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No Apologies (Bomar Boys Book 2)

Page 22

by Jess Bryant

  “When you said Lincoln and I have business together, you were right.” He felt the words stick in his throat, “Lincoln owns Fine Lines.”

  Skylar’s eyes widened with shock, “What? I thought it was yours?”

  “It is. He isn’t part of the operations at all but he paid for it.”

  She shook her head, “I don’t understand.”

  “When Cash decided we were going to live straight, we both knew that meant staying away from the family business. It seemed easy enough. Get legal jobs and keep our noses clean. Cash was already working for Auto and I convinced Johnny to let me apprentice under him at his shop in Falls Lake. We thought that’d be enough but the truth is we were young and stupid. We had no idea how much life, a clean life, truly cost.”

  Skylar was silent, letting him talk, but he didn’t dare look at her. He couldn’t. He didn’t want to see pity, or worse judgement, on her beautiful face.

  “Rent. Utilities. Vehicles. Fuckin’ food. We were going under fast and it wasn’t like I had a lot of options. The bank never would have given me what we needed to survive on our own. So, when Link offered…”

  “You took his money.”

  He nodded and heard Skylar sigh. It had been stupid. He knew that. Believing Lincoln actually wanted to help had been naïve. He knew better. Nobody in their family ever helped anyone but themselves. But he’d been out of options.

  If he hadn’t come up with the money to live on, they would have been forced to move back home to that shack on the Bomar land where their parents still lived. They’d barely gotten out of hell once. They never would have survived it a second time. Going back would have destroyed them both so he’d made a deal with a different devil instead.

  “You did what you had to.” Skylar whispered softly but her understanding only made him shake his head.

  “I was desperate.”

  “And Cash doesn’t know?”

  “No.” His stomach turned at the very idea of telling his twin the truth.

  “Colt, your brother isn’t stupid. How does he think you came up with the money to get out of trouble and start your business?”

  “He thinks Johnny helped me get started.” He glanced up in time to see her eyebrows go up and groaned, “I never lied to him about it. He assumed and I never corrected him. He thinks to come up with the rest that I did a few odd jobs for the crew and won a few fights. He thinks I fight because I need it, to work through my anger and maybe sometimes I do but most of my anger is tied to Lincoln these days. As far as Cash knows, I’ve never done anything for the family. I’m clean, just like him, but it isn’t true.”

  Skylar frowned, “Why let him think that? You two tell each other everything. You’re practically conjoined. I don’t understand why you’ve kept all of this to yourself all this time.”

  “Because if I told Cash what I was doing, he would’ve felt responsible. Best case, he would’ve told me no and we’d have been right back where we started. Worst case, he would’ve wanted to help and I couldn’t let him go down that road.”


  “He’s the best of us, Skylar. Not just me and him or even Remy but all of the Bomars. I’ve known it since we were kids. Hell, Decker knew it. That’s why he tried so hard to tear him down. Cash was just born better than the rest of us and he deserved a shot at getting the life he wanted. He deserved to get out and I gave it to him.”

  “There you go again deciding what’s best for other people.” Skylar rolled her eyes, “I bet Cash would say the same thing about you if he knew what all you’d done for him.”

  “Well he’s never finding out so it doesn’t matter. I did what I had to do and I don’t regret it. He’s happy and healthy and whole. That’s more than I ever thought was possible when we were kids. And now he’s gonna be a father, a helluva father, way better than we ever had. If I had to crawl through hell all over again, I’d do it to give him that. I’d give anything to see him get the life he always wanted with Jemma and that baby. Anything.”

  Sadness colored Skylar’s blue eyes and he felt sick to his stomach again. Anything. He’d give anything for Cash’s happiness. Even his own. He’d even give her up if he had to.

  He could see her thinking it but he didn’t know what to say to take away the sting of a truth like that. He would. His happiness came second. It always had. Safety came first. Protecting the people he loved came first. It was the only way they’d survived this long.

  Skylar blew out an unsteady breath, “So you took Lincoln’s dirty money and he’s been holding it over you ever since?”

  Leave it his girl to get them back on track. She wasn’t done getting her answers yet. She knew there was more to it than just letting his cousin own a majority of his tattoo studio. She was smart too. He wasn’t surprised she’d figured most of it out and was looking for confirmation.

  “Yeah, kinda. I’ve been working off my debts. Like you already figured out, I fight for him.”

  “And the other stuff?” She studied his face warily, “Are you boosting cars for him?”

  “No.” He shook his head instantly, “I put my foot down on the shit that could get me thrown in prison first thing. I’m his muscle if he needs backup but that’s it. Slap on the wrist stuff. Nothing serious.”

  It was a line of bullshit and they both knew it but Skylar didn’t call him out. If the police ever caught up to the Bomar crime ring they’d all be in trouble. Dipping in a toe made him just as guilty as his cousins. But Cash was clean, he’d made sure of it and that was what mattered.

  “How much do you still owe him?”

  “Not much. I’m getting close to paying him off.” He shook his head, “At least I was until last week when I nearly lost that fight.”

  Skylar’s brows furrowed, “When you were all bruised up?”


