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No Apologies (Bomar Boys Book 2)

Page 20

by Jess Bryant

  His gruff question made her roll her eyes. Not hello. Not thanks for waiting up for me. Just the same rude question he always asked.

  “I would’ve thought that was obvious. I’m waiting on you.”

  His jaw jumped, “Why?”

  “Because we need to talk.”

  Colt stared at her for a long moment and she tried to figure out what he was thinking. It was impossible. He was wearing his mask of indifference. The same mask he always put on when he was trying to push her away. When he was trying to convince her that he was some sort of badass Bomar boy that she shouldn’t be around because he was dangerous.

  Well, too damn bad, she wasn’t the kind to scare easy.

  “Not tonight, Sky.”

  “Yes, tonight. Now.” She stood her ground.

  “It’s been a long fuckin’ day and I’m not in the mood for whatever this is. Go home. I don’t want you here. I want to be alone.”

  She watched as he stomped past her and didn’t miss that he was careful not to brush against her. Interesting. He didn’t want to talk to her, or touch her. He’d dismissed her with the same bullshit he’d used last time but they were past that now. He needed to catch up so she followed behind him and watched him scowl when she caught the door he attempted to close behind him and followed him inside.

  She shut the door behind her and turned to face him, “No, you don’t. You hate being alone.”

  “Get out, Sky.” He pointed at the door and raised his voice which only made her raise her eyebrows.

  “No. Not until we talk.”

  “I don’t want to fuckin’ talk!” He snarled and threw his keys on the table so hard they skidded right off the other side.

  Not so indifferent then. Angry Colt. The question was whether he was angry at her or angry at the world.

  “Fine. You can listen then. I didn’t call Trey today. He came with Ow…”

  “I am not talking about your boyfriend.” He cut her off with a growl.


  “Goddamnit Skylar. I’m not doing this with you. Go home. I can’t have you here right now. It isn’t safe. I’m on edge and if you stay…” He snapped off as if the rest of his sentence was something he couldn’t put into words and she blinked at him.

  “What? If I stay, what? You’ll say something you’ll regret?”

  His eyes flashed a warning before his lips curled into a sneer, “No. I’m going to do something you’ll regret.”

  She felt his eyes skate over her body and everything inside of her tensed. Low in her belly, heat unfurled at the leering way he eyed her. She couldn’t recall ever being eye-fucked quite so blatantly and she had to struggle to keep up.

  Oh! She hadn’t seen this coming but maybe she should have. He was a Bomar and there was a long-standing legend that they were only good for two things. Fighting and fucking. Colt had already done one of those today. It only seemed natural he’d be interested in the second.

  Instead of backing down like he clearly intended her to, she met his fiery gaze, “Who says I’d regret it?”

  “You would. Trust me. Because if you don’t leave, right now, I’m gonna be on you, Sky. I’m gonna mark you so that fuckin’ rig rat knows who you belong to. I’m gonna use you, hard, and I’m gonna ruin you for any other man.”

  She bit her lip to stifle a moan at the dirty threats he was delivering. Not indifferent at all. Angry Colt, sure, but also Sexy Colt. He’d said he was on edge and she’d thought she understood what that meant, but she hadn’t. He was on the verge of losing control. Finally.

  No tempered touches. No excuses or reasonings. No caveats about one night. He was going to lose control and finally, finally take what he wanted. Her. And she felt like she’d been waiting for this moment forever.

  “It won’t be sweet this time. No soft words. No gentle kisses. I’m gonna take what I want from you and I’m not gonna hold back.”

  Skylar struggled to swallow past her suddenly dry throat. He was trying to scare her off again. The harsh, crude words were meant to send her running but all they did was turn her on and soften her heart to this man even more.

  He wanted her that badly? Needed her that much? He wanted to mark her? Claim her? Even as he dealt with whatever internal struggle was threatening to destroy him, he was still trying to protect her from him and that decided her fate.

