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Bringing Home Danny

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by M. A. Blisher

  Copyright © 2014 by M.A. Blisher

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Bringing Home Danny contains adult language and graphic, homoerotic, sex scenes. It is intended for a mature audience.

  Book cover design and layout by, Ellie Bockert Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios.


  Writing this series has given me more pleasure than I ever could have ever imagined. The greatest joy has been the wonderful people it has brought into my life.

  Thank you to all my #1 fans.  You've been inspirational.

  Chelsea, you have been a Godsend with your unwavering help during the long days and nights of the tedious edits.

  Thank you, Wil, for all your guidance early on, and the idea for the title of my series.

  I would like to give a special thank you to my boyfriends , Nicky, Steve and Joel ;) for always being there for me –with love, understanding, patience and humor. And, to my lady friends, Chelsea, Shannon and Marky, who have offered me endless support, encouragement, and best of all, their friendship. And, last but never least, to my sweet, baby boy, Luca, for bringing light into my life.

  Several other people have helped me along the way with advice and technical support and flattering feedback. For that, I am eternally grateful.

  Please send your feedback at


  Mitch heaved the last of his bags over his shoulder and took one last scan of his dorm room before shutting the door on the first chapter of his life. After a crushing blow to his left knee ended his football scholarship at Notre Dame, Mitch returned to his hometown in upstate New York and transferred his credits to a local college. He channeled his energy on completing a B.S. in Business Administration. Having always been goal-oriented, he maintained a level of peak performance in every aspect of his life. Driven to succeed, he was determined to own a world-class fitness center. He would let nothing stand in his way. Realizing he needed sufficient funds to start his business, Mitch decided to move closer to the Metropolitan area to make his mark. After all, he was a big man, not well-suited for small town living.

  All Mitch had ever needed was his strong mind and body. With that singular focus, he set off to the Big Apple to earn a Master's Degree, while taking advantage of his muscular physique as a professional bodybuilder. Using his impressive size, and fortunate genetics, he went to the gym several hours a day where he bulked up fast.

  But, if Mitch was going make it big, he needed technique and he needed it quick. Breaking into the business required more than a good body and a desire. Mitch had to be exceptional. He would stand out among the crowd - not hard to do when you are nearly six-foot eight with wide shoulders and a tapered waist. He was told larger men in the field were rare, because it was hard to sculpt lean body mass and muscle on tall frames. Mitch wasn’t discouraged; he used it to his advantage. Where others failed, he would succeed. He wasn’t going to fall into the traps others did. He was realistic and strategic. He never took rejection personally. Obstacles were temporary challenges - hurdles he intended to leap over at full speed. His body was his business, a moneymaking machine - a means to an end. After consulting an expert in the field, and doing extensive research, Mitch set out to find a personal trainer. Short on funds, but not ambition, he brushed ego aside to put his trust into an up-and-coming fitness professional.


  Antonio sat numb on the hard pew. Staring ahead, he tuned out the wailing of the women sitting to the far right of the church. Consumed with grief, he missed when the crying hushed, and took no notice as the preacher began his benevolent sermon on death and renewal. Antonio concentrated instead on how the sunlight reflecting through the stained glass glistened off of the brass that encased the coffin positioned in front of the pulpit. Standing directly above the coffin, one could see what appeared to be a boy sleeping at peace in the warmth of the sun. Jesse's face shined in the radiant light as if caressed by the hands of God. A God reclaiming a favorite son with a soul deemed too precious to remain on earth.

  Antonio was vaguely aware of the supportive hand placed on his shoulder, followed by what he assumed were comforting words murmured in his ear. In direct contrast to the dullness of his outward senses was the sharp and intense pain that accompanied the despair threatening to swallow him whole. Despite the hurt and overwhelming sense of loss, he would never regret the day Jesse entered his life. He only wished he hadn’t wasted a single moment they had together keeping their love a secret.

  He met Jesse on the track field of Louisiana State. The boy had literally run into him. Tumbling to the ground he took along with him Antonio’s heart. Jesse would later joke that he had literally fallen in love at first sight . He instantly became Antonio’s world. He made everything in it nicer, sweeter, and more meaningful. With Jesse running by his side or encouraging him ahead, Antonio ran faster and went further. As Jesse’s health began to falter, Antonio dug in deeper, and fought harder. It was as if Antonio was trying to outrun the sickness that was threatening to tear their life apart. When Antonio lost Jesse, he lost his inspiration, and along with it, his joy for running. His medals gleamed shallow like fool’s gold. Olympic tryouts fell the same week as Jesse’s funeral. Others told him to go, to win for Jesse. In Antonio’s mind, the race was already lost. The race against time could never be won. Any victory would only be hollow. No, Antonio was going to be where he wanted to be, where he was meant to be; saying goodbye to the beautiful spirit of his first love.

