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Gabe's Destiny (Alien Mates Book Three)

Page 11

by Serena Simpson

  “I tried you know, to make love, but it never happened. I was always scared, tense, thinking I didn’t deserve gentleness.”

  He waited but she didn’t say another word, like she was lost in a sea of the past. His past flashed before him. He could give her tit for tat; tell her how awful his life had been. Let her see that they were a matched pair, but this was more than just what he’d lived through.

  Hoping he was enough, he reached out to her allowing his hand to gently caress the curve of her foot. Her head came up and she looked at his hand and her foot. She moved her toes to touch his hand before she lifted her eyes to meet his.

  Her eyes were shiny. He wondered if he saw hope reflected there or fear. Taking his thumb, he caressed right where her toes met her foot. She giggled and pulled her foot away just a little, but the smile on her lips made his heart feel better.

  Reaching up he took her hand, slowly drawing her up and over until she was sitting next to him. Her hand went to his and she traced every finger.

  “I never made love,” she whispered as her fingers gently caressed his trembling hand. “I always wanted to.”

  Her hands went to his thigh and rubbed before she raised her head to look at him one more time. He pressed his finger over her mouth before he traced her lips. His head descended until he was kissing her. Light and gentle.

  His kiss said I’m here and I won’t go further than you want to go. With a small groan he pulled away, her hand went behind his head and pulled him back down. She opened her lips giving him just enough room to plunder her mouth.

  She tensed; he slowed down making it gentler until a low moan escaped her mouth. He allowed his tongue to slide sensuously over hers. To taste every crevice of her mouth. The hand on the back of his neck tightened as she pushed her body a little closer to his. Finally, she came up for air breathing hard.

  He wrapped his hand around her waist and drew her into his lap.

  Different. The word popped into her head making her shiver a little. This is what she dreamed it would be like all those years ago. Her body felt like it was opening up a little at a time. Gabe was making her want to try a little more with him. To put herself in his arms and believe for once in her life that everything would be all right. Better than that, great, earth shattering. Cherished, was it too much to want to be cherished?

  Taya,” his hand stroked her hair allowing his fingers to feel the strands flow through them. “Will you come with me to my room?”

  Her body stilled. He wanted to take her to his room, show her his room. That never happened before. Maybe it was her fault, it hadn’t happened before. No, she wouldn’t do that. She’d taken enough blame for all the tragedy in her life.

  “You don’t have to.” She whispered to him not wanting him to think he had to make a commitment to her, even a small one.

  “I want to.” His hand tightened on her briefly before loosening. “I want to see the black silk of your hair spilling over my bed while your grey eyes look at me with a twinkle. I want your killer curves on my bed tempting me and your kiss-me-now lips parted and panting as you feel my hands on your body. I want everything you’ve got and then I want more.”

  She raised her head to kiss him. Feeling his lips hard against the softness of hers. This time she wouldn’t over-think or judge. Right now with Gabe she would feel, because he did that to her.

  “Take me to your room.”

  He picked her up still kissing her. She sighed as she broke the kiss. He was strong. He walked towards the back of the cabin until he came to the last door. Opening it, he moved into a huge bedroom.

  “Beautiful,” she whispered looking around the room. There was a large king sized bed in the middle of the room with a majestic headboard attached to it. The room was done in tones of brown giving it an earthy feel. There were several dressers as well as a vanity.

  “A vanity?”

  He looked at it with a big smile on his face before sadness descended. “When I first bought this cabin, I pictured my soul-bonded in here sitting at the vanity combing her hair or doing her make-up. I could see our children running around this place as we taught them about life. It was just a dream.”

  Walking over to the bed, he gently laid her down and sat down at her side, lifting his hand to caress her.

  “You’re a dreamer; I like that, it reminds me of me when I’m not hiding.”

  “What do you dream of?”

  “I used to dream of life, getting married, having children—after Michael I stopped dreaming. Then I met you. You made me dream again. I dreamed you wanted me, that you liked me for who I was and you actually saw me.” Her voice trailed off. How could he see her, she wasn’t even sure she saw herself.

  He stood up then crawled over her to lie on the bed leaving her the outside, giving her the chance to run if she wanted to. She watched the play of the muscles in his chest as he moved over her and her tongue licked her bottom lip.

  “I wonder what you thought I would see?” He pulled her into his arms allowing her to get comfortable. Her head lay over his heart and she could hear the beat of it hard and strong in her ear.

  “Maybe you thought I would see your strength; the will power that kept you on your feet when the world waited for you to fall. Or did you think I would see the heart you keep buried deep inside you. Then there is the vast intelligence you work so hard to keep people from seeing. You know it’s not too late to be a doctor if you want. Maybe, just maybe you thought I’d see the tears you kept hidden and I would know that you’d been hurt but you were still standing. Then there are the obvious things. Your beauty, your spunk, your ability to overcome. I could be wrong, but I think I see you.”

  A tear rolled down her face but it was one of happiness. If all she had was this day, she would hold onto it with everything she had.

