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Duty and Desire: Military Erotic Romance

Page 13

by Kristina Wright

  “Come on, Jamie Kaye,” he whispered as he helped her clean up and get her clothes back on. “I can see you’re dead on your feet. Let’s get you home where I can take care of you properly.”

  Jamie smiled up at Casey, kissed him gently. “Where we can take care of each other,” she corrected. “As it should be.”


  J.K. Coi

  It had taken David almost an hour to charm the address of this modest apartment building from the army nurses at the base. Steve hadn’t understood why he needed so desperately to come here instead of to the airstrip to see him off.

  His little brother had just finished three months of extended training overseas—during which time he’d been pretty much unreachable—and although he’d only arrived back home yesterday, he was shipping out again in the very early morning.

  He couldn’t explain to Steve that the thought of watching him get on the plane only made him feel worse about everything he’d recently lost, so he’d taken him aside and told him good-bye at the hospital.

  “Be careful, little brother.” He’d given him a tight bear hug even though his still-healing wounds ached in protest.

  “Keep a light on, eh?” Steve grinned. The saying had been one of their father’s, who’d been an officer for thirty years before rejoining civilian life and finally settling down with his family—only to be killed in a car accident, along with his wife, when the boys were still teens. David had done all he could from then on to take care of his brother.

  Steve had just received confirmation of his first permanent assignment. David tried not to let his recent experiences affect the younger man’s enthusiasm. After all, he loved the army too. It had been his life for nine years, and if not for the injury that got him shipped back home, he’d still be doing what he could to protect the country he loved.

  It was one thing to give himself to the cause, but David’s sudden brush with mortality had unsettled him. He was afraid for his little brother on his way to Afghanistan.

  Making his way slowly up the short concrete steps, he shifted the hated cane to his other hand to open the front door before entering the tiny lobby. The second set of doors leading inside didn’t open when he yanked on the handle. He saw the buzzer next to a square microphone and glanced left at the row of mailboxes on the wall, looking for Katie’s name.

  Could she really have put him out of her mind already—the patient in bed 114 with a shattered kneecap and no family or friends to visit him for most of his hospital stay? Maybe she’d only been doing her job, and now that he was no longer part of that job.…

  But David couldn’t forget her, and when she hadn’t come to see him before he was released, he knew he had to try to find out why.

  Ah, there she was. He tapped the mailbox that displayed her name. O’Meara, Apt. 302. Contrary to a few of the other boxes, the printing on the label was crisp and black as if it had just been posted.

  He pressed the call button and waited.


  Even through the fuzziness of the intercom, he recognized her voice. It was the same husky voice that had gotten him through five weeks in a hospital bed. The same voice he’d started hearing in his dreams. Hot, sexy dreams that caused him to wake with a hard on like he hadn’t had since he was a teenager, and no way to relieve the pressure because of the nurses and doctors constantly in and out of his room.

  “Katie, it’s me. David.” He bent forward to speak into the microphone and waited for her response.

  She didn’t answer.

  He pushed the button again.

  “I’m still here, David.” She didn’t sound as happy to hear his voice as he was to hear hers.

  He took a deep breath, bending just a little more to rub his aching knee. Maybe this had been a mistake. If she’d really felt something for him, she would have met him at the hospital.

  Could he really have read her so wrong? Misinterpreted this thing between them so badly?

  “Katie, please. Can I see you?”

  He looked up. On the other side of the double doors, a woman dressed in a bright purple velour tracksuit was exiting the elevator carrying a tiny dog under one arm. A bright purple leash dangled from her other hand. He watched her approach even as he listened to Katie’s heavy sigh through the intercom.

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” she said.

  “The door’s opening, Katie. I’m coming up.” He gave her the courtesy of a warning, but even if she protested, he didn’t think he could give up the opportunity to get inside, not when it meant seeing her at least one more time.

  Thankfully, she didn’t respond and he slipped past the stranger, who eyed his cane as she exited the building while her little dog leaned forward in her arms to try to sniff him.

  Before his injury he would have taken the stairs, and he was just stubborn enough to try it now, but he didn’t want to get to Katie’s door three hours later huffing and puffing like an old man, so he pushed the button for the elevator. On the third floor, he counted suite numbers until he faced the door at the end of the hall.


  Before he could knock, it swung open, leaving his fist hanging in midair. He dropped it, taking in his first sight of Katie dressed in civilian clothing with her long hair hanging down around her shoulders instead of pulled back in a tight bun.

  He was used to seeing her dressed professionally, in scrubs or fatigues. That had been a turn-on in and of itself. In fact, David had fucked his fair share of female soldiers over the years for just that reason. But right now he couldn’t remember what the draw of a uniform had been because jeans and a T-shirt seemed the most erotic use for cotton ever invented.

  The dark blue denim rode low and hugged her hips, while the light pink T-shirt was snug and came up short at the midriff so her little belly button peeked beneath it. The material pulled taut across her full breasts, drawing attention to her pert nipples…and dear fucking lord she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  It was impossible not to stare, but he slowly brought his gaze back up. She lifted her arm and braced it against the edge of the open door, hip kicked out in a pose that dragged the edge of her shirt up a little higher.

