be sunset plus another hour if I kept arguing with him. "Okay, thirty -- point is, you've got plenty of time."

  His mouth twitched, but he relented with a quick nod.

  Leaving the kitchen, I prowled the living room. A door at the far end opened onto a study. Papers were divided into two tidy stacks, one on each side of a closed laptop. Trophies and soccer pictures were set along the bookshelves.

  Back in the living room, I looked for any family pictures or photo albums. Jack came out to turn on the gas fireplace, catching me in the act.

  "See anything interesting?"

  Examining the hem of my dress, I shrugged. "Just wondering where all the family pictures are."

  "On the walls at my parent's house." Finished with the fire, he crossed the room, his hands winding around my waist to trap me against him. "I'm sure my mom would love to show them to you."

  I shrugged the suggestion off, wondering if he'd offered to take those other women to his mother's house, too.

  He kissed one side of my throat, his hands crossing over my stomach and molding to the underside of my breasts. "She won't let me have any of them until I'm settled." He kissed the opposite side of my neck. "Which is momspeak for married."

  "Mmm...I'm sure she knows best." I tried to unthread his hands while I ignored the erection swelling against my bottom. "You're going to change before dinner, right?"

  "You want me to put something on?" He was still kissing me, his hands gently kneading my flesh.


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