  “Don’t cry, beautiful.” His lips once again covered hers, sipping from them gently until she deepened the kiss and gasped as his tongue moved in her mouth. Her hips thrust upward pushing against his hard thigh.

  “Easy,” he whispered in her ear before his mouth moved down the column of her neck. He took a deep breath as his nose pressed deeply into her. “You smell so sweet like cinnamon and spice.”

  He breathed deeply again committing her smell to memory. She gave a throaty laugh.

  “I love the way you smell, too. You smell earthy just like the colors you like. You remind me of mountains and wild rains on blustery days.”

  “I like that.” He nibbled at her neck making his way down her throat until he was at the base of it. “We can stop right here, right now.”

  She raised panic stricken eyes to look at him. “Do you want to stop?”

  “Hell no! I want to taste every inch of you. Feel those ripe berries in my mouth, hear you saying my name as my lips lick you, but only if you’re ready. I will wait as long as it takes.”

  Cared for, cherished. The things she spent a life time looking for all wrap up in an alien package by the name of Gabe. She couldn’t pass him by. There wasn’t any time to pretend that he didn’t attract her. He made her heart want to unfurl like a flower and bask in the warmth of his sun. She wanted to know what she could become in his life, but she only had now. It would be good enough.

  “I don’t want to stop. I want to know what it feels like to be worshipped by you.”

  With a smile he dropped his head and licked at her shoulder. She wasn’t expecting it and it tickled a little, laughter flowed. Making love could be fun, she never knew. With slow deliberate moves he worked his way down her body, sometimes licking other times tasting or biting. The sting was just enough to give her pleasure.

  He stopped when he got to her breast, rising up he looked at them before taking one in each hand and caressing them.

  Fire lit in her belly, she moved around trying to put it out but he just kept caressing until his thumb went over the hard nubbin of her nipple.

  “Gabe,” she gasped his name not sure what she was supposed to feel, but was it s
upposed to be so carnal, so sinful?

  “Your nipples are calling to me, begging me to taste them, but first.” He licked the top of her breasts taking in a mouthful and sucking hard on it. She rose up to see the pink mark he left behind.

  “Just a reminder to let you know you’re mine.”

  Before she could protest, remind him this was just for a night, his mouth engulfed one of her nipples.

  She sent up a silent prayer to whoever handled these things to please allow her to live through this because the pleasure was killing her as the trickle of desire between her legs became a flood and a high keening sound filled the room that she only recognized as coming from her when he switched nipples.

  She squeezed her legs together and felt her pussy pulse with a wanton desire she never felt before. He took both nipples in his mouth and her body exploded. The scream coming out of her mouth was unrecognizable as darkness drifted over her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Taya opened her eyes to Gabe’s hand slowly petting her stomach making her feel good.

  “What happened?”

  “I think you were a little over loaded on sensual experiences.”

  Her cheeks pinked, she could feel the heat in them. Really she should close her eyes or make some lame excuse to leave, but she never felt anything that good in her life and it shouldn’t have taken this long for her to experience such pleasure.

  “Did I, umm, make you uncomfortable?” Maybe her obvious lack of finesse in the bedroom was disgusting him. She had heard more than once that a man wanted a woman who knew what she was doing not some untrained novice.

  “Allow me to get this right. You’re asking me if I’m upset that you passed out at the power of my love making? I proved to you how resourceful I was, how I was only thinking of you. I set you on fire and you couldn’t resist my raw animal magnetism and I’m supposed to be upset. I don’t understand.”

  She chuckled which led into a full blown laugh. He looked so proud of himself.

  Her hand reached out and trailed down his arm. “Would you like to try that again.”

  “Thought you’d never ask.”

  He pulled her close, kissing her, but this time she was right in the middle of the action giving as good as she got. Her elusive confidence came on line and she repeated his actions from earlier. She pressed her nose into the curve of his neck and took a deep breath. He smelled so good she could feel her pussy throb from his scent.

  Her tongue came out and licked him, tasting the flavor of his skin. He tasted wild and musky as if it were some special blend the universe came up with just for him. She nipped at his skin with her teeth and watched him shiver in delight. He held her loosely, never urging her to go faster as she took her time exploring him.

  His small nipples were puckered. “Do you like having your nipples sucked like I do?”

  “Only one way to find out.” His voice was so deep and rough she barely understood the words but her body understood he was excited. She was getting to him like he had done to her.

  The feminine part of her preened that he was responding to her. Lowering her head, she sucked one of his nipples into her mouth. How could she not have known it would be this good? That little nubbin was turning her on as his voice came out husky with need. It was like he just consumed a good glass of bourbon or a shot of whisky and now his voice had that rawness that went straight to her pussy and made it clench on air.

  Her hips rubbed against his, involuntarily looking for relief.

  “Not this time, sweetness. This time we go together.”

  She nodded her head acknowledging his words even as she switched nipples, sucking on the other one while pinching the first one. Slowly she made her way down his body until she was at his belly button. The fact that he had one amazed her. She licked it because it was flat, barely an indentation capturing her awareness. The ridges in his abdomen showing the muscles he possessed called to her. She worshiped him with her mouth until she made her way down to his sexy V and the small smattering of hair he had there.