  “You almost lost?”


  “And you’ve never even come close to losing before?”

  “No.” He glanced up and saw her lips pursed. “Why?”

  “You don’t think it’s a little bit strange that you’re finally getting close to freeing yourself from Lincoln’s chains and all of a sudden you nearly lose a fight and your business, which he gave you money to start in the first place, is attacked?”

  He scowled, “What are you gettin’ at Skylar?”

  “It just seems to me that the person with the most to gain here is your cousin. Lincoln doesn’t strike me as the type of guy that’s going to let something good go easily. You bring in money if you never lose and it’s pretty clear even to an outsider like me that he loves lording his power over all of your cousins. You and Cash will be the only ones he can’t touch once you pay him off.”

  What she was saying sank in and his brows shot up. No. That was crazy. Wasn’t it?

  “You think Link attacked my shop?”

  “Maybe.” She shrugged a delicate shoulder, “Would you put it past him?”

  Colt rubbed his temples as a headache began to take hold. No, he wouldn’t put anything past Lincoln. Not really. And it made a sick, twisted kind of sense. With the shop destroyed, he’d need more money to fix it. Lincoln had even offered to cover it already, claiming he still owned some of it anyway and would be happy to help. Of course, that money would come with its own debt and he’d known that so he hadn’t said yes.

  But if Lincoln had set him up, what had they spent the afternoon doing? All of the phone calls and hushed conversations while they cleaned up the shop. The tip that their guy had been blabbing about getting back at the Bomars. They’d found the bastard responsible and returned the favor. But who had told Lincoln that was their guy?

  Damn it, he didn’t know.

  “I don’t know.” He admitted.

  “Do you trust him?”


  Skylar shrugged, “There’s your answer.”

  He wished it were that simple but it wasn’t. He didn’t trust anyone. That didn’t necessarily mean his cou
sin was out to ruin him. Lincoln was a selfish, sadistic prick but he’d never hurt the family.

  “If Link set me up, how do you explain the guy we paid a visit to today?”

  “That’s where y’all went?”

  “Yeah and the guy wasn’t working with Lincoln. Trust me. He was terrified of him. Started talkin’ straight away. He said Link has a rat in his crew, somebody playing both sides with the competition. That got Link’s attention for sure but if the guy we talked to knew who it was, he would’ve cracked and said something after the beating we gave him.”

  Skylar winced, “Guess I’ll just have to take your word for it.”

  “Hey…” He crossed to the bed and reached for her hand, “This shit, it’s a part of me. I’m trying to break free but you said you wanted to know everything. That’s everything. Please don’t hate me for being honest with you about who I am.”

  “What?” Skylar squeezed his hand, “I don’t hate you, Colt. You did what you had to do in order to survive. You still are. I don’t blame you. I respect the hell out of the tough choices you’ve had to make.”

  “You have no idea what that means to me.” He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her close, knowing that he was about to push her away again, “But until Link and I figure out who the threat against us really is, I need you to keep your distance from me.”



  “No.” She pulled back to look him in the eye, “If whoever wants to hurt you is part of Lincoln’s crew then they likely already know we’re friends. Whether that’s Lincoln himself or not, if they know you care about me, I’m already a target.”

  He blanched at the very thought. She was right. Guilt by association. Whatever semblance of space he’d been keeping between them it wasn’t enough. Anyone that knew him, knew she was important to him.

  Fuck. What if they’d hit her shop on purpose? What if they went after her next? He’d kill them. Plain and simple. He’d kill anyone that dared touch her. She was his and he protected what was his.

  “I’m safer with you than without you.” Skylar studied his face again, her expression serious when she lowered her voice, “Unless you don’t want me with you.”

  “I do.” He cupped her cheeks, “I want you, more than anything, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around allowing myself to have you. If you get hurt…”

  “I won’t.”

  “But if you did…”

  “You won’t let anything happen to me. I trust you.”

  She kept hitting him where it hurt. Her trust. Her love. Both things that he wanted, needed like air. Things he hadn’t even known he was missing but wouldn’t lose now that he had them. He would protect her if it was the last thing he did.

  He’d been fighting her, fighting himself, but he was done with that. There were bigger threats out there. They were better together. Safer together.

  Because anyone that messed with a Bomar had the entire family to deal with. If he made Skylar his, she’d have the entire family at her back. They might not be good for much but they protected their own.

  “Thank you. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know.” She bit her lip and glanced up at him from beneath her lashes, “So, does that mean we’re together? You and me? Are we an us now?”

  “Us.” He managed a tense smile, “It’s always been us hasn’t it?”

  “Mmhmm, good answer. They don’t say you’re the silver tongued twin for nothing.” She pressed a kiss to his jaw, “Just one other thing?”


  “Are we going to tell Jemma and Cash?”

  He chuckled, something he hadn’t expected after this conversation, “You think they haven’t figured it out yet?”

  “No. I mean yes. I think they knew we were on a crash course with each other but that’s not what I’m asking. Are we going to tell them we’re together now or wait until they get back from their vacation? I mean, we could wait until you figure things out with Lincoln if you really want but I think they’re gonna put it together as soon as they get back and see us so…”

  He laughed, “You’re kind of adorable when you’re nervous. You know that?”

