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Bringing Home Danny

Page 27

by M. A. Blisher

  “ When are you going to begin playing again?” Antonio asked Ricky one rainy afternoon. It was sad watching his instruments collect dust. Leaning still against the wall of the guest room, they reminded Antonio of lifeless puppets waiting for the wave of the magician's wand to wake them again.

  “ I can't seem to get motivated. I'm afraid I might have lost my passion for it.”

  “ Play me something.”

  Ricky had a mental block when it came to his music. His fingers had healed, but he hadn't been able to find the inspiration to play.

  Unable to deny a request of Antonio's, he asked, “What would you like to hear?”

  “ How about some New Orleans' jazz? It's been ages since I heard it played live.”

  Ricky lifted his tenor saxophone. He held it in his arms getting reacquainted with the feel it. “I'm a little rusty.”

  “ I'm not too picky.”

  After a quick tune up, Ricky began to ease into his usual warm up piece. Before long, he found his rhythm, and was surprisingly exhilarated to be playing again. All of his nervousness left his body as he was completely consumed by his music. Antonio loved seeing Ricky engrossed in his playing. And, Ricky loved the way Antonio tapped his foot and hummed along with his head bobbing to the beat.

  Captivated by the noise from upstairs, Mitch was lured to Ricky’s room. He was soon enveloped by the lively music, and the kinetic atmosphere created by the two men who seemed oblivious to all else. Swept away by the erotic music, Mitch uncharacteristically began to sway. “It sounds beautiful, Ricky,” he remarked, under its spell. He then took Antonio's hand and invited him to dance. They laughed as Ricky continued to play for them.

  Mitch spun Antonio around, and complimented Ricky once again. “You got talent, kid.”

  “ Music to soothe even the most savage of beast,” Antonio teased into his lover’s ear.

  Ricky felt proud, but he also felt a pang in his soul as he watched them dance, and the music took on a more sorrowful, bluesy tone.


  The romantic atmosphere that Ricky unwittingly created lingered to the late hours of the night. Mitch bedded Antonio early in the evening and the two stayed in a lustful embrace long past the break of day. After TJ left to bring Danny to work, Mitch and Antonio stayed in bed enjoying an unaccustomed lazy day. The conversation under the blankets inevitably rolled into talk about the young man who inspired their late morning snuggle.

  “ I know he's young, but he's mature for his years. TJ is infatuated with him. He brings out the best in him. And he's good with Danny, too.”

  “ I agree. He's a lovely young man.”

  “ Ricky is going to need someone who will be careful of his sensitivities. It will kill me to see him hurt again. I know he's too shy to say anything, but he doesn't want to leave. He's happy here.”

  “ Those are not reasons to enter into a relationship with someone.”

  “ He takes my breath away.”

  “ Well, that's a little different.”

  “ There is just something about him that reminds me of Jesse.”

  Mitch hid an involuntary wince. It was rare that Antonio would speak of his first love, or the painful memory of his death. Today was the first time Mitch heard him say his name without a tremble of anguish in his voice. “He must be very special to you then.”

  “ Mitch, we have been together for a long time, and my love for you grows stronger every day. I would never do anything that would jeopardize that. If you or TJ don't feel as strongly for Ricky as I do, and if you think it will strain our relationship too much, I'll never bring it up again.”

  “ Are you not satisfied with our relationship? Is there something missing?”

  “ Oh no, I could never replace you. I wouldn't want to. I feel the same way about TJ. I knew we were taking a big risk when we made our twosome a threesome, but taking on TJ has made us stronger. I didn't think it was possible, but seeing the way you care for him has made me love you even deeper. I'm sorry if I'm not making any sense. It's hard to explain.”

  “ You make perfect sense. I know exactly how you feel.”

  “ Tell the truth, Mitch. I've seen the way you look at Ricky, and Ricky melts when you're near him. Am I wrong when I think you might care for him, too?”

  “ No, as always, you are very perceptive. I just don't want to make a rash decision. What we have may be unusual, but it is suits us perfectly. I want to make sure we make the right decision for the right reason.”

  “ That's one of the reasons why I love you so much.”

  Antonio reached the back of Mitch's head and pulled him into a kiss. Mitch offered no resistance. He never could where Antonio was concerned. Mitch kissed him back savoring the moment.

  “ You know I could never deny you anything," he confessed. "If bringing Ricky into our relationship will make you happy, then it will make me happy, too.”

  “ Are you sure?”

  “ You haven't steered me wrong yet.”

  “ Well, we won't make any decisions until we discuss it with TJ.”

  Not wanting to put the discussion off any longer than necessary, Mitch and Antonio asked TJ to join them in the master bedroom later that afternoon.

  “ We love you very much, TJ, and that will never change,” Antonio said, leading him to bed.

  “ I know. Why are you telling me this?”

  “ We have a proposal to offer. But if you feel differently, we will take it off the table,” Mitch informed him.

  “ Don't you mean off the bed?”

  Mitch held his gaze. “TJ, we need you to be serious."

  “ What is it?” TJ asked, suddenly displaying his rarely seen insecure side.

