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Battle Siege (The Battle Series Book 3)

Page 27

by Mark Romang

  “Have you forgotten we are at war with God? God wants to save every person through Jesus’ blood and give them an eternal home in Heaven. Conversely, I want to destroy as many humans as I can through temptation and unconfessed sins, and then take them with me to the Lake of Fire. I want as many people as possible to share in my suffering. And every time Tanner Mason makes a broadcast, thousands more become Christ followers. He must be silenced.”

  “I see your point, Master.”

  “Then do something about it.”

  Zarkien bowed low. “I will make Tanner Mason a high priority,” he said. Gathering his powerful wings, Zarkien leaped off the balcony and took flight. He ascended rapidly into the clouds.

  Time was running out for him and Lucifer. So he didn’t dare waste even a second. He flapped his wings faster, approaching speeds he’d never flown before. He cut through the Jetstream like a rocket. And the planet below him became nothing but a blur.

  He would cross over continents and oceans in just a few brief moments, and then land in the Olympic Peninsula to give the Legion their orders. They dare not fail him again. Lucifer would not accept another defeat. And nor would he.

  Chapter 3

  Olympic Peninsula

  Unlike the exorcised demons who hid deep in the darkest areas of the forest and tended to battle wounds, the angel company stood guard right outside the bunker. They formed a protective circle around the area, and despite their one-sided victory, the angels didn’t relax their attention. They kept vigilant watch over their human charges living inside the hidden gold mine.

  Each angel was a decorated warrior and had fought in enough battles to know their foes would not remain down for long. The angels didn’t gloat. Instead they scanned the trees, ever watchful for a counterattack, their gleaming swords drawn and ready to eviscerate.

  But not all the members of the company were angels. Five of the two-hundred were saints. And they also were warriors of renown. Two of the saints—Samson and Eleazar—fought their earthly battles long ago: Samson slayed Philistines before Israel even had their first king. And Eleazar fought under David’s command during many of his war campaigns.

  The other three saints were Andrew Maddix, his son Spencer Maddix, and Coleton Webb. Maddix and Webb once served together on SEAL Team 8, were veterans of many covert missions on foreign soil, and were tighter than brothers.

  Maddix, Spencer, and Webb stood near each other and scanned the woods. Cloud cover obscured the moon and stars and provided scant light to illuminate anything. “The darkness is palpable,” Maddix said in a low voice.

  “That makes sense. There’s not a star in the sky to be seen,” Coleton Webb whispered.

  “I’m not referring to natural darkness, C-Dub. The darkness I’m talking about is the demons. I can still feel their presence.”

  “I know what you mean, Mad Dog. We should’ve kept after them. The ocean isn’t far from here. We could’ve driven them into the sea.”

  Spencer grunted softly. “Too bad there isn’t a herd of pigs around here to drive them into.”

  “Yeah, that would be perfect. They would feel right at home in the swine,” Webb said, referring to their pre-mission intel that said the demons they just fought were the very ones Jesus had driven into a herd of pigs over two-thousand years ago.

  Maddix gripped his sword hilt. He felt at any moment they would be at war again. “Vallen sent out some scouts to reconnoiter the forest. We’ll know soon enough how far they’ve fled,” he said quietly. All demons possess excellent hearing, so Maddix spoke in a hushed tone.

  “I bet it’s not far. I can smell their sulfurous breath,” Spencer said.

  Maddix nodded his head. “Hell must be a smelly place.”

  “Here come the angel scouts,” Webb whispered suddenly. “I’m anxious to hear their report.”

  Three angels in an unglorified state exited the timber and floated up to Vallen, who served as captain of the company. Maddix served as second in command. “I’ll be right back. Hang tight,” Maddix said and left his friend and son. The gold mine was situated on a small glade and hidden by a giant pile of boulders. Maddix picked his way carefully along the rocks. He stopped near Vallen and the three scouts.

  One of the scouts, an angel named Mithellius served as the speaker. Tall and powerful, he lowered his majestic voice. “The Legion is taking refuge a little less than a mile from here. They are hiding in a hollow surrounded by dense undergrowth. They appear weak and vulnerable. Most are injured in some way. Some are even incapacitated. But all the wounded are being treated by Toragor. I suggest we attack them now before they recover.”

  Vallen shook his regal head. “Our orders are specific, Mithellius. We are here to guard the Mason family. We are not to leave their side. To do otherwise would be to disobey God.”

  “I do not wish to disobey God. Whatever God orders I will carry out.”

  Vallen gave Mithellius a playful slap on the shoulder. “We will all have another crack at the Legion soon enough. I look forward to filling them with arrows just as much as you, Mithellius. But everything in its own time. For now, we perform sentinel duty only. We must be content with that.”

  Mithellius nodded. “Where do you want us to take positions?”

  “I want the three of you to go back and observe the demons, but from a safe distance. Report back immediately if the Legion moves away from their current position.”

  “As you command, Captain. We’ll leave at once.”




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