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Bringing Home Danny

Page 9

by M. A. Blisher

  “ No,” TJ laughed.

  “ That's a relief. You had me worried there.”

  “ No worries, but he’s going to need a place to stay for a while.” TJ waited holding his breath while Antonio considered his announcement in silence.

  “ Are you asking me or telling me?”

  “ I told him I thought it would be okay. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “ Is he a friend of yours?”

  TJ tried to sound nonchalant by saying, “Yeah, he's a friend. He recently lost his job and was hoping to come to New York to try his luck out here.”

  “ My mother might be coming for a visit, so he'll have to stay in your room.”

  Although TJ rarely slept in it, he had his own bedroom where he stored his stuff that didn't fit in the master bedroom. It was filled with mostly surfing boards and scuba diving equipment, but he was also a notorious clotheshorse, and required additional closet space.

  “ That's fine. I'll see you in a day or two.”

  “ Give me a call when you get your flight itinerary.”

  “ Okay, love ya.”

  “ Love you, too.”

  TJ winked at Emmett as he hung up the phone. “Now I just have to call the airlines.”

  “ You're nuts, bro.”

  TJ imitated Danny's shrug, and went about making flight arrangements. He was able to get tickets for early the next morning.


  Emmett drove TJ and his young companion to the airport, and dropped them off at the terminal. He wished them a safe flight, and reminded Danny he had a place to stay if things didn't work out. Danny was both eager and afraid to leave Florida. He thanked Emmett, knowing full well he would never take him up on his offer.

  “ It'll work out,” TJ said with confidence.

  He liked the idea of having company on the flight back. TJ felt like he was returning home with a large prize he won at the fair.

  Danny bit his lip in nervousness. He felt guilty about causing such a disruption in the lives of these strangers. “I'm sorry for messing up your vacation plans.”

  “ You didn't mess anything up,” TJ told him, as he waved off his friend. Grabbing his luggage and leading them into the airport he said, “I hate weddings anyways. I only came to see some old friends and party like the old days. It wasn't the same coming back. I guess I'm tired of that scene. It doesn't do anything for me anymore.”

  Danny felt like a little kid following TJ around the curving rope line to the ticket counter. It didn't help that he kept tripping over the hem of the jeans he borrowed from TJ. They hadn't had time to go shopping, and TJ thought it was easier to wait until they got to New York before buying him a new wardrobe. TJ was beaming proudly by the time they got to the counter. He was able to orchestrate tickets for him and Danny at a reasonable price, and was enjoying the role of benefactor as he flirted with the woman taking their information.

  “ I need to give her your driver's license, Danny.”

  Danny pulled out his tattered wallet, and withdrew his license, hoping to hand it over to the woman behind the counter. TJ mistook Danny's reluctance to hand him his license as a sign that he was embarrassed of his photo, and snatched it with intentions of teasing him. He smiled at how young Danny looked in his picture, and then paused to scan his birthdate. It took TJ a few seconds before he it occurred to him what was amiss.

  “ You're sixteen?”

  Danny was taken aback by the harsh tone in TJ's voice. He took a deep breath, bit his lip, and answered with an expression that left no doubt to what TJ already knew. Without thinking, TJ angrily shoved the licenses at the woman behind the counter. The woman showed her annoyance, and then her sympathies as she watched TJ grab the boy by the scruff of his shirt. He dragged Danny away from prying eyes to sit him on a bench across from the counter.

  “ You lied to me!”

  Unable to meet TJ's angry face, Danny muttered, “I’m sorry,” to the nails he was chewing.

  “ Why the hell didn't you tell me you’re only sixteen?”

  TJ has been told numerous times that he makes impulsive decisions. Mitch and Antonio were always lecturing him to think before he acts. Another one of your harebrained schemes, he could hear Mitch chastise in his head. Although most things tend to work out in favor, he suspected that this mistake wasn't going to be an easy fix.