  She was already ruined for any other man. Colt was the only one she wanted. He was the only one that made her feel like this. She loved him so she steeled herself for whatever obstacle he threw at her next.

  “I already told you.” She moved towards him slowly, as if he really were an animal that would spook, “I’ll take you however I can get you, Colt.”

  Heat sparked in his eyes when she trailed her hands up his chest. He caught her wrists in each of his and tugged them away. It was a forceful move but it didn’t hurt. Just like the tingles that radiated through her scalp when he gripped her hair tight in his fist and forced her head back was more pleasure than pain.

  He tilted her chin up and his mouth was on hers before she could even suck in a gulp of air. Rough. He stamped his lips to hers almost brutally and when she gasped he plunged his tongue into her mouth. She tried to keep up. She tried to return his kiss but he held her too tight, used too much pressure, and jerked back before she could adjust.

  “You said last night you wanted to suck me.” His eyes gleamed with a menacing dare, “Do it. Get on your knees.”

  Skylar fought a smile by biting her lips. Did he really think that was a threat? Being on her knees for him was something she’d fantasized about for months. If he expected her to fight him on this, he was in for a rude awakening.

  She gripped his hips for balance and dropped down. That earned her a sharp intake of breath and she did smile now that he couldn’t see it. He’d honestly believed she wouldn’t mind the order. Poor, misguided man truly thought his aggression would scare her. He should have learned after her numerous orgasms last night that she liked his bossy, dominant behavior and his dirty talk.

  With slightly shaky hands, she unbuttoned his jeans and carefully slid down the zipper. Colt cursed when she pulled the material down and freed his erection. Despite having had him inside her last night, this was her first real look at him and she had to bite off a curse of her own.

  The man was perfection.

  Long and thick with just the slightest curve to the left that she already knew from experience hit her in all the right places. Because it was Colt, she hadn’t been surprised to find he had the most intimidating dick she’d ever seen. What had surprised her was that the bastard had pierced it.

  A big silver barbell shot through the base. He’d told her that this piercing existed but until last night when she’d seen and felt it for herself, she’d honestly thought he was teasing her. She’d never added it to her fantasies of him and that was a damn shame because it was sexy as hell.

  She wanted to play with it. With her fingers. With her tongue. She wanted to play with him, learn exactly what he liked, find out what spots made him groan and what would send him over the edge. But from the tight way he held himself and the demand in his voice, she knew this wasn’t going to be her opportunity to do any of that.

  “Suck me, Sky. Now.”

  Colt circled his hand around his shaft and angled towards her. She licked her lips and he growled her name again in warning so she did what he wanted. She opened her mouth and slid down as far as she could, engulfing his cock and taking him down until her gag reflex kicked in and she couldn’t take another inch.

  “Fuckin’ hell.” Colt gasped and his fingers in her hair tightened.

  She couldn’t smile in her current position but she did hum her agreement as she tightened her lips and slid back up to the crown. She sucked hard and then licked and lapped at the head before taking him down again. She repeated the pattern again and again, earning her groans and clutching hands but when she cupped his heavy balls as well, Colt cursed again and she felt whateve
r thread of control he’d been holding onto snap.

  “Take me.” He snarled at the same time his hips snapped forward.

  He fucked her mouth, holding her head steady so she could do nothing but that over and over again. She held steady and relaxed her jaw. When he growled and thrust deep and then deeper still she squeezed her eyes shut to stamp out the flash of tears that sprang up. She forced her breathing to switch to his rhythm and the next time he went deep she swallowed him down her throat and earned another round of four letter words.

  It was fast and deep and brutal but she held onto him and let him have his way with her. Whatever he wanted. Whatever he needed. She could give it to him. Just when she expected him to grab her hard and force himself even deeper, he sucked in a gasp of air and his hips hesitated in their pounding rhythm.

  His voice was rough when he spoke, “Look at me.”