  “What are you doing here, David?”

  How to tell her he had to see her and not sound like a stalker? “I was released from the hospital today.”

  She finally smiled and nodded. “I can see that.”

  “I needed to see you.”

  With a deep breath, she dropped her arm and stepped to the side. She pursed her lips and he thought she was going to tell him to take a hike, but finally she blew out a long breath and said, “All right. You might as well come on in for a few minutes.”

  Even though he was technically getting what he wanted—the opportunity to see her again—his chances for anything more than that didn’t sound promising. He walked inside, trying like hell not to use the damn cane.

  He waited in the entrance until she’d closed and locked the door behind him. When she came around and moved farther into the apartment, he followed.

  He frowned. She had no furniture. About four or five boxes were stacked against the walls, all neatly labeled. KITCHEN. BEDROOM. BOOKS. He remembered the nameplate on her mailbox. “Did you just move in?”

  “I’ve been here about six months.” She walked into the kitchen, where a jug of water sat on the counter next to a glass with ice in it. Pouring the water, she looked up at him with a raised brow. “Would you like some?”

  He nodded and leaned his cane up against the wall. “Thanks. I guess you haven’t had much time for unpacking?”

  With a shrug, she turned and reached to open a cupboard. He was entranced with the way her short T-shirt slipped up her torso again. God, he wanted to crowd up behind her, slide his hands underneath that shirt, push it over her tits and squeeze her nipples tight while he bent her over the counter.…

  “I did unpack,” she finally admitted, “but I just boxed everything back up again.” As she
pulled out another glass he noticed that the only other thing in the cupboard was a single plate. He cleared his throat when she turned back around and poured the water. She handed him the glass.

  “Why?” He knew the answer to that. He didn’t want to know, but now it was all too obvious. She was shipping out.

  She lifted deep brown eyes to his and sighed. “I’m on a flight tonight, David.”

  He clenched his hand around the cool glass. “Afghanistan?”

  She nodded.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She put her glass back down on the counter and met his gaze. There was resignation there, as if she’d done this same song and dance before. “Why do you care?”

  “How can you ask me that?” Stepping forward, he reached for her hand. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it through the last few weeks. You saved my life in that hospital.”

  She put her hand on his chest to stop him from getting too close, but chuckled too, maybe to make the action seem less than what it was—a rejection. “I did no such thing, Captain.”

  He didn’t know what she meant to accomplish by using his designation, unless it was a further attempt to force some formality between them. “I changed some bedding and read to you so that you wouldn’t go Incredible Hulk on us and tear the place apart from boredom. I would have done it for any patient, and I’d hardly call it lifesaving medicine.”

  Did she spend hours with every patient, talking about past and future, hopes and dreams? Did she read to every patient tirelessly when they said they liked the sound of her voice? And did she kiss all her patients or let them pull her into bed with them?

  “It was more than that, and you know it.”

  Her gaze dropped, but he saw the flush in her cheeks and was encouraged, just a little.

  He let himself remember too. For the first few weeks, she’d been his only distraction from the pain and boredom. Steve hadn’t shown up until the day before he was due to be released. Waiting for her in between rehab and bandage changes had been torture, but then every once in a while he’d look up and find her standing in the doorway smiling at him.

  It was like sunshine and music, making his heart beat faster and bringing a lightness to his soul that he’d never felt before.

  The last time she visited him she’d been off duty. He thought she looked tired and cajoled her until she climbed into the bed beside him. He’d put his arm around her while they talked. It got late and they both fell asleep. When he awoke, her face had been pressed into the hollow of his throat, and she’d thrown a leg over his thighs. His arm cradled her close, hand curved over her ribs just beneath the tempting swell of her breast.

  He remembered the way she’d felt in his arms. The warmth of her, the subtle scent of her floral perfume, and the silky softness of her hair tickling his chin. He’d started to think that being stuck in that bed was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  Nothing had ever felt so good or so natural as talking to Katie, laughing with Katie, waking up next to Katie…until the moment their lips had met in a fusion of the desire and heat that had been building between them as they’d spent more and more time together.

  Then natural had taken on a whole new meaning.

  He’d tangled his hand in her hair and she’d let out a sexy little groan and melted into him.

  The kiss had quickly gotten out of hand, neither one of them noticing or caring that one of the nurses was probably due to check on him soon. He’d devoured her mouth with lips and teeth until she opened for him and took his stabbing tongue. Her hand slipped down to test the length of his hard cock under the bed sheets and then he’d been the one groaning as he thrust with hard jerks into her palm.

  The more he got to know the woman, the more he wanted to find a way to keep seeing her.

  Yes, she was a soldier, volunteering at the base hospital while on leave because she needed the hours, but he supposed she’d be heading out again sometime soon. It hadn’t mattered to him then and it didn’t matter now. All that mattered was holding on to this connection in whatever way he could.