  “ I said I'm sorry,” Danny repeated in a small voice.

  “ What kind of answer is that?” TJ wanted to shake the kid. “Sorry? You're the sorriest kid I know!”

  Danny blushed with anger at being shouted at in a crowded airport. “I didn't think it was such a big deal. I'll be seventeen in a couple of months.”

  “ A couple of months? Your birthday is in November!”

  “ Sorry!” Danny yelled back. “What difference does it make?”

  “ What difference does it make? You're still a child!”

  Saying those words out loud made it hit home for TJ the significance of Danny's true age. TJ was angry with himself, and regretted taking it out on Danny. What teenager didn't lie about his age, especially at a party filled with older people? He knew Danny appeared young for his age; he never should have taken him at his word. What was he doing dragging this kid to another state? TJ had half a mind to give Danny what he had left of his cash and send him on his way. He didn't have the heart, though. TJ softened at the sight of the scared little boy hunched over in his over-sized borrowed clothes, worrying his lower lip. The kid had placed his faith in him, and TJ couldn't leave him to fend for himself. Danny contorted his face, making it obvious he was fighting not to cry.

  Taking pity on him, TJ sat down next to Danny, and said in a softer voice, “Please don't tell me you're a runaway.”

  Indignant, Danny said, “I'm too old to be a runaway. I haven't been living home since I was fifteen. You don't have to worry, no one is searching for me.”

  “ Shouldn't you be in school?”

  “ I dropped out.”

  “ How do I know you're telling the truth?”

  “ How do I know you are?” Danny questioned, with the impertinence typical of the teen he was.

  “ I haven't lied to you,” TJ reminded him.

  “ As far as I know.”

  Realizing his line of questioning wasn’t getting him anywhere with the defensive adolescent, TJ took a calming breath and asked, “Why did you leave home? You owe me that much.”

  “ My mother's a drunk,” Danny said defiantly.

  "Where's your father?"

  "I dunno."

  TJ nodded; satisfied that he was finally getting the truth. “What am I suppose to do with you now?” he wondered out loud.

  Not trusting his voice, Danny slumped dejectedly; afraid he was going to be left behind.

  TJ threw his carry-on over his shoulder and said, “Let’s go, we better hurry up or we're going to miss our flight.”

  Danny trudged behind him trying to keep up with his fast pace. Unwilling to stay mad long, TJ maintained his sense of humor when they were going through security. He laughed out loud as Danny struggled to keep his pants from falling after having to relinquish his belt to go through the metal detector. Danny scowled at the enjoyment TJ was having at his expense, and TJ repaid him with an amused wink.

  Once on the airplane, TJ exchanged seats with another passenger so he and Danny could sit together. He waited for Danny to take the seat against the window. A sigh of relief went through him as they settled in. Sitting back, finally able to relax, TJ was blown away by the image of Danny gazing out the window at the planes taking off. Here he was placing his life in TJ’s hands; his innocent trust making him all the more vulnerab
le. TJ was struck with an overwhelming sense of responsibility. He couldn't wait to get home so he could shift some of the burden on the two men who meant the most to him in the world. They have never let him down, and he counted on them to know what to do.

  “ Shit,” said TJ, to no one in particular. "I can't believe I'm bringing home a sixteen-year-old."

  "Sixteen and a half," Danny corrected.

  "Ugh," TJ groaned. “Antonio is going to kill me.”

  “ Who's Antonio?”

  TJ grimaced; he really hadn't thought this through. He was always the kind of person who could step in shit and come out smelling like a rose. Now that there was more at stake, he landed in a whole pile of it, and he hoped the air would clear before they arrived home.

  “ Antonio is one of my partners. I told him you were coming, but I didn't share too many details.” TJ continued with an ironic laugh. “I can't wait until he finds out how old you are.”

  Danny’s stomach dropped. The plane was ready to take off, and there was no going back.