  After Jesse’s frail body was laid to rest, Antonio put aside his track ambition. It was time to move on. He was not a man who typically dwelled on things. His normally sunny disposition, however, was fading darker by the day. He needed to leave New Orleans. It held too many painful memories and the shadows of things that would never be. Antonio began to channel Jesse’s generous spirit by supporting others. What he couldn’t do to repair the damage of Jesse’s fragile body, he harnessed into helping the able bodies be stronger.

  The move to New York City brought high-end clientele. Antonio was soon sought after for his reputation of pushing hard to get results others didn’t think were possible. He had several promising leads when he met up with the hard-edged man. Aside from a compelling physical attraction, Antonio didn't know what to make of him. The prospective client couldn’t pay him top rate; he won Antonio over with his gritty determination.

  In time, Mitch's charismatic intensity drew Antonio out of the darkness. It opened him up to experiences he never dreamed of, and to a life he never would have imagined. Antonio was confident Jesse was guiding him from above. Even in death, he was sending him comfort and a sense of purpose.

  Together, Mitch and Antonio made a home for each other, a sanctuary protected by two towers of loving steel. What neither had anticipated was that they were creating a powerful magnetic force that would soon attract three more impassioned souls seeking solace within their castle.

  This is a story of five distinct men bonded
in a polyamorous relationship, involving sex, discipline, and, above all else: love. Their relationship is as unique as each individual man, but their need for acceptance and belonging is universal.

  Part 1


  Chapter One

  A Bad Morning

  Grumpy from the start, Danny wanted to avoid breakfast altogether and stay in bed. He hadn’t slept well, tossing and turning from nightmares. Unfortunately, skipping breakfast without permission was not an option. Not bothering to change out of his sleepwear, Danny shuffled slowly into the threshold of the kitchen and hesitated by the entrance.

  “ Sit down, Danny,” Mitch ordered from his seat at the table.

  Danny dragged his feet to the table and plopped down in his usual spot. A sour expression grew on his face when he spied the bowl of oatmeal placed in front of him. Mitch took notice of his scowl and decided to ignore it – for now.

  “ Mmm, ham and eggs,” hummed Ricky in his usual bright and cheerful manner.

  “ Good morning, sunshine. Have a seat. Biscuits will be ready in a minute.” Antonio smiled sweetly back at Ricky before kissing him on the side of his handsome young face. He was grateful that at least one of his boys was agreeable in the morning. TJ, the oldest of the three, stretched his long arms out wide and playfully smacked Ricky in the back of the head as he took a seat next to him. Remaining amicable, Ricky let out a good-natured laugh. He then got up to assist Antonio by bringing the drinks to the table. TJ made a noisy display of pulling his chair in startling Ricky. The ruckus caused his hand to slip while reaching for a carton of OJ. Eyeing the mishap, Antonio caught the carton before too much spilled. He aimed a scolding glance at TJ, who shrugged as if to say, 'What?'

  Ricky blushed and apologized for the mess. He worried that the mood in the kitchen had shifted for the worse. Antonio grabbed a rag and handed it to Ricky who gave an appreciative smile as he quickly mopped up the juice from the counter. Once everyone settled around the table, Mitch sat back observing Danny over the top of his coffee mug. “Stop sulking and eat your breakfast,” he instructed, before taking a sip.

  Danny glanced up from staring at his oatmeal, folded his arms, and announced, “I'm not hungry.”

  Sensing a power struggle about to escalate, Antonio intervened with patient reasoning. “You haven't eaten all night. I am sure if you have a few bites you will realize you are hungry after all.”

  Danny wasn’t budging. “Why do I have to eat oatmeal?” he questioned. “Nobody else is.”

  “ Everyone else is eating ham and eggs. You don't like eggs, or ham for that matter.”

  “ Well, I don't like oatmeal either.”

  “ It's good for you and you've eaten it before.”

  “ Can I have a biscuit?” Danny asked, with a slight whine in his voice.

  “ Eat some oatmeal first,” Antonio said gently but firmly.

  Danny scowled at the offending bowl. Catching the displeasure on Mitch's face he quickly picked up his spoon. However, not finding his meal any more appetizing, he proceeded to spend his time stirring the oatmeal, scooping it up, and watching it slide off his spoon.

  Mitch was losing patience with Danny's antics. “Stop playing with your food and eat it,” he admonished sharply.

  Danny took a deep breath, sighed and lifted his spoon to take a tiny nibble.

  “ Try it with some cinnamon,” Ricky suggested, trying once again to lighten the mood.

  TJ, on the other hand, was rather amused by the scene unfolding in front of him. “He probably doesn't like that either,” he said, poking fun at Danny's discomfort. “Mmm…” he continued, while making a show of buttering and savoring the taste of his freshly baked biscuit.

  Danny rolled his eyes and tried unconvincingly to appear as if TJ's performance was not bothering him. Unable to contain his growing annoyance at being forced to sit and eat something he didn't like, Danny rested his head against his hand and muttered, “It doesn't matter what I put on it, it's still oatmeal.”

  “ Elbow off the table, please,” Antonio requested, in a somewhat exasperated tone.

