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Bringing Home Danny

Page 5

by M. A. Blisher

  While the three young lovers cuddled, Ricky explained to Antonio what they were watching. At the commercial break, Antonio informed Danny that he was to go upstairs, brush his teeth, and get ready for bed. Danny's swollen lip went out in a pout before he heaved himself off the couch.

  “ Sorry, Danny. I think a little extra sleep will do you good.”

  “ I slept all day,” Danny complained.

  “ And you needed it. Make sure to come back down to say goodnight.”

  Danny decided it wasn't worth arguing about, and sulked upstairs like a dismissed child. He arrived back downstairs fifteen minutes later wearing loose-fitting boxers and an oversized tee-shirt that belonged to one of the other boys. He waited sheepishly by the family room entrance for Antonio to call him over to say goodnight. Danny went to him first, and was given a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then turned to TJ, who pulled him down on his lap and pretended to assault him with a ravishing kiss. After giving him a quick kiss in return, Danny pushed away no longer in the mood to play.

  “ Goodnight,” Ricky said, when he leaned over to offer him another soft kiss on the lips.

  “ G'night,” Danny said in return.

  Danny saw Mitch sitting in his favorite recliner he often referred to as 'The Man's Chair' and slowly shuffled over to him.

  “ Goodnight,” Danny blushed in a soft voice.

  Mitch gazed up at him and took a pause. The boy looked so sweet and innocent; it stirred every protective fiber in his body. He maneuvered the recliner into an upright position and gently guided Danny to his lap. Much to his dismay, Danny started to well up again.

  “ What's the matter, baby?”

  Not sure why he was upset, Danny said the only thing he could think of. “Why do I have to go to bed so early? I'm not a baby.”

  “ But you are a baby,” Mitch corrected. “You're our baby.”

  “ Oh,” Danny said, unsure of what else to say. Somehow Mitch's words hit a nerve that left him feeling both comforted and frightened as persistent tears began to leak down his face.

  Mitch held Danny against his chest. “I love you, Danny,” he said, as he wiped away his tears.

  Drawn into Mitch's dark grey eyes, Danny took a deep breath, releasing all the tension and anxiety that began his day.

  “ I love you too,” he whispered. Danny closed his eyes and gave into the soothing rhythm of Mitch's heartbeat. In between sleep state and consciousness, Danny acknowledged for the first time that it felt good being babied, even if he hated to admit it.

  Convinced that his boy was finally at peace, Mitch leaned back in the recliner bringing Danny down with him. Smiling happily, Antonio retrieved a quilt from the den and draped it over his oldest and youngest lover. Enveloped in a feeling of warmth and safety, Danny yawned contentedly, put his thumb in his mouth, and nodded off to sleep.

  Mitch smiled down at the precious bundle on his lap and couldn't believe his luck. What had started out as a trying day ended with feelings of great satisfaction. Mitch was relieved that his little man was able to trust him enough to fall asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  Adding Spice to Nice

  Antonio lifted Danny from Mitch's arms. "It was a long day. What do you say we go upstairs with the baby, while the boys stay up to finish their movie?"

  Mitch laughed inwardly at the irony of his life. He was a man destined to be alone, or so he thought, a decade ago. Had it not been for Antonio, he would have been content to live his life as a solitary man. Aside from casual affairs, it was all he had wanted. Antonio changed all that. He changed him. And Mitch was eternally grateful.

  From his chair, Mitch studied the contours of Antonio's body. His eyes followed the rock-hard calves, glutes, and back muscles that flexed as he skipped each step. But, it was the way his lover effortlessly carried their youngest in his protective arms that made Mitch quiver with desire. He eased out of the recliner, kissed TJ and Ricky goodnight, and joined Antonio upstairs. On his way to his bedroom, Mitch reflected on what brought him to this moment in time.


  "Mitch, we've been together going on five years. Our gym is up and running, practically on its own. I have a dozen clients on a waiting list. I think it's safe for us to take a few days for ourselves and go on vacation."