  “ I thought you said they spoiled you.”

  “ They do, but they can also be…” TJ wasn't sure how much to share about the nature of his relationship, “…controlling,” he finally settled on.

  “ Oh. Is Antonio strict?”

  “ Actually, he'll be the easier one to persuade. There is no way he could see your sweet face and want to send you back.”

  Danny wasn't too encouraged by that proclamation. His own parents didn't go out of their way to keep him, so why should a stranger, especially if his being there was going cause problems.

  “ It's Mitch we have to worry about,” TJ explained. “We just have to work on Antonio to soften him up for us.”

  “ I'm not too good at sucking up. In fact, I suck at it.” Danny meant it as a joke, but his fears came out with the crack in his voice.

  “ I've noticed. But don't worry, your age just threw me. I promised I'd take care of you, and I meant it. I'm the one that will suffer the consequences, not you." TJ tried to sound convincing for both their sakes.

  Danny was physically and emotionally exhausted. He had been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours, and hadn't had a full night's sleep in days. But he was too anxious to rest, and his nervous excitement kept his mind reeling. He stopped being able to focus on what TJ was saying, and became irritable.

  “ Why don't you take a nap?" TJ suggested. "It'll be another hour and a half 'til we get to New York.”

  “ I'm not tired.” Danny groused at being treated like a child. “Why don't you take a nap, and leave me alone?


  TJ was getting frustrated. Where was the sweet kid he kissed the night before? Where was the charming young man who seemed so eager to please ? He closed his eyes and grimaced for the third time. How could he have kissed a sixteen-year-old? How could he have kissed anybody? He was in love with Mitch and Antonio. He wondered how much he should tell them, and if he was going to get disciplined for bringing Danny home. TJ glanced over at the surly teenager, and thought if anyone needed a spanking, it was him. He came close to telling him that. Instead, he closed his eyes once again, and let his mind drift to home and thoughts of his first spanking. Not the soft sensual spankings that were a pleasant part of their sex play, but his first real discipline spanking. It was one of the most erotic memories he had.

  TJ was being punished for taking too many risks with recreational drugs to suit Mitch and Antonio. They advised him against it, and appealed to his sense of maturity to limit its use. Actually, they preferred that he eliminate it altogether. But nothing bad ever seemed to happen to TJ, and at twenty-one, he felt no compelling need to change a part of his lifestyle he enjoyed. Mitch and Antonio thought differently. They agreed that discipline was going to be an aspect of the relationship they were developing with TJ if the three of them were going to survive. Being young, TJ underestimated the impact of that agreement. After spending a night in jail for lewd and disorderly conduct, Mitch and Antonio decided all illicit drugs were off limits to TJ indefinitely. They warned him what would happen if he failed to follow the guidelines they put in place. It was the first time TJ really tested a limit. He needed to find out what they would do first hand, so to speak.

  The spanking hurt. There was no kidding around; it hurt for days. TJ was in no hurry to make the same transgressions again. Nonetheless, he found it to be highly erotic. He had an orgasm and came all over Mitch's lap midway through. Mitch never skipped a beat, no pun intended, but kept on spanking. TJ was mortified, and ached miserably. It wasn't being bare-assed with his genitals rubbing against Mitch's thighs that turned him on so much. It was being told no, pure and simple. They had made a threat and followed through with it. Mitch and Antonio cared about TJ's safety and the man he was growing into, and they would let him know by blistering his backside.

  They made the decision on their drive to the police station that they were taking control and responsibility of TJ's life. TJ offered it to them, and never looked back.

  Chapter Two

  Establishing Rules & Consequences

  Danny wasn't the only one who was tired and irritable when the plane finally landed. TJ couldn't have been more relieved when Antonio called to tell him that he would be able to pick them up at the airport. As they departed the runway and headed for the lobby, TJ was ecstatic to see Antonio's tall head above the crowd.