  Danny leaned back with a huff, and TJ snickered. Mitch stood up giving them each a warning look. Danny flinched, bowed his head, and reached for his spoon. Grabbing his coffee mug, Mitch stepped out of the kitchen, much to Danny's relief. Thinking this might be his last chance, Danny bravely forged ahead with his oatmeal protest once he thought Mitch was out of earshot.

  With a sneer of disgust he put his question to Antonio. “Do I have to sit here and eat this?”

  “ You can eat it sitting down or you can eat it standing up. Your choice,” came the brisk voice of Mitch, who swiftly reentered the room.

  Realizing he miscalculated his luck, Danny sank back down in his chair with a deep blush, losing all nerve for further protest.

  Taking delight in the reprimand, TJ snorted OJ out of his nose.

  Danny glared at TJ and told him to “shut it!”

  He leaned back in his chair with a pout. After all the stirring and procrastination, Danny's oatmeal had become cold and runny. Not thinking it would help, but hoping to stall, he picked up the bowl of sugar and began scooping several spoonfuls onto his breakfast.

  Danny's plan to have a bowl full of sugar was intercepted when Antonio reached over the table and took both the bowl of sugar and teaspoon from Danny's hands. “That's more than enough sugar, my sweet boy.”

  “ Just eat it, Danny,” Ricky quietly pleaded.

  Embarrassed by the scolding and having the sugar taken from him, but not willing to take Mitch to task on his earlier threat, Danny reluctantly lifted his spoon again. Feeling more than a little self-conscious, he peered up from his spoon to see all four sets of eyes on him.

  Losing his battle with self-control, Danny slammed down his utensil and demanded to know, “What's everybody staring at!”

  “ Calm down,” Antonio soothed.

  “ Everybody is staring at you because you always have to be the center of attention,” TJ baited.

  Outraged at the statement because all he wanted was to be was left alone, Danny screamed, “I do not! Why do you always have to be such an ASS?!”

  “ That's enough!” Mitch barked.

  All three boys flinched in unison.

  In one quick motion Mitch was over by Danny. He hauled him up by his arm and landed three sharp swats to the seat of his pants. Danny instinctively jerked away, and Mitch pulled him in closer. “You will sit and eat your food with no more complaints or rude comments. Otherwise, you will be one sorry little boy.”

  He emphasized his point with two more hard smacks before positioning him back into his chair. With as much dignity as he could muster, Danny shifted in his seat to release some of the heat from his bottom. It really hurt through the thin threads of his pajama pants. Dropping his head to avoid any eye contact, Danny once again tried to 'make gone' with his oatmeal. As much as he wanted breakfast over with, he found it increasingly difficult to stomach his meal as he fought back tears of indignation.

  Mitch towered over Danny and announced, “I have a few things to do, and then I am taking a shower." Pointing one long menacing finger at Danny's oatmeal he threatened, "When I get back that had better be an empty bowl. Do you hear me?”

  Not satisfied with Danny's nod, Mitch grabbed him by the chin and tilted his face up to meet his eyes. “When I ask you a question, you answer me.”

  “ Yes, sir,” Danny squeaked out.

  Mitch held his face a moment longer to make sure his message was being communicated. Danny bit his lip waiting for Mitch to release his face. When he finally walked away, Danny batted away a treasonous tear that escaped down the side of his face.

  “ Aw, did Danny get in trouble?” TJ mocked

  “ Leave him alone,” Antonio cautioned sternly.

  TJ dropped his grin to imitate Danny's scowl, but swiftly returned it when Antonio's back was turned.

  “ Leave him alone, TJ,” Ricky whispered.

  “ What's the matter? Am I upsetting the baby?”

  Anger, replacing self-pity, gave Danny his voice back. “Knock it off! I am not a baby!” He blushed realizing how babyish that sounded.

  “ Then why do you keep acting like one?”

  “ Because everybody keeps treating me like one!” Danny pouted while giving an accusatory eye to Antonio.

  “ Nobody is treating you like a baby,” Antonio rebuked.

  “ Yeah, right,” Danny muttered under his breath, knowing he was pushing his luck.

  “ If you don't like the way you are being treated then I suggest you adjust your behavior accordingly,” Antonio defended. He was not happy to be pulled into one of Danny and TJ's petty quarrels.

  “ Yeah, so stop acting like a baby and eat your porridge.” TJ set down his glass of OJ to laugh at his own cleverness.

  Ricky spoke up when he saw Danny go tense. “Don't let him get to you, Danny.” Placing a reassuring hand on the little one's arm, he implored, “Just eat what's in your bowl and get it over with.”

  Danny shrugged, but managed to put two disdainful spoonfuls into his mouth. He fought not to gag after realizing the sugary cold mush was not going to go down easily.

  “ Thanks, Antonio. Breakfast was delicious,” TJ said gleefully, for Danny's benefit.

  “ Thank you, TJ,” Antonio replied dryly. “Please put your dish in the sink.”

  “ Sure thing, Antonio.”

  Still gloating, TJ bent over Danny, and slyly stated, “It appears you've got a bit more to go. You better hurry up and empty that bowl or your backside is going to be toast.”


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