  "How about ten days?"

  Antonio tilted his head and squinted his eyes as if it could help him to understand his lover better.

  Mitch shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Romance wasn't his forte, but he was trying. Anything for Antonio. The man was his rock. "We'll have been together exactly five years next Wednesday." Mitch smirked at the glorious expression of shock and gratitude, knowing he had one more surprise up his sleeve. He pulled the travel itinerary from his back pocket and handed it to his partner. "We leave on Monday to a private resort off the east coast of Florida. Happy anniversary."

  "You can't be serious."

  "Unless you don't want to go. Maybe I should've asked you first…"

  "You're crazy," Antonio laughed. "I'd be even more insane not to go."

  "Is that a yes?"

  "That's a hell yes!"


  On the second day of their vacation, Mitch and Antonio were relaxing with early evening drinks on the beachfront of their resort. As the sun was setting, a striking young surfer with sun-streaked hair rode in on a high wave. His lean, tan body was arching to the ocean breeze. While discussing dinner plans, Mitch became distracted. Antonio cupped his brow, turning in the direction of his preoccupation.

  "Enjoying the view?"


  "He's a spectacular sight in his tiny blue swimsuit."

  "I think the kid has been checking us out."

  "What makes you say that?"

  "Maybe it has something to do with the way he keeps strutting his little backside in front of us every time he comes on shore with his surfboard."

  “ He’s quite enticing.”

  The young vision ducked beneath an undercurrent and came up drenched, toting his surfboard under his arm. Once on shore, he dropped his board and bent over in front of them to pick up his beach towel. Antonio noted how his bronzed skin tone glistened with drops of salt water. His dark tan was accentuated by the exposure of his narrow white hips and the top of his curvy butt cheeks peeping out from his low riding bathing suit.

  After slowly rubbing down his body with the towel, TJ stood up straight in what appeared to be a casual stretch. Flexing his arms to the side he made sure to show off his six-pack abs.

  Antonio choked on the margarita he was sipping. "Did he just wink at us?"


  The next morning, Mitch and Antonio found a coupon for a scuba diving course attached to the outside of their room door. They decided they were up for a new adventure, and couldn’t beat the price.

  “ Look, over there.” Antonio discreetly pointed to the young man aiding their instructor. “Isn't he the same kid who was preening in front of us at the beach?”

  "Why, I think it is. I almost didn’t recognize him in a full body suit."

  TJ's heart skipped a beat when he saw the men heading towards the pool. He immediately began showing off by doing tricks in the water and making juvenile jokes. Despite themselves, Mitch and Antonio couldn’t help but be flattered by the boy’s silly antics to get their attention.

  Antonio laughed out loud when TJ began doing handstand flips off the side of the pool. “You would think he’d have no problem finding more suitable admirers.”

  TJ was getting frustrated that his flirting was getting him nowhere. Everyone loved TJ. The young man was attractive, outgoing, and fun. Without effort he exuded sex appeal. His whole life people wanted to be near him, and would follow him wh
erever he was willing to take them. As a child he was adored and spoiled. With five older sisters, he was never without an audience. His parents waited a long time for their son, and were thrilled when their beautiful, blond-haired, blue-eyed, bouncing baby boy finally arrived. Despite all their love and devotion, his parents failed to give him any discipline. They were incapable of seeing anything he did as wrong. And, besides, with his charming smile, who could stay mad at him long? His parents never wanted to disappoint him. He was their gift from God.

  In school it was no different. Whatever group he attached himself to would immediately become the most popular. His peers were in awe. Naturally athletic, he excelled in all sports. He had a magnetic personality that drew people to him like flies to manure. Teachers would laugh along at his silly antics, excuse his mischievous behaviors, and look the other way when he didn't finish assignments. TJ knew at an early age his shit didn't stink. Even coming out as bisexual was no hardship on his popularity. He made it seem like a cool exclusive club that he was the leader of. As far as TJ was concerned, it was just more people to love him.