  “ We would like to ask Ricky to join our relationsh...”

  “ Really?!” TJ shouted, stopping Antonio from finishing his well thought out explanation.

  Nodding smiles revealed relief as well as excitement.

  “ I was hoping that was it. I didn't want to say anything…”

  “ Are you sure?” Mitch asked.

  “ I'm sure, if you two are sure.”

  “ Don't you want to have time to think this through?” Antonio suggested.

  “ I trust you, if you think it's right...”

  “ That's just it. We are afraid we might be taking too big of a risk,” Antonio continued.

  “ He's worth it. Besides, the bigger the risk the bigger the pay off.”

  “ The bigger the losses, as well” Mitch cautioned.

  “ You worry too much, Mitch. I think we're good for Ricky.”

  “ It's you we're worried about right now.”

  “ I'm a big boy. I'll be okay as long as there is still room in the bed for me.”

  “ There will always be room for you,” Antonio assured.

  “ Are you sure? Because I think I'm growing as we speak,” TJ said, with a seductive grin.

  “ I knew there was a reason we asked you to come home to New York with us, other than your sexy body,” Antonio teased.

  “ You mean, you’re not using me for my fantastic body? What’s wrong with you people?” TJ wiggled his butt and feigned a disappointed pout.

  “ In addition to your fabulous body,” Antonio corrected, “you help us not to take things too seriously, and to enjoy life as it comes.”

  “ Bring it on, baby! Let's bring some cum into our lives!”

  Antonio and Mitch chuckled at TJ's childishness, mostly out of relief that he was taking the proposition so well, and helping them to feel better about it in the process. Mitch put him in a headlock as
they wrestled off his clothes.


  Ricky didn't know when or how he was going to get the courage to leave. He also didn't know how his heart was going to recover from leaving the men he cared so much for. Nonetheless, he was there for over four months; he was completely healed and had no excuse to stay. What Ricky did know was how much he admired and envied the love that was shared between them. He dreaded the idea of finding a place of his own. He was no longer afraid, but he would really miss the companionship. He felt closer to these men than he had with anyone his whole life. Startled out of a daydream, Ricky jumped at hearing Antonio's voice.

  “ I love to see that smile on your face. It brightens up the whole room. I hope we can see it more often.”

  “ Thanks, Antonio,” Ricky said, with a bashful laugh. “I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I suppose it's time I find a place of my own.”

  “ Are you sure? There's no hurry. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

  “ I'm sure. It's about time I think about my future, and start being more independent.”

  “ If you're so sure, why did it seem like the light went out of your eyes? I could almost swear the room got two shades darker, as if a cloud was covering us.”

  Ricky was touched by his silly euphemisms and laughed appreciatively. “It's time I got out of everybody's hair. I'm really going to miss you, and everyone else.”

  “ I like having you in my hair. And, I can assure you, that everyone else likes having you here, as well. If it's all the same to you, why don't you stay and start thinking of us a part of your future?”

  The rock that had settled in Ricky's stomach since he'd been contemplating leaving suddenly lifted, and he surprisingly felt ten pounds lighter. Not quite sure if he could trust what he was hearing, he looked questioningly over at Antonio with hopeful eyes.

  “ You mean that?”

  “ With all my heart.”

  Ricky couldn't remember a time he felt happier in his life, surprising Antonio with the most breathtaking smile he had ever seen. “There's my sunshine.”

  Ricky beamed with pleasure.

  Antonio was thrilled that Ricky seemed so receptive to the idea, but was cautious about his leaping in too fast. He brought Ricky into the office where Mitch was waiting for them.

  Mitch motioned for Ricky to have a seat next to him on the small office couch. “Before you make any final decisions,” he began, “you need to understand a few things about the nature of our relationship.” Mitch waited for Antonio to pull up a chair next them. Ricky smiled anxiously as Antonio took his hand to steady him. Mitch continued. “If you decide to partner with us, you will no longer be considered a guest, and expectations will change.”

  “ I would expect so,” Ricky replied, with a nervous laugh.

  “ I know when you first moved in, I promised you that no one would ever hit you. However, you may also recall how I explained to you that on occasion we spank both Danny and TJ. Discipline is an important aspect of our relationship. It is our job to protect and nurture, and in return we expect respect and compliance. It may not be the way most adult relationships work, but we rely on the structure.”

  Antonio observed the way Ricky’s face scrunched up, showing his strain to comprehend what Mitch was telling him. He tried to help him make sense of it. “We just find it too hard not to interfere when TJ behaves in ways that are not in his best interest.”

  “ We are very aware of the impact of your previous relationship,” Mitch added, “so we will be careful not to ever traumatize you. Nonetheless, if you choose to join in our relationship, discipline will be a part of it. Therefore, we can no longer guarantee that spankings won’t take place.”

  Ricky was so thrilled by their proposal that he was willing to accept any conditions put on him. Wisely, Mitch and Antonio insisted that he take time to consider all the ramifications of a discipline relationship. He was told more than three months ago that TJ was spanked along with Danny, even so, he never actually seen or heard TJ being disciplined. Ricky assumed that with TJ being older he might not be getting in as much trouble. On the other hand, they might be more discreet with TJ's punishments. He took time to himself to sort things out, and then later that evening, Ricky sought out TJ to address his lingering doubts.


