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Bringing Home Danny

Page 20

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Sazerac. I was bringing it over for Mama Cecelia,” Danny said, with a red face.

  “ Why, thank ya' sha.” Mama Cecelia took the cocktail with a sly wink. “Maybe you could fill it to the rim for me,” she added, after taking a sip.

  “ Sure,” Danny said. He sheepishly avoided eye contact from Mitch on his return to the kitchen.

  Assuming something was up, Mitch excused himself a moment later to follow after Danny. He was not amused to catch the birthday boy swigging from the pitcher of sazerac. “Daniel Christopher! Don't think because it's your birthday that I won't spank your bottom!”

  It upset Mama Cecelia to hear young Danny being scolded. Without thinking, she sprang up and hustled to kitchen to get between Mitch and Danny. “Nonsense!" she shouted. "Ain't nobody gon' whoop dat sweet boy.”

  Antonio chased after his mother to keep her from overstepping her authority. "Madea, come back into the den. It is not for you to decide how Danny gets disciplined. We have rules about his drinking."

  “ You can't blame him for being tempted by Mama's sazerac. Dat boy's got good taste.”

  Antonio shook his head. “Mama, please, you're not helping.”

  “ Oh, a little sip on his birthday won't kill him.”

  “ Mama Cecelia, we appreciate that it is his birthday, but we have strict guidelines in place for a reason,” Mitch explained.

  Antonio kissed his mother on the cheek to soften Mitch's words. He then told Danny to get up to bed as it was getting late.

  All the indulging and excitement of the day made it difficult for Danny to fall asleep. When he finally did, the mixture of the spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol caused him to have vivid and disturbing dreams. Danny dreamt he was a small bird being attacked by an alligator. When a large row of teeth began to chomp down on him, he screamed out in fright.

  Antonio was the first to be attuned to Danny's distress. He was in his room in a flash. “Danny, can you hear me? Wake up, sweetheart!”

  Mama Cecelia rushed in after and sat on the edge of his bed. She clucked in sympathy, slipping into her Cajun dialect. "Pe'tit boug, no more makin bahbin." She placed the stuffed gator by Danny's side. "Mama C is here, honeychile."

  “ Mama, please, leave him to me. He can be temperamental.”

  “ Hush, a boy needs a mother at a time like this.”

  “ I'm fine.” Danny gave a rueful smile when she patted his face.

  Mitch was the last one to enter his room. Danny turned a mortified face to him hoping for support. Mitch shook his head, his expression saying, You got yourself into this mess, therefore, you're on your own, kid.

  Mama Cecelia threw Danny to her breast and clucked her tongue. He felt ridiculous. Too polite to say anything, he accepted her comfort. She covered him with his birthday quilt and rubbed his back. Danny fell asleep to her softly murmuring, “fais do do.”

  He quickly returned to his dream. Only this time, the alligator didn't devour the bird. Instead, it grew big powerful wings, and flew away triumphantly - soaring towards the sun.


  “ You have a wonderful family, son, you need to come home to N'awlins more often so we can enjoy dem,” Mama Cecelia said, as they were dropping her off at the airport.

  “ Maybe next Christmas, Madea,” Antonio appeased.

  Chapter Six

  Rescuing Ricky

  Antonio spotted someone enter the gym who he had not recognized. He wasn't a member, because Antonio would have surely remembered him. The boy was about TJ's age, possibly a year or two younger. Despite what appeared to be a lack of confidence, he was a stunning young man.

  “ Hello, I'm Antonio. Can I help you?”

  The skittish youth hadn't seen him approach, and flinched when the large man extended his hand in greeting. Ricky cautiously scanned the area before shaking his hand. “I'm just waiting for someone,” he hesitated to say.

  “ Well, who is it? Perhaps I can help.”

  “ Thank you, but you don't need to go to any trouble. I'll just wait in the lobby if that's okay.”