  Mitch and Antonio were not as easy to win over. That only made them more desirable. Unfortunately, they were also taking their lessons very seriously and were remaining too focused on their tasks. TJ wasn’t used to being ignored. There wasn’t much he could do, not without looking too foolish, or risk losing his job. He had to find a new tactic.

  With time running out, TJ came up with a ridiculous last minute plan. He prayed the desperation of his actions would come off as more endearing than pitiful. With nowhere else to turn, he went back to his best friend Emmett, who, as fate would have it, happened to be the front desk clerk at the hotel Mitch and Antonio were staying at.

  “ Emmett, you have to hook me up with this favor. I promise it’ll be the last thing I ever ask of you.”

  “ Wasn’t it enough that you had me tape that phony scuba brochure to their door?”

  “ Please, just give me their room number, then all I have to do is call it.”

  “ I can’t do that, I’ll be violating their right to privacy.”

  “ Aw, come on, don’t be such a stickler. I know their names are Mitch and Antonio. I think the room is under McAllister. Just leave the guestbook open so I can find it.”

  "Why are you so into them?"

  “ They are only like the hottest men on the planet. I’ll do anything to get a shot at them.”

  “ They’re a couple. What makes you think they’d be interested in messing around with you?”

  “ They were checking me out. I could tell. Besides, look at me,” TJ said, with an exaggerated swing of his hips.

  “ Well, if anyone can pull it off, it’s you.”

  “ There they are,” TJ said, pointing to their names on the guest register. “Room 5B.”

  “ Yeah, but I don’t think it’s such a good…”

  TJ snatched the desk phone and rang their room number.

  “ Hello, is this Mr. McAllister?”

  “ That’s correct.”

  “ Sir, it’s been brought to our attention that you are here celebrating an anniversary. As a valued guest at the hotel, we’d like to give you a complimentary bottle of champagne.”

  “ Splendid. How did you found that out, exactly?”

  “ A staff member overheard a conversation. I hope you don’t mind. Would it be okay if I had someone bring it up to you now?”

  “ I suppose now is as good a time as any.”

  "Who is that?” Antonio asked, leaning over Mitch’s shoulder.

  “ It’s the hotel manager, I believe. He wants to give us a bottle of champagne.”

  “ Huh. That’s nice, unusual, but nice. Have him bring up a menu, then. I’m starved.”

  “ Whatever you want, babe. While you're at it,” Mitch said, back into the phone, “could you bring up a menu for room service?”

  “ Right away, sir.”

  TJ gave the thumbs up to his friend and grabbed a menu from the desk.

  “ You better not get me fired!”

  "You worry too much!" TJ yelled to his friend, as he jogged off towards the elevator.

  “ We have a dress code, you know!” his friend called after him.

  TJ was clad only in his new red bikini swimsuit. He was holding the bottle of bubbly in one hand and a matching red rose between his teeth. TJ tucked the menu into the waistband of his suit so that it laid flat against the washboard stomach he was extremely proud of. He took a deep breath, and then knocked three times.

  Mitch opened the door. Somehow, he wasn’t too surprised to find the persistent young visitor standing nearly naked outside their door. “Well, if it isn't the kid from the beach and our scuba lesson. You appear to be following us.”

  “ Is that the menu?” Antonio asked, coming up behind Mitch.

  "Why yes, it is. Do you see anything that appeals to you? Or can I assist you in finding something more to your liking?”

  "I'd say we'd to have to get a closer look.”

  TJ sashayed through the door wiggling his hips suggestively. "Be my guest."

  Mitch pinched the bridge of his nose, hiding the grin creeping up on the side of his face. "Do you even work here?"

  "I'm working it the best I can."