  She obliged as best she could considering he still had a firm grip on her hair and his cock was in her mouth. She tilted her head up slightly and then raised her eyes to meet his gaze. He stilled and the look in his eyes made her entire body lock up with a mixture of expectation and apprehension.

  “Had enough?”

  Really? She barely bit off her sarcasm. He was still trying to send her away?

  Skylar fought his hold on her hair for the first time and he instantly let go. No doubt he did so now because he thought he’d succeeded in pushing her away. He expected her to shove him off for being so rough and crude and leave him. She pulled off of him so she could speak. She didn’t want there to be any confusion on his part when he thought back on this moment.

  “No. Not even close to enough.”

  Her refusal to back down made something dark and dangerous flare in his eyes. Since she was on her knees and at his mercy, she wasn’t prepared when he reached down and grabbed her arms. He moved fast, hauling her up to her feet and then spinning her around. He plastered his front to her back and pinned her against the table in one easy move.

  When he gripped her chin and dragged her head back for another roughly possessive kiss, her knees went weak. He’d barely touched her. He’d used her rough and hard, just as he’d said he would. And all she wanted was more. He snarled as he broke the kiss and she whimpered at the loss of his lips.

  “Goddamnit. You’d let me hurt you?”

  “Holding back hurts me. Pushing me away hurts me. This?” She gasped as she tried to suck in much needed air, “This doesn’t hurt. Give me more.”

  He growled as he kicked her legs apart and ground his erection into her ass, “You want this?”


  He cursed again and then his hands were moving south. He ripped her jeans down her legs, taking her panties with them. She tried to help pull them off but he smacked her hands away.

  “Put them on the table and keep them there.”

  She did as she was told. Why wouldn’t she? Everything he’d done to her so far had only made her achy and needy. She needed to come, soon. Felt like she would combust any second and she wanted him inside her when that happened. The memory of having had that last night made her moan when she felt him prod at her entrance.

  She opened her mouth to beg him, to plead with him not to tease her, to give her what she needed, but before she could utter a word his hands went to her hips. He gripped her tight and pulled her back at the same time he shoved forward, impaling her. And she saw stars.

  “Yes!” She screamed as he pulled out and thrust again, hard enough to have her bending over the table and coming up on her toes to regain her balance.

  It was just as hard and rough as he’d promised it would be and her entire body lit up like a live wire. Yes. This was what she needed, what she’d always needed. Colt, completely out of control, needing her and taking her. After a few more brutal shoves inside of her, she was tilting her hips back trying to take more of him.

  “You’re soaking wet and gripping me like a vise.” He snarled at her ear, “You like this?”

  “Yes. God, yes. Please…” She squeaked when his motions slowed, “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  Despite her protests, Colt jerked free of her body once more and she felt it like the loss of a limb. This was it. He was going to torture her by withholding her release. If he walked away from her now, like this, she feared she might never forgive him.

  “Damn it Sky.”

  She whimpered, trying to process what was happening through the whirlwind of her desire and her need and her emotions. Colt turned her around and then lifted her to the table. He cupped her cheeks between his hands and forced her to meet his gaze.

  She blinked, confused by the sudden softness she saw there. He was studying her face as if she was the confusing one and his brows furrowed at whatever he saw there. She reached for him, already hating the distance between them, and this time he let her wrap her arms around his neck.

  “You said you’d take whatever you could get with me?”

  She didn’t understand the question so she nodded, “Yes.”

  “Even if this is all I can give you?”



  With one simple yet complex question, her crazy, swirling emotions stilled and her heart melted. Reassurance. That’s what he’d been looking for on her face. The strong, confident man in front of her needed reassurance and she was helpless not to try and give him what he needed. Colt held his breath but she couldn’t hold back, not anymore, not here and not now.

  “Because I love you.”