  “ It will certainly be no trouble. Tell me the name, and I'll check the computer to see if your friend is here.”

  Ricky wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Stuck for a reason to say no to the offer, he politely said, "Brendan Fischer. Thank you.”

  Antonio knew Brendan. He had recently agreed to be his personal trainer. Brendan was just starting to establish himself in the body building circuit, and like all men his age he was impatient to see results. Antonio was initially impressed by the young man's eagerness to make a name for himself. He was in the gym twice a day, sometimes three. Even so, he was bulking up too much too soon. His former congenial demeanor was rapidly becoming irritable and edgy. Brendan was adamant he wasn't taking steroids, a condition of their professional relationship. Antonio had serious doubts.

  “ I know where he is. He's up on the second floor weight room. It's likely to be another thirty minutes 'til he finishes his session. Feel free to go up and join him.”

  Ricky glanced at his watch. He was sure he had arrived at the right time. Still, he didn't think it would be a good idea to interrupt his boyfriend's workout.

  “ No, thank you. I'll wait here if that's okay.”

  “ Sure, that's fine. Better yet, why don't you wait by our juice bar? I'll get you a drink.”

  Ricky thought about refusing, but he couldn't think of a gracious way to decline as Antonio led him over to the counter.

  “ TJ, get this young man a drink on the house. He's going to be waiting here a while.”

  TJ smiled at the dark-haired beauty and asked, “What can I make you?”

  “ Oh, don't go to any bother. I don't need anything.”

  “ No bother. I'm making myself a passion smoothie. I'll pour you a glass. What's your name by the way?”

  “ Ricky. Thank you.”

  “ No problem, Ricky.”

  Ricky smiled nervously and took a seat at the bar.

  “ You relax," Antonio told him, "and I'll let Brendan know you are waiting for him.”

  “ Please, don't...”

  “ It's no bother. And don't worry, I have no intentions of disturbing his workout.”

  Ricky nodded bashfully at having been so transparent in his thoughts. Antonio was concerned about the boy. He couldn’t help glancing back at him a few times on his way to get Brendan.

  “ There's a young gentleman here to see you.”

  “ Oh?”

  “ He said his name is Ricky. He didn't want to disturb you, so I told him to wait by the juice bar.”

  Brendan scanned the clock on the wall. “I'll be right down.” He did not like the idea of leaving his attractive boyfriend unattended in a gym known for its buff men and casual hook ups. He hastily finished up his set, wiped off his sweat, and headed downstairs.

  “ There you are,” Brendan said airily. He swept over to Ricky to kiss him possessively on the lips.

  Ricky blushed, uncomfortable with kissing in public. “I hope I didn't rush you. I was willing to wait until you were done.”

  “ I can see that,” Brendan answered, locking his eyes on TJ. “Thanks for keeping my boyfriend company.”

  “ My pleasure. We were just sharing a little passion together,” TJ joked, pointing to their drinks.

  Ricky groaned inwardly at TJ's unfortunate choice of words.

  “ Well, I hope it wasn't too pleasurable,” Brendan laughed. His jovial demeanor gave no indication to the outside observer that he was upset by their interaction. But Ricky could tell by the subtle way his eye twitched, that he was in for a difficult night.

  The ride back to their small apartment
on the upper eastside was quiet, but tense. It didn’t surprise Ricky when Brendan whipped the car into traffic, made a sharp turn, and steered them in opposite direction from their original destination. The plan was to go out to a club that Ricky’s former jazz band was playing at. Ricky missed playing out ever since Brendan insisted that late night gigs interfered too much with their lifestyle. It was selfish of Ricky to want to spend so much time apart. Brendan was relying on him to be home when he got back from a strenuous day of working out. It helped to keep him calm. As a compromise, Brendan had agreed to take him out twice a month to any place of Ricky’s choosing. Of course, all that stipulated on everything running smoothly, and Brendan being in a good mood. Those days were becoming scarce.