  “I’m not nervous. I’m just…”

  “Worried what Jem is gonna think of you shacking up with her future brother in law?”


  “Good. Because I already told her and she said it’s about damn time.”

  “What?” Skylar gasped and he grinned.

  Damn, he liked that he could surprise her. He felt more like himself than he had in weeks. Not carefree, not exactly, but he’d lightened the burden he was carrying by sharing it with Skylar and now that he knew his truth wasn’t going to drive her away, he could smile again.

  “I told Cash and Jemma we’re together.”



  “How much earlier?” Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  “This afternoon when Cash called to check in and I had to tell them about the stores being busted up.”

  “I… but… really?”

  “Really.” He smirked when Skylar got tongue tied, “I told them we were working things out but not to worry because no matter what, I was going to take care of you.”

  She smiled, “I can’t believe you told them we were together and still tried to scare me off tonight.”

  “I had to try. For you. I want you but if being with me puts you in danger…”

  “I know, but we’ll figure it out. Together.”

  “Together.” He kissed her softly but her giggle had him pulling back, “What?”

  “I bet wherever my phone is, it’s buzzing like crazy with missed calls from Jemma wanting all the dirty details.”

  He snorted, “You lost your phone again?”

  “Temporarily misplaced. I think I may have left it at the salon.”

  “We’re gonna have to glue that thing to your hand.”

  “That’d be a problem. How would I do things like this?”

  He groaned as she slid her hand down to cup his erection. He was semi-hard just being near her. Her touch had him throbbing in seconds.

  “Sky…” He pushed her back on the bed and hovered over her, kissing her face as she stroked him, “Say it again. Please.”

  She smiled up at him, “I love you, Colt. We’re gonna get through this together. I trust you.”

  As he made love to her again, he couldn’t help but hope that was enough. Trust and love should be enough. But it never had been before…

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So you guys are finally coming home?”

  Skylar held the phone between her ear and shoulder as she pulled her car into a parking spot just outside the salon. Despite the ungodly early hour, the place was buzzing with activity. She’d kept the salon closed for the past few days as she worked out all the details of getting the windows replaced and the guys were installing her new glass today. Her excitement probably should have been about getting back to work but when she got a glimpse of the guys working right next door, she forgot all about mundane things like work.

  Sweet Jesus, that many Bomar boys in one place should have been illegal. No, scratch that. It probably was illegal. No doubt some of them were breaking probation or at the very least the laws of attraction. There were at least five of them in various states of sweaty undress and as a woman, her eyes couldn’t be blamed for taking in the man meat on display.

  They might be criminals. They might be dirty and backwoods. They were definitely crude and offensive. But they were also some of the best looking men to ever grace the face of the earth in her not at all biased opinion.

  In the Bomar genetic lottery, they’d all cashed in. Cash! Ha! And he wasn’t even among them today.

  Instead she watched as another set of infamous Bomar twins worked together to lift a large glass mirror. Royce and Bentley were Auto’s second set of twins and sported the same Greek God stature of their older cousins and brothe
rs. Their oldest brother was there of course too, no doubt spouting orders since Lincoln’s handsome face was twisted into a murderous expression at the moment. Lincoln’s twin, Ford, was nowhere to be seen sadly but there was plenty of other eye candy. Remy was taking a break, his back propped against the wall and a cigarette dangling from his lips as he smirked and said something to Lincoln that earned him a finger and some choice four-letter words.

  All in all they were a sight to behold but even still her eyes kept twitching around, looking for the one Bomar boy that made her insides turn to liquid. She didn’t see him but he had to be there. There was absolutely no way Colt would let his brother and cousins do all the work while he sat around.

  A loud shout went up from somewhere nearby and her gaze tracked over until she found him. Colt had come through the still open frame of his shop and standing half in shadow and half in light he looked like a fallen angel. She let the goofy grin spread over her face at the thought he would no doubt call ridiculous.

  His sand colored hair was sticking up in every direction as if he’d run his hands through it a dozen times. He had a smirk on his face, his dimples flashing and his blue eyes twinkling with laughter. A smile on that man was a beautiful thing but she couldn’t get distracted by it, not when her gaze traveled further south and she realized he was wearing only a white muscle shirt.

  And oh, sweet heaven, it did its job. It clung to his bulging muscles, showing off his broad chest and highlighting the abs that she knew lurked below. The man was built like a freaking tank but it was all of that dark ink poking from beneath the edges of his shirt, twisting down and around his arms that made her stomach flutter.

  For a long time now she’d fantasized about getting to run her tongue over all of those tattoos and last night, she’d finally gotten the chance to do just that. The memory of Colt laid out in her bed, letting her have her way with him, made her body tingle with awareness. He’d gripped her headboard so hard she thought he would break it in half and when she’d tongued his piercing he had broken and grabbed her, flipping their positions. The things he’d done to her after that… lord help her but she thought some of those things might still be illegal in the great state of Oklahoma.


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