  A pained, almost fearful expression crossed his handsome face and her heart broke all over again. It shattered. Because she could see the uncertainty there and she knew she was on the verge of losing him. She tightened her grip on him and met his gaze, praying that he wouldn’t shut her out for something that had never been in her control.

  She loved him but she knew him well enough to know he couldn’t just accept it.

  “You don’t have to say it back. You don’t even have to feel the same way. It won’t change how I feel about you, Colt. Nothing will, because nothing can. I love you. I think I’ve always loved you.”

  Whether it was the admission of love or the permission not to reciprocate, Colt softened under her hands. Some of the tension left his shoulders and he moved into her again. He took her mouth and this time his kiss was soft but no less passionate. He made love to her mouth, teasing and stroking her back to a fever pitch. She was so lost in his beautiful kiss that she almost missed that he was undressing her.

  He kept kissing her as he unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it off her shoulders. Her bra was next and as it hit the floor she shoved her hands under his shirt and forced it over his head. He had to release her to remove it and then he was bending to remove both their pants as well. When they were finally naked, he moved back between her legs and she wrapped herself around him.

  Their gazes met and held and she forgot to breathe. Neither of them blinked as he slowly and steadily fed his length back into her. Once they were joined completely, he dropped his forehead to hers.

  “Please don’t give up on me.”

  She trembled in his arms, “Never.”

  Colt kissed her again as he began to slide in and out of her body. She’d thought it couldn’t get any better than the wild, desperate mating they’d started with but this… this was better.

  It was everything he’d told her he couldn’t give her. Sweet. Gentle. Lovemaking. And even if he couldn’t say the words, she didn’t need them because his body was telling her what his lips couldn’t.

  He wrapped his arms around her, hauling her close so that they were wrapped tightly around each other, skin to skin, as close as any two people could be. She rolled her hips as he thrust into her and made them one. Like this she could feel their hearts beating wildly and she felt it the moment they synchronized into one steady beat.

  “You’re too good for me. So beautiful. So strong. So passionate.” Colt whispered against her ear as he thrust insi
de her, “I should let you go and be with someone that deserves you.”

  She bit her lip to stifle a cry of despair. No. No! He couldn’t do this to her. Not now. Not again. Not after she’d told him she loved him. Not while he was making love to her, body and soul, and binding them together. He couldn’t be planning to leave her when he was still inside her.

  Colt pulled back enough to look her in the eyes and she whimpered at the determination she saw in his gaze. He brushed her hair back and kissed her lightly. When he looked at her again, he shook his head.

  “But I can’t do it. Not anymore. You’re mine, Skylar.”

  Her heart soared and she nodded, “Yes. Yours.”

  “I don’t have a right to ask but say it again. Please.” He brushed his lips over her jaw.

  “I love you.”

  “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” He nipped her with his teeth.

  It wasn’t the three little words she yearned for but it was just as beautiful an admission. She was his. He was done pushing her away. He wanted her love and just knowing that he would accept it, accept her, sent her over the edge. Between her racing heart and the feel of his body wrapped around her, she couldn’t stop the orgasm that stole her breath.

  Colt groaned and plunged deep, “That’s it, angel. Come for me.”

  He kissed her as his hips sped again and she clutched him until her nails must have dug into his skin. She felt it coming. Felt him grow impossibly harder, felt him twitch, and when she felt his hot, wet seed erupt deep inside of her, she cried out at the incredible feeling of rightness.

  “Colt! Oh, Colt… I love you. I love you so much.” His climax forced another round of shudders through her before they collapsed against each other.

  They stayed like that for a long time. Holding each other, clutching at one another, refusing to break apart. For the first time in her life, Skylar understood the term soulmate. That’s what Colt was. Being with him completed her. They were better together than they could ever be apart.

  Sweaty and sated, their breathing began to slow as they held each other. Eventually the silence in the room became deafening. When Colt began to extricate himself she moaned and tightened her grip on him, terrified that the second she released him he would begin the process of pushing her away all over again.


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