  “ TJ, can I ask you a personal question?”

  “ If you're planning on being in a relationship with us, then nothing is too personal.

  “ What's it like to get spanked?”

  “ I was wondering when you were going to ask me that. I suppose it's a little different for everybody.”

  “ I imagine it hurts, that part has to be the same.”

  “ Yeah, it definitely hurts. But, afterwards, I usually feel better, particularly if I was feeling guilty about something. It also resolves things a lot quicker. We don't have to hold on to resentments, and as soon as it's over I'm forgiven.”

  “ What about you? Don't you ever feel angry at them for punishing you?”

  “ Not really. A few times I felt like I was punished unfairly, but they are always willing to listen to my side of things. They admit that they are not perfect and can make mistakes, too. Most of the time they can convince me that they were right to begin with. It's very important to them that everyone is accountable for their actions. They make everything I do a priority.”

  “ It must be comforting to know that they take you and your relationship so seriously.”

  “ It can be pretty intense sometimes. One thing I don't think they realize by making themselves disciplinarians is that they are also making themselves accountable for my behavior. Ironically, it frees me up to be irresponsible at times. If I mess up they take over and correct my mistakes. All I have to do is be willing to bend over their knee for a short but painful lesson. In the end, as sore as it might be,” TJ grinned, “I have the better deal.”

  “ I never thought of it that way.”

  “ Well, don't let them know it. I'd hate to ruin a good thing. It's not a lot of fun having to be responsible all the time,” TJ said with a wink.

  Ricky laughed. Talking to TJ helped him to relieve more anxiety than he realized he was holding.

  “ So? The suspense is killing me. I know I'm not supposed to pressure you into making a decision, but the bosses aren't here. What do you think? Do you want to really freak out your parents and join our polyamorous but perverted relationship?”

  “ You make it sound so enticing.”

  “ I do my best.”

  “ How can anyone say no to you?”

  “ They don't.”

  Ricky smiled, and TJ smiled back.

  “ Can I kiss you?” he asked eagerly.

  “ What if I say no?” Ricky teased.

  TJ smirked. He gently placed his hand to Ricky's forehead and slowly slid it up massaging his hair while tilting his head back. He then placed soft, delicate kisses to the base of his neck and worked up. Ricky tried not to squirm away from the erotic tickle. TJ planted a playful peck to his chin dimple before peering into his big brown eyes. The eyes smiled back at him.

  Ricky took TJ by the shoulders and pushed him against the couch, claiming the dominant position. “Just try to say no to me ,” he said, forcing the mirth out of his voice.

  “ Never,” TJ swore, as he sank into Ricky's passionate kiss. He had to force himself to pull away. “Let's go and tell Antonio and Mitch the good news. Otherwise, I won't be able to stop myself.”

  TJ grabbed Ricky's hand and they both laughed with excitement as they flew to the master bedroom. TJ burst open the door and announced, “Ricky has made his decision!”

  At seein
g the two men startle and break apart from an intimate embrace, all of Ricky's doubts suddenly came flooding back. They stared at him expectantly. Ricky didn't know what to say as the blood drained from his face.

  “ Sit down, sunshine, you're as white as a ghost,” Antonio said. He held his hand out drawing him to the bed.

  Ricky smiled shyly to Antonio and said, “I know what I want, I'm just not sure if it's what's best for everybody.”

  He then turned to Mitch. He always seemed so confident and larger than life. It was difficult for Ricky to imagine him as someone who had needs like everybody else, needs that require other people to fulfill.

  “ I know what I want,” Ricky repeated, “and I'm pretty sure I know what TJ wants.” He giggled slightly, catching TJ's twinkling blue eyes. “And, Antonio tells me I should trust his feelings for me,” he continued. “But, I'm coming into an already established partnership. It's amazing to see the amount of love that is shared in this home. I would never want to ruin that." He looked intently into Mitch's eyes. “If this isn't right for you, if you don't feel the same way about me, I'll understand.”

  Mitch held his gaze and said, “Ricky, you are an extremely considerate young man. It is no wonder Antonio and TJ are so captivated by you. You are gentle and full of grace. Your presence reminds people to be more careful of their actions because they are in the company of an angel.”

  Ricky's heart swelled. It became immediately apparent why Antonio and TJ were so in love with Mitch. It had nothing to do with his strength and classic good looks as Ricky first assumed. Mitch had a way of touching your soul with his eyes.

  “ I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry,” Ricky said, batting away his tears.

  Mitch got out of bed and went over to embrace him. “Ricky, you never need to hide your feelings around us. We all love you just the way you are.”

  Ricky's tears fell harder.

  Mitch gently rocked him as he wept in his arms. “Tell me,” Mitch asked, after Ricky heaved his last sob, “have you come to a decision yet?”

  “ You can spank me.” Ricky blushed at how the thought jumped out uncensored.


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