  Brendan grabbed a fist full of Ricky’s hair and shoved him through the door as soon as the elevator stopped on their floor. Ricky didn’t have a chance to open his mouth before Brendan started in on him.

  “ Who was that blond bimbo you were flirting with? Is that the type you're more into? Because you certainly haven't been interested in getting romantic with me lately.”

  “ I wasn't fl...”

  SMACK! The force of the slap sent Ricky falling against the wall. His hands flew on instinct to cover his head.

  “ Don't you lie to me! I have eyes! I know what I saw!”

  Experience told Ricky it was useless to argue.

  “ Answer me!”

  “ He was just some guy behind the juice counter. I'm not interested in him.” Ricky prayed he sounded convincing and contrite enough to squelch Brendan’s rising paranoia.

  “ You expect me to believe that? Were you so damn thirsty you couldn't resist sharing a passion drink?”

  Hoping to go numb, Ricky huddled to protect himself from the onslaught of heavy slaps to the back of his head and shoulders. He couldn't understand how he gotten himself in this position again. He tried so hard to be careful.

  When he had first met Brendan, he seemed like the nicest man Ricky had ever known. He was always very attentive, and had a way of drawing Ricky out of his shell. He was interested in his music, family, and friends. Unlike other boyfriends, there was no pretense of waiting a sufficient time between calls so as not to appear too needy. Brendan even called him the first morning after they had intercourse to see if how he was doing. Ricky was touched. He also found it charming the way he would show up at unexpected times with flowers, or to whisk him away to a dinner and a movie.

  Ricky soon confided with him about the strained relationship he had with his parents after he opened up about being gay. In the pretext of being protective, Brendan told Ricky to put some distance between him and his family. Over time, Brendan took it upon himself to make more decisions for Ricky. It was Brendan's idea that Ricky should turn down his acceptance into Juilliard under the notion that the city university was more practical.

  Ricky didn't agree with every decision his boyfriend made. He went along with them because it was easier, and he wanted to please Brendan. Before he knew it, Ricky was isolated from his family and friends. He hardly had sufficient time to devote to his music. His performances were beginning to suffer as his practices took a back burner to supporting Brendan in his career pursuits. Not that he'd complain. Ricky was an expert in avoiding conflict.

  “ Stop crying and get off the fucking floor." Berating Ricky for being soft was Brendan's usual way of signifying he was done with the beating.

  Ricky slowly unwrapped his arms, and slid himself up against the wall. Brendan held out his hand. “Don't be such a baby. I didn't hit you that hard.”

  Ricky didn't want to take his hand, but refusing would be dangerous. Brendan coaxed him to the bed saying, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my temper. I know you didn't mean to make me mad. You have to realize how crazy I get when I see you with other men.”

  Ricky nodded his head as they sat down on the bed together. Brendan leaned in for a kiss. Ricky repulsively jerked away.

  “ Please don't be like that, Ricky. I already apologized to you.”

  Ricky tried to smile and murmured, “Sorry.”

  This was the part of the ritual he hated the most. After being hit, Ricky would often have to submit to sex while pretending to enjoy it.


  Danny was having problems of his own dealing with controlling men. His attempt to broach the subject of more freedom was proving futile.

  “ No, Danny. Under no circumstance will you be joining a fraternity,” Mitch told him flatly, during a dinner conversation.

  “ But...”

  “ What's the matter, Danny? Don't you get paddled enough at home?” TJ teased.

  Danny made a face at TJ. He had been living with these men for almost a year, and he knew there was no point in arguing with Mitch once he was using that tone. So, he let the matter drop.

  Through the persistence of the men taking care of him, Danny obtained his GED, and was now taking a couple college courses. He was looking forward to starting full time in the fall. Unfortunately, he had a good six months before he turned eighteen, and Mitch and Antonio were still insisting on treating him like a child.