  "Young man, I don't believe what you're offering is on the menu. Or if it is, we're not willing to pay…"

  The menu flopped down, arching to the floor. "I'm not a prostitute,” TJ said, dejectedly. “I just thought we could have a little fun."

  Mitch closed the door and lifted an eyebrow. "Aren't you a naughty little boy?"

  “ Very,” TJ agreed, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “ What do you think should we do about that, Antonio?”

  “ I’d say he needs a good spanking.”

  Mitch picked the provocative boy up over his shoulder and carried him to the bed. He sat down, flipping him over his lap. TJ's stomach muscles rippled with laughter and excitement, while Mitch slowly peeled off his bathing suit…


  TJ watched Mitch take the stairs after kissing him and Ricky goodnight. He ran his hands through Ricky's dark wavy hair and pinched himself. He truly was the luckiest man alive.

  It was a shock to TJ when he first eyed the two gorgeous men at the beach by one of his favorite surfing locations. He became infatuated with them, and guessed right away they were a couple. By the intimate yet casual way they interacted, it was easy to see they were in a romantic, long-term relationship. They were also hot - and not just because it was 95 degrees out. TJ was drawn to their tall muscular physiques. In their bathing suits, with light sweat glistening off their chiseled chests, it was obvious they took working out seriously, and spent long hours at the gym. Standing next to them, TJ felt oddly insignificant.

  They were a mature couple; not old, just older. In the prime of their life as some might say. Watching them share a secret laugh, TJ felt a pang of jealousy. It was a feeling he wasn't too familiar with and it put him off-balance. He wanted to be in on that secret conversation. He wanted to be a part of whatever it was they shared together. He knew logically that he was being irrational. He didn't even know them, and he could easily find a mate of his own. In fact, he had no desire to settle down. Monogamy wasn't even something that appealed to him. At least not then, not while he was barely out of his teens. Still, he remembered how he couldn't keep his eyes off them. Puffing up his chest and wiggling his taut curvy behind, he made up his mind to attract them. Why should he be nervous? Nobody ever said no to him before, and yet...

  Well, that was ancient history, or so it seems when you're only twenty-five, and so much had changed.

/>   Danny stretched wide and yawned, and then snuggled back in, enjoying his spot between Mitch and Antonio. Mitch was cupping his large hand over the curve of his bottom. The heat from his punished backside was intensifying in his palm, but it wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant feeling. On the contrary, it was beginning to excite him. Antonio angled his hand down to give attention to the heat that was rising between Danny’s legs. There were some definite benefits to being the baby of the family.

  Danny was in the midst of gurgling out nonsense when TJ and Ricky entered the room.

  “ No fair starting without us!” TJ elbowed Ricky. “Can you believe the nerve of these people?" Hopping into the center of the bed, TJ nudged himself between the Daddies.

  "Hey!" Danny complained.

  Ricky crawled in after, taking a spot next to Antonio.

  TJ ruffled Danny's hair. Then, he gathered him up to lie against his chest. With his sore bottom safely off the mattress, Danny was too tired to resist. He was just relieved to have his punishment behind him and to be getting back to normal. TJ smiled at how cute Danny looked with his eyes drooping and his thumb inching towards his mouth. Ricky smiled at the tenderness, hopeful that the two had settled their differences. Antonio squeezed Ricky under his arm and reached his other arm over TJ's to rest his hand on Mitch's shoulder. The men huddled in, making a cocoon around Danny.

  Danny's natural inclination was to be embarrassed by being the center of attention. Tonight, he decided to fight his insecurities. He snuggled in closer and breathed in the musky smell of TJ. His body immediately responded; he always reacted strongly to the smell of TJ. It made him feel safe, and loved.

  “ Remember the first time you held me?” Danny asked shyly, surprising everyone by sharing his intimate thoughts out loud.

  “ How can I forget?”

  TJ leaned up against the headboard for support. He dropped his face onto the top of Danny's head, breathing in his sweet-honey scent. Closing his eyes, TJ thought back to the first day they met .


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