  “Katie, what time do you have to leave?” he asked now, clearing his throat. “How long do we have?”

  His body ached for her, but all he really wanted to do was memorize her face, her voice, and then he could leave if he had to, with the scent of her on his skin as a parting gift.

  A stricken look creased her brow. “This is why I stayed away from the hospital today,” she admitted. “I didn’t want to be forced to say good-bye to you.”

  He took her by the shoulders. Her breath hitched at the contact but she didn’t pull away. “Why? It doesn’t have to be good-bye forever. I’ll be here. I’ll be waiting.”

  She barked out a hoarse chuckle. “How can you say that? We’ve only known each other a few weeks, and you were relegated to a hospital bed. You had no other choice but to put up with me.”

  “Do you really believe that?” He shook her gently. “All those days and hours we spent together may not have been my idea of the perfect first dates, but we got to know each other pretty well, don’t you think?”

  He didn’t know her as well as he’d thought, though, or he’d know why she was running scared now.

  “You know about my crappy youth and how much I despise green Jell-O. I told you about my parents and that I still feel responsible for my little brother.”

  She nodded.

  He looked into her eyes. “And you know my fear that I’ll never amount to anything now that my military career has been shot to hell.” He glanced down at his leg. “Literally.”

  “But, David—”

  “No buts,” he interrupted. “I know you too.”

  A brow cocked and her chin went up. “You think because I told you some stuff, that you know me?”

  She was getting defensive now. He took that as a sign she was cracking and pushed harder. “I think I know why you’re trying so hard to deny what’s between us. It’s happened before, hasn’t it? What? Did he screw around while you were deployed? Did he promise he’d be waiting and then fall in love with someone else?”

  Her glare made him wince inwardly, but he dared not show her. He dared not back down or he’d lose this last chance with her.

  Finally, she sighed. “He died. I was overseas and he was hit head-on by a fucking truck.”

  “Ah, Jesus.” He felt like an ass and pulled her close, cradling her head to his chest. “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want to go through that again, David.”

  “I understand, Katie. But you can’t avoid loss or heartache forever. You’ll only cheat yourself out of the chance to find something really great. Something that would be worth the risk.” He grinned and ran his hands up and down her arms. “That would be me, in case you were wondering. So, if that’s all you’ve got by way of excuses, then I’m stripping off your clothes right now.”

  “You think so?”

  “If you’re on the red-eye tonight, I still have a couple hours to make sure you’ll be counting every day until you can come back to me.”

  Her eyes widened, but a smile curved her lips. “You’re really that good?”

  “Only one way to find out, isn’t there?”

  She eyed his leg. “I don’t have a bed anymore. It went into storage this afternoon.”

  “I can work without it as long as we don’t get too acrobatic.” He shrugged, hoping that would be the truth. “But I promise, when you return I’ll have built my strength back up so that I can take you wherever and however you desire.”

  “Oh yeah?” Her arms crossed in front of her, hands gripping the hem of her T-shirt, but she paused before lifting it. “I’ll have time to think of something really good, so you’d better be prepared.”

  She dragged the shirt slowly up her body. He groaned when her perfect, naked breasts came into view, and then she pulled the garment all the way over her head and dropped it to the floor.

  “Baby,” he drawled, “
with you, it’s always going to be good.”

  He watched her as she closed the short distance between them and all he could think about was how desperate she made him feel, how he wanted her screaming his name.

  She stretched onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “And what if I want you to fuck me right here? And again up against the wall over there? What if I want to do it doggie-style on the carpet in front of the window, and then push you onto your back and ride you until the very moment I have to leave?”

  God, he really hoped he could do all that.

  His hands splayed over the small of her back and slid upward. He twisted her long hair around his fist and tugged until her head fell back, giving him unrestricted access to her throat. “We had better get started, then.”

  He continued to whisper in her ear, torturing her with words between scorching kisses up and down her neck. “Do you have any idea how amazing you are? That I can’t wait to feel you come apart in my arms?”

  Her breathing hitched. “Oh yes, David. That’s what I want.”

  Finally, he spun her around so that she faced the counter and cabinets. Pressing his chest to her back, he dropped a kiss to her shoulder, then pushed her hair out of the way and dragged his mouth up the column of her neck until she shivered.

  He took his time fondling her breasts, pinching and pulling at her nipples until they stood up in rock-hard points. She started to work the buckle of her belt, but he pushed her hands away and did it himself, shoving the denim down her legs, which were sculpted and muscled from a career in the military.

  “God, you’re gorgeous.” He dropped kisses down her spine until he could bend no more. His leg injury twinged as he straightened, but the slight pain only added another layer to his blissful torment.

  When she stepped out of her jeans and the only thing left was her tiny pink thong, he knew he was done for. He pulled her close and pressed his denim-clad thighs to her ass, cupping her breast with one hand and snaking the other beneath the silky material over her mound.

  Two fingers slipped inside her nice and easy. He pushed deep and her pussy clenched. “Oh fuck, that’s good.” She was so wet, coating his fingers with slippery cream as he worked her harder.


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