  “ Antonio!” TJ yelled, running up to his lover with his arms out wide. Grateful to be home, he swung his arms around Antonio, practically leaping onto him and attacking him with a big kiss.

  Usually reserved in public places, Antonio was momentarily taken aback. “My goodness, babe, you haven't been gone that long,” he chuckled.

  “ I missed you.”

  Flattered by the enthusiastic greeting, Antonio squeezed him tight in return. “I missed you, too. It's good to have you back.”

  Danny stood shyly behind TJ. Jealousy seeped through his frayed nerves at how quickly he seemed to have been forgotten about after TJ fell into his lover's arms. Antonio was the quintessential tall, dark, handsome man with broad shoulders and a friendly face. TJ's lanky, tanned body was small and fair in comparison. It was clear to see why he was so in love.

  With his arms still wrapped around TJ, Antonio glanced down at the boy biting his thumbnail. “You must be TJ's friend.”

  “ Hi, I'm Dan.”

  Antonio put out his hand, and Danny felt even younger as his small hand was swallowed up by the vigorous handshake.

  “ Hi, Dan. I'm Antonio.”

  “ Yeah, I figured,” Danny remarked, with a weak smile.

  Antonio gave a warm smile in return while taking him in with a critical eye. “I assume you boys are tired and hungry. Let's go get your luggage. We'll stop for a quick bite on the way home.”

  TJ almost skipped, he was so happy to have Antonio taking charge. Danny, for his part, was still nervous about being in New York. Clumsy from exhaustion, he almost fell twice tripping over his pant legs while trying to keep up with the long strides of the men in front of him.

  Antonio was concerned about the younger man, and immediately assessed that there was more to the story than TJ had let on. He chose a quiet diner not far from the airport, deciding it would best to have the boys fed and settled, before he started in with his inquires. At the restaurant, Antonio began to make casual conversation, and noticed both TJ and Danny responded with nervous agitation. They ate in relative silence, which was unusual for his gregarious lover, typically animated after being away on a trip. Antonio stole glances at Danny whenever he could. He appeared self-conscious every time Antonio caught his eye. The more he looked, the younger he realized the boy had to be. He also noticed his clothes were several sizes too big, and his shirtsleeves kept dipping
into his food which he ate sparingly. It finally occurred to Antonio that the boy was wearing TJ's clothes.

  After the waitress came to take their lunch plates away, Danny scooted to the far end of his booth. He rested his head between the back of the booth and the corner of the wall while waiting for TJ and Antonio to be served coffee. Within minutes he was asleep, and Antonio took the opportunity to get a better view of him. Sleeping he appeared even younger. It was easy to tell why his impetuous partner was so taken in with him. With his rosy cheeks, tussled hair, and split lip protruding from his delicate features, he reminded Antonio of a fallen angel. T J became increasingly apprehensive when he noticed the disconcerting frown slide slowly down Antonio's face .

  “ How old is the boy?” Antonio asked, trying to keep the accusatory tone out of his voice.

  TJ winced. He knew this was coming, but he had hoped it could have waited until Antonio had gotten to know Danny longer. He wanted Danny well rested and in a better mood before Antonio was ready to pass judgment on him.

  “ Sixteen,” TJ let quietly slip.

  “ What? Sixteen?"

  "And a half," he added feebly.

  Antonio glared at TJ in bewilderment, demanding in a whispered yell, "Have you lost your mind? What on earth were you thinking?!”

  “ I thought he was eighteen 'til I saw his driver's license at the airport. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just leave him there.”

  “ No, what you should have done was called his parents, and sent him back home. Do they even know where he is?”

  “ Danny is estranged from his parents. He's been on his own for over a year.”

  “ How do you know that? How do you know they aren't searching for him as we speak?”

  “ All I know for certain is that he sure as hell doesn’t want to see them.”

  “ We're going to finish this discussion when we get home. You better pray that Mitch is in a humorous mood when he gets back.”


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