  Her head raised and looked at him suddenly at a loss for what to do next. He pulled her flush against him, kissing her and flipping her over so she was on the bottom and he could now feast on her body.

  His hand slowly moved over her flesh, caressing, pinching, touching all of her sensitive places she never knew where sensitive. With deft moves, he stripped her of her remaining clothes before turning her over so she was lying on her stomach. He took his tongue and licked down her spine making her call out as her body shivered. Her back was an erogenous zone she didn’t know she possessed.

  “Your body was meant to be loved by me. I love how responsive you are. How you react to every lick, every touch. I could spend all day loving you and not get enough.” He sucked at the skin in the small of her back and she howled with pleasure. His hands ran over her ass, caressing her before turning her over and spreading her legs.

  “I want to touch you down here, lick you, taste you. Can I, sweetness?”

  For a minute she trembled as pictures of old abuse tried to take over but with his hands on her, the way he touched her made her forget the past and focus on the now.

  She pushed her voice past her lips, it wasn’t steady or even as confident sounding as she wished but it gave the right answer. “Yes.” Her mouth curved in a smile, she couldn’t wait to feel what he was going to do to her.

  Her body stiffened as she waited for his lips or his fingers to touch her pussy. Instead he kissed her knee, first the front and then the back. She looked at him not understand but accepting. He kissed a little higher tracing his fingers over her legs. Taking his time, he kissed each place on her legs until she was shaking with desire from nothing but his mouth, his lips, and the gentle trail of his fingertips over her.

  The kisses started to drift higher. She trembled in anticipation, her hand slipped down and curled in his hair as he kept kissing his way up. He was finally there and her body vibrated with need. He looked up to give her a wicked smile before his tongue slipped out and licked the seam of her pussy.

  Her body bucked and her hand tightened in his hair. “Do that again!” she demanded. No longer shy, she knew exactly what she wanted and was happy to ask for it.

  He did it again taking a deep taste. His voice rumbled at the back of his throat before his lips wrapped around her clit and sucked.

  Oh please, please let me stay awake through this. Allow my body not to be burned up in the throes of the fire that is now consuming it. She silently prayed even as she pressed her clit harder against his mouth. Her hand refused to let his head move as she begged without words for more. He knew and gave her what she was asking for until her clit throbbed and a river of passion flowed down her legs that he greedily lapped up.

  Backing away, he took a finger and ran it over her pussy. Each time he got a little closer to her entrance she would shy away just a little. She waited for the sensation of being violated but it never came. Instead, her hips lifted a little as if seeking the penetration until his finger finally made its way in.

  Her greedy pussy convulsed around it, greeting it as if she had been waiting for this moment forever. His finger sank deeper in and she felt her voice come out begging for more. He withdrew to her protest and then added another finger. A slight moan left her lips even as she felt a sensation of fullness. He pressed deeply into her and her hips thrust up.

  A hiss that sounded like yes left her mouth.

  “Do you want more, sweetness? Would you like to feel me deep inside of you?” He took her hand and placed it over his hard cock.

  She swallowed hard even as she nodded her head yes. He was large. Would he fit?

  “I need the words, Taya. If you want me, you have to tell me.”

  She dragged her eyes up his torso, eyeing his body. His pants were still on although he had unbuckled and unzipped them at some point.

  “I want you,” and she did want him. It felt like her life had been waiting for this one moment and she w
ouldn’t, couldn't, let it pass without indulging.

  He stood and shucked the pants he was wearing. His cock stood out in front of him tilted upwards glorious in its detail. The head was silently weeping pre-cum. For the first time, she wondered what it would feel like to take him in her mouth. His was a little darker than she thought he would be. There was a slight sheen of hair on his cock, his Matra’s contribution she was willing to bet. The more she looked at him, the more her tongue came out to lick her lips. She wanted him.

  “Gabe,” her voice was thick and needy.

  “I’ve got you.” He crawled over the bed making her swallow with desire until his lips devoured her and his hands caressed her, calming her down yet somehow making her more excited.

  His fingers caressed her pussy, taking her passion to new heights as his body finally covered hers.

  His voice whispered in her ear calling her sweetness as he positioned his cock and pressed. She moaned loudly feeling him sink into her. An inch, maybe two. He was big and thick, stretching her and still she wanted him. He waited while she adjusted to his size before sinking deeper. Slowly he took her a little at a time.

  Her mouth opened and closed trying to say something, anything, but her brain had short circuited and all she wanted to do was move her hips, so she did.

  He pulled out and eased back in and she bit his shoulder trying not to scream aloud. That bite spurred him on and the next move was harder. He pulled out and sank back in until his movements became shaky and his hips moved with a mind of their own, pounding into her. Driving her deep into the bed. Her legs wrapped around him as she held on.

  A high keening sound was coming from her as an explosion started in her belly causing her limbs to be consumed by a white hot fire. The scream she could no longer hold back came bursting forth. Her body shook and pleasure overcame her.


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