  “ Maybe I'll move into a dorm,” he said, trying to provoke a response. Danny had no real intentions of moving out. He was testing the waters in hopes to negotiate some leniency on his restrictions. It was getting tricky having to make up excuses every time he was invited to late night study groups, not to mention the forbidden college parties.

  “ You are not moving into a dorm,” Mitch reiterated.

  “ Why not?”

  “ You're too young.”

  “ But that's not fair. It's not my fault I have a late birthdate. I would have been seventeen if I left for college from my mother's house.”

  “ You're not in your mother's house, you're in mine. If you want to consider living in a dorm when you turn eighteen, we'll discuss it then.”

  Danny sat back with a purposeful pout. He was secretly relieved to hear that Mitch was in no hurry to get rid of him. Still, he was going to forge ahead with his plan to stretch the boundaries.

  “ What am I suppose to tell people when I'm working on a group project that goes past nine? Sorry, I can't stay because my bedtime is ten o'clock?”

  “ You can tell them whatever you want. Tell them you have other home responsibilities.”

  “ That's lame.”

  “ Tell them you're a double agent and have to fly back to Moscow.”

  Danny rolled his eyes at Mitch's sarcasm. “Uh, we're not exactly in a cold war with Russia anymore.”

  “ See, I told you an education would come in handy.”

  “ Mitch, get serious.”

  “ You want me to get serious? Why don't you say you need to get home so you will be able to sit comfortably in class the next day? I really don't care what you tell them. Our rules have been working well for you, and will remain in place. If you're really a smart boy, you'll do well to remember that.”

  Danny couldn't believe how unyielding Mitch could be. He crossed his arms, narrowed his eyes, stuck out his bottom lip, and perfected a genuine pout.

  “ Stop sulking or someone is liable to trip over that lip. You will be eighteen soon enough.”

  Mitch was in no hurry for Danny to turn eighteen. He was beginning to really care about the kid, and was not ready to give up control of his life. He feared for Danny’s emotional and physical wellbeing. He hoped the boy would choose to stay with them through college. Mitch was not alone. Danny cemented a solid place in the hearts of all of the men. None of them were prepared to let him go.

  Feeling the months slipping by, TJ took every opportunity to be around Danny. It didn't matter that on warm days Danny liked to bike to school, or that he could easily take public transportation
; TJ continued to give him lifts whenever he could. It was during these relaxed casual moments that TJ began to appreciate Danny as a young adult. Their opposing personalities radiated and clashed in wild surges. It was as if there was an electrically charged current running between them. TJ's cool friction attracted Danny's hot fuse to create a constant stream of sparks. Yet, no amount of discord could weaken the bond that was established the first night they met.

  TJ greeted Danny with a squeeze to the shoulder and a ruffle to the hair when he picked him up early from school on a late spring day. Danny slipped out of his grasp and playfully shoved him aside. It had become their routine whenever TJ came to get him. TJ would teasingly treat him a like a little brother. Danny would pretend to be bothered by it. Secretly, they both enjoyed the physical contact, and the sexual energy it created.

  “ What are you doing here so early?” Danny asked, as he grabbed his backpack.

  “ I was in the area, and thought I’d take you out for lunch. I figured I’d spare you from the cafeteria food today.”

  “ I like the pizza here.”

  “ You would,” TJ laughed.

  They were heading away from the courtyard when TJ spotted someone familiar walking in their direction. “Hey, I know that guy.”

  “ Who?”

  TJ pointed out the slender young man with dark, wavy hair that he recognized from the gym.

  “ Oh, that's Ricky. He's a musician. He can't play because he has a broken hand, but he still comes to class to keep up with his studies.”

  TJ waved. Ricky gave a timid wave back before abruptly changing his path.

  “ That was odd. I thought he was coming this way.”

  “ He usually does. He has lunch on the concourse almost every day at noon. We have lunch together once in a while. He's really nice.”

  “ He's really nice to look at, too.”

  “ Yeah, but he has a boyfriend. He calls him every day at twelve-thirty